Shooter: Season schedule "should easily allow first-year coach PJ Fleck a 5-0 start"


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Nov 11, 2008
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I'm worried about that Oregon State road trip, and with new coaches, mystery QB.... I duno.

Shooter shows his ignorance again- if all 10 kids aren't back we'll be lucky to be 3-2

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Shooter shows his ignorance again- if all 10 kids aren't back we'll be lucky to be 3-2

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PJ keeps mentioning "elite", so 5-0 shouldn't be a problem. You can't get people all pumped and then think they won't have high expectations.

Shooter shows his ignorance again- if all 10 kids aren't back we'll be lucky to be 3-2

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Agree. I'd hope for 4-1.
If TC was the coach next year I'd expect a 4-1 or 3-2 start.

Claeys took a short handed team to SD and outfoxed an offensive wizard. If Fleck is everything Claeys was not, he should easily whip the OOC and the bottom teams in the conference. This is not a rebuild.

Predictions for next season are ridiculous until we know who will actually be able to play on next year's team.

I don't think 5 and 0 is outlandish. We are excellent in all areas except defensive backs. They must have a plan to address the limited numbers? Shore that up and we are largely the same team with new coaches and some new elite additions.
I agree, there is no need it has to be a rebuild. If the 10 guys can't play, we'll find 10's not high school. A good number of them were freshman. And, If they are eligible there isn't any roster worries whatsoever.

I don't think 5 and 0 is outlandish. We are excellent in all areas except defensive backs. They must have a plan to address the limited numbers? Shore that up and we are largely the same team with new coaches and some new elite additions.
I agree, there is no need it has to be a rebuild. If the 10 guys can't play, we'll find 10's not high school. A good number of them were freshman. And, If they are eligible there isn't any roster worries whatsoever.

The plan as I see it is to hope no one notices that we won't have enough DBs to play a dime package.

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Shooter shows his ignorance again- if all 10 kids aren't back we'll be lucky to be 3-2

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Give me a break. Plenty of talent on this team. 5-0 and 8 regular season wins is very achievable.

Give me a break. Plenty of talent on this team. 5-0 and 8 regular season wins is very achievable.

Really? You're that confident? Who's your QB? Who are your DBs? Who's replacing your 2 best OL?

Oregon State will be much better. Maryland will likely be better. 5-0 is achievable but less likely than you surmise.

Predictions for next season are ridiculous until we know who will actually be able to play on next year's team.

You can't be serious. Funny how conservative the Hire PJ folks got once he was on board. All kinds of talent on this team. Benefit if they get any suspended players back, but there are 8 wins to be had. Better coach, better players, better facilities.

Btw - I am not and was not a Hire PJ guy. Wish TC was still here.

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Really? You're that confident? Who's your QB? Who are your DBs? Who's replacing your 2 best OL?

Oregon State will be much better. Maryland will likely be better. 5-0 is achievable but less likely than you surmise.

Every team loses players and players step up. Nebraska's starting QB is horrible. Iowa lost virtually all its skill players on offense. There are players like Coughlin, Cashman, Devers, Elmore, Smith, Brooks, Celestin, Johnson etc..., waiting to step up and show what they got. 5-0 should be expected with PJ. No question.

You can't be serious. Funny how conservative the Hire PJ folks got once he was on board. All kinds of talent on this team. Benefit if they get any suspended players back, but there are 8 wins to be had. Better coach, better players, better facilities.

You consistently can't see the forest through the trees so I'm not surprised you keep going this route. The Gophers have talent at 2 positions. LB and RB. They also have solid starters on the DL, but little depth. Everything else is a big question mark.

You consistently can't see the forest through the trees so I'm not surprised you keep going this route. The Gophers have talent at 2 positions. LB and RB. They also have sold starters on the DL, but little depth. Everything else is a big question mark.

It's not me, it's you. nice try at the dig, but severely off the mark. You look pretty foolish tamping down the expectations. Frankly, it is borderline comical.

This team has good talent waiting to have the opportunity to shine. PJ is a perceived better HC, so I expect the success to be sustained and then "grow higher" as he says. You may be surprised when they start 5-0 and win 8 in the regular season, but many others, including me, will not be.

It's not me, it's you. nice try at the dig, but severely off the mark. You look pretty foolish tamping down the expectations. Frankly, it is borderline comical.

This team has good talent waiting to have the opportunity to shine. PJ is a perceived better HC, so I expect the success to be sustained and then "grow higher" as he says. You may be surprised when they start 5-0 and win 8 in the regular season, but many others, including me, will not be.
Off the mark? 90% of what you post has been proven wrong. There might be talent at other positions, but it's very young talent. Unless you're Ohio State or Michigan, starting a bunch of freshman and sophomores doesn't usually bode well during the B1G season.

Off the mark? 90% of what you post has been proven wrong. There might be talent at other positions, but it's very young talent. Unless you're Ohio State or Michigan, starting a bunch of freshman and sophomores doesn't usually bode well during the B1G season.

Yep. Completely off the mark. Coming from you, this means...not so much. Argued on one thread that the players weren't actually suspended and expelled, then the opposite on another thread. Nuff said.

You've proven to be very thin skinned and pretty clueless, so, like I said to you before...go make love to yourself.

Yep. Completely off the mark. Coming from you, this means...not so much. Argued on one thread that the players weren't actually suspended and expelled, then the opposite on another thread. Nuff said.

You've proven to be very thin skinned and pretty clueless, so, like I said to you before...go make love to yourself.

Except the reality it was both. I'm not surprised you missed that. I'm not thin skinned at all. I just live in reality. Hey keep thinking the BoR are going to save Claeys jobs and Kaler and Coyle are going to get fired...but I'm the clueless one....

Funny how Mitch was the worst QB in Gopher history, but the QB position is a major concern. How could it be any worse ?

Except the reality it was both. I'm not surprised you missed that. I'm not thin skinned at all. I just live in reality. Hey keep thinking the BoR are going to save Clayes jobs and Kaler and Coyle are going to get fired...but I'm the clueless one....

Predictable deflection and pivot away from you. Sigh.

It's sadly hilarious and so predicable from you, and actually reaffirms your thin skin. Grasping at straws. Classic. You don't fool anyone. Knock yourself out.

Funny how Mitch was the worst QB in Gopher history, but the QB position is a major concern. How could it be any worse ?

Because the QB's on roster couldn't beat him out.

Predictable deflection and pivot away from you. Sigh.

It's sadly hilarious and so predicable from you, and actually reaffirms your thin skin. Grasping at straws. Classic. You don't fool anyone. Knock yourself out.

Pivot away from what? I just called you out on one of your many ridiculous statements that was wrong and of course you have no response. You think this Gopher's roster is loaded with talent. Outside of 2 positions, it's not.

Go cheer for Claeys at his next head coaching job, the one he'll never get.

Agree. I'd hope for 4-1.
If TC was the coach next year I'd expect a 4-1 or 3-2 start.

I don't agree with that. Did you expect TC and the kids to beat WSU in the bowl game with all the chaos, disruption and looming disaster and pending firing of TC & the STAFFERS? Well, the better team won in San Diego. The better COACHED team won in San Diego. The kids knew they were most likely playing for the last time for TC & the STAFFERS. Now THAT is what shows me that IF Fleck coaches to the STRENGTHS of the players he has returning, with that schedule there is NOT a single reason on earth that the Gopher Football Team can not start the season 5-0.

Quite frankly, I believe that the Gopher may have equally as easy/or/difficult schedule in 2017 as they did in 2016. How many of you saw the PSU game @ PSU as an easy game? Probably entirely too many, I would guess. Well, that PSU team was EXPLOSIVE and GOOD and they won the Big Ten Championship. THAT was one of the toughest games the GOPHER could have possibly drawn last year. At the same time, MSU was HORRIBLE. What a terrible time NOT to have MSU on the schedule.

Nebraska @ Lincoln is NEVER an easy game. wisky @ Madison is NEVER an easy game.

One never knows from season to season who the toughest teams in the conference will be. It is easy to assume tOSU & Michigan...but...neither of those teams were in the Big Ten Championship game.

I would have to say that IF Fleck is good at identifying the STRENGTH of his new team, this GOPHER team could easily duplicate last seasons 9-4 record with a bowl win. The 2017 schedule is just NOT that difficult a schedule...looking at it today. We will have to revisit the schedule as the games are played. Minnesota could very well have the HOT HAND in 2017...assuming Fleck can coach to the strength of the team and just forget about having a practice season or two until he gets all his "own" guys.

I really do not understand how the flocks of fleck followers who are so excited about him can be so certain that it will be a "tough" first season for our poor, under-manned, under-coaching-staffed returning 9-4 team? Every coach will face some adversity...but...COACH to the STRENGTH of the team high priced coach with the high priced coaching staff.

SHOW the people of Minnesota that you have got what it takes Coach Fleck!

ps I think it is entirely possible that TC & the STAFFERS, IF they were returning could have matched or beaten their record from 2016. I have NO reason to think otherwise.

I like Shooter but he knows very little college football.
New offense, new defense, new QB, new coaches....

I think Fleck will be successful but you can't overstate how difficult coaching transitions are in college.

I could see 2-5 wins to start but 3-4 realistically.

Too many people have hated the team's qb for the last 10 years. Rhoda will do fine with the running game the GOPHER has. Look at all the young players who contributed and kept gaining confidence and experience as the year wore down and by that 13th game...the defense looked the best it has looked all year even with all 10 players gone and all the chaos of the events of those days.

Why are you so afraid for our new 3 1/2 million dollar a season coach? And LOOK at all the money he has had to put a staff together. I suppose he could have hired TC's STAFFERS and given them all pay raises...but he didn't. IF Coach Fleck will identify the STRENGTH that returns and game plan accordingly and coach up some players in Spring Ball and then again in the Fall, I can see NO reason for a fall off in wins and losses.

And ALL of flecker's new flocks of crazed and pumped up "boat rowers" will certainly create a much more "elite" home field advantage...right?

There you have it... I don't remember the last time...but I agree with the walrus this time.

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