Shooter: Prominent ex-Gopher not renewing tickets, withdrawing sizeable contribution

Holy cow, what a joke! A person unwilling to make a spend of $5,000 total for 2-4 football tickets or multiple sports is not newsworthy at all. I read it at first as $5,000 per seat football tickets and figured it was an upper-mid-range ticket holder... and it still wouldn't be newsworthy unless the person was a long-time fan. A family of four going to 3-4 sports per year could easily spend that much for moderate seats.

I'm sure the bigger news is the undisclosed donation this person supposedly gives.

Seats in "Zone 1" would get you close to $5,000 for a four pack of seats ($4,520)
"Outdoor Club" would cost $7,240 for 4
"Zone 3" would be $2,520 for football and paired with one of the winter sports at a comparable seating level would be over $5k ($5,480 w/ BBall, $5,720 w/ Hockey)

Sakal? Carter? Per Shooter:

One prominent ex-Gopher is not renewing his football season tickets, for which he has paid $5,000 annually, as well as withdrawing a sizeable annual contribution to the program because he feels there hasn’t been a positive change in the athletics department’s culture, policies and personnel.

Go Gophers!!

Is this STH an attention wh@re?

I think there is usually room in most disagreements to try and imagine the other person's viewpoint. We know Coyle is a very qualified AD without any obvious red flags. He has a short track record as the #1. What we don't know is if he will be the transformational change agent some were hoping for and that's probably where the sour grapes come in. Personally I choose to be positive about Coyle because he's obviously learned how to say and do the right things and he obviously loves the upper Midwest.

Define "short". He's been an AD for closing in on 5 years.

I'd consider that relatively short as a #1. I believe he was at Boise during the Big East engagement and lawsuit so he should be well-versed in media rights. Just pointing out he doesn't have a very long record we can look at. There's also no reason to think he'll fail or have poor judgement or poor negotiating skills.

By the way, you never answered our queries about who is influencing the donors? Nanne, Kill etc.

By the way, you never answered our queries about who is influencing the donors? Nanne, Kill etc.

I never saw any query to me of that nature. The donors are influenced by the upwards of 200 professional development staff whose entire job is to fundraise for the University of Minnesota. That includes Teague, Goetz, and now Coyle among many others (many, many more outside of the athletic department than in it). Kill was very minimally involved, and Nanne basically not at all. I'm not sure why people eat up the media narrative, but they shouldn't attempt to post authoritatively when it is clear that they have no idea what they're talking about.

I never saw any query to me of that nature. The donors are influenced by the upwards of 200 professional development staff whose entire job is to fundraise for the University of Minnesota. That includes Teague, Goetz, and now Coyle among many others (many, many more outside of the athletic department than in it). Kill was very minimally involved, and Nanne basically not at all. I'm not sure why people eat up the media narrative, but they shouldn't attempt to post authoritatively when it is clear that they have no idea what they're talking about.

Several month ago I heard Nanne give Dan Barreiro an outline of the pitch he uses whenever he speaks to alumni groups and potential donors to the new athletic facilities. Among other things, he talks about the importance of the U to the economic vitality of the entire State of Minnesota. Nanne's absolute conviction about what he believes is very inspiring to say the least. Nanne was speaking to Barreiro from Naples, Florida, where he had just met with a large group of Minnesota alumni to make his pitch for donations to the new facilities.

Several month ago I heard Nanne give Dan Barreiro an outline of the pitch he uses whenever he speaks to alumni groups and potential donors to the new athletic facilities. Among other things, he talks about the importance of the U to the economic vitality of the entire State of Minnesota. Nanne's absolute conviction about what he believes is very inspiring to say the least. Nanne was speaking to Barreiro from Naples, Florida, where he had just met with a large group of Minnesota alumni to give his pitch for the new facilities.

Alumni relations is not fundraising. Given your expertise on the topic, I'm certain that you knew this already.

I never saw any query to me of that nature. The donors are influenced by the upwards of 200 professional development staff whose entire job is to fundraise for the University of Minnesota. That includes Teague, Goetz, and now Coyle among many others (many, many more outside of the athletic department than in it). Kill was very minimally involved, and Nanne basically not at all. I'm not sure why people eat up the media narrative, but they shouldn't attempt to post authoritatively when it is clear that they have no idea what they're talking about.

Well, now we know your mindset on this. You think sports personalities and winning or losing have no effect on donations? Do you think Teague was able to raise 15 million, or VCU's final four appearance was able to raise 15 million? By the way, he was so good at fundraising they had to increase student fees to cover cost overruns. Impressive. TAMU raised 740 million because of Manziel, not solely because of the development staff. They all play their part in furthering the relationships and closing the deal but I think your position is a little bit ridiculous.

Well, now we know your mindset on this. You think sports personalities and winning or losing have no effect on donations? Do you think Teague was able to raise 15 million, or VCU's final four appearance was able to raise 15 million? By the way, he was so good at fundraising they had to increase student fees to cover cost overruns. Impressive. TAMU raised 740 million because of Manziel, not solely because of the development staff. They all play their part in furthering the relationships and closing the deal but I think your position is a little bit ridiculous.

Where did I say any of this? Stop putting words in my mouth.

I never saw any query to me of that nature. The donors are influenced by the upwards of 200 professional development staff whose entire job is to fundraise for the University of Minnesota. That includes Teague, Goetz, and now Coyle among many others (many, many more outside of the athletic department than in it). Kill was very minimally involved, and Nanne basically not at all. I'm not sure why people eat up the media narrative, but they shouldn't attempt to post authoritatively when it is clear that they have no idea what they're talking about.

Are you trying to down the whole damn internet. :cool:

I'm sure the bigger news is the undisclosed donation this person supposedly gives.

Seats in "Zone 1" would get you close to $5,000 for a four pack of seats ($4,520)
"Outdoor Club" would cost $7,240 for 4
"Zone 3" would be $2,520 for football and paired with one of the winter sports at a comparable seating level would be over $5k ($5,480 w/ BBall, $5,720 w/ Hockey)

Undisclosed... sounds a lot like:


Alumni relations is not fundraising. Given your expertise on the topic, I'm certain that you knew this already.

Nanne was fund raising, and continues to raise funds, for the new athletic facilities. End of story. No amount of ignorance, or deliberate misinformation, by you is going to change that fact.

Alumni relations is a form of fundraising. Nanne may not be a professional fundraiser, but that is exactly what the U wants him to due when he meets with alumni, build relationships in order to open up wallots

Alumni relations is a form of fundraising.

Incorrect. They are typically closely related and often work in concert to achieve certain objectives, but they are not the same thing and one is not a subset of the other.

Nanne may not be a professional fundraiser, but that is exactly what the U wants him to due when he meets with alumni, build relationships in order to open up wallots

Nanne is basically a mascot for athletics village fundraising. To give him credit for any appreciable amount of the funds raised is laughably absurd.

So if I understand correctly, Nanne can speak on behalf of the U and ask alumni for donations, but if he does it is alumni relations and not fundraising, because.... well, because DPO wants it to be true.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This fundraising thing is so mysterious. What drives it? What it it? I'm very confused now.

If the development staff and AD are what drives fundraising, as I think you were trying to say in the other thread (please clarify if I'm mistaken), maybe we need a new development staff if we're not up to par.

How do we rate vs other Big Ten Schools or nationally?

Exactly why couldn't we poach a guy after 1 month? Exactly why does hiring a search committee and asking Beth to throw her hat in the ring make it look good? This theory is silly.

Because some people don't want to change jobs a month after they started a new job. Makes them look real bad, but if you wait about a year it looks like you actual accomplished something before you took off. Also it gives him more experience at a P5 school.

Because some people don't want to change jobs a month after they started a new job. Makes them look real bad, but if you wait about a year it looks like you actual accomplished something before you took off. Also it gives him more experience at a P5 school.

I would say leaving after just under 1 year from an AD position at a P5 school is no different than leaving after 1-month, but that is just my opinion.

This fundraising thing is so mysterious. What drives it? What it it? I'm very confused now.

If the development staff and AD are what drives fundraising, as I think you were trying to say in the other thread (please clarify if I'm mistaken), maybe we need a new development staff if we're not up to par.

How do we rate vs other Big Ten Schools or nationally?

The University of Minnesota Foundation raised $351 million last year, a record that obliterated the old record of $289 million by around 21% (

We finished just outside the top 20 in college fundraising in the U.S. in 2015 (, 6th (I believe) among public schools, and 3rd (I believe) in the Big Ten.

We are the 30th-wealthiest college/university in the country ( and have steadily been increasing in those rankings over the past few years.

Clearly, our development staff is falling short (record fundraising last year and 2nd-highest ever this year) and a housecleaning is in order.

There are a few people in our season ticket group who met Nanne in Naples over the winter. After talking to him, and hearing him talk about why the facilities upgrade is so badly needed, they decided to donate towards the facilities project. In what world would he not be considered a fundraiser? Now, these two aren't gonna make any headlines with the size of their donation, but they still donated. And it was all because of Lou Nanne.

Those are great numbers. But we are talking about donations earmarked towards athletics.

You're smarter than that.

I can only work with what you wrote. You want a different answer, ask a different question. Also, athletics fundraising isn't its own thing; it's wrapped up in the general University fundraising enterprise and there are many development officers working across many different areas who fundraise for athletics among other things.

There are a few people in our season ticket group who met Nanne in Naples over the winter. After talking to him, and hearing him talk about why the facilities upgrade is so badly needed, they decided to donate towards the facilities project. In what world would he not be considered a fundraiser? Now, these two aren't gonna make any headlines with the size of their donation, but they still donated. And it was all because of Lou Nanne.

If John Doe tells me how much he loves his Lexus and I go buy one because he encourages me to, is John Doe a car salesman?

BINGO! Remember how Coyle said he had great admiration for Beth because he had been following her for the last 9 months. Why? Also, The way Beth hesitated to throw her ring in the hat, smells like she just added her name to make it look good. The U couldn't poach a guy after one month on the job, so I think the whole search was manufactured just to give Coyle time to leave.

Maybe. But nothing the U has done in recent decades suggest they are capable of this much foresight. About anything related to Athletics.

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