Shortell transferring

You losers who say he should have decomitted have zero sense about the damage decomitting does to a program.

In case it wasn't clear, I was saying that he should have decommitted for his own benefit. I said at the time that I was surprised he stuck to his commitment. As a U fan, I wouldn't have liked it, but I would've understood. Anyone could see that his playing style was and is a terrible fit for the Limegrover offense. I don't know why he couldn't see it.

Stop it already with the 'i knew Philip was better' crap.

It remains to be seen who is a better QB in the absolute sense, but in this offense, it's a no-brainer. I'm sorry if it offends you, but it's true.

Max seems like a really good kid. I hope he gets to the right place for him to best succeed. Again, a really good kid.

I think I remember talk of Foreman being brought in to be like a wildcat qb who could spell the starter for a few snaps like Lynch use to do for Harnish. Either way, I don't really want to waste a scholly on a juco qb just to back up Nelson. We're probably in trouble if it comes to that anyways, might as well let one of the young guys rip.

I wouldn't be surprised if Foreman is now a receiver (or some other position). When Gray went down and Shortell was banged up, I remember Kill talking about QB options. I think he said something to the effect that he wanted to keep the redshirt on Nelson instead of playing KJ Maye. So KJ Maye, who was a QB in high school, was higher on the depth chart than Foreman?

I wouldn't be surprised if Foreman is now a receiver (or some other position). When Gray went down and Shortell was banged up, I remember Kill talking about QB options. I think he said something to the effect that he wanted to keep the redshirt on Nelson instead of playing KJ Maye. So KJ Maye, who was a QB in high school, was higher on the depth chart than Foreman?

There is something going on with Foreman. He also was in street clothes for a lot of the year, he wasn't on the roster before school started, etc.

I wouldn't count on Foreman too much until some of this stuff clears up.

There is something going on with Foreman. He also was in street clothes for a lot of the year, he wasn't on the roster before school started, etc.

I wouldn't count on Foreman too much until some of this stuff clears up.

Jerry Kill has gone out of his way on multiple occasions to gush about the character of Liedner. So, I think he really believes in him. The troubling part is he also said this: " 6) Dave asked about redshirt QB Mitch Leidner: "Mitch is tough, physical, and athletic that has improved since high school . . . I'd take 100 like that (Leidner). He said, without elaborating, he'd find a place for Mitch, if it's not at quarterback. " from DL65's Sports Huddle writeup from this past Sunday.

That sounds to me like if Nelson is healthy then Max is #2 and Mitch is a TE or something. It's obvious to Max, Nelson was going to be the starter. But I think he also had to feel some heat from Leidner chasing him with Kill's frequent positive comments about Mitch. But, if Mitch wasn't good enough to be ahead of don't put your #2 QB at another position do you? I mean I guess you do (we have) but that means your #3 QB is mathematically more likely to play due to injury. So maybe Max was going to be #3 and Mitch the #2 was also a TE. It just seems Max didn't get the "love" from coach Kill that Nelson and Leidner do. If he had I think he'd still be here. So, how smart is Coach Kill? Is this his desired outcome? Is it the best for the team's chemistry?

AJ leaving is not good. Max leaving is not good. Somewhere in September I said Max was leaving, (so, no surprise) and it could be best for him depending where he ends up, but it was better for us if he stayed. Definitely better. Coaching IS manipulating...changing attitudes. Like many have said...Nelson will get hurt. Max would have played here....but maybe Mitch is/was #2 after/during spring football even had Max stayed? I also get and agree Max doesn't fit the offense but a coach could make some adjustments for Max's abilities too.

I'm guessing they don't recruit a JC QB. True, Foreman disappeared but they only practice 4 QB's. Gray, Nelson, Max, Mitch.
I thought Foreman had a chance watching him in practice when he first got here. (Very tiny sample however) And the new incoming freshman seems like someone they like a lot.

But, I also agree with Bob...there certainly seems to be other issues with Foreman...maybe he'll leave too?

So, what's my point? Max leaving isn't good for us!

If you look at some of the recruits who are actually considering the Gophers an extra scholarship this year should be useful.

The problem with playing freshman is that it makes them very open to transferring if things don't go as well as possible. Redshirt Max last year and we still likely end up with the same number of wins with Parish/Alipate playing plus Max would lose a year of eligibilty if he elected to transfer.

Note that we are in the same sitution with Nelson next year if things don't go well.

If you look at some of the recruits who are actually considering the Gophers an extra scholarship this year should be useful.

An extra scholarship might be nice but I would much rather have a backup QB with starting experience over a kid out of high school any day.

I really have never gotten the Dexter Foreman interest. He was a very lightly regarded high school prospect without great measurables at the qb position. I don't know that he has ever really been in the plans at the QB spot, seems like if he was he would have gotten some traction here when we were dealing with injuries and debating buring Nelson's redshirt.

This sucks i was a big max fan! He will have a nice career, he has a great arm and in a better passing system will really some success. In our system u better have more than one QB ready to play i dont like this at all.

Ak improved so much from sophomore to senior year in terms of accuracy and confidence, who knows how Max might have turned out? I wish he had been willing to stay in a subordinate role until (unless) needed. But I guess you can't blame him. I appreciate his enthusiasm every time he got in there (he almost beat USC!).

Max seems like a good guy, I wish him well. I understand that Wisconsin could use a QB.

An extra scholarship might be nice but I would much rather have a backup QB with starting experience over a kid out of high school any day.

I really have never gotten the Dexter Foreman interest. He was a very lightly regarded high school prospect without great measurables at the qb position. I don't know that he has ever really been in the plans at the QB spot, seems like if he was he would have gotten some traction here when we were dealing with injuries and debating buring Nelson's redshirt.

So you want them to deny Shortell's release? That's the only choice out there. Like I typed before I wish Max well. Seemed like a great kid and always said and did the right thing. What's wrong with him wanting to go somewhere where he might have a chance to play? He was given the chance to start and he didn't look very good. Nelson's Redshirt was used-up rightly or wrongly because both Max and Gray were hurt. Beyond that though the Coaches who saw Shortell play last year, saw him play in Spring Training, saw him play in real games this year and saw him in practice for a number of months, still didn't think he was a starting Big Ten QB.

Who knows, it's quite possible that it was discussions with Kill and his Coaches LED to Shortell's transfer. He certainly shouldn't be expected to stay and be a possible back-up for the rest of his career so we feel better having him holding a clipboard just in case he's needed.

Go and play somewhere else Max and take our thanks and best wishes with you. :)

I wish Max well, he was a square peg, trying to fit into a round hole. He needs to go to a team that runs a pro-set offense, preferably, not to an opponent. I think the perfect coach for him, would be Paul Chryst at Pitt., but I have no idea what the QB situation there is.

Good Luck, Max ("Max-a-Million" as my 10-year old and I would say when you were in the game)! It's really been fun. Hope you find success wherever you end up. We'll miss you in Gopher-land but respect your decision to do what's best for your football future. Hope to someday have the opportunity to see you play on Sunday a member of our Fantasy Football Team!

Best of luck to him.

But what are the advantages to announce that he is transferring before the bowl game? Does it gives him more of an opportunity to talk to coaches and get in to a new school for the second semester? Otherwise, he would have benefited from the extra 15 practices as much as any other athlete. His depth would have been really nice too.

If you look at some of the recruits who are actually considering the Gophers an extra scholarship this year should be useful.

Finally! Someone who sees and gets the bigger picture. These things happen all the time. It is how we got Brian Bobek.

I agree that we are going to be a little short at QB and that could be a problem. But we should look at this as if we "traded" Shortell for a player to be named later. Hopefully it will be a good one.

Has there ever been a player get hyped so quick and have everyone jump off their bandwagon as quick as the him? He went from our savior to benched so quick it made my head spin.

We should give his scholarship to our top walk-on. Maybe someone who is contributing a lot as a starter, preferably on offense.

Cue former player parent innuendos.

I assume you are referring to me? Innuendos? No need, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure where this was headed. All that was required to see where this was headed was the removal of rose colored glasses.

Phil Miller blog: Shortell confident he'll find better fit for his skills after amicable departure

Go Gophers!!

Yep, a very classy family those Shortells, and Good Luck and Godspeed to them!

Wherever Shortell ends up, his father wanted one point to be made very clear. Max Shortell threw three of the passes that A.J. Barker carried into the end zone this season, but that connection didn't extend to their departures from Minnesota.
"I just want people to know, Max absolutely loved it there. The city, the university, the people there, his teammates, his coaches -- he had a great experience," Shortell said. "Our whole family loved it up there. We got to know some of the other parents, too. ... We're sad about the decision, but we're going to support whatever Max wants to do."
Barker also announced his intention to transfer recently, but ignited a controversy over Kill's coaching methods by writing a 4,000-word blog post that lambasted the coach for yelling at him in front of his teammates, among other things.
The Shortells' opinions are different, Tom Shortell said.
"Coach (Jerry) Kill is a great guy, and he was always very supportive of Max," Shortell said. '"He tried to talk Max out of transferring. I know Max really wishes it had worked out there."

Yep, a very classy family those Shortells, and Good Luck and Godspeed to them!

Wherever Shortell ends up, his father wanted one point to be made very clear. Max Shortell threw three of the passes that A.J. Barker carried into the end zone this season, but that connection didn't extend to their departures from Minnesota.
"I just want people to know, Max absolutely loved it there. The city, the university, the people there, his teammates, his coaches -- he had a great experience," Shortell said. "Our whole family loved it up there. We got to know some of the other parents, too. ... We're sad about the decision, but we're going to support whatever Max wants to do."
Barker also announced his intention to transfer recently, but ignited a controversy over Kill's coaching methods by writing a 4,000-word blog post that lambasted the coach for yelling at him in front of his teammates, among other things.
The Shortells' opinions are different, Tom Shortell said.
"Coach (Jerry) Kill is a great guy, and he was always very supportive of Max," Shortell said. '"He tried to talk Max out of transferring. I know Max really wishes it had worked out there."

+ 1.

In case it wasn't clear, I was saying that he should have decommitted for his own benefit. I said at the time that I was surprised he stuck to his commitment. As a U fan, I wouldn't have liked it, but I would've understood. Anyone could see that his playing style was and is a terrible fit for the Limegrover offense. I don't know why he couldn't see it.

It remains to be seen who is a better QB in the absolute sense, but in this offense, it's a no-brainer. I'm sorry if it offends you, but it's true.

I'm sure he didn't decommitt because he was told he would play, which he did. However, he should have recognized that if a coach was willing to leap frog him over kids already on the roster (Parrish) without actually earning it....the same thing might happen to him.

The moral of the story? If a chick leaves her husband for you, don't marry her...she has a track record.

I'm sure he didn't decommitt because he was told he would play, which he did. However, he should have recognized that if a coach was willing to leap frog him over kids already on the roster (Parrish) without actually earning it....the same thing might happen to him.

The moral of the story? If a chick leaves her husband for you, don't marry her...she has a track record.

What is the deal with your fixation on Tom Parish? You have mentioned on many threads, many different times about how he was the best QB and did not get a fair shake. Is this based on practice observations from your son, your observations, a combo of both?

My thought is if Parish was so good, he would have laneded somewhere and would be playing. A quick google search of "Tom Parish Transfer" and "Tom Parish Football" give no information on where he ended up.

Shortell was a really popular teamate and well-liked guy. I'm sure it was hard for him to leave all of his friends behind.

Best of luck to him, and thanks for the last two years.

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