Shooter: Prominent ex-Gopher not renewing tickets, withdrawing sizeable contribution

Exactly why couldn't we poach a guy after 1 month? Exactly why does hiring a search committee and asking Beth to throw her hat in the ring make it look good? This theory is silly.

And if you're Syracuse, wouldn't you almost rather he left after one month than one year?

And if you're Syracuse, wouldn't you almost rather he left after one month than one year?
Perhaps, if your Syracuse, if you're Coyle, you just might be reluctant to go back on your word. I suspect that he wouldn't have responded to an approach last year. I also suspect that the culture shock that comes with moving to the Northeast, along with issues at Syracuse, put him into a much more receptive frame of mind. Kahler has Gopher roots, but came to us from out East as well, he's well versed in the cultural differences.

This is his bit, just put him on your ignore list.

And what "bit" would that be, exactly?

I don't blame you for putting me on your ignore list. Most people don't like being informed that they're wrong.

If John Doe tells me how much he loves his Lexus and I go buy one because he encourages me to, is John Doe a car salesman?

So, you do realize the U has publicly stated that Nanne is the public figure for the facilities fundraising, and has him speak on behalf of the University at a variety of University sponsored events, right? Because if you did know this, you would realize your comment holds no water and makes you look like you have no clue what is going on in the fundraising for the facilities.

If John Doe tells me how much he loves his Lexus and I go buy one because he encourages me to, is John Doe a car salesman?

If Lexus was paying John Doe to tell you how much he loved that Lexus, then that is exactly what he is. BOX.

I can only work with what you wrote. You want a different answer, ask a different question. Also, athletics fundraising isn't its own thing; it's wrapped up in the general University fundraising enterprise and there are many development officers working across many different areas who fundraise for athletics among other things.

What is this entity, then? The "ways to give" tab seems sports-specific, and are listed below. You are saying there isn't a running total that can be viewed regarding donations specifically to athletics via the Golden Gopher Fund vs gifts to say, the engineering school?

General Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Seating
Capital Projects
Gopher Grown
Planned Giving
How To Give

Nanne is basically a mascot for athletics village fundraising. To give him credit for any appreciable amount of the funds raised is laughably absurd.

Lou Nanne Q&A: There's no reason U of M can't compete

University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler and athletic director Norwood Teague approached the state’s unofficial Mr. Hockey and school alum Lou Nanne late last year about becoming involved in the $190 million athletic facilities fundraising campaign.

“I said, ‘Definitely. I’d certainly love to be on your committee,’ ” Nanne responded. Kaler and Teague told him they had bigger plans, asking Nanne to chair the campaign.

And so Nanne, at age 72, has taken on a role that he hopes will end the futility, especially in football, where the program’s last appearance in a major bowl was in 1962, by far the longest such drought of any Big Ten member. Nanne’s voice resonates with passion, leaving little doubt he’s the right man for the job because, well, he’s “a Gemini … with a lot of restless energy.”

He already has helped put in place an executive committee numbering 12 people, with room for two more, and a leadership group of 45. Nanne discussed his role in a wide-ranging interview last week at his downtown office — oh yes, he has a full-time job as Senior Managing Director for the global management asset arm of the Royal Bank of Canada.

Q: Pretend I’m a potential donor. Tell me why this project is important and why I should contribute.

Nanne: I think that everybody has looked at the University of Minnesota and just considered the people that donate to the University of Minnesota are alumni and the university is only involved with the alumni. Realistically speaking, the University of Minnesota is the engine that drives the state. … The University of Minnesota is the only research institution we have in the whole state, and we have to start looking at it as the jewel of the state — not just for the alumni.

Q: So you’re not just focused on the usual suspects, the alumni? You’re trying to expand the base of donors?

Nanne: I don’t care if you went to Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Robert Morris, North Dakota State, whatever it is. If you’re living in the state of Minnesota, you’re benefiting from the University of Minnesota in some way … [Athletics] creates emotions, and it touches a lot of people. So you have all the different athletic things that we have here, sports that we have here, that makes it a better place for students to come. If you have better students, then you have better faculty, you get better educated people, you get better output from the total university and it makes the whole state benefit from it.

Q: Are you optimistic of finding a major donor?

Nanne: I am, but I wish you wouldn’t say major donor. We’re looking for $190 million, however we get it, not because of a major donor or donors. We don’t need a couple of top [donors] to be successful, but obviously it would make it easier.

Q: Do you have specific events planned to raise money?

Nanne: You don’t get to $190 million by just fundraising events. You get to $190 million by people and corporations deciding, ‘I want to make this thing better for the state of Minnesota.’

Q: What’s your basic mode of raising money?

Nanne: You see these things I have on? They’re called shoes, and it’s a lot of walking and talking.

Nanne is basically a mascot for athletics village fundraising. To give him credit for any appreciable amount of the funds raised is laughably absurd.

The Nanne State

Along with his day job at RBC, he’s been the point person the past two years for the University of Minnesota’s ambitious $190 million Athletic Facilities Fundraising Campaign, his innate charm and amiability even more important since the disgraceful exit of U of M Athletic Director Norwood Teague last fall.

“He brings humor, history, storytelling, passion, business smarts,” says Associate Athletic Director Randy Handel, who oversees the campaign for the school. “We’re blessed to have him.”

Nanne is, by all accounts, a cutthroat competitor. After graduating from the U with a degree in business administration and shunning a contract offer from the Chicago Blackhawks, he signed on as a salesman for Harvey Mackay’s envelope manufacturing company.

“I knew right away he was a potential superstar, and he proved it in spades,” Mackay raves. “There are three qualities you look for in a salesperson — a hungry fighter, a hungry fighter and a hungry fighter. The way he views a competitor, he not only wants to run him over, he’ll put it in reverse to make sure he’s dead.”

“The competition is the same for me in business as it was in hockey,” Nanne says, almost sheepishly. “It is like I once told a consultant, ‘I just loved to play hockey. I’d still like to play hockey — all I would like to do is play hockey. But I’m too old. I can’t play hockey. So this is my game. Now it doesn’t matter if I get $5 million or $500 million from you, I just gotta win. That is just my nature. The money is irrelevant.’”


The donors are influenced by the upwards of 200 professional development staff whose entire job is to fundraise for the University of Minnesota. That includes Teague, Goetz, and now Coyle among many others (many, many more outside of the athletic department than in it). Kill was very minimally involved, and Nanne basically not at all. I'm not sure why people eat up the media narrative.

I'm not sure why this is difficult to understand. I enjoy Nanne's excitement when he talks about what the University means to him. But the nuts and bolts dedication required to identify and secure donors and donations lies elsewhere.

I'm not sure why this is difficult to understand. I enjoy Nanne's excitement when he talks about what the University means to him. But the nuts and bolts dedication required to identify and secure donors and donations lies elsewhere.

There is no doubt that the 200 professional development people are critical to raising funds for the new project. But they are not the deal closers on big dollar donations for the new athletics facilities or anything else. People with large amounts of money to donate want lots of personal contact with the movers and shakers at the U, and that includes Nanne on this project.

There is no doubt that 200 professional development people are critical to raising funds for the new project. But they are not the deal closers on big dollar donations for the new athletics facilities or anything else

You got it. Nannie is the perfect pitch man for the athletic project.

But they are not the deal closers on big dollar donations for the new athletics facilities or anything else.

Yes, they absolutely are. Please stop talking about things you clearly know nothing about.

People with large amounts of money to donate want lots of personal contact with the movers and shakers at the U, and that includes Nanne on this project.

Who do you suppose facilitates those types of interactions?

I'm not sure why this is difficult to understand. I enjoy Nanne's excitement when he talks about what the University means to him. But the nuts and bolts dedication required to identify and secure donors and donations lies elsewhere.


I'm not sure why this is difficult to understand. I enjoy Nanne's excitement when he talks about what the University means to him. But the nuts and bolts dedication required to identify and secure donors and donations lies elsewhere.

Originally Posted by dpodoll68


There is no doubt that the 200 professional development people are critical to raising funds for the new project. But they are not the deal closers on big dollar donations for the new athletics facilities or anything else. People with large amounts of money to donate want lots of personal contact with the movers and shakers at the U, and that includes Nanne on this project.

You still haven't really answered my question. The Golden Gopher Fund appears to have a 14 person full-time staff? I assume there are various volunteers.

You have no access to GGF numbers by year and a comparison to our Big Ten rivals?

So naive.

Everyone in their right mind knows that Nanne is a key fundraiser for the U, even though he is a volunteer. He speaks on behalf of the U more than anyone I have heard when it comes specifically to the Athletes Village. Everyone can see that, except DPo. Which tells me one thing. DPo works for the U in fundraising and feels threatened by Nanne. Or Nanne didn't give him the respect he clearly thinks he deserves. Either way, Nanne is the face of the fundraising campaign for the Athletes Village

You still haven't really answered my question. The Golden Gopher Fund appears to have a 14 person full-time staff? I assume there are various volunteers.

You have no access to GGF numbers by year and a comparison to our Big Ten rivals?

Yes, the Golden Gopher Fund is the fundraising arm of the Athletic Department. Yes, they have development officers who fundraise for athletics (as well as other areas to a lesser extent). Other development officers outside of athletics also fundraise for athletics as well, often at greater levels than the officers within GGF. No, they don't breakout athletics fundraising as a separate line item and report it in any meaningful way.

There is no doubt that the 200 professional development people are critical to raising funds for the new project. But they are not the deal closers on big dollar donations for the new athletics facilities or anything else. People with large amounts of money to donate want lots of personal contact with the movers and shakers at the U, and that includes Nanne on this project.

You can repeat it as many times as you want, but you'll still be wrong.

Everyone in their right mind knows that Nanne is a key fundraiser for the U

No. He's not a fundraiser period, let alone "key".

even though he is a volunteer

Yes. I wouldn't say "even" - volunteers are very important. That doesn't mean that they are fundraisers.

He speaks on behalf of the U more than anyone I have heard when it comes specifically to the Athletes Village.

Duh. Of course he does. He's the public face of the project as the head of the volunteer committee. That doesn't mean that he's a fundraiser.

Everyone can see that, except DPo.


Which tells me one thing. DPo works for the U in fundraising and feels threatened by Nanne.

Nope. Lou Nanne is a great ambassador for the U of M and has been and continues to be a very generous donor with both his time and treasure. None of that makes him a fundraiser. I am in no way threatened by him whatsoever.

or Nanne didn't give him the respect he clearly thinks he deserves

Nope. I've never met Lou Nanne and probably never will. He has no idea who I am, nor would he need to or care to know. I frankly couldn't care less what he thinks of me. None of those things make him a fundraiser.

Either way, Nanne is the face of the fundraising campaign for the Athletes Village

You finally got something right! Nonetheless, being the face of the campaign doesn't make him a fundraiser. Michael Jordan is/was the face of Nike, but that doesn't/didn't make him a Nike sales executive.

Good Talk.

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Nanne is basically a mascot for athletics village fundraising. To give him credit for any appreciable amount of the funds raised is laughably absurd.

Alum [Lou Nanne] to raise funds for athletics complex

Lou Nanne will lead the Athletic Facilities Fundraising Campaign with hopes of raising the $190 million necessary to fund a multi-sport campus athletics complex, the University of Minnesota announced Monday.

Nanne, 72, said he’s grateful for the chance to give back to the University that provided him with “an enormous opportunity” as a student-athlete in the 1960s. “I’m honored to do it,” he said. “It’s a heck of a challenge, [but] I’m hopeful we can be successful. I know it’s a long, arduous process and it’s always a tough thing to do, but it’s long overdue.”

Nanne said individual donors will be a big focus, but he hopes to reach out to corporations and foundations as well.“I think everybody has an interest in the [University] if they’re located in the boundaries of the state,” he said. “We have to reach out to all these different avenues to reach our goal.”

Former athletics director Joel Maturi agreed and said Nanne is a “perfect choice” to lead the fundraising efforts. “He knows the doors that need to be opened, but most importantly, he has the ability to give the message,” Maturi said. “He can do it with passion and understanding, and because of him, it’s an exciting beginning to this significant campaign.”

Nanne is basically a mascot for athletics village fundraising. To give him credit for any appreciable amount of the funds raised is laughably absurd.

U of M gets big Land O Lakes gift

The University of Minnesota welcomed one of the largest corporate donations in its history on Wednesday. Land O Lakes promised $25 million dollars over 10 years to the school.

The $21 million of the $25 million dollar gift is to go to the U's athletic projects, especially a new $15 million Center for Excellence aimed at improving academic efforts by all athletes. The Center will be open to all students at the University as well. It is to be finished in 2016 in the area of the present Bierman Hall on the campus.

"Even though we are announcing 25 million, we are not just at 25 million," said Lou Nanne, Chair of the Leadership Council and the fundraising effort. "We have many more commitments than that, but it is the centerpiece. The corporations are the thing that can really drive this whole program because they take large chunks and we are trying to find things to do back for them."

So, if a salesman for a company lands a big contract, but hands everything off to their associate to execute the contract, they are not a salesman? I would really like to see DPo's definition of a fundraiser

Yeah I'm stumped. The first year gal manning the telethon is a fundraiser. Nanne, Kill, successful sports programs are not a factor in fundraising. Got it.

And, I don't believe you regarding the Golden Gopher Fund. It's absurd that a team of 14 has no metrics to gauge their success, and I'm sure you're well aware of that. More likely you don't want to cede the point that successful sports programs and popular coaches and alumni spike donations. Do successful programs have higher athletics donations than struggling programs, despite a development team's best efforts?

It sounds to me like Nanne himself is confused on his role. Maybe DPO can send him an email explaining?

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