So much for Brewster the disciplinarian

Yeah, let's keep things in perspective. This is unfortunate but in terms of underage drinking and fights at college houses... well let's just say this isn't new and it isn't limited to Brewster's team. I personally have seen things like this at MIAC schools! Of course, those things tend not to make the papers and fan boards. Maybe there is more to it that will come out later but from what I have seen so far... a house party out of hand with football players just isn't cutting edge stuff.

If a football player says "Go ahead and &@## shoot me" to a cop..... buh-bye. Game over.

Two different stories, but you're probably not the only one to mix them-up.

"Police Taser man near Tate Hall

A University of Minnesota police officer forced a 19-year-old Fairmont man into submission with a Taser following a reported knife fight near Tate Hall of Physics early Saturday morning, according to police.

A University student called police when the man threatened him while he was playing a game of capture the flag in Northrop Mal l, according to a University police report.

The officer ordered the man to surrender and lie on the ground, but he refused. The officer leveled her pistol at the man, who continued to resist, according to the report.

“Go ahead and [expletive] shoot me,” the man said, according to the report.

The officer then withdrew her Taser and ordered the man to surrender and lie on the ground. He refused again. The officer used her Taser on him and restrained him, according to the report.

The man was cited for minor consumption, according to the report.

Deputy Chief Chuck Miner of University police said the officer exercised proper Taser use in a dangerous situation."

Yep, it's now a football player?:banghead:

this is no shock on brewster's part. he comes forward with things when he knows he's bound to get caught. he covers up the different from most other fb coaches.

what pisses me off is the actions of these kids. do they not get it? i know a lot of them are marginal students, but they can't be this dumb? they are headed into their biggest rival game, and they can't stop fighting for a week? we need every player (well, every good one) - dont' they want to play against wisconsin at the big ten opener? stay home, stay as sober as possible, and concentrate on football during the season. is that too much to ask?

"A lot of them are sober as possible...when he knows he'll get caught?"

Ruesse, is that you?

Brewster needs to get his team under control. First Kevin Whaley gets into a fight and is "suspended" for 2 games. But, he keeps it under the radar and now this incident. Looks we have somew bad apples on this team that need to grow up fast.

I'm just being facetious.

I think it's funny that when players from other schools get in trouble, many posters on this board play the "holier than thou" card when in fact the U has it's share of off the field problems with its athletes, whether it's public info or not.


I'm gonna share a story of my college underage drinking/brawling stupidity.
Freshman year, underage drinking, guy on my dorm floor who I knew comes in claiming some guy wants to fight and is bringing a bunch of his buddies, me along with 5-10 other floormates go with to confront. Ends up being a brawl, mostly between the two guys who started it, most of the rest of us just stand there acting tough, talking trash, one guy picks up a big stick lying in the bushes(no kidding, ironically similar to this Tinsley's supposed action), starts swinging it around, smacking the ground, whatnot. Two guys who started it all finish fighting, the rest of us clear out when someone yells that they've call the cops.
The difference is there were really only a handful of guys actually involved, we were stupid enough to back up our "floormate"(I know sounds really dumb). Any football player there should have grabbed their teammates and gotten the F out of dodge right away.
Bad judgment, so Brew handed out suspensions, as he should.

For about 99 percent of us, acting like a drunken moron is an integral part of the college experience. I did more than my fair share of stupid, idiotic things. Luckily, I never got caught. The thing these guys need to realize is that they are targets. You've got to make better decisions about the situations that you put yourself in. Learn from your mistakes and move on.

For about 99 percent of us, acting like a drunken moron is an integral part of the college experience. I did more than my fair share of stupid, idiotic things. Luckily, I never got caught. The thing these guys need to realize is that they are targets. You've got to make better decisions about the situations that you put yourself in. Learn from your mistakes and move on.


Brewster needs to get his team under control. First Kevin Whaley gets into a fight and is "suspended" for 2 games. But, he keeps it under the radar and now this incident. Looks we have somew bad apples on this team that need to grow up fast.

If you know so much, then tell us exactly what Whaley did. Did he get in a fight with a teammate, at a bar, in the park? And how did you come by this information? If you can't provide any details, then please be quiet until you can because even if you're right, you're being downright bothersome with these seemingly baseless accusations.

I know this is a news story and nothing has been proven yet, but this is totally disgusting. First, yes, non-athletes also behave like this, and it's not as big a news story. But to claim that 99% of other students also act like drunken morons at times is a stupid way of attempting to justify or at least minimize this type of behavior. If I was still a university student, I'd be really insulted by this. Second, you know the coaches have got to warn the players over and over about getting into situations like this, using common sense, representing the university, being in the public eye, etc. Yet it seems like some of them still go ahead and do this. Another thing that bothers me about this is the phrase that the team considers this an "internal matter." I don't know where the confidentiality laws apply, but, to me, it's sort of a clue to explaining this type of behavior. It's the attitude that we're special, we've been treated differently because of our athletic skills, and the normal rules of behavior don't apply to us. We're told differently, but actions speak louder than words. That's not all that affects this, but I think it's an important part.

What a downer on what should be an exciting week. Also, you hope this is an isolated incident, but it seems to be becoming a pattern.

" Also, you hope this is an isolated incident, but it seems to be becoming a pattern.

No, it doesn't.

dont' they want to play against wisconsin at the big ten opener? stay home, stay as sober as possible, and concentrate on football during the season. is that too much to ask?

Stay home, don't drink, concentrate on football. I wish that it worked that way. These are young guys who have a lot to learn. When I was a soph (1973 or so) in high school Doug Kingswriter (former Gopher great) spoke at our football banquet. I remember him saying that he had played in college with guys who would work hard all week and then would destroy everything that had accomplished by heavy drinking on the weekends. I guess that things have not changed.

But to claim that 99% of other students also act like drunken morons at times is a stupid way of attempting to justify or at least minimize this type of behavior. If I was still a university student, I'd be really insulted by this. QUOTE]

Maybe not 99%, but a lot. My freinds and I are what you could consider nice and laid back, but we got into our fair share of stuff like this. It happens. I am not saying it is alright, but to say that this doesnt happen all the time with the rest of the student body is moronic.

Another thing that bothers me about this is the phrase that the team considers this an "internal matter."

Unless there is a crime involved, I think keeping it an internal matter is the way to handle it. The U has shown time and time again, they will punish athletes if they break team or school rules. There is no need to announce that kind of behavior or discipline.

I don't condone what happened at all, and these players need to learn some self-control and not be baited. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if this is related to WI week. I know from my time at the U that there are many, many cheeseheads at the U who remain die-hard Badger/Packer/Brewer, etc fans. This may have been started with a bunch of Badger smack-talk at the Gopher players.

Goopher post of the year.

Delusion? check.
Paranoia? check.
Blaming others for your failings? check.

Goopher post of the year.

Delusion? check.
Paranoia? check.
Blaming others for your failings? check.
...and the moronic tendencies continue. Nice use of the unimaginative "Goophers" slam. You did spell it with a "ph" so I guess I have to give you credit for that. However, only you could infer that post as blaming Wisconsin fans for the behavior. Like I said in another thread, there really are no limits to your idiocy is there? :rolleyes:

Goopher post of the year.

Delusion? check.
Paranoia? check.
Blaming others for your failings? check.

I don't have any inside knowledge of what occurred, but I might have to agree with SFBadger on this one.

Never ever agree with a badger. Especially on the rivalry week. They're are always wrong. And wisconsin always sucks.

My thought too. I think the Daily could be liable if he wanted to file a lawsuit or something like that. I can't believe the editors let that fly. It didn't even say he "allegedly" swung a board. It stated it as a fact. Absolutely horrible journalism right there and leaves the Daily liable.

Libel. The word is libel.

Libel. The word is libel.
Not quite. Libel is the act itself. Liable is indicating responsibility. In this case, I don't think it's either since the Daily was reporting information from a police report.

Unless there is a crime involved, I think keeping it an internal matter is the way to handle it. The U has shown time and time again, they will punish athletes if they break team or school rules. There is no need to announce that kind of behavior or discipline.

If players break team rules, there is no need to publicize it. If it's a starter, however, it's unavoidable, because people are naturally going to ask why this player isn't playing. They don't need to say anything more than "suspended for violation of team rules".

I understand and agree with the confidentiality policy. What I was trying to say is I think the emphasis on breaking team rules is an attempt by some to minimize the seriousness of this type of behavior. I think the emphasis should be on breaking the law. Brawling, refusing to obey police orders, and fleeing the police probably break some sort of Minneapolis statutes. It's criminal activity, not just breaking team rules. Even if no one was charged or convicted.

Would this solve the problem? No, but it's a small step. If I'm frustrated, I can just imagine what the coaches and most of their teammates feel like.

I'm just thankful nobody seemed to be seriously injured. Someone could have pulled a knife or had a gun or landed an especially hard punch, and then we would have had a tragedy, not an incident.

i have a question.....

why in the world are university police officers driving around in unmarked squad cars? i thought this was a university campus, not the south side of chicago or minneapolis. i don't know, i guess driving around the U of M campus in unmarked cars looking for parties to bust up, etc. seems a bit overzealous to me for what is a university police force.

why in the world are university police officers driving around in unmarked squad cars? i thought this was a university campus, not the south side of chicago or minneapolis. i don't know, i guess driving around the U of M campus in unmarked cars looking for parties to bust up, etc. seems a bit overzealous to me for what is a university police force.

Oh holy jeebus...really? :confused:

Goopher post of the year.

Delusion? check.
Paranoia? check.
Blaming others for your failings? check.

This person is perhaps the biggest idiot who posts on this board. He/she posts here roughly 1/3 of the amount that he/she posts on his/her own home board.

Obsessed with the Gophers? check
Pathetic? check
Extremely selective reading? check and mate

Don't ever mate with a badger, very strong chance of creating something hideous, like another badger.

This person is perhaps the biggest idiot who posts on this board. He/she posts here roughly 1/3 of the amount that he/she posts on his/her own home board.

Obsessed with the Gophers? check
Pathetic? check
Extremely selective reading? check and mate

I'm flattered (and somewhat creeped out) that you took the time to research my posting history. I've decided to make GopherHole my home board.

the question is schnoodler...

does that second badger suck?

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