So Much For a Bowl game This Year!


Sep 10, 2011
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They will not beat any b10 opponents this year with this offense (Only team left comparable to us is Indiana). Have to be able to throw in college football or have a dominant O-line like Wisconsin to move the ball. We played nobody in the non-conference and it showed. Not prepared for above-average athletes to compete against. I like Kill but this program is going no where. Prove me wrong Jerry.

They will not beat any b10 opponents this year with this offense (Only team left comparable to us is Indiana). Have to be able to throw in college football or have a dominant O-line like Wisconsin to move the ball. We played nobody in the non-conference and it showed. Not prepared for above-average athletes to compete against. I like Kill but this program is going no where. Prove me wrong Jerry.

Good thing you are not on the team. You give up right away.

I should be on the team then. They folded in the second quarter against an average Iowa team that will finish with a losing b10 record.

Listen ok... even if we don't win a B10 game this year, we'll be in the running for the number one over all pick in this years' draft.

Oh wait...


we lost to a better team it's not the end of the world...

we lost to a better team it's not the end of the world...

It's definitely not the end of the world -- I agree with you on that -- but aren't you disheartened by the way we were absolutely manhandled in Year 3 of the Kill regime by a team that won 4 games last year, and who many picked to finish near the bottom of the B1G? I don't live and die Gopher football, but I'm a HUGE fan and I do invest a lot in the team emotionally. It's just pretty sad to keep getting kicked in the gut after being sold on improvement. Like you, I knew what I was seeing in the NC games, and I had a feeling we weren't very good...we talked about it in the game threads, and afterwards as well. That said, I was hoping to be proven wrong. Didn't happen. And it sucks.

Can someone get Delaney on the horn to find out the procedure for forfeiting the rest of the season?

It's definitely not the end of the world -- I agree with you on that -- but aren't you disheartened by the way we were absolutely manhandled in Year 3 of the Kill regime by a team that won 4 games last year, and who many picked to finish near the bottom of the B1G?

I mean yeah it does suck but after watching our Non-Conf games I figured we'd struggle Offensively against Big Ten teams so today's game wasn't surprising. A lot of experts said we'd have a worse record then last year for a reason & I also agree that we will be an improved team over last year. It's one game... this is what happens when you play cream puffs & then finally get tested. Iowa learned a lot from its loss to Northern Illinois & I hope we learn a lot from this loss...

Last years Iowa team lost 3 starting o-linemen (all of whom are back and handled our dline very nicely) and, I don't know, like 5 running backs. Hard to imagine that they struggled last year.

In truth, these guys aren't Wisconsin or tOSU, which is why we thought we could play with them. But in reality, we started 3 and they started 7 lineman that were 3 years or more players. Their guys were bigger and better than us. Will it be that way forever? I hope not. But it is that way this year.

Good news is that PSU, IN, NW, MI & NE are younger and smaller than IA. I expect we will lose to Becky by 70, but we can play with these other guys and we will not be behind MSU by more than 2 scores because they probably wont score twice. We may lose the game 7 - 3 but it will be close. Maybe we get lucky and score on a return or something.

I still like our chances of getting to 6 wins and a bowl game provided we remain relatively healthy.

It's definitely not the end of the world -- I agree with you on that -- but aren't you disheartened by the way we were absolutely manhandled in Year 3 of the Kill regime by a team that won 4 games last year, and who many picked to finish near the bottom of the B1G? I don't live and die Gopher football, but I'm a HUGE fan and I do invest a lot in the team emotionally. It's just pretty sad to keep getting kicked in the gut after being sold on improvement. Like you, I knew what I was seeing in the NC games, and I had a feeling we weren't very good...we talked about it in the game threads, and afterwards as well. That said, I was hoping to be proven wrong. Didn't happen. And it sucks.

I'm with gopherinpain on this one. I think this loss took us out of bowl season. I figured we had a shot at two conference wins this year, Iowa and Penn State. And we needed both of those for bowl eligibility. You look at the rest of our conference schedule and they are all AP25 teams. I don't see wins in any of them.

We still get to 6 wins. Northwestern, Nebraska, Indiana, and Penn St. - 2 wins out of these 4 games.

I think Nebraska is a possibility also their defense sucks.

We still get to 6 wins. Northwestern, Nebraska, Indiana, and Penn St. - 2 wins out of these 4 games.

Why in the world do people think we beat Northwestern? Not picking on this quote, I've seen several people suggest it. The days of Northwestern as push over are WAY over folks. They are ranked #17 in the country. Their program passed ours several years ago.

Why in the world do people think we beat Northwestern? Not picking on this quote, I've seen several people suggest it. The days of Northwestern as push over are WAY over folks. They are ranked #17 in the country. Their program passed ours several years ago.

Because too many on this board don't understand this.

We still get to 6 wins. Northwestern, Nebraska, Indiana, and Penn St. - 2 wins out of these 4 games.

I really hope you're right. I think there's only one in there, but I'd love to be wrong.

We might not be able to pass, maybe running hurry up would change that passing balance if the coaches want to.

Why in the world do people think we beat Northwestern? Not picking on this quote, I've seen several people suggest it. The days of Northwestern as push over are WAY over folks. They are ranked #17 in the country. Their program passed ours several years ago.

We match up far better with Northwestern than a power running team like Iowa.

We match up far better with Northwestern than a power running team like Iowa.

You think so? SJSU put up nearly 500 yards of passing on us & UNLV was passing the ball very effectively. I don't think it matters what type of team we play... we're capable of being burned in the air & the ground...

After watching our offense struggle to score 7 points against an Iowa defense that a majority on this message board said was a crappy defense, I do not see one game where we can really expect to win. I will be shocked if we are favored in one game from here on out.

I find it amusing how all week leading up to the Iowa game, there was so much talk on here about how Iowa lost to NIU and beat up a bunch of cream puffs so they were really not that much better than us. in fact, many were arguing that we were better because our non con schedule was tougher. But now, this loss is not that bad because Iowa was a good team. Funny how an a$$ kicking changes people's opinions.

After watching our offense struggle to score 7 points against an Iowa defense that a majority on this message board said was a crappy defense, I do not see one game where we can really expect to win. I will be shocked if we are favored in one game from here on out.

I find it amusing how all week leading up to the Iowa game, there was so much talk on here about how Iowa lost to NIU and beat up a bunch of cream puffs so they were really not that much better than us. in fact, many were arguing that we were better because our non con schedule was tougher. But now, this loss is not that bad because Iowa was a good team. Funny how an a$$ kicking changes people's opinions.

People were saying Iowa was a "terrible" team so what does that make us now?

Iowa isn't as bad as what most thought entering this season.

The defense is greatly improved.
QB play is significantly better. Rudock at QB, an unknown entering the season has played significantly better than expected
Consistent running game with little injuries so far
WRs are still inconsistent but there has been noticeable improvement week by week.

Iowa lost to NIU but really shouldn't have lost that game. A mistake by a QB making his first start late in the game doomed them. NIU the year prior made a BCS bowl and won 12 games.

Last year Iowa lost 4 games by 3 or less and another game by 6. They were a bad team last year but easily could have been 8-4 instead of 4-8.

Big Ten is down again so there are wins out there. This was a bad matchup for Minnesota. Iowa has been very good against the run so far this year and that was the Gophers bread and butter through first 4 games.

Why in the world do people think we beat Northwestern? Not picking on this quote, I've seen several people suggest it. The days of Northwestern as push over are WAY over folks. They are ranked #17 in the country. Their program passed ours several years ago.

Could be because they've only beaten us by more than one possession something like once in the past 6 years.

All this "sky-is-falling" we can't possibly win another game stuff is absurd. Will we be favored again this year? Probably not. But we weren't favored against Iowa (at home) either.

How can we get one (or two) more wins? We just saw a game where this team got COMPLETELY dominated in every aspect of the game, and was overmatched at every position. It was obvious at the end of the first quarter we were outclassed. And yet, we stayed within two scores pretty much the whole game. Why? Because these coaches know what they're doing, and our entire game plan is set up to keep us in games with better teams and slowly grind down worse teams. Do people really think that won't possibly work against teams like Indiana, MSU, Penn State, Nebraska or Michigan? (Hell, three of those teams have already been taken to the wire and/or beaten by worse teams than us.

It's not gonna be easy to get to a bowl, and that was a huge loss, but this team still looks like an obvious improvement over last years, and we've got six more shots (at six beatable teams) to get two wins. Throwing in the towel now is premature, at best.

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