Sid: Weight room standouts: Bennett, Delaney, Jacobs, Hageman

605 pound squat made easy

405 is an outstanding benchpress for a RB - but you'd like to have an OL with the best bench on the team and somewhere around 450 would be better.

635 squat? Unless he's wearing a full suit and knee wraps, I don't think so. Sounds about 100 pounds too heavy for a raw squat.

550 hang clean?!? No offense, but bull****. That's about 150-200 pounds too heavy. Now if it was actually a deadlift - that's realistic and that would be the type of mistake we've come to expect from Sid.

Here is a link to a (former) player from everyone's favorite team making a 605 pound squat look easy:

405 is an outstanding benchpress for a RB - but you'd like to have an OL with the best bench on the team and somewhere around 450 would be better.

635 squat? Unless he's wearing a full suit and knee wraps, I don't think so. Sounds about 100 pounds too heavy for a raw squat.

550 hang clean?!? No offense, but bull****. That's about 150-200 pounds too heavy. Now if it was actually a deadlift - that's realistic and that would be the type of mistake we've come to expect from Sid.

hageman should easily be around 800lbs+ for a dead lift. the world record is over a 1000lbs. 550lbs seems rather big, but i wouldnt be surprised if he is around 500lbs on the hang clean.

as for squats, in college i saw a lot of football players above a 600lb squat(nearly all were olineman and that was u mn duluth) i never really checked anything weightlifting related at the U when i started on my masters.

i bet ndsu even has a guy that squat over 600lbs!

The hang clean is in no way possible. As mentioned, the all-time record for football players at Nebraska, the team that basically invented weightlifting for football, is almost 100 lbs. less than what is mentioned in this article. It simply is inaccurate, whether as to the weight lifted or the lift used.

The others are more than plausible.

that is true-if no one at nebraska could do it, then its not possible! great post!

that is true-if no one at nebraska could do it, then its not possible! great post!

Yes, it is absolutely true that no one on the Gophers' current roster can do 90 lbs. more than every single player in the entire history of Nebraska football. I'm not sure what's so difficult to grasp about the concept.

Every S and C coach over the last several...

HC"s has been quote: "One of the best in the business" Tell me what the plus factor has been in relation to wins and losses on the football field? Just because you can lift a the equivilent to a Volkswagon doesn't mean you're going to beat the guy across from you. Proper training can give you strength, speed and flexibility, but there is nothing that can increase quickness. You either have it or you don't. The elite programs have the players with all four. Strength, flexibility,speed, and quickness. The better part of the last 40 some years the Gopher's have tried to turn recruits from a sows ear into a silk purse with limited results. Ask Bobby Bell, Carl Eller, etc how much time they spent in the weight room? You win with god given talent, plain and simple.

You can go to youtube and watch Delaney dead lift and squat 635-650

BisonGopher;411899" said:
Seriously though - can't you see Sid on the phone "aaaaahhh...what was that? 5000 pounds?! Good golly that a tree!" Then his editor comes in: "Sid, you're talking into a banana again..."

Perfect, just perfect. :clap:

I'm sorry, but any dude who is a former marine sniper and wears chuck taylors to deadlift 600+ is badass if you ask me.

I'm sorry, but any dude who is a former marine sniper and wears chuck taylors to deadlift 600+ is badass if you ask me.

You could have stopped at Marine sniper. That additional stuff just makes him extra badass.

They need to make one of those 3 penny films on how badass Delaney is.

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