Sid comment on S. Henderson

Are you saying that it is just a game? Thanks for reminding us of something that is not always obvious to some.

But I have to admit that when I was in my 20s (and still drinking) it sure seemed to be more than just a game quite a bit of the time.

Henderson is a solid player, but he will not live up to expectations. He was a lazy player in Hugh school. The two things you can't coach to college athletes are work ethic and athleticism. He only has one of two. If he can develop the other on his own by "figuring it out" then perhaps he will live up to his billing as the number 1 player in the country. I am not even saying he won't be a pro. I am saying he won't reach near his full potential:

I say again, at the end of his senior year cretin was running more behind the other wide of the line because he wouldn't finish blocks. He was more of a problem defensively than offensively for opposing coaches.

Henderson is a solid player, but he will not live up to expectations. He was a lazy player in Hugh school. The two things you can't coach to college athletes are work ethic and athleticism. He only has one of two. If he can develop the other on his own by "figuring it out" then perhaps he will live up to his billing as the number 1 player in the country. I am not even saying he won't be a pro. I am saying he won't reach near his full potential:

I say again, at the end of his senior year cretin was running more behind the other wide of the line because he wouldn't finish blocks. He was more of a problem defensively than offensively for opposing coaches.

It is not uncommon for guys who are so much better than their competition to not always go 100%

Henderson is a solid player, but he will not live up to expectations. He was a lazy player in Hugh school. The two things you can't coach to college athletes are work ethic and athleticism. He only has one of two. If he can develop the other on his own by "figuring it out" then perhaps he will live up to his billing as the number 1 player in the country. I am not even saying he won't be a pro. I am saying he won't reach near his full potential:

I say again, at the end of his senior year cretin was running more behind the other wide of the line because he wouldn't finish blocks. He was more of a problem defensively than offensively for opposing coaches.

I know that you are pretty in touch with other programs but some of the stuff you are saying about SH is flat out wrong. He was, by far, the best offensive lineman on that Cretin team and no one on the coaching staff would have ever considered him to be lazy. He was the best player on the best team in the state. It wasn't even close.

He was a much better offensive player than a defensive player. He was good on defense because he is an athletic freak, but he wasn't their best defensive lineman (only played about 1/2 the snaps as well).

When Cretin ran the ball to the other side it was because the other teams completely stacked the side to where Seantrel was lining up. Typically, Seantrel even moved around quite a bit on the line to try to catch them not stacking up on his side (they'd bring in a 3rd T or move him to the left or right side).

Furthermore, the notion that he doesn't work hard is kind of pulled out of nowhere. He started and was one of the best freshman in the country (as a true freshman), he added 30 lbs of muscle. I think it would be pretty hard to find an article by people who are following Miami football that hasn't universally praised Henderson's ability (especially run blocking where "finishing your blocks" really comes into play), hard work, ability to learn fast.

Perhaps you are a god, but we mortals have a finite supply of goodwill. Why should we bother caring about Henderson any more than about any other non-Gopher player? I don't wish him ill, I just prefer to focus on those who want to be here. What makes Henderson so much more worthy of our goodwill than the starting center for UMC? It seems rather like obsession over the girl who married someone else.

I don't think anyone was blasting the guy for saying that he doesn't care about Seantrel Henderson. I think they were blasting him for hinting at wanting a 19 yr kid to be injured because he didn't pick the U (well, at least not the right one). That isn't blasting him for his lack of well wishes, that was a response for an almost Pantherhawkesque amount of ill will.

For me, I generally wish everyone the best unless they are absolutely putrid human beings. I am not obsessing over the girl who married someone else, I am just not hoping that she has a lifetime of misery. There is a difference. I'm not saying that you fall under the "lifetime of misery" category but the guy who hinted around injury to SH sure does.

Like all of us, I think he has to live with his decisions, including who he allows to influence him in those decisions along with whatever motivates those decisions. I had hoped he would chose the U, but he did not and the U is moving along with life. I don't wish him any ill, but honestly not even thinking about him any more.

Personally I would rather the Gophers snagged the Oregon RB who is transferring, esp. since the U is pretty well stocked with solid, committed OLmen right now that has the potential to play as a unit. They are also doing pretty well at RB, but that is not as strong as the OL.

The team I coached for two seasons ago played cretin straight up and they had more success running away from him.
Much more.

Admittedly my analysis is only my Analysis and other than the film I watched prepping the game the game we played cretin and the state title game I didn't see him play. I only saw 4/13 games he played that year (and only 2 live).

He was easily the best prospect in the state. I do not think he was easily the best player in the state. Nor did a number of coaches I talked to about it.

He was easily the best prospect in the state. I do not think he was easily the best player in the state. Nor did a number of coaches I talked to about it.

Ok, putting aside his enormous upside and just taking them for the players that they are right now (or last September), who was better than Seantrel from Minnesota? What other player from MN could have started 9 out of 12 games a true freshman and been a freshman All American? Tarpley? Gjere? L. Edwards? B. Allen?

My point is that his production last year (not his hype or upside or how well he projects), how he actually played on the field was about as impressive as you could expect and more impressive (by a wide margain) any other player from MN.

So he either found a work ethic and began living up to his potential when he got to Miami (in August) or he really was that good his SR year in HS.

What do you think of the backup QB for Northland Community College? I hope he does well, since we're all about having equal goodwill for everyone.

I personally will not be cheering for Henderson, not because he didn't go to MN, but because he plays for Miami and I can't stand Miami.

Ok, putting aside his enormous upside and just taking them for the players that they are right now (or last September), who was better than Seantrel from Minnesota? What other player from MN could have started 9 out of 12 games a true freshman and been a freshman All American? Tarpley? Gjere? L. Edwards? B. Allen?

My point is that his production last year (not his hype or upside or how well he projects), how he actually played on the field was about as impressive as you could expect and more impressive (by a wide margain) any other player from MN.

So he either found a work ethic and began living up to his potential when he got to Miami (in August) or he really was that good his SR year in HS.
He always was a good player. In the one Miami game
I did watch last year he finished his run blocks better against D1 with more effort than any of his high school performances I saw. No doubt he is a better college player. There were a number or high school players in Minnesota i'd rather have had then him for a high school team.

For a college team there is nobody I would rather have.

He may not have played all the way up to his abilities at all times, but he was still by far the best player in the state. Teams would have to change their entire gameplan just because of Seantrel.

What do you think of the backup QB for Northland Community College? I hope he does well, since we're all about having equal goodwill for everyone.

What are you talking about? Can this concept really be this difficult to understand? People bashed a guy for hinting that he wants Seantrel to get injured. That is completely different than having equal goodwill for everyone. That is an obsessed and Pantherhawkesque reaction to a kid going to a different school.

I haven't seen one person rip someone for saying "I don't really care about Seantrel Henderson" or "The kid doesn't ever cross my mind". There is an alternative to praying for goodwill for everyone that doesn't include wishing harm on those that you don't care about.

I have absolutely no idea who he is but I don't hope he gets injured. I can honestly say that there isn't a college football player that I hope gets injured. So I take it that the fact that your goodwill is finite, you must wish terrible things to happen to this kid right? Or are you saying that there might be something inbetween wishing goodwill or terrible things?

I have absolutely no idea who he is but I don't hope he gets injured. I can honestly say that there isn't a college football player that I hope gets injured. So I take it that the fact that your goodwill is finite, you must wish terrible things to happen to this kid right? Or are you saying that there might be something inbetween wishing goodwill or terrible things?

There is probably some in between. I actively hope Seantrel Henderson never makes it to the NFL or has any other success in football.
I have nothing personal against the kid, and he may well be a be very nice young man. But there are only so many spots in the NFL, only so much success to go around in football, and every other kid out there may just as good a kid, if not better.
I don't know a lot about Henderson, but what I do know is that he was living in MN, and didn't go to school here (which is perfectly fine). But if he fulfills his potential, I'm going to have to hear for the next 5-10 years about how 'one of us' made it big, and I don't want to hear about Seantrel, nor do I consider him 'one of us.' So, like whichever poster started this little discussion, I will root for one of the thousands of other perfectly nice kids out there to make it in his place. (Though I don't root for anyone, Seantrel included, to get injured.)

Most of us wish him no ill, and don't care if we hear about him again.

What are you talking about? Can this concept really be this difficult to understand? People bashed a guy for hinting that he wants Seantrel to get injured. That is completely different than having equal goodwill for everyone. That is an obsessed and Pantherhawkesque reaction to a kid going to a different school.

Actually I added an (apparently) inappropriate clause just to clarify that I wasn't hoping for him to get injured. I can't believe one mangled sentence has led to me getting compared to Pantherhawk. What a world!

What are you talking about? Can this concept really be this difficult to understand?

I understand it perfectly well.

People bashed a guy for hinting that he wants Seantrel to get injured. That is completely different than having equal goodwill for everyone. That is an obsessed and Pantherhawkesque reaction to a kid going to a different school.

That may be true, but is of no relevance to anything I posted.

I have absolutely no idea who he is but I don't hope he gets injured. I can honestly say that there isn't a college football player that I hope gets injured. So I take it that the fact that your goodwill is finite, you must wish terrible things to happen to this kid right?

Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Or are you saying that there might be something inbetween wishing goodwill or terrible things?

I've been quite clear about that.

I've been quite clear about that.

No, you really weren't clear on it.

Someone brought up Seantrel getting hurt, and people ribbed him for that, you jumped in with your "I have a finite supply of goodwill" comment. So that is the first time you talked about the people not wanting him to get injured as having an infinite amount of goodwill for everyone.

Next, people pointed out the obvious (to everyone but you) that you don't have to have some saintly amount of goodwill for everyone to not want him to get injured. Again, you brought up some altruistic devotion to the "good will for everyone" as being the same as thinking it's lame to hint about a college kid getting inured (in your lame northland ccc joke). So, really, twice you were unclear about that.

I never said not implied anything about injuries. I wasn't addressing the comment about wishing injuries on anyone. What I was addressing is the gushing over him. He's no more worthy of notice than the backup QB for Northwestern Community College. Why should one have our goodwill but not the other?

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