Shooter: Kill/Mason meet at Bierman this week


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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How soon they forget. Glen Mason, who coached the Gophers football team to seven bowl games in 10 seasons, needed to round up a handful of quarters Tuesday afternoon to park his car at a meter near his former Bierman Building office so he could chat with new Gophers football coach Jerry Kill.

Mason, who is doing well in the financial investment business in Minneapolis and as a Big Ten Network analyst, used to have the private parking spot Kill has, adjacent to the Bierman complex. Under Mason, 18 former Gophers were selected in NFL drafts. This year, no Gophers were selected. Mason, by the way, is a Kill booster.

Go Gophers!!

Under Mason we were an under .400 Big Ten Program and that class that produced no NFL Draft picks this year was recruited through Jan 1 by...?

I guess you can't expect much from Charley Walters...are Carmelo Anthony and Christina Aguilera still dating Charley?

Well bubba #9, let's see what kind of Big Ten winning percentage Coach Kill...

achieves at the University of Minnesota before you get too nasty about Coach Mason's numbers. We KNOW what your guy brewster did. You were so damn happy to see Mason go. Well, brewster promptly went out and won a total of SIX Big Ten games in 3 1/2 seasons.

I am really hoping Coach Kill far surpasses Coach Mason's Big Ten record, but I KNOW how tough it is to get Big Ten wins at the U.

So eg...we will start counting in the 2011 season to see just how many Big Ten wins coach Kill can add to his total. You and he are going to have to show me and ONLY the wins in the Big Ten matter very much.

I really don't think dudes/dudettes such as yourself realize how TOUGH it is to win Big Ten Footall games at the University of Minnesota.

Good luck and best wishes to Coach Kill. I HOPE he can do better than Coach Mason, BUT, I will only believe it when I see it. What was really amazing about Coach Mason is the fact that he survived 10 years in that damn dome. Well, at LEAST he did a LOT to help build the new stadium. They even had to extend his contract to insure that the name-deal with Mr. Cooper from TCF Bank would become money in the bank for the U.

That just really frosts your tail doesn't it eg?????? bjm and prexy b. had to EXTEND Mason to insure the stadium deal got done. ; 0 )

And eg: Mason had a 32-48 Big Ten record...that is a .400 record. I HAVE to keep you honest don't I iowa dweller?

Now your brewster had a .222 Big Ten record with only six Big Ten wins. He ws 6-21 in Big Ten play.

So now we will start keeping track of how Coach Kill does.

Going .222 is unacceptable but then again, so is going .400.

And eg: Mason had a 32-48 Big Ten record...that is a .400 record. I HAVE to keep you honest don't I iowa dweller?

Now your brewster had a .222 Big Ten record with only six Big Ten wins. He ws 6-21 in Big Ten play.

So now we will start keeping track of how Coach Kill does.

Brew's .222 doesn't make Mase's .400 any more impressive or acceptable. Nor will anything Kill does or does not accomplish.

19 seasons as a BCS head coach: 1 2nd place finish, 1 3rd place finish, 17 4th place or lowers

21 seasons as a head coach: Zero conference titles

Hardly the stuff of legend.


And eg: Mason had a 32-48 Big Ten record...that is a .400 record. I HAVE to keep you honest don't I iowa dweller?

Now your brewster had a .222 Big Ten record with only six Big Ten wins. He ws 6-21 in Big Ten play.

So now we will start keeping track of how Coach Kill does.

Yea, you are the great score keeper and judge of all. Now you are going to let us know if Kill measures up to your standards? Intelligent people don’t have to rely on you to judge him. They already have by what he has done in the past and what he doing here now. It doesn't guarantee how successful he will be but I am very happpy to have him as our coach. Your continous ranting may make you believe that you are doing something. It is just delusion again wren, delusion.

When it comes to you Wren it is a lot easier to keep score. You are truly are a zero. You have not accomplished anything yourself yet you want to judge others. LOL

So now we will get the chance to find out if Coach Kill is acceptable or if he is not acceptable. But, make no mistake: first he has to pass the lowest of the low...brewster. Then he has to pass Wacker, Salem, hoax, Gutey, Mason and Stoll. Then he has to take on the BIG BOYS: Murray and finally Bernie. How high on the list can Coach Kill climb???? Or, how difficult will he find it to earn enough Big Ten wins to start climbing and more importantly to continue climbing up the list?

The key in it all for the Coach who is lucky enough...or some may say unfortunate enough to accept the mission IMPOSSIBLE job at the University of Minnesota. It has been this way since 1967-1968. That is when Murray went from being a HALL OF FAME-WINNER of a National Championship kind of coach to basically being a Mason-like .400 coach in the Big Ten. (In 1969, 1970 and 1971, Murray stalled out with a 9-12-1 Big Ten record.) The first 15 years Murray was here, from 1954 through 1968, Murray won Big Ten games at about a .543 rate. His Big Ten record for the first 15 was57-45-3. Then, those last 3 years, he slipped to that 9-12-1 mark and we ran him outta there!!!!!! AND: he was fired. We are tough, unforgiving, mean and rough s.o.b.'s with our football coaches here at the University of Minnesota. We have been that way since 1971. We just won't take ANY crap. We DEMAND excellence from our football coaches. Murray wasn't much more than 56 years of age when we who demand EXCELLENCE in our football coaches and the people in the administration at the U of M ran Murray off. And, do know what? We ALSO did that to Bernie Bierman. We DESERVE to have been walking in the Wilderness for that long. When Murray Warmath was fired, his Big Ten w-loss percentage at Minnesota was about .520. So, that means that IF you don't win MORE than 52% of your Big Ten games, the administration and we fans will force you out the door.

It ONLY took our incompetent administrators at the U of M another 11 seasons to totally abandon Football. In 1982, they moved Gopher Football off campus and into the damn dome. They totally caved in to the twins and the stinking vikings. We ran a pretty darn YOUNG Murray Warmath off. We ran Bernie Bierman off. We watched the administration abandon the BRICK HOUSE for the damn dome. We have since then watched as the hapless administration has allowed the MEDICAL SCHOOL at the U of M to fall into it's own WILDERNESS TREK. prexy b has truely been asleep at the wheel with the MEDICAL SCHOOL. He has also allowed badger joel macturi to run the revenus sports into the ground.

So, bob_loblaw: that is the story. Coach Kill HAS to win Big Ten Football games at a rate significantly higher than the .400 rate. IF he doesn't, we will run him off. THAT is how we do it. That is who we are. That is what we are. THAT is what we deserve. We have had incompetent administrators who have been asleep at the wheel for over 50 years now. We USED to have a GREAT football program. We USED to have a great MEdical school. We should file suit against our administrators and against ourselves for having so many fine programs at the U of M just kind of slip-slide away.

We KNOW where the bar is set for Coach Kill. Now, we will start watching...and counting...and keeping track. This is who we are. This is what we are. This is EXACTLY how we have been for over half a century. probably going to have a very easy time here. EVERY Big Ten Win is like gold. It is ONLY Big Ten wins that will save our new coach from the same fate that EVERY Coach since Murray Warmath has experienced here at Minnesota. ONLY hoax and Mason have escaped that horrible FIRE THE LOSER cycle of between four and five seasons. hoax did it by firing Minnesota in a little less than two full seasons, and Mason did it by being ESSENTIAL in the process of obtaining a new football stadium. He lasted 10 seasons. They brought him back to nail the naming rights deal and then they paid him millions and millions of extra dollars to go away. The administrators were SO incompetent...and so were we fans. And, we ended up with a .222 coach for the last 3.5 seasons and then finished with a temporary coach who actually did a very nice job for a few games.

Coach Kill: Good luck and best wishes. Give the administration hell and give us miserable fans hell too! The administration and we fans have a HORRIBLE track record over the past half century...and, "just in case..." save as much as you can for a rainy day, because this is one TOUGH gig...Now, get out there and win at least half of the Big Ten game you coach. Then, YOU can personally break this nasty cycle. Join hoax and Mason. Either leave before we get you like hoax did OR find a way to hang in there for at LEAST 10 seasonslike Mason did. Remember, we threw Murray out the door when he was ONLY about 55. We have NO heart. We and our administrators like to "chew 'em up and spit 'em out..."

Coach Kill HAS to win Big Ten Football games at a rate significantly higher than the .400 rate. IF he doesn't, we will run him off. THAT is how we do it. That is who we are. That is what we are. THAT is what we deserve. We have had incompetent administrators who have been asleep at the wheel for over 50 years now. We USED to have a GREAT football program.

We KNOW where the bar is set for Coach Kill. Now, we will start watching...and counting...and keeping track. This is who we are. This is what we are. This is EXACTLY how we have been for over half a century. probably going to have a very easy time here. EVERY Big Ten Win is like gold. It is ONLY Big Ten wins that will save our new coach from the same fate that EVERY Coach since Murray Warmath has experienced here at Minnesota. ONLY hoax and Mason have escaped that horrible FIRE THE LOSER cycle of between four and five seasons. hoax did it by firing Minnesota in a little less than two full seasons, and Mason did it by being ESSENTIAL in the process of obtaining a new football stadium. He lasted 10 seasons. They brought him back to nail the naming rights deal and then they paid him millions and millions of extra dollars to go away. The administrators were SO incompetent...and so were we fans. And, we ended up with a .222 coach for the last 3.5 seasons and then finished with a temporary coach who actually did a very nice job for a few games.

Just because you accepted mediocrity doesn’t mean that everyone else should. Mason hit his ceiling and trips to El Paso were not enough for many gopher fans, myself included. No one can reasonably defend the results of the Brewster era but Brewster’s faults do not make the Mason firing unjustified. Everyone will be judged on results. If Kill wins only 40% of big ten games people will be demanding he be fired.

I cannot continue to listen to people like you who believe that winning at Minnesota is an impossible task and have given up on bigger goals.

You don't like the facts killjoy? You can't handle the truth?????

I'm pulling for Coach Kill. I very much enjoyed the Mason years. Just getting back to being competetive was SO good.

But, the facts say that even our GREAT coaches have been fired by the administrations AND we fans. No coach really has had a chance here at Minnesota since that fateful day in 1971 when Murray was run ot the door.

But, make no mistake: first he has to pass the lowest of the low...brewster.

Wacker had a worse Big Ten record than Brewster.

At least get your facts straight before you go on your insane rants.

Clark G: IS a .500 record in the Big Ten good enough for you??????? OR, are you one of those people who just likes to talk like a "winner??????" You either do it or you don't. We even fired our great heros who brought us national championships. That started over 60 years ago. So, why hasn't a BIG WINNER such as yourself gotten us over the hump in SO LONG clark g????????

Talk is cheap. Rah, rah, rah. We HAVE to live with the results though. Has EVERY Coach who has come in here been a big stinking loser when they got here?????? WHAT happens when the arrive in Minneapolis????? Do they all suddenly forget how to coach?????

I only wish we would have been as hard on the administrations at the University of Minnesota as we have been on our Football Coaches. MAYBE the MEDICAL SCHOOL'S great reputation wouldn't have become so tarnished and damaged. Think about it clark g. Your words mean nothing. Only the results show us what the truth is and has been. We SHOULD have been dumping the prexys every four or five years...NOT just the football coaches.

AND...a NOTE TO DOPODOLL: brewster only lasted 3.5 seasons. He ONLY had 6 Big Ten wins. Wacker LASTED 5 seasons and had 8 BIG TEN WINS. So, brewster never even made it to the Wacker Win total. dopodoll, before you try to correct ANYTHING, make sure you are comparing apples to apples. Coach Kill will have to surpass brewster's record at Minnesota in Big Ten wins BEFORE he surpasses Wacker's record. Can you comprehend???????? 6 Big Ten wins is LESS THAN 8 Big Ten wins. Thanks for your rapt attention dopodoll... ; 0 )

AND...a NOTE TO DOPODOLL: brewster only lasted 3.5 seasons. He ONLY had 6 Big Ten wins. Wacker LASTED 5 seasons and had 8 BIG TEN WINS. So, brewster never even made it to the Wacker Win total. dopodoll, before you try to correct ANYTHING, make sure you are comparing apples to apples.

Good God man, you are seriously a fricking moron. Even you can't possibly believe what you are saying.

Clark G: IS a .500 record in the Big Ten good enough for you??????? OR, are you one of those people who just likes to talk like a "winner??????" You either do it or you don't. We even fired our great heros who brought us national championships. That started over 60 years ago. So, why hasn't a BIG WINNER such as yourself gotten us over the hump in SO LONG clark g????????

My expectations are for fairly consistent top 3 finishes and a run at the rose bowl 2-3 times a decade. Expecting and demanding anything less is wrong. I do not believe in running coaches off. Building a program takes time and each coach must be provided the opportunity to implement their schemes. No coach should be judged until year 4 or 5.

As for your comments about me - who do you think you are? You know nothing about me and what I have accomplished. We disagree on some things about gopher football and you decide to make personal comments. You should really think twice about that before you do it from now on.

AND...a NOTE TO DOPODOLL: brewster only lasted 3.5 seasons. He ONLY had 6 Big Ten wins. Wacker LASTED 5 seasons and had 8 BIG TEN WINS. So, brewster never even made it to the Wacker Win total. dopodoll, before you try to correct ANYTHING, make sure you are comparing apples to apples. Coach Kill will have to surpass brewster's record at Minnesota in Big Ten wins BEFORE he surpasses Wacker's record. Can you comprehend???????? 6 Big Ten wins is LESS THAN 8 Big Ten wins. Thanks for your rapt attention dopodoll... ; 0 )

I literally LOL'd at this one.

Ok clark g...

who are you? Why do you talk the way you do. You make personal comments about me and you expect me not to make some observations about you based upon the way you present yourself?????

Life is too short to have such point of view clark g. Just who in the world is clark g? Where in the world is clark g?

I'm sure that you are a very fine, upstanding individual clark g. But, you came out at me making some I came out at and made some assumptions based upon the way you introduced yourself to me and what you projected.

So, have a good day clark g. ; 0 )

See you later!!!!!

What assumption did i make about you? Your own post states that you view coaching at minnesota as an impossible job.

Can anyone tell me...

are BIG TEN WINS important? :rolleyes:

Under Mason we were an under .400 Big Ten Program and that class that produced no NFL Draft picks this year was recruited through Jan 1 by...?

I guess you can't expect much from Charley Walters...are Carmelo Anthony and Christina Aguilera still dating Charley?

J.J. Watt was taken in the first round by the Texans and Greg Jones was taken in the sixth round by the Giants.

So now we will get the chance to find out if Coach Kill is acceptable or if he is not acceptable. But, make no mistake: first he has to pass the lowest of the low...brewster. Then he has to pass Wacker, Salem, hoax, Gutey, Mason and Stoll. Then he has to take on the BIG BOYS: Murray and finally Bernie. How high on the list can Coach Kill climb???? Or, how difficult will he find it to earn enough Big Ten wins to start climbing and more importantly to continue climbing up the list?

The key in it all for the Coach who is lucky enough...or some may say unfortunate enough to accept the mission IMPOSSIBLE job at the University of Minnesota. It has been this way since 1967-1968. That is when Murray went from being a HALL OF FAME-WINNER of a National Championship kind of coach to basically being a Mason-like .400 coach in the Big Ten. (In 1969, 1970 and 1971, Murray stalled out with a 9-12-1 Big Ten record.) The first 15 years Murray was here, from 1954 through 1968, Murray won Big Ten games at about a .543 rate. His Big Ten record for the first 15 was57-45-3. Then, those last 3 years, he slipped to that 9-12-1 mark and we ran him outta there!!!!!! AND: he was fired. We are tough, unforgiving, mean and rough s.o.b.'s with our football coaches here at the University of Minnesota. We have been that way since 1971. We just won't take ANY crap. We DEMAND excellence from our football coaches. Murray wasn't much more than 56 years of age when we who demand EXCELLENCE in our football coaches and the people in the administration at the U of M ran Murray off. And, do know what? We ALSO did that to Bernie Bierman. We DESERVE to have been walking in the Wilderness for that long. When Murray Warmath was fired, his Big Ten w-loss percentage at Minnesota was about .520. So, that means that IF you don't win MORE than 52% of your Big Ten games, the administration and we fans will force you out the door.

It ONLY took our incompetent administrators at the U of M another 11 seasons to totally abandon Football. In 1982, they moved Gopher Football off campus and into the damn dome. They totally caved in to the twins and the stinking vikings. We ran a pretty darn YOUNG Murray Warmath off. We ran Bernie Bierman off. We watched the administration abandon the BRICK HOUSE for the damn dome. We have since then watched as the hapless administration has allowed the MEDICAL SCHOOL at the U of M to fall into it's own WILDERNESS TREK. prexy b has truely been asleep at the wheel with the MEDICAL SCHOOL. He has also allowed badger joel macturi to run the revenus sports into the ground.

So, bob_loblaw: that is the story. Coach Kill HAS to win Big Ten Football games at a rate significantly higher than the .400 rate. IF he doesn't, we will run him off. THAT is how we do it. That is who we are. That is what we are. THAT is what we deserve. We have had incompetent administrators who have been asleep at the wheel for over 50 years now. We USED to have a GREAT football program. We USED to have a great MEdical school. We should file suit against our administrators and against ourselves for having so many fine programs at the U of M just kind of slip-slide away.

We KNOW where the bar is set for Coach Kill. Now, we will start watching...and counting...and keeping track. This is who we are. This is what we are. This is EXACTLY how we have been for over half a century. probably going to have a very easy time here. EVERY Big Ten Win is like gold. It is ONLY Big Ten wins that will save our new coach from the same fate that EVERY Coach since Murray Warmath has experienced here at Minnesota. ONLY hoax and Mason have escaped that horrible FIRE THE LOSER cycle of between four and five seasons. hoax did it by firing Minnesota in a little less than two full seasons, and Mason did it by being ESSENTIAL in the process of obtaining a new football stadium. He lasted 10 seasons. They brought him back to nail the naming rights deal and then they paid him millions and millions of extra dollars to go away. The administrators were SO incompetent...and so were we fans. And, we ended up with a .222 coach for the last 3.5 seasons and then finished with a temporary coach who actually did a very nice job for a few games.

Coach Kill: Good luck and best wishes. Give the administration hell and give us miserable fans hell too! The administration and we fans have a HORRIBLE track record over the past half century...and, "just in case..." save as much as you can for a rainy day, because this is one TOUGH gig...Now, get out there and win at least half of the Big Ten game you coach. Then, YOU can personally break this nasty cycle. Join hoax and Mason. Either leave before we get you like hoax did OR find a way to hang in there for at LEAST 10 seasonslike Mason did. Remember, we threw Murray out the door when he was ONLY about 55. We have NO heart. We and our administrators like to "chew 'em up and spit 'em out..."

Put down the keyboard, get out of mom's basement, stop masterbating to Glen Mason photos and enjoy life!

brewster only lasted 3.5 seasons. He ONLY had 6 Big Ten wins. Wacker LASTED 5 seasons and had 8 BIG TEN WINS. So, brewster never even made it to the Wacker Win total. dopodoll, before you try to correct ANYTHING, make sure you are comparing apples to apples. Coach Kill will have to surpass brewster's record at Minnesota in Big Ten wins BEFORE he surpasses Wacker's record. Can you comprehend???????? 6 Big Ten wins is LESS THAN 8 Big Ten wins. Thanks for your rapt attention dopodoll... ; 0 )

So by that logic if Kill wins one B1G game a year but blackmails his way into staying on for 50 years he'll be one of the best coaches ever because he'll have won 50 B1G games which is more than 6 or 8 or...

Frankly, I'm glad that Glen Mason is willing to meet with Jerry Kill, especially at Mason's former stomping grounds. If you were canned from your job would you go back there 5 years later to talk to the guy who replaced your replacement? I respect Mason a lot for being willing to meet with Kill and I respect Kill for reaching out to Mason. Say what you will, but Mason has been the most successful coach in most of the U of MN's students' lifetime, and I'm sure he's got information about politics at the U that will be beneficial to Kill. Just because Mason wasn't successful enough at the U for most of us doesn't mean he didn't do anything right...

And why can't these threads ever devolve into an argument about who was worse - Gutekunst or Salem??? That's an argument I could sink my teeth into...:p

I just coined a new word that everyone on this board can use.

Take Ranting and Wren, put them together, and you have "Wrenting."

I suggest we all use this to refer to future posts.

Seriously - can we finally put the Mason-Brewster debate to bed? Mason had a better record than Brewster. This is unquestioned. We don't need to be reminded another 5,764 times. Some people liked Mason, some people didn't. Some people liked Brewster, some people didn't. I'm sure there are people out there who like Wren- for his sake, I hope there are. And there are people who hold the opposite opinion.

Let's move on.

Jerry Kill will be judged by his record - but he will also be judged by other, more subjective criteria. Does he seem to have a more disciplined team? Does his staff make good in-game adjustments? Can he avoid the late-season slumps that Gopher teams have been prone to?

Time will tell.

J.J. Watt was taken in the first round by the Texans and Greg Jones was taken in the sixth round by the Giants.

But how would they have been drafted as a TE and Running back? Also should we count all the players that Brewster at one point got to "commit" to the U but never signed letters of intent? I just want to know for going forward.

I just coined a new word that everyone on this board can use.

Take Ranting and Wren, put them together, and you have "Wrenting."

I suggest we all use this to refer to future posts.

Seriously - can we finally put the Mason-Brewster debate to bed? Mason had a better record than Brewster. This is unquestioned. We don't need to be reminded another 5,764 times. Some people liked Mason, some people didn't. Some people liked Brewster, some people didn't. I'm sure there are people out there who like Wren- for his sake, I hope there are. And there are people who hold the opposite opinion.

Let's move on.

Jerry Kill will be judged by his record - but he will also be judged by other, more subjective criteria. Does he seem to have a more disciplined team? Does his staff make good in-game adjustments? Can he avoid the late-season slumps that Gopher teams have been prone to?

Time will tell.

NO...THAT IS AN IMPOSSIBILITY. THE ONLY THING THAT COUNTS IS BIG TEN WINS!! :) Just kidding. Has anyone ever met wren?? Must be an 'interesting' dude. I can picture him and PH having a sweet light saber duel....HAHA

Back to the OP...Kill probably did take a lot away from the convo. Mason wasn't great, but it did do a fair amount right. Always helps to get the lay of the land from someone that has been there before.

What assumption did i make about you? Your own post states that you view coaching at minnesota as an impossible job.

For one thing, you took my post about WHAT we did to Murray Warmath and tried to make a MASON post out of it. That was a big mistake clark g. Murray was run off by the time he was around 55 after having won a NC, a couple Big Ten Titles and an 18 year .520 Big Ten winning percentage at Minnesota. So THAT is the standard for running coaches off at MN. Most last ONLY 4 to 5 sesons. NONE have come any where NEAR matching the record that Murray was run off for. At the age of 55 or 56, do you SUPPOSE that Murray wouldn't have had some GREAT years of coaching left in him. HOW did the administration at the U of M EVER think they were going to get a better coach than Murray Warmath???

I think winning BIG and consistantly (being in a top 3 in the Big Ten position virtually every year and going to a Rose Bowl 2 or 3 times a decade) IS impossible with the administration types that we have had at Minnesota for the past 60 years or so. Also, with the fan base we have. They are more into the stinking vikings and the wimpy twins than they are into Gopher Football. And we fans have ALLOWED the incompetent administrators to make CHUMPS out of us by tossing out a new coach every four or five seasons. Then we shut up again for a while, continue to renew our season tickets and give to the scholarship funds...all the while ad's like badger joel maturi continue to run our revenue sports of hockey, basketball and football into the ground.

You say you can't stand to listen to someone who says it is unrealistic to think ANY football coach at the University of Minnesota can achieve greatness...or even be highly competetive year in and year out?????

Just look what we did to Murray Warmath who was STILL in his prime. Bernie Bierman was FIRED and forced out in 1950...He was 60 years of age. He lived to the ripe old age of 87. Certainly he would have had a few good seasons left when the administration and WE the fans ran him off. HE should have been the one to pick his own time. Murray should have been given that honor as well.

We HAVE to be realistic about our expectations for our football coaches clark g. You are NOT being realistic. When is the LAST time we had a football coach who was able to do what you expect our coach to do????? That's right: 1950 AND 1970. And we ran BOTH of those coaches off while the still had some potentially GREAT years of coaching left in their tanks. Howcan we expect the incompetent administrations at the U of M to EVER get it right????? And we, the fans are just out of touch with reality.

Since 1950, Michigan State, Penn State and now Nebraska have all joined the Big Ten Conference. The conference is TOUGHER than it was back when Bernie and Murray coached.

I think it is possible for Minnesota Football to be a GREAT experience for our student athletes, the students at the U of M, we the fans and Greater Minnesota. However, I have NEVER seen adequate administrations doing the RIGHT things at the U of M during my life time. And, I fear that during the past 25 years, the incompetence has tended to slide even further with the administration at the U of M.

We NEED to be realistic with our expectations for Coach Kill. He will give us all he has got. Will we...and our new administrator at the U do the same? Being realistic is NOT a negative thing. It is NOT a bad thing. Facing facts and being REAL is a GOOD thing clark g. We are where we are. We are how we are. We must continually strive to improve. But we must be realistic too. After abandoning our on campus home, it took us 27 years to return to campus. We have the newest and most modern stadium in the Big Ten. It is also one of the smallest stadiums. That is fine because we don't have the student support or fan base support to fill a larger stadium. However, we got back into the "arms race" SO late in the game that we will never catch up with Ohio State, Michigan, PSU, Nebraska, iowa, wisky, MSU, Purdue and probably Illinois. We are right there with Northwestern, Indiana and ... Minnesota. Can we win some important games...some great games...can we win a Big Ten Title some year? Sure. Can we finish in the top 3 in the Big Ten Conference most years? (say 8 out of 10 years?) Probably not. With OSU, PSU, Michigan, Nebraska, MSU, iowa, wisky, Purdue, Illinois ALL wanting and EXPECTING to either win or finish in the top 1/3 or the conference? (Sure we have divisions now...but...finishing in the top 3 in the division in a 6 team division just doesn't mean quite the same thing. That would just be in the top half of the division most years? That is more realistic. With Michigan, MSU, Nebraska, iowa in our division...that would be a good goal. But it is a tough conference that is just full of demands, expectations and negative consequences for coaches who don't quite deliver. How realistic is it for ALL the programs in the Big Ten to expect a top three finish MOST years?????

I love Gopher Football. I always have and always will. However, I CAN look at things realistically. I CAN appreciate a coach who brought our program back to respectability. And I can appreciate what I hope Coach Kill will bring to the program. I can also be angry with the administrations...the ad and I can be pretty disgusted with the behavior of some of our fans and the unrealistic "expectations" some have and the way that their disappointment and frustration spills out on our wonderful young student athletes and some of our coaches. Yes, I have the ability to do ALL of those things clark g.

; 0 )

NO...THAT IS AN IMPOSSIBILITY. THE ONLY THING THAT COUNTS IS BIG TEN WINS!! :) Just kidding. Has anyone ever met wren?? Must be an 'interesting' dude. I can picture him and PH having a sweet light saber duel....HAHA

Back to the OP...Kill probably did take a lot away from the convo. Mason wasn't great, but it did do a fair amount right. Always helps to get the lay of the land from someone that has been there before.

Here's the only known picture of Wren:


At the age of 55 or 56, do you SUPPOSE that Murray wouldn't have had some GREAT years of coaching left in him. HOW did the administration at the U of M EVER think they were going to get a better coach than Murray Warmath???

Warmath was 59 when he left Minnesota. If he had some GREAT years of coaching left in him, why did absolutely no one else hire him when Minnesota let him go?

Bernie Bierman was FIRED and forced out in 1950...He was 60 years of age. He lived to the ripe old age of 87. Certainly he would have had a few good seasons left when the administration and WE the fans ran him off.

Bierman was 56 when he left Minnesota. If he had "a few good seasons left", why did absolutely no one else hire him when Minnesota let him go?

HE should have been the one to pick his own time. Murray should have been given that honor as well.

That I can agree with, but you can't say out of one side of your mouth that Minnesota has to be committed to winning and then say out the other side that Bierman and Warmath should've been allowed to stay on indefinitely. Obviously, Minnesota wasn't the only school that thought their time was done, or they would've been hired by someone else.

And, remind me again - what does any of this have to do with Kill or Mason?

We HAVE to be realistic about our expectations for our football coaches clark g. You are NOT being realistic. When is the LAST time we had a football coach who was able to do what you expect our coach to do????? ; 0 )

I agree that we need to be realistic about the program, but when does that turn into complacency with being average? After Brewster 6 or 7 wins will be great but eventually I will want more. 10 years of seven wins and no major bowls would be a disappointment if the program cannot move beyond that.

I never meant to imply that you are not a true fan. As a fan I will always be hoping for the big time and a trip to the rose bowl and program history should not make a difference. Was Boise State ever a title contender before the last few years?

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