So Joel, what's your move now?

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If you actually watch the game last nite as a coach, there is alot of improvement to like. The O-line pass protected pretty well, the running game got slightly better, the young kids on the D-line performed well. We were in position to win this game big. An underthrow to McKnight that thrown out it front was a TD. A well thrown ball to Gray and TD, McKnight on the goalline the throw was high or TD, a wide open Kusnia on the goalline TD, 2 throws to Stodamier, one in the dirt and one high and behind him, both could have been TD'S. We were in position, good play calling and execution, with the exception of the THROWS. So the throws are good and we win 42-14 and everybody is happy and can't wait for next yr!!!!!!!!!!!!! The coaches are redshirting kids and bringing them along the right way, they are building a program the way it should be done. The biggest wild card is Brewsters love of lAdam Weber, he is not the answer, I don't know if Gray or Moses is, but Weber is not .

Are you drunk? what exactly did you expect 3 years into a new coach and 2 years into a new coach recruiting? We are where we should be about now and we are getting closer to a rose bowl by the day. What did brewster do to lose the game yestarday? Players play and they did not make enough plays, but better players are coming and are getting more experience and they will make plays because they are playmakers not Division II rejects.

Agree the players failed more than Brewster, although some of those third down play calls were head-scratchers.
As for three years in, a win over a ranked opponent (0-7), a win in a rivalry game (0-8), or a win in a bowl game (0-2), or even a .400 winning percentage against BCS conf. teams would've made me happy.
Brian Kelly and Jim Harbaugh, among others, had success in their third years this year.

I will add this: Leach might be a headcase, but at this point I would be willing to give the keys to the program to someone who would win. Leach has a Minneapolis-based agent, which wouldn't hurt in selling him on this area.

As much as I think Leach would be a much better coach I don't think the U or Maturi for that matter would take his baggage. Now on to a more general statement regarding the program. As far as economic demographics are concerned, the U is sitting better than most Big Ten programs, yet they've been horrible at reaching out and getting support from the plethera of Fortune 100 companies that reside in the state.

The U has never been able to sell this program to potential big-time supporters. Recruiting to a city that offers what we have should be easy. Sell the potential endorsements and future with companies for students athletes to succeed after shool is gone. This is a no brainer that no one in recent years has been able to accomplish. I'm disappointed that Brew has been yet another poor ambassador for the U and the community. I think this is one of the main reasons that Bruininks is so iffy on him. He makes more statements that hinder him as a coach and the University as a program. His recruiting has been better than any recent coach, and that's why he will be back, but I think this extension will be nothing for the U to buy out if he comes back next year and *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#s the bed.

Are you drunk? what exactly did you expect 3 years into a new coach and 2 years into a new coach recruiting? We are where we should be about now and we are getting closer to a rose bowl by the day. What did brewster do to lose the game yestarday? Players play and they did not make enough plays, but better players are coming and are getting more experience and they will make plays because they are playmakers not Division II rejects.

I expected more than this and you do realize he just lost to a first year head coach with less talent than the gophers.

I expected more than this and you do realize he just lost to a first year head coach with less talent than the gophers.

That is very true. I just do not get these people on here with this unwavering support for a coach who still after three years has not proven he knows how to coach at this level. You can give the guy another year, but it won't matter -- he is taking this team to a 10th or 11th place finish next year and THEN he will get fired. The only reason why he isn't getting fired right now is because "he hasn't had enough time."

OK, I get that. A coach needs some time to implement his system and his players, but if that is the best reason why he is staying, he is hanging onto his job by the skin of his teeth. I just don't get Gopher fans who insist that Souhan knows nothing, Reusse knows nothing, I know nothing, Doogie knows nothing all the other Brewster "haters" know nothing and Brewster actually really is this great coach. He is the laughingstock of the Big Ten coaches right now and if you don't believe me, go onto ANY of the other Big Ten message boards and write a post that says..."Tim Brewster is a good football coach" and see what you get back.

I know, it's only one game. Yeah, and Iowa was just one game and SDSU was just one game and Illinois was just one game too. Well, pretty soon it starts adding up until you have this horrific downward spiral. Sure, the defense improved, but we are losing most of the starters including the entire front seven. The offense is a complete mess and just might be the worst Big Ten offense I have seen since the Gophers 1983 team, and that is pretty close, actually. I don't have to say we should fire Brewster because after next season, it will become painfully obvious to everyone that hiring a guy who never coached at this level was a big mistake and we flushed next year down the toilet.

Gold, If you look at the Offense as a whole it is bad, but if you look at the parts, and how they performed last nite, there was alot of promise. When you figure we were in the position of 5-6 times to score and didn't because of a throw, the rest of the pieces were working better than they have for awhile. I'm and I'm sure alot of others are not saying Brewster is a great game day coach, but I do think he is building the program the right way. Some of the mistakes he made in his staff to start with have been changed, and time will tell if they are for the better, but he sure isn't standing pat. He is red shirting some players and teaching and bringing them along slowly and when their time comes hopefully they will be ready. But continually putting Fr. and Soph against Jr. and Sr. is not the right thing to do. If he has his 5 yrs,. and we are still here, then he had his chance to do it his way and failed or he will have succeeded and there will be a band wagon to jump on. If you get rid of him now, no coach is going to come in knowing he won't get his chance to build his program, and we will be stuck with another unproven coach. Lets let it play out and hope for the best and give the pgm. some support.

GopherFish -- Your take is very defensible, but lay out why.

I think the case against Brewster has been laid out ad nauseum, but here's my take: Even his most aredent supporters would have to admit he's a medicore gameday coach (at best) who's trying to learn on the job. We have seen chaos on the sideline multiple times and many games with inexcusable #'s penalties. We have also seen coordinator turnover and an offense that looked clueless for much of the season. With 6 weeks to prepare (essentially a mini-offseason) we saw only minimal improvements in these areas. There were few penalties last night, I concede that. There was still at least some chas on the sidelines, as evidenced by burning 2 of our 3 second half timeouts. As for the offense it was was again very poor. It does not give me much optimism for next year.

In the end we are asked to be patient and endure all of the above because Brewster is an 'excellent' recruiter. Yes he only has two full classes, but I don't see enough from either of them to give me signifcantly more patience. And it's not as though he has a top 10, or top 20 or even top 30 coming in. It appears we will be top 40 at best, and probably 6th or 7th in the Big 10. I'm sorry but this doesn't fill me with optimism about the future.

It all boils down to the fact that he basicaly deserves one more year, especially since little good is likely to come from firing him at this point. Perhaps he should have been fired after the Iowa game or even after the Kansas debacle, but Maturi missed those windows. Unless the U is actually willing to take a chance on Leach at this point and he's willing to come (both unlikely) there's no one you're going to hire now that won't likely be available next November.

As for the case for Maturi to go, Brewster is a large reason why. But it more comes down to his overall handling of the two major revenue sports. His handling of Mason's dismisal AFTER the Bowl game was unacceptable. You don't fire/hire in January, you do it in November/early December. There's no excuse for it. His handling of Dan Monson in March 2006 was similarly unacceptable. He in general does not seem to have the necessary intestinal fortitude to make the big decisions required of a major conference AD. His biggest accomplishments to date are his ability to keep us in the black, Tubby Smith and TCF Bank stadium. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to give him big props for #1. Keeping the program in the black is the job of every AD. Tubby Smith was a major coup. But how much of the credit for it goes to Maturi? Did he hire Tubby or as some have said did Tubby hire him? I don't honestly know the answer to this question. Tubby's comments have certainly indicated that Clem Haskin's recommendation probably carried more weight then anything Maturi said. As for TCF Bank, again how much of the credit for this goes to Maturi? Certianly some, but probaboly not more then goes to Pres. Bruinicks or even Glen Mason, and perhaps even Hennipen County and Carl Pohlad (the Twins getting thier stadium played a major role in the Gophers getting thiers).

In the end, Maturi's weaknesses outwiegh his accomplishments IMO, and if we in a position of needing to hire another football coach next November, I'm not sure he's the one who should be making the decisions.

As for the case for Maturi to go, Brewster is a large reason why. But it more comes down to his overall handling of the two major revenue sports. His handling of Mason's dismisal AFTER the Bowl game was unacceptable. You don't fire/hire in January, you do it in November/early December. There's no excuse for it. His handling of Dan Monson in March 2006 was similarly unacceptable. He in general does not seem to have the necessary intestinal fortitude to make the big decisions required of a major conference AD. His biggest accomplishments to date are his ability to keep us in the black, Tubby Smith and TCF Bank stadium. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to give him big props for #1. Keeping the program in the black is the job of every AD. Tubby Smith was a major coup. But how much of the credit for it goes to Maturi? Did he hire Tubby or as some have said did Tubby hire him? I don't honestly know the answer to this question. Tubby's comments have certainly indicated that Clem Haskin's recommendation probably carried more weight then anything Maturi said. As for TCF Bank, again how much of the credit for this goes to Maturi? Certianly some, but probaboly not more then goes to Pres. Bruinicks or even Glen Mason, and perhaps even Hennipen County and Carl Pohlad (the Twins getting thier stadium played a major role in the Gophers getting thiers).

In the end, Maturi's weaknesses outwiegh his accomplishments IMO, and if we in a position of needing to hire another football coach next November, I'm not sure he's the one who should be making the decisions.

Out of everything I have ever read on this forum, I probably agree with this the most.

IMHO Maturi has been a people pleasing lightweight who has not done enough for the revenue sports teams at the U. His mantra from day one has been, "we're proud of all 22 sports teams at the university" and all that other PC noise. I get the feeling that Maturi is trying to do what he can to get the revenue sports teams in better shape before he leaves but too little, too late.

As much as I think Leach would be a much better coach I don't think the U or Maturi for that matter would take his baggage. Now on to a more general statement regarding the program. As far as economic demographics are concerned, the U is sitting better than most Big Ten programs, yet they've been horrible at reaching out and getting support from the plethera of Fortune 100 companies that reside in the state.

The U has never been able to sell this program to potential big-time supporters. Recruiting to a city that offers what we have should be easy. Sell the potential endorsements and future with companies for students athletes to succeed after shool is gone. This is a no brainer that no one in recent years has been able to accomplish. I'm disappointed that Brew has been yet another poor ambassador for the U and the community. I think this is one of the main reasons that Bruininks is so iffy on him. He makes more statements that hinder him as a coach and the University as a program. His recruiting has been better than any recent coach, and that's why he will be back, but I think this extension will be nothing for the U to buy out if he comes back next year and *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#s the bed.

Wholeheartedly agree that Maturi and Bruininks wouldn't touch Leach.

howeda7 -- that is the kind of post that I enjoy reading on here. I have no inside knowledge on this, but I'm not quite sure that Leach would say no. The Big Ten is at a weak point comparatively speaking and he would land in a BCS conf.

howeda7 -- that is the kind of post that I enjoy reading on here. I have no inside knowledge on this, but I'm not quite sure that Leach would say no. The Big Ten is at a weak point comparatively speaking and he would land in a BCS conf.

Oh please.

Let me expand ... I enjoy reading lengthy, thoughtful posts, where time and effort was put into it, and doesn't take any personal shots. maxwellsmart -- if you want to lay out why Brewster will win big here, I'll read it.

Leach was railroaded, and the James situation was

Oh please.

just the convenient excuse the powers that be were waiting for to get rid of Leach, a guy they really did not want to re-sign in the first place. (money, power struggle)

Leach is very popular with the TT fans, and they could not dump him before.

There is no way Maturi and his superiors have the courage to look at Leach objectively and sign him up. Even if they knew the James incident was a trumped up pile of crap, as it most likely is, they still would not touch him. The are gutless.

The more that comes out on this Leach matter, the worse the administration and Craig James will look. His spoiled, useless son, with the bad attitude has already been exposed.

I'd have contacted Leach yesterday.

Okay..I'll save you some time.

1) Oregon
2) Rep. will do very well in mid-terms, but not unfortunately take over the House or Senate; immigration reform will be the hot legislative topic
3) Someone will kill Perez Hilton

Looks like I did okay with my predictions (missed on the House predicition). I still have a few days on the Perez Hilton thing.

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