So much for Brewster the disciplinarian

I'm flattered (and somewhat creeped out) that you took the time to research my posting history. I've decided to make GopherHole my home board.

You mean we can one day hope to suck as much as buckyville? nice.

I'm flattered (and somewhat creeped out) that you took the time to research my posting history. I've decided to make GopherHole my home board.

No one will play with you back home?

You mean we can one day hope to suck as much as buckyville? nice.

And the 50 people that actually look at that site? GopherHole gets more traffic than the Badger Scout site and Buckyville combined.

And the 50 people that actually look at that site? GopherHole gets more traffic than the Badger Scout site and Buckyville combined.

Too bad all those people that go to this site don't care enough to actually go to the games, you guys could have built a normal sized stadium.

On Topic....Channel 5 led with the brawl...interviewed idiot student...."it's unfortunate especially with the track record the past couple of years with the arrests and allegations" minor arrest in the past two years....what a track record.

why in the world are university police officers driving around in unmarked squad cars? i thought this was a university campus, not the south side of chicago or minneapolis. i don't know, i guess driving around the U of M campus in unmarked cars looking for parties to bust up, etc. seems a bit overzealous to me for what is a university police force.

Classic Bronko. Classic!!

That person who made that comment on that daily article is a moron. Why are the people that comment there sooooooo stupid?

because they want attention. they want to be someone. generally they do not standout, and by commenting they get their 5 minutes of fame. cynically, i believe that is what drives most of today's media.

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