SI: Why won't anyone hire Mike Leach?

Not only is he suing T Tech, he's suing ESPN. You wanna be the AD who hires the coach that's suing ESPN?

Leach and Knight have a similar problem in that they appear to believe they are the smartest people in whatever room they inhabit and need to show it. That's not a good strategy to take with other smart people.

Fixed it for you.

Leach would have been a great hire. Quit hating, its not like were exactly in the position to do that. Oh, wait I forgot we have 6 national titles from when my grandpa was a kid.

Uh, no. On so many levels. Six more than Tech.

IMO all "relations" problems fall into the big mouth category.

No. He has had issues with 'relations' that come from not attending events or showing up very late too. Big Mouth is a different category.

My big mouth category was not literal. It comprised of everything communication related. Including media, meetings, appointments, interviews, being punctual, professionalism, ect.

My big mouth category was not literal. It comprised of everything communication related. Including media, meetings, appointments, interviews, being punctual, professionalism, ect.

What about being drunk at said events or while coaching? ;)

He may have big mouth, but he won a heck of alot of football games at texas tech. He also would have sold alot of tickets and sparked the interest of the general public. But at this point, it really is moot point. I'm excited to see what coach Kill will do with team. It will be nice have a guy in charge again who can coach. Lost alot of games during Brewster's term that were
definitly winable games.

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