Look, I love the Gophers! and I love coach Kill! I emailed Maturi after he finally fired Brewster and said Hoke #1 and when it was clear they couldn't get Hoke, I emailed and pushed for Kill. I am so excited about Gopher football and coach Kill! My point is that New Mexico State is one of the worst teams in college football. I can only surmise the huge letdown because of the huge focus and effort geared toward USC for so long, and I was at that game and the Gophs did awesome! I disagreed with Kill leaving Gray in there after the 2nd pick. Scoring 19 points a game (average for first 2 games) will not beat anyone in college football. Gray can still play QB, but give Shortell his chance. Like I said, maybe it will help Gray. I believe and trust in Kill and love him, but I also enjoy having an opinion and that is what this board is for. I don't think the rest of the team is that bad! The most important player on a football team is the QB! Those of you ripping Shortell on here have no basis. What did he have, 3 series? And two of them ended through no fault of his own. He should have had his shot in this game. He should have came in after Gray's second pick and shouldn't have came out unless he had 3 three and outs because of his own fault. I was amazed watching NMSU put 9 guys within 10 yards of the ball and us never throwing it more than 10 to 15 yards. Give Shortell as much of a chance as Gray has had and then let's judge. If he gets as much of an opportunity as Gray and is worse than fine. But all of you posting on here can't say what you are saying when the playing time has been what it is. Shortell has done much more in the time he has had than Gray has with his time. I like Gray, got nothin' against him, but I'm a competitor and want to win. I don't care if it's a true freshman or whatever. You play who gives you the best chance to win, and Gray just lost to NMSU. I don't care what anyone says about the team and it's a team and what about the rest of the team bla bla bla. 21 pts against NMSU. 2 critical picks. Your QB is your leader and you're going nowhere without one. Ya got nothin to lose starting Shortell. Let's have a competition. If it doesn't light a fire under Gray then he wasn't the guy anyway. I'm sick of watching Gray's indecisiveness back there. He better step up. No one on here should accept losing to New Mexico State for God sake! There is not one excuse for that, NOT ONE!!!
Statistically, The Gray vs Shortell's QB experience (non wildcat) is about the same as Gray having 5 powerball (lottery) tickets and Shortell having 1.