So Much For a Bowl game This Year!

Ridiculous to suggest a bowl game is now out of the equation, albeit after an admittedly disheartening performance by the Gophers. They can certainly win 2 more games, though it won't be easy.

1 = Indiana

2 = any 1 of the remaining 6, excluding Wisconsin. That one will be a mismatch.

Ridiculous to suggest a bowl game is now out of the equation, albeit after an admittedly disheartening performance by the Gophers. They can certainly win 2 more games, though it won't be easy.

1 = Indiana

2 = any 1 of the remaining 6, excluding Wisconsin. That one will be a mismatch.

Agreed on all points. Including, unfortunately, WI. That one will take an act of god for us to some how walk away with a W.

The thing is that we MUST beat Indiana now, and I think it's debatable if we're even 50/50 to do that.

We could pull an upset out of those remaining 6 games (excluding Indiana). At a certain point you have to beat better teams if you keep playing them, and none of those teams are great. That said, I highly doubt that we can pull two.

Best shot at 6 wins would be Indiana and Penn State although the way Michigan, Michigan State, and Nebraska have played so far an upset wouldn't be out of the question.

I'll be surprised if the Gophers beat Michigan, Michigan State, Nebraska, Northwestern or Penn State, but (at this point of the season) it at least seems possible. Of course, a lot will happen between now and the time the Gophers play each of those teams. Some of those teams will get significantly better, some will go the other way. Same deal with the Gophers.

I'll be surprised if the Gophers beat Michigan, Michigan State, Nebraska, Northwestern or Penn State, but (at this point of the season) it at least seems possible. Of course, a lot will happen between now and the time the Gophers play each of those teams. Some of those teams will get significantly better, some will go the other way. Same deal with the Gophers.

If we had an oc with an imagination that would change the offensive game plan from week to week to make us less predictable, then I would have optimism that we can beat on the teams you listed. However, since Limegrover has been here, he has not shown any imagination making our offense so predictable. God forbid we do a screen pass, a bubble screen, a reverse, some quick slants. As a result, even bad big ten teams can easily prepare for us making it very difficult to pull out any wins this year. I just see our offense as being one of the worst if not the worst in the big 10, making it very difficult for us to pull out any win this season.

Typical reactions here. One loss and the season is already over.

Typical reactions here. One loss and the season is already over.

It is sad to see how fragile our fan base is. We certainly have our work out for us but to say that the season is over is what losers and quitters do. Football is a physical game but it is also a game that is highly impacted by the players and mental attitude. Hopefully, our players and our coaches show stronger mental fortitude in dealing with adversity than some of the pathetic whiners we have here as fans.

It is sad to see how fragile our fan base is. We certainly have our work out for us but to say the season is over is what losers and quitters say. Football is a physical game but its also a highly impacted by the players mental attitude. Hopefully our players and our coaches show stronger mental fortitude in dealing with adversity than some of the pathetic whiners we have here as fans.

Nice job of trying to redirect the discussion from those who actually need to show up, your idol Jerry and his staff.

Nice job of trying to redirect the discussion from those who actually need to show up, your idol Jerry and his staff.

LOL - It was a very frustrating game and loss and I certainly understand why people are unhappy. All I was suggesting is that maybe saying that season is over could be a little bit of an overreaction. But as usual you again make my point.

If we had an oc with an imagination that would change the offensive game plan from week to week to make us less predictable, then I would have optimism that we can beat on the teams you listed. However, since Limegrover has been here, he has not shown any imagination making our offense so predictable. God forbid we do a screen pass, a bubble screen, a reverse, some quick slants. As a result, even bad big ten teams can easily prepare for us making it very difficult to pull out any wins this year. I just see our offense as being one of the worst if not the worst in the big 10, making it very difficult for us to pull out any win this season.

Within the last two games I think we've run all of the plays you listed at least once. (Except possibly the reverse...I know we tried at least 2-3 bubble screens last week, and none of them worked.) You run the plays that the talent you have can best execute.

Also, I think our offense looks markedly better than both MSU and Purdue, at least. It's obviously not great, but I'd be shocked if it's not enough to keep us in at least a couple more games this year. The question is whether or not we'll be able to pull them out when the opportunities arise.

It is sad to see how fragile our fan base is. We certainly have our work out for us but to say that the season is over is what losers and quitters do. Football is a physical game but it is also a game that is highly impacted by the players and mental attitude. Hopefully, our players and our coaches show stronger mental fortitude in dealing with adversity than some of the pathetic whiners we have here as fans.


We still get to 6 wins. Northwestern, Nebraska, Indiana, and Penn St. - 2 wins out of these 4 games.

replace Northwestern with Michigan and maybe replace Nebraska with Michigan State, i think we will be able to overpower Indiana's defense with our O-line, Michigan has been playing just god awful and could have been 2-2 easily losing to Akron and UCONN, MSU: i don't know if we will be able to get to the 50 yard line against that defense but if we win the turnover margin and make some big plays on special teams then that could definitely be a win, Penn state lost to UCF but i feel if they load the box then they will stop us easy, and now that i think about it i don't think we will be able to contain Taylor Martinez or Ameer Abdullah at Nebraska, but we lost to last year badly to a not good Iowa team and still made a bowl game, if i had to bet on it i would say that we do get 2 conference wins

and i do think Iowa has one of the stoutest run defenses in the conference with LBs James Morris and Christian Kirksey, i see Iowa winning 7 games this year

It is sad to see how fragile our fan base is. We certainly have our work out for us but to say that the season is over is what losers and quitters do. Football is a physical game but it is also a game that is highly impacted by the players and mental attitude. Hopefully, our players and our coaches show stronger mental fortitude in dealing with adversity than some of the pathetic whiners we have here as fans.
When in doubt, blame the fans. Killjoy playbook 101.

The problem isn't that we just got our asses handed to us, again, in Big Ten play. No, the problem is that we don't belieeeeeeeeve enough. If only we believed more the team would have a better mental attitude and we would win.

Blaming the fans... classic...

Give them a reason to cheer...

Best shot at 6 wins would be Indiana and Penn State although the way Michigan, Michigan State, and Nebraska have played so far an upset wouldn't be out of the question.

Did you watch yesterday?

Did you watch yesterday?

Have you seen any of those teams play this year? Do you really think, because of one game, that UCONN, Akron and Navy are all better than us? Do you really think that the defenses of Western Michigan and South Florida can BOTH hold MSU to under 300 yards and 14 offensive points, but our defense can't?

Have you seen any of those teams play this year? Do you really think, because of one game, that UCONN, Akron and Navy are all better than us? Do you really think that the defenses of Western Michigan and South Florida can BOTH hold MSU to under 300 yards and 14 offensive points, but our defense can't?
MSU beat both Western Michigan and South Florida handily.

MSU beat both Western Michigan and South Florida handily.

Yes, and both of their defenses made MSU look about as inept on offense as Iowa just made us look. That's a team we can almost definitely beat (Note I'm not saying we will, or even that we should, beat MSU. Just that the Gophers team I've seen this year is fully capable of beating the MSU team I've seen this year.)

Yes, and both of their defenses made MSU look about as inept on offense as Iowa just made us look. That's a team we can almost definitely beat (Note I'm not saying we will, or even that we should, beat MSU. Just that the Gophers team I've seen this year is fully capable of beating the MSU team I've seen this year.)
as i've said before if we win the turnover battle and make some big plays on special team then we will have a good shot, i swear every single game i've watched of MSU since Kirk Cousins left the opposing team has gotten at least one TD by a tipped ball that was straight in the reciever's hands but he could't catch the ball, and Leveon Bell is gone witch should help, but there defense is so good i don't see us getting to the 50 if we have to start out within our own 25

We really need to set up another fan board for the wimps, whiners and cry babies that over react like they are on their period and you just told them that yes, your butt does look fat in those jeans!

Grow a pair and buck up!

We won 2 B1G games last year and we were much worse than this year. We won 2 B1G games after Brew was fired and again, that team was horrid. We have seen stranger things happen than a mediocre Gopher team win two B1G games. PSU, NE & MSU all have depth issues on offense (and defense for PSU & NE). NW has shown a defense that likes to play touch instead of tackle football and the mighty scUM barely beat Akron.

Will we win 2 more? IDK. Am I going to piss down my leg like a little girl lost in the park. Not likely. But I can see that many of you are. SMH. You girls should switch to the gymnastics or cross country board.

Have you seen any of those teams play this year? Do you really think, because of one game, that UCONN, Akron and Navy are all better than us? Do you really think that the defenses of Western Michigan and South Florida can BOTH hold MSU to under 300 yards and 14 offensive points, but our defense can't?

i don't think SJUgopher thinks we could beat Wyoming or UCF either

SHOULD beat Indiana, and hopefully a win at home vs Penn St or Wisky. Don't commit dumb penalties and play some defense and we'll have a shot.

This run D is going to struggle to keep Wisconsin under 500 yards on the ground. That game has blowout written all over it.

When in doubt, blame the fans. Killjoy playbook 101.

The problem isn't that we just got our asses handed to us, again, in Big Ten play. No, the problem is that we don't belieeeeeeeeve enough. If only we believed more the team would have a better mental attitude and we would win.

You like Gophergod missed my point totally. What I said was that calling the season over was a bit of overreaction. Yes, I also did say that some are our fans whine and again I was pointing to the overreaction of some of the fans.

You like Gophergod missed my point totally. What I said was that calling the season over was a bit of overreaction. Yes, I also did say that some are our fans whine and again I was pointing to the overreaction of some of the fans.
I know what you said, I quoted it literally verbatim. It's just such an obvious move on your part to turn your negativity on the fans whenever anything goes wrong. You do it every single time, good or bad.

When fans disagree with Kill you mock them for thinking they know more than the coach. When those criticisms turn out to be correct, you call them names and talk about how terrible the fan base is. You are the absolute worst because no matter what happens, you are the "good" kind of fan, and everyone else is wrong for not being more like you.

We really need to set up another fan board for the wimps, whiners and cry babies that over react like they are on their period and you just told them that yes, your butt does look fat in those jeans!

Grow a pair and buck up!

We won 2 B1G games last year and we were much worse than this year. We won 2 B1G games after Brew was fired and again, that team was horrid. We have seen stranger things happen than a mediocre Gopher team win two B1G games. PSU, NE & MSU all have depth issues on offense (and defense for PSU & NE). NW has shown a defense that likes to play touch instead of tackle football and the mighty scUM barely beat Akron.

Will we win 2 more? IDK. Am I going to piss down my leg like a little girl lost in the park. Not likely. But I can see that many of you are. SMH. You girls should switch to the gymnastics or cross country board.

Thank you for bringing some humor to this board. Based on some of the comments here I believe that a lot of our fans are having their periods at the same time. I have read about that phenomenon but I never realized it could happen on a blog.

Thank you for bringing some humor to this board. Based on some of the comments here I believe that a lot of our fans are having their periods at the same time. I have read about that phenomenon but I never realized it could happen on a blog.

I really don't get your mentality. Should we be happy that we lost? Or are we suppose to celebrate the moral victories? Leading into this game there was all this talk that MN was improved, Iowa sucked and we really should win the game. There was actual excitement for this game and this team, which we have not seen in quite a while. So what happened? We got our butts kicked and looked horrible. Worse, this game was very similar to last year's game. Except last year we were able to score more points. Essentially all good will that was built up with the fan base leading into this game is now gone. It is the same old gophers.

Now people, like me, are upset because we looked like crap in a game that we supposedly had a legitimate shot of winning. And your reaction..."meh" along with the same excuses that have been used for decades as to why we lost and the promise that if we wait success is around the corner. Well, right now, I am not convinced success is right around the corner. Kill gets paid over a $1 million a year to just win fb games. He needs to do his job or be criticized for failing to do it. I am not saying that Kill should be fired, but if we do not see improvement through this year and into next, then it might be time for him to move along.

This will be my last post complaining about how poor we look. At this point, I do not expect us to look good in the remaining games. So if we do, I will be very pleasantly surprised.

If Teague went by Gopher Hole opinions, we'd have a new coach every other game.

Yep, we got dominated, beaten up and pushed around by a seemingly bad Iowa team. We're still 4-1. We have seven games to go. How are we going to win any of them? I have no clue. But that doesn't mean the season is over. Even the best teams lay eggs, and though we have a lot of gaping holes on our team perhaps we're not quite as bad as how we looked on Saturday. Only time will tell.

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