Sid Hartman: Don't fire the coach


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Nov 11, 2008
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Don't fire the coach

Well the Gophers are 1-4 after a tough 29-28 loss to Northwestern on Saturday, and there were more than a small group of fans screaming "Fire [Tim] Brewster" at me as I walked out of TCF Bank Stadium.

I will stick with my theory that firing the coach is not the answer, after six of the past seven coaches were fired and the program kept having to start all over.

I believe Brewster should get at least another year to see what he can do with his four recruiting classes.

Well, if check the Gophers schedule, you will find they beat Middle Tennessee 24-17, then lost three in a row: 41-38 to South Dakota, 32-21 to Southern California and 34-23 to Northern Illinois before Saturday's loss to the Wildcats.

Brewster is convinced they could just as well be 4-1 rather than 1-4 with a few plays reversed, especially ones where they self-destructed on Saturday, when they got two crucial face mask penalties and a critical holding penalty. And they didn't take advantage of the opportunities Northwestern gave them, with the Wildcats taking 10 penalties for 79 yards and losing two of their three fumbles.

However, if you believe Brewster's theory, if Northwestern had missed that field goal in the final moments, or if the Wildcats had missed a tackle with about one minute to play when it appeared Gophers quarterback Adam Weber had a chance to run for a winning touchdown on a bootleg that caught Northwestern unaware, then the Gophers would have won.

I thought Minnesota showed a lot of improvement Saturday against a Northwestern team that was 4-0 going in and was the best team the Gophers have faced.

Yes, this team might not win a home game with Penn State, Ohio State and Iowa coming up. And they are likely to lose the remaining road games at Wisconsin, Purdue, Michigan State and Illinois.

But I still believe it will be better to give Brewster another year rather than bring in a new coach and have him start all over. After going 1-11 in 2007, he was 7-6 in 2008 and 6-7 last year and went to two Insight Bowl games even though he lost star receiver Eric Decker and some other key players because of injuries.

You might lose a few season ticket holders if you don't fire the coach. But I think Brewster will start consistently winning next year.

Go Gophers!!

You might lose a few season ticket holders if you don't fire the coach. But I think Brewster will start consistently winning next year.

Go Gophers!!

I am glad Sid thinks Brewster will start winning next year, kind of wish he could provide some evidence how our team is going to be better and capable of winning considering we will have a new QB who will have taken few if any snaps in his career (see rufusal to play Gray or Alipate).

I am glad Sid thinks Brewster will start winning next year, kind of wish he could provide some evidence how our team is going to be better and capable of winning considering we will have a new QB who will have taken few if any snaps in his career (see rufusal to play Gray or Alipate).


However, if you believe Brewster's theory, if Northwestern had missed that field goal in the final moments, or if the Wildcats had missed a tackle with about one minute to play when it appeared Gophers quarterback Adam Weber had a chance to run for a winning touchdown on a bootleg that caught Northwestern unaware, then the Gophers would have won.

Go Gophers!!

Yeah..... And if your Aunt had balls, she'd be your Uncle. So what? Would have, could have, should have and might have will get you exactly nowhere. What happened in this reality is that we lost the game. Brewster chooses to downplay that by saying, "Well if we'd have done this or done that or done the other, than we'd have won.", which leads me to wonder if maybe he's getting a little bit worried and/or desperate.

Sid is just such a toady. I don't even bother taking anything he says seriously anymore. What...WHAT I say, does he see that lends any credence to his statement that " Brewster will start winning consistently next year"??? Idiot.

It's one thing if Sid has lost it but apparently so has the person who writes his column. While they didn't explicitly say it they almost said that the Gophers could easily be 5-0 as opposed to 1-4.

I hate to side with Sid, but I am. Until the people with power sit down and create a long term plan and commitment for building a competitive program, then firing Brewster and bringing in the next guy will be no different than the woman on her 5th marriage to alcoholics without a job and a gambling problems thinking the 6th will be better. The issues are bigger than that.

Unless the commitment to winning is made from the highest levels the U should keep Brewster because he's cheap. TCF is great, but we need a lot more than that. The Mason Era is as good as we'll get with the present mentality of those above the coaching staff.

The next time Sid calls for the firing of a coach will be the first. He relies on people on/close to the staffs of the local teams for his "scoops". I remember when Sid would break news because of those relationships, but those days seem long gone now.

Sid is just such a toady. I don't even bother taking anything he says seriously anymore. What...WHAT I say, does he see that lends any credence to his statement that " Brewster will start winning consistently next year"??? Idiot.

Then ignore it.

"Thought Minnesota showed a lot of improvement Saturday against a Northwestern team that was 4-0 going in and was the best team the Gophers have faced."

(Even with the loss to UW tonight, USC is the most talented team we have played this year. Sorry.)

"You might lose a few season ticket holders if you don't fire the coach. But I think Brewster will start consistently winning next year."

(The U will lose alot of season ticket holders next year if Basement Brew is still coach and what have you seen Sid from this team that will make them any better next year? Surely it was not the loss to the Coyotes or a blowout loss to a Mac team.)

We all knew Sid was senile but apparently he has lost all grasp of reality!

Hilarious. These columns from Sid get more comical after each loss. By the time we are 1-11 they will be absolute classics!

Don't fire the coach

Well the Gophers are 1-4 after a tough 29-28 loss to Northwestern on Saturday, and there were more than a small group of fans screaming "Fire [Tim] Brewster" at me as I walked out of TCF Bank Stadium.

I will stick with my theory that firing the coach is not the answer, after six of the past seven coaches were fired and the program kept having to start all over.

I believe Brewster should get at least another year to see what he can do with his four recruiting classes.

Well, if check the Gophers schedule, you will find they beat Middle Tennessee 24-17, then lost three in a row: 41-38 to South Dakota, 32-21 to Southern California and 34-23 to Northern Illinois before Saturday's loss to the Wildcats.

Brewster is convinced they could just as well be 4-1 rather than 1-4 with a few plays reversed, especially ones where they self-destructed on Saturday, when they got two crucial face mask penalties and a critical holding penalty. And they didn't take advantage of the opportunities Northwestern gave them, with the Wildcats taking 10 penalties for 79 yards and losing two of their three fumbles.

However, if you believe Brewster's theory, if Northwestern had missed that field goal in the final moments, or if the Wildcats had missed a tackle with about one minute to play when it appeared Gophers quarterback Adam Weber had a chance to run for a winning touchdown on a bootleg that caught Northwestern unaware, then the Gophers would have won
I thought Minnesota showed a lot of improvement Saturday against a Northwestern team that was 4-0 going in and was the best team the Gophers have faced.

Yes, this team might not win a home game with Penn State, Ohio State and Iowa coming up. And they are likely to lose the remaining road games at Wisconsin, Purdue, Michigan State and Illinois.

But I still believe it will be better to give Brewster another year rather than bring in a new coach and have him start all over. After going 1-11 in 2007, he was 7-6 in 2008 and 6-7 last year and went to two Insight Bowl games even though he lost star receiver Eric Decker and some other key players because of injuries.

You might lose a few season ticket holders if you don't fire the coach. But I think Brewster will start consistently winning next year.

Go Gophers!!

Sid are you kidding me? Seriously, I would think a man with dozens of years of journalism experience would have a little more integrity. Your job is not to make friends with the coaching staff, it is to accurately and factually report the news and allow the reader to decide what he/she thinks. This is not that.

It is inaccurate to claim the Gophers are only a few plays away from having a better record. By this thinking, I am one sexy line away from landing a supermodel girlfriend. The point is they did not complete those "four plays" or whatever to gain the victory, they lost.

And this is not a missed field goal to win a national championship, or a dropped pass to go to the rose bowl. These are bone-head mistakes against. or lapses in concentration against teams we should be dominating.

This is not reporting. This is simply saying what the coach wants people to know so he can try to spin the current situation away from losing his job!

Sid lost it long ago... While I agree that we don't have the best budget in the conference, I think having a coach that can win with what he has will do a lot more for getting talent than sending them more flyers in the mail. The U of MN has what it takes to be a DECENT football program. We're never going to be Nebraska, Mich, PennState, OSU, but if we can just get a string of a few winning seasons our facilities and some continuity with a COMPETENT coach will be enough to keep us coming and hoping.

Like it was said in the attendance thread, our stadium and environment should be enough to fill the stadium on its own so long as its the football doesn't DIMINISH the experience. All i want is to be competitive and in the fold at this point

Sid, how can we win next year with the Great Weber graduated? Sid, watch Oregon play a game. Then watch the Gophers. Then tell me how great Brew is.

who is worse at their job Sid or Brewster? Both are jokes in 2010 and have ZERO credibility with fans who live on this planet.

Senile Sid.. HAHAHA!! Golden 'report', that's for sure!

I will say this, though.. At least he covers the OTHER end of the spectrum (as opposed to Ruesse and Souhan). As long as those two clowns are still 'reporters', than I'm all for keeping Sid around.

I hate to side with Sid, but I am. Until the people with power sit down and create a long term plan and commitment for building a competitive program, then firing Brewster and bringing in the next guy will be no different than the woman on her 5th marriage to alcoholics without a job and a gambling problems thinking the 6th will be better. The issues are bigger than that.

Unless the commitment to winning is made from the highest levels the U should keep Brewster because he's cheap. TCF is great, but we need a lot more than that. The Mason Era is as good as we'll get with the present mentality of those above the coaching staff.

It is for comments like this that I read this message board. I agree whole-heartedly with your point about a change in the long term plan and commitment for building a competitive program. A knee jerk reaction will not do that.

There is a need for a wholesale change; starting at the top. Someone posted last week that we need a commitment on revenue producing sports: Football, Hockey and Basketball. That is spot on. This may be the time that we can usher in that change.

If it were up to me, I'd fire Brewster and hire an interim coach. I would explain to what's left of the Gopher Nation that with changes like this, patience is needed. During this interim period, the powers that be would be mapping out a plan and starting to get the plan in motion. There will be some very good coaches (and staffs) available at the end of the year. That's when the time to hire a marque coach would take place.

The growing apathy for the program right now is troubling. I won't be too hard on Sid for being the ultimate homer. Every program needs someone in the media that is the equivalent of a "Baghdad Bob".

Bring on the interim coach!

I hate to side with Sid, but I am. Until the people with power sit down and create a long term plan and commitment for building a competitive program, then firing Brewster and bringing in the next guy will be no different than the woman on her 5th marriage to alcoholics without a job and a gambling problems thinking the 6th will be better....

Do you have her number. Kool aid stole my gal.

We need to make changes with the budget, but we also need to allow some at-risk kids a chance to get in to school here. It'll create an uproar with the purists, but until we start winning we've gotta take some chances and spend some money.

We need:
A) Power personality coach with credibility.
B) AD with the guts to stand by his coach and the risks and expenses required to build a winner.
C) President who won't waffle and will stand up for the program and AD when the enlightened crowd is up in arms when the commitment is made and will say football and basketball are big priorities here.
D) Governor who attends the games and sends the message that we are all on board and the state government won't throw the administration under the bus when the Star Tribune starts reporting about the money being spent and the problem children being brought in here from out of state.

I hate to side with Sid, but I am. Until the people with power sit down and create a long term plan and commitment for building a competitive program, then firing Brewster and bringing in the next guy will be no different than the woman on her 5th marriage to alcoholics without a job and a gambling problems thinking the 6th will be better. The issues are bigger than that.

Unless the commitment to winning is made from the highest levels the U should keep Brewster because he's cheap. TCF is great, but we need a lot more than that. The Mason Era is as good as we'll get with the present mentality of those above the coaching staff.

Not only the next but the right guy is the long term plan and commitment for building and winning that your talking about. I don't care what other issues they have going on over there get the right guy in here and you will win.

Senile Sid.. HAHAHA!! Golden 'report', that's for sure!

I will say this, though.. At least he covers the OTHER end of the spectrum (as opposed to Ruesse and Souhan). As long as those two clowns are still 'reporters', than I'm all for keeping Sid around.

Ruesse and Souhan are not reporters. They're columnists. They're not paid to report news. They're paid to opine.

So we don't want to fire Brewster so we don't have to start over again. What's the worst that could happen, we go 0-12? Things are getting worse, not better with Brewster getting more and more of his people in the games, what makes anyone think things will get better if we give him more time? Recruiting is not his problem, coaching them is. Haley Hall said it best, watch teams like Oregon, Ohio State, Penn State, or Alabama play. Then watch the Gophers. Its like comparing high school to college.

So we don't want to fire Brewster so we don't have to start over again. What's the worst that could happen, we go 0-12? Things are getting worse, not better with Brewster getting more and more of his people in the games, what makes anyone think things will get better if we give him more time? Recruiting is not his problem, coaching them is. Haley Hall said it best, watch teams like Oregon, Ohio State, Penn State, or Alabama play. Then watch the Gophers. Its like comparing high school to college.

Problem is the only thing this job offers is a new stadium. We aren't going to get Belotti because we don't have Nike, Tressel couldn't come from Youngstown State and win here, we don't have Joe Pa, and Nick Saban wouldn't return our call if he wanted out of Alabama.

This job is horrible. We'll never do better than Glen Mason until we get serious about winning and doing what's necessary to do so. The first step might be taking John Anderson for a ride and showing him the Dome and Midway and telling him that the money that's been raised is going elsewhere and these two stadiums are his future.

This is not a horrible job

A head coaching job at a school in a power conference is not a horrible job. The U has started a commitment to winning by building TCF Bank Stadium. It is about coaching. Talent will follow. The Gophers lost to Nebraska 84 to 13 and the next year with Lou Holtz with basically the same players the Gophers lost in the last second to Oklahoma 13-7. Oklahoma won the national championship that year.
Gopher fans are starving for a winner and also for a coaching staff that knows what they are doing. A good coach will have the fans eating out of his hand. You could have the bank rocking and you could make Gopher football the hardest ticket in town to get.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Problem is the only thing this job offers is a new stadium. We aren't going to get Belotti because we don't have Nike, Tressel couldn't come from Youngstown State and win here, we don't have Joe Pa, and Nick Saban wouldn't return our call if he wanted out of Alabama.

This job is horrible. We'll never do better than Glen Mason until we get serious about winning and doing what's necessary to do so. The first step might be taking John Anderson for a ride and showing him the Dome and Midway and telling him that the money that's been raised is going elsewhere and these two stadiums are his future.

I really can't believe I'm reading this. Tell John Anderson that his future is the Dome, which won't be here that much longer, or Midway, which can't be remotely suggested as a serious alternative?
And after all of his fund raising efforts, and a donation from the Pohlad family earmarked for a Gopher baseball facility, Anderson should then say "no problem, take the money" because the athletic director rolled the dice on a tight ends coach who sold him a bottle of snake oil?
Are you saying that putting the Minnesota baseball program to sleep will begin to solve the issues with the football program?
As for the horrible nature of the job, there are only so many major conference opportunities, all of which pay extremely well, and just because Maturi hired a bozo with no actual head coach/ coordinator experience doesn't mean there aren't capable candidates in the profession who would
love the chance to coach in the Big Ten.
Cleaning the crappers at SA with a tooth brush is a "horrible" job. Coaching a Big Ten football program, any Big Ten football program, is not.

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