So Much For a Bowl game This Year!

We really need to set up another fan board for the wimps, whiners and cry babies that over react like they are on their period and you just told them that yes, your butt does look fat in those jeans!

I don't see a lot of "whining" going on. What I see is a lot of disappointment that our favorite team just got completely outclassed, overpowered, and basically squashed like an ant by a team that many have picked to finish .500 or worse this season. A lot of fans who really care about this team are seriously concerned that our O and D lines are still getting pushed around in conference play in the mythical "Year 3" of the Kill regime. Are we not allowed to be critical? Can we not give our honest opinions about the team? Are "true fans" (like yourself, apparently) not supposed to be critical when they're disappointed and have legitimate gripes with the team? I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I disagree with your whole premise that we should all just "buck up" and move on. No, I say we're ALLOWED to be disappointed, ALLOWED to be frustrated, and ALLOWED to point out the things about our favorite team than generally piss us off. But again, you're free to disagree...I just hate being preached too and called "Less of a fan" (or "less of a man," as you insinuate)...

If Teague went by Gopher Hole opinions, we'd have a new coach every other game.

Yep, we got dominated, beaten up and pushed around by a seemingly bad Iowa team. We're still 4-1. We have seven games to go. How are we going to win any of them? I have no clue. But that doesn't mean the season is over. Even the best teams lay eggs, and though we have a lot of gaping holes on our team perhaps we're not quite as bad as how we looked on Saturday. Only time will tell.

Now this, I'm totally fine with. No preaching that people who are upset and disappointed are somehow not good fans. I happen to disagree--I think we're exactly as bad as we looked Saturday--but I still have hope we pull off a couple upsets this year. I think the Kill style of play will keep us in a lot of games, and honestly there are some bad teams (especially on offense) in the B1G. Anything can happen for sure. Doesn't change the fact that I was pretty frustrated by the performance yesterday--especially up front on both sides of the ball.

If Teague went by Gopher Hole opinions, we'd have a new coach every other game.

Yep, we got dominated, beaten up and pushed around by a seemingly bad Iowa team. We're still 4-1. We have seven games to go. How are we going to win any of them? I have no clue. But that doesn't mean the season is over. Even the best teams lay eggs, and though we have a lot of gaping holes on our team perhaps we're not quite as bad as how we looked on Saturday. Only time will tell.

Show me one post where someone has said that Kill should be fired! I will save you time..there are none. I just don't understand why people get their panties in a twist on here anytime Kill and staff are rightfully criticized for poor coaching.

I don't see a lot of "whining" going on. What I see is a lot of disappointment that our favorite team just got completely outclassed, overpowered, and basically squashed like an ant by a team that many have picked to finish .500 or worse this season. A lot of fans who really care about this team are seriously concerned that our O and D lines are still getting pushed around in conference play in the mythical "Year 3" of the Kill regime. Are we not allowed to be critical? Can we not give our honest opinions about the team? Are "true fans" (like yourself, apparently) not supposed to be critical when they're disappointed and have legitimate gripes with the team? I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I disagree with your whole premise that we should all just "buck up" and move on. No, I say we're ALLOWED to be disappointed, ALLOWED to be frustrated, and ALLOWED to point out the things about our favorite team than generally piss us off. But again, you're free to disagree...I just hate being preached too and called "Less of a fan" (or "less of a man," as you insinuate)...

Totally agree. People aren't calling for Kill's head but they are disappointed and pissed about the performance yesterday. And as a fan that is totally our right. Some of you can sit there and talk about improvement and bash on anyone that voices their concerns, that's your right, but how anyone can sit here today and not be extremely disappointed in what they saw on that field yesterday is beyond me.

Iowa is a team we should be on par with, that is a fact, and with what we saw yesterday it is very clear we are nowhere close. We are not talking about Ohio State or contending for the Big Ten championship we are talking about competing with and yes even beating a team that was picked to finish in roughly the same place we were coming into the season.

There are winnable games on the schedule, and as a fan I will be right there with everyone cheering for an upset against Michigan next weekend, but right now it is really hard to see any reason to be optimistic about the remainder of this season. Hell the premise of this thread is the teams ability to get to a bowl game, I know that is the reality of where we are at right now but it is just sad that we are looking around trying to figure out how the hell to get to 6 wins when we are already 2/3 of the way thanks to our weak non conf schedule.

I don't see a lot of "whining" going on. What I see is a lot of disappointment that our favorite team just got completely outclassed, overpowered, and basically squashed like an ant by a team that many have picked to finish .500 or worse this season. A lot of fans who really care about this team are seriously concerned that our O and D lines are still getting pushed around in conference play in the mythical "Year 3" of the Kill regime. Are we not allowed to be critical? Can we not give our honest opinions about the team? Are "true fans" (like yourself, apparently) not supposed to be critical when they're disappointed and have legitimate gripes with the team? I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I disagree with your whole premise that we should all just "buck up" and move on. No, I say we're ALLOWED to be disappointed, ALLOWED to be frustrated, and ALLOWED to point out the things about our favorite team than generally piss us off. But again, you're free to disagree...I just hate being preached too and called "Less of a fan" (or "less of a man," as you insinuate)...

GopherinPhilly has LOTS of issues. Just ignore him.

When they say northwestern u can tell they don't follow the big ten much.. The wis and northwestern are the only 2 they for sure are not winning.

I don't see a lot of "whining" going on. What I see is a lot of disappointment that our favorite team just got completely outclassed, overpowered, and basically squashed like an ant by a team that many have picked to finish .500 or worse this season. A lot of fans who really care about this team are seriously concerned that our O and D lines are still getting pushed around in conference play in the mythical "Year 3" of the Kill regime. Are we not allowed to be critical? Can we not give our honest opinions about the team? Are "true fans" (like yourself, apparently) not supposed to be critical when they're disappointed and have legitimate gripes with the team? I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I disagree with your whole premise that we should all just "buck up" and move on. No, I say we're ALLOWED to be disappointed, ALLOWED to be frustrated, and ALLOWED to point out the things about our favorite team than generally piss us off. But again, you're free to disagree...I just hate being preached too and called "Less of a fan" (or "less of a man," as you insinuate)...

You kind of took this personally. I haven't read any of your posts or whatever...but if you feel I was talking to you then I probably was. And I didn't insinuate that anyone was less of a fan than me...just over reactionary idiots. Mainly, I was talking to the dozen or so posters repeatedly and on several threads proclaiming the season over, that we have no chance of going to a bowl game, we will not win another game this year and so on. The rampant over reaction (good and bad) by these "women on their period" and if you live with a woman or two, you know what I am speaking too, is idiotic.

BTW - if you don't live with a woman by choice or whatever, ask someone who does and they will explain the situation to you.

I don't see a lot of "whining" going on. What I see is a lot of disappointment that our favorite team just got completely outclassed, overpowered, and basically squashed like an ant by a team that many have picked to finish .500 or worse this season. A lot of fans who really care about this team are seriously concerned that our O and D lines are still getting pushed around in conference play in the mythical "Year 3" of the Kill regime. Are we not allowed to be critical? Can we not give our honest opinions about the team? Are "true fans" (like yourself, apparently) not supposed to be critical when they're disappointed and have legitimate gripes with the team? I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I disagree with your whole premise that we should all just "buck up" and move on. No, I say we're ALLOWED to be disappointed, ALLOWED to be frustrated, and ALLOWED to point out the things about our favorite team than generally piss us off. But again, you're free to disagree...I just hate being preached too and called "Less of a fan" (or "less of a man," as you insinuate)...

I'm sorry you are not happy about the loss. I'm not happy either . You post seemed like you were suggesting a coaching change. This job needs at least five years to turn around. Unless we don't continue to see progress then a change needs to be made.

I'm sorry you are not happy about the loss. I'm not happy either . You post seemed like you were suggesting a coaching change. This job needs at least five years to turn around. Unless we don't continue to see progress then a change needs to be made.

Nope, I've never called for a coaching change, and I think it would be an insanely stupid move. Not sure why you (or anyone else) would read any post of mine like that. Also, I haven't really seen ANYONE on this board calling for a coaching change. I've seen people asking for Limegrover to be fired, but that's about the extent of it. I also disagree with that, for what it's worth.

I'm simply frustrated about the game on Saturday. Period. I was hoping for more, and I was disappointed. That's all. The reason I posted in this thread was because I heartily disagree with anyone who believes that fans have no right to bitch and moan after a loss. We're fans (derived from the word "fanatic") for the love of God...I believe it's OK to be upset, discouraged, and frustrated after a loss, just like it's OK to be elated, joyful, and on top of the world after a win. Would anyone on this board be calling for restraint after a big win? Say we were to go into Columbus next year and knock off the then #1 rated Buckeyes. Would we see these same posters coming out of the woodwork to chide those fans who are on top of the world? "Take it's just one win. That doesn't really mean anything. I don't understand you people with your highs and lows -- don't be emotional, just be even-keeled." I doubt it...more than likely, we'd see a lot of, "See, I told you so -- this staff is the greatest and they're going to get it done!"

Anyway, I appreciate discussion and discourse, which I why I love GH. And of course, we're all in it for the love of the Gophers!

Nope, I've never called for a coaching change, and I think it would be an insanely stupid move. Not sure why you (or anyone else) would read any post of mine like that. Also, I haven't really seen ANYONE on this board calling for a coaching change. I've seen people asking for Limegrover to be fired, but that's about the extent of it. I also disagree with that, for what it's worth.

I'm simply frustrated about the game on Saturday. Period. I was hoping for more, and I was disappointed. That's all. The reason I posted in this thread was because I heartily disagree with anyone who believes that fans have no right to bitch and moan after a loss. We're fans (derived from the word "fanatic") for the love of God...I believe it's OK to be upset, discouraged, and frustrated after a loss, just like it's OK to be elated, joyful, and on top of the world after a win. Would anyone on this board be calling for restraint after a big win? Say we were to go into Columbus next year and knock off the then #1 rated Buckeyes. Would we see these same posters coming out of the woodwork to chide those fans who are on top of the world? "Take it's just one win. That doesn't really mean anything. I don't understand you people with your highs and lows -- don't be emotional, just be even-keeled." I doubt it...more than likely, we'd see a lot of, "See, I told you so -- this staff is the greatest and they're going to get it done!"

Anyway, I appreciate discussion and discourse, which I why I love GH. And of course, we're all in it for the love of the Gophers!

Ahhhhh: people around here get WAY too high if something appears to be going well and WAY too down if the team has a bad day. They either talk like we are going to steamroll a REALLY BAD iowa team when we have beaten four ooc teams all the way down to we will NEVER win again when that iowa team they underestimated cleans our clock.

I get tired of the drama kings/queens who start thinking we will rival the top teams in the conference and then go all the way down to insinuating we should clean house with the coaches if they are a little disappointed because we lost or even didn't win by enough. And, I ESPECIALLY get pi$$ed when people start bashing 19 year old kids. At least the coaches have iorn clad contrats that pay them a LOT of money and pretty much guarantee it. But when nameless, faceless punks who hide behind monikers start trashing the kids I'm going to weigh in on the subject and the issues insinuated.

I'd say it's a safe bet that IF you venture on this board and make a comment, there is a pretty damn good chance that someone will take exception with what you say and come right back at you, in your face and will take your inventory. It's the risk that ALL of us take by posting here. I have posters following me around, making insulting comments, photo-shopping pictures that make THEM look like the creeps, kooks and stalkers they are. But, it goes with the territory. And I personally NEVER let the ba$tards get me down. I'd advise you to do the same. Post what you want to post and then see what happens.

It is either worth it to you to say what you think...or it isn't worth it. Because somebody will come at you. Just say: "..screw 'em if they can't take what I have to say..." or, be safe and don't post. You have choices. Stand up for what you believe. Give 'em hell...and NEVER let the ba$tards get you down..."

But, if you have something you want to say: say it! No one else will say it for you...and no one else can say it any better than you do. Just be ballsey and a little edgy and say what only you can say. And never look back. But, don't ever expect anyone to agree with you. You don't need anyone's approval. certainly don't need anyone's permission to say what you want to say as long as it is socially responsible and accepted by the written and unwritten rules of this GOPHERHOLE board...

And, make financial contributions to GOPHERHOLE to keep the forum open. That is always a good thing to do...

It's a long season. If we steal a game, we are right back to where people thought we would be as far as total wins.

That said, the loss was really disappointing.

Totally agree. People aren't calling for Kill's head but they are disappointed and pissed about the performance yesterday. And as a fan that is totally our right. Some of you can sit there and talk about improvement and bash on anyone that voices their concerns, that's your right, but how anyone can sit here today and not be extremely disappointed in what they saw on that field yesterday is beyond me.

Iowa is a team we should be on par with, that is a fact, and with what we saw yesterday it is very clear we are nowhere close. We are not talking about Ohio State or contending for the Big Ten championship we are talking about competing with and yes even beating a team that was picked to finish in roughly the same place we were coming into the season.

There are winnable games on the schedule, and as a fan I will be right there with everyone cheering for an upset against Michigan next weekend, but right now it is really hard to see any reason to be optimistic about the remainder of this season. Hell the premise of this thread is the teams ability to get to a bowl game, I know that is the reality of where we are at right now but it is just sad that we are looking around trying to figure out how the hell to get to 6 wins when we are already 2/3 of the way thanks to our weak non conf schedule.

Couldn't have written my own thoughts any better than this. I don't see us being favorites in any or our remaining games so we're going to have to show some of this improvement and steal a couple to get bowl eligible. The good news is our teams seem to get better as the season progresses.

There are winnable games on the schedule, and as a fan I will be right there with everyone cheering for an upset against Michigan next weekend, but right now it is really hard to see any reason to be optimistic about the remainder of this season. Hell the premise of this thread is the teams ability to get to a bowl game, I know that is the reality of where we are at right now but it is just sad that we are looking around trying to figure out how the hell to get to 6 wins when we are already 2/3 of the way thanks to our weak non conf schedule.

Thank You. Someone that is realistic. Like I said in my post Indiana will be the only team the rest of the season that we are arguably more talented then. I thought when we hired Kill he would mold marginally talented players to "his system" and get them to be competitive against more talented players. The only game I have seen that happen in his tenure is the Texas Tech loss in the bowl game last year. Give Kill two more years and I still doubt we are a top half team without dramatic changes to his recruiting ranks.

It's going to be tough, but if I had to bet, it looks like the Gophers will win only one conference game this year. I'll cheer for more, but winning Iowa was our best chance to make a bowl.

I was really excited for this season, but the Iowa game was such a torrential let down that I'm already in "basketball" mode.

So, what all you quitters are saying is that there is NO Way or only a LONG-SHOT...

chance that my Golden Gopher Football Team will be able to win an invitation to a bowl game. Maybe you will be right. BUT...IF and when my Gophers do win a bowl invitation at the end of this 2013 season, it will be a HUGE deal! Now THAT would really be something! So many of you have thrown in the towel...but...I will guarantee you that Coach Kill, his staff and the players on my Golden Gopher Football Team will NOT quit the way some of you fair-weather people have just quit.

So, I'm hanging in there with our good coach, his staff and all these great kids on my Golden Gopher Football Team. And IF they defy all of the odds laid down by you quitters, winning a bowl invitation will be a BIG thing...a very MEANINGFUL thing and I will be there cheering them on should they rise above all of you quitters. What the hell? If there is no bowl invitation at the end of this season I sure won't be saying: I wish I would have gone into basketball mode by the first of October... No: I would be disappointed but at least I would know that my team kept right on fighting. So, I'll be cheering for my Golden Gopher Football Team to fight, claw, dig, hang in there and battle to the end of EVERY game they have left in this 2013 season so that they can " ALL that they can be..." and go just as far as they can go in Conference Play. Any win will be a GREAT win. And there are a LOT of great possibilities for my Gopher Football Team to play for.

So, quitters...see you...but I sure as hell wouldn't want to be you.

Go Gophers! Beat Michigan!

chance that my Golden Gopher Football Team will be able to win an invitation to a bowl game. Maybe you will be right. BUT...IF and when my Gophers do win a bowl invitation at the end of this 2013 season, it will be a HUGE deal! Now THAT would really be something! So many of you have thrown in the towel...but...I will guarantee you that Coach Kill, his staff and the players on my Golden Gopher Football Team will NOT quit the way some of you fair-weather people have just quit.

So, I'm hanging in there with our good coach, his staff and all these great kids on my Golden Gopher Football Team. And IF they defy all of the odds laid down by you quitters, winning a bowl invitation will be a BIG thing...a very MEANINGFUL thing and I will be there cheering them on should they rise above all of you quitters. What the hell? If there is no bowl invitation at the end of this season I sure won't be saying: I wish I would have gone into basketball mode by the first of October... No: I would be disappointed but at least I would know that my team kept right on fighting. So, I'll be cheering for my Golden Gopher Football Team to fight, claw, dig, hang in there and battle to the end of EVERY game they have left in this 2013 season so that they can " ALL that they can be..." and go just as far as they can go in Conference Play. Any win will be a GREAT win. And there are a LOT of great possibilities for my Gopher Football Team to play for.

So, quitters...see you...but I sure as hell wouldn't want to be you.

Go Gophers! Beat Michigan!

They certainly quit in the Iowa game. If anybody thinks that what we saw was the best effort the Gophers are capable of putting forward, then you must not think very highly of the team's abilities. I am not quitting for the season, I will still be at every home game cheering loudly, I will be at Senser's (or some other sports bar) for every road game. However, I think our team is capable of (and owes the fans) more than what we saw last Saturday. That was a pretty garbage effort, and hopefully they come back and surprise a Michigan team that has looked anything but invincible.

Blah, blah, blah

bleedsmaroonandgold: Michigan wasn't playing Conference games against U Conn and Toledo. All they really wanted was a couple of wins. Their coaches KNOW that NO team can be "sky high and UP for every game..." Their coach will have them primed on Saturday. Michigan has great athletes. My Gophers will need to play incredibly well to stay in the game with Michigan, but, I think my Gophers will show up in Ann Arbor on Saturday. Ann Arbor has been a tough place to win. I have made five trips there and have only seen my Gophers win there once. Will my Gophers win Saturday? I don't know. THAT is why the games MUST be played.

Good luck to all...may there be no injuries and may the better team win. And...BEAT Michigan!

Penn State looks like the only winnable game left. Indiana is bad, but they score on anybody and we cant. I long for the days of a 3-5 B10 record and a Music city bowl win. SAD.

Penn State looks like the only winnable game left. Indiana is bad, but they score on anybody and we cant. I long for the days of a 3-5 B10 record and a Music city bowl win. SAD.

I miss 500yd Offenses...

i think the chances of us getting to a bowl game after watching this game look a lot better with what i saw today on offense, Liedner is/will be everything Marqueis was/could have been

i think the chances of us getting to a bowl game after watching this game look a lot better with what i saw today on offense, Liedner is/will be everything Marqueis was/could have been

What about our offensive performance that scored a whopping 13 points makes you think that?

The only reason we went to a bowl game last year was because Illinois and Purdue were on our schedule. The 2012 Gophers would not have gotten 6 wins with the 2013 schedule. That being said, I do not see that we have improved since last year. On the other hand, Indiana (and to a much lesser extent) Illinois have improved. So we are getting worse through attrition.

I feel like Jim Mora in responding to this thread: "Bowl Game! Bowl Game! Are you kidding me? We may not win another game!"

The offense may have looked better, but that is not saying much based on the Iowa game. The defense was noticeably worse, no pressure, no coverage downfield, and horrible tackling. The Gophers cannot win a conference game if the play anything like they have the past two weeks. There is nothing positive to take from today from a coaching or defensive standpoint. Yes, Michigan was the better team, but don't fool yourself, the Gophers embarassed themselves again today.

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