Sid: at least 3 good-sized contributions have been made to get fundraising close

Most of the country was watching Baylor/MSU, Auburn/uw, or buying groceries for the night games. 6 months from nobody but diehard Gopher or Tiger fans will remember the outcome, but we will still be able to sell the fact that we were in the Citrus Bowl. I don't think it will affect fundraising, but it's even more ridiculous to think that it will affect recruiting. Anybody who says it will has an axe to grind, and just wants to be negative. No real Gopher fan uses "UMn" anyway.

The Nothing Short of Greatness website still talks about the $190MM. Has the U ever come out and admitted (besides the obvious change in plans re: renovations instead of rebuilds that they've announced) that they are scaling back or have magically cut costs by $50MM?

Is the URL available?

Most of the country was watching Baylor/MSU, Auburn/uw, or buying groceries for the night games. 6 months from nobody but diehard Gopher or Tiger fans will remember the outcome, but we will still be able to sell the fact that we were in the Citrus Bowl. I don't think it will affect fundraising, but it's even more ridiculous to think that it will affect recruiting. Anybody who says it will has an axe to grind, and just wants to be negative. No real Gopher fan uses "UMn" anyway.

I found this interesting. A research project was done regarding what factors prospective athletes use to choose a school. Here is what was listed as the top motivating factors for the athletes surveyed:

Coaching staff 94%
Amount of financial aid/scholarship offered 86.2%
Support services offered to student athletes (e.g. study hall, tutors, etc…) 89.1%
Availability of resources, athletic facilities (e.g. money, equipment, etc…) 85.1%
Opportunity to win bowl, conference or national championship 83.2%
Availability of anticipated major 84.2%
Social atmosphere of team 81.2%
Career opportunities after graduation 78.2%
Team’s competitive schedule 84.2%
Meeting team’s members 74.2%
Amount of playing time 77.3%
Overall reputation of the college/university 80.2%
Academic reputation of the college/university 71.2%
Team’s overall win/loss record 73.3%
Team’s tradition 68.3%

When I was 18 playing time, facilities to develop/enhance my skills and the opportunity to win a conference championship/compete in a playoff or bowl game were most important to me. So what was important to me 40 yrs. ago is not necessarily the case with modern day recruits. I stand corrected.

I found this interesting. A research project was done regarding what factors prospective athletes use to choose a school. Here is what was listed as the top motivating factors for the athletes surveyed:

Coaching staff 94%
Amount of financial aid/scholarship offered 86.2%
Support services offered to student athletes (e.g. study hall, tutors, etc…) 89.1%
Availability of resources, athletic facilities (e.g. money, equipment, etc…) 85.1%
Opportunity to win bowl, conference or national championship 83.2%
Availability of anticipated major 84.2%
Social atmosphere of team 81.2%
Career opportunities after graduation 78.2%
Team’s competitive schedule 84.2%
Meeting team’s members 74.2%
Amount of playing time 77.3%
Overall reputation of the college/university 80.2%
Academic reputation of the college/university 71.2%
Team’s overall win/loss record 73.3%
Team’s tradition 68.3%

When I was 18 playing time, facilities to develop/enhance my skills and the opportunity to win a conference championship/compete in a playoff or bowl game were most important to me. So what was important to me 40 yrs. ago is not necessarily the case with modern day recruits. I stand corrected.

You know, when I read that list, I don't see "weather" listed anywhere.

Seems to me that the University of Minnesota, if we truly are now going to be building a new Practice Facility, can positively address every one of those reasons listed above. From top to bottom. Minus hopefully "playing time".

I hope that one becomes harder and harder to promise players.

And things like win/loss record, well, its been steadily rising, that is positive. Chance to win bowl games/Conf and Natl Titles, well, 3 bowl games in a row, and we had a chance to win all 3, and we were within range of winning a Div Title this season. Again, the chances of these things happening are steadily rising, because of our having a good coaching staff, the #1 thing recruits look for.

I found this interesting. A research project was done regarding what factors prospective athletes use to choose a school. Here is what was listed as the top motivating factors for the athletes surveyed:

Coaching staff 94%
Amount of financial aid/scholarship offered 86.2%
Support services offered to student athletes (e.g. study hall, tutors, etc…) 89.1%
Availability of resources, athletic facilities (e.g. money, equipment, etc…) 85.1%
Opportunity to win bowl, conference or national championship 83.2%
Availability of anticipated major 84.2%
Social atmosphere of team 81.2%
Career opportunities after graduation 78.2%
Team’s competitive schedule 84.2%
Meeting team’s members 74.2%
Amount of playing time 77.3%
Overall reputation of the college/university 80.2%
Academic reputation of the college/university 71.2%
Team’s overall win/loss record 73.3%
Team’s tradition 68.3%

When I was 18 playing time, facilities to develop/enhance my skills and the opportunity to win a conference championship/compete in a playoff or bowl game were most important to me. So what was important to me 40 yrs. ago is not necessarily the case with modern day recruits. I stand corrected.

Makes me wonder if you only look at football recruits to the 5 major football conferences if the results would be different. Financial aid isn't a factor since all are full rides. I would also wonder if you focus the survey down, if NFL success comes into play.

I found this interesting. A research project was done regarding what factors prospective athletes use to choose a school. Here is what was listed as the top motivating factors for the athletes surveyed:

Coaching staff 94%
Amount of financial aid/scholarship offered 86.2%
Support services offered to student athletes (e.g. study hall, tutors, etc…) 89.1%
Availability of resources, athletic facilities (e.g. money, equipment, etc…) 85.1%
Opportunity to win bowl, conference or national championship 83.2%
Availability of anticipated major 84.2%
Social atmosphere of team 81.2%
Career opportunities after graduation 78.2%
Team’s competitive schedule 84.2%
Meeting team’s members 74.2%
Amount of playing time 77.3%
Overall reputation of the college/university 80.2%
Academic reputation of the college/university 71.2%
Team’s overall win/loss record 73.3%
Team’s tradition 68.3%

When I was 18 playing time, facilities to develop/enhance my skills and the opportunity to win a conference championship/compete in a playoff or bowl game were most important to me. So what was important to me 40 yrs. ago is not necessarily the case with modern day recruits. I stand corrected.

In another post which I'm too lazy to find, I believe other football coaches ranked Kill #3 as who they would want their son to play for. If the coaching staff is the number consideration and Kill is number 3 on this list, we should be in good shape when it comes to recruiting now and in the future.

Regarding bowl games, I don't buy the argument that winning doesn't matter and this research suggests that it is important. This probably explains in part why Kill was so down after the loss. I'm glad Kill was upset so recruits know we are serious about wanting to win.

Go Gophers!

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