Shama: U Football Season May Need “Hail Mary”


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Shama:

University of Minnesota Board of Regents member Michael Hsu is a supporter of college football but he is becoming skeptical the Golden Gophers will have a 2020 season.

Hsu told Sports Headliners this morning he has no inside information from the U about a 2020 football season, but he observes the rising numbers of COVID-19 cases in America, and also what the leaders of college football are saying. The Ivy League has cancelled its 2020 football season. The Big Ten and Pac-12 have announced if there is a season, their schools will play conference opponents only.

There could be no season for Minnesota and other schools. With all the confusion, that’s why Hsu analyzes the situation and says, “To put it in football terms, it may be time to call the Hail Mary pass.”

With football, Hsu hopes there will be some form of a season. He knows U leaders in the athletic department and school administration are looking at options, considering plans, crunching numbers. But as of now the regents don’t know the specifics.

“We haven’t heard boo about anything,” Hsu said.

Go Gophers!!

By September, this epidemic will have wound down, signs its happening in the south already, deaths are way down, infection detection is way up, listen folks, for must people it is a vary minor disease. The level of risk people healthy people would be taking on is microscopic. Let's go Gophers!

By September, this epidemic will have wound down, signs its happening in the south already, deaths are way down, infection detection is way up, listen folks, for must people it is a vary minor disease. The level of risk people healthy people would be taking on is microscopic. Let's go Gophers!
If this is meant as satire, which for your sake I hope it is, it went over my head.
Nothing you said is true or probable to happen.

If this is meant as satire, which for your sake I hope it is, it went over my head.
Nothing you said is true or probable to happen.

What did he say that isn’t true? We can disagree about his September time frame, or whether they should play football in the Fall, but the rest is spot on.

This is a novel virus. Novel meaning new/original. Nobody sees this recent uptick as a second wave; we’re still in the first wave. Pay attention to our own Dr. Michael Osterholm at CIDRAP ... the pandemic has become a forest fire looking for dead wood. The reopening of schools/colleges/universities in the fall, with the expected increase in social
Interaction, will provide more dead wood. Now, even the Trump administration is admitting that the fall and winter months are going to much worse than originally expected. Any vaccine is not going to be widely available until Q1/2021. Summer and fall of 2021 are going to be another crapshoot.

If this is meant as satire, which for your sake I hope it is, it went over my head.
Nothing you said is true or probable to happen.
It's not satire. It's similar to the self-mumblings of a cult member that you might pass by on the side walk, reassuring themselves that "the other" is indeed set to land their spaceship at the top of Mt Everest in September.

Reject all evidence. Make up your own narrative. Tell anyone who will listen. I pledge as tribute!

What did he say that isn’t true? We can disagree about his September time frame, or whether they should play football in the Fall, but the rest is spot on.
Ok, let's see:

By September -- as you said, likely too early, sure at some month in the future 12 months, one of those months we will indeed be able to say it has "wound down", as it has now in Europe

signs its happening in the south already -- Alabama, Florida, and Georgia are three of the worst states. What did he mean by "the south", if excluding those states??

deaths are way down -- deaths are trending slightly up. If he meant they are way down from April, that is still true, but the trend has not continued down

infection detection is way up -- I agree that the number of tests being done are up from April, but testing is still largely a disaster in this country. We don't have near the testing capacity to be testing a decent percentage of the population, get them results in 1-3 days, and provide contact tracing for all positive tests.

for must people it is a vary minor disease. The level of risk people healthy people would be taking on is microscopic. -- I only agree that most people don't die immediately from the disease. Long term effects won't be known for decades.

The article lost some credibility when it said "leaders of college football" and then immediately mentioned the Ivy League.

If this is meant as satire, which for your sake I hope it is, it went over my head.
Nothing you said is true or probable to happen.

@Plato, apply some thinking worthy of your these curves tell you anything?

At this point with finely tuned therapies the death rate is very low. Almost all recover. This would be over sooner if the Chicken Little states had not had such severe lock-downs.


Ok, let's see:

for must people it is a vary minor disease. The level of risk people healthy people would be taking on is microscopic. -- I only agree that most people don't die immediately from the disease. Long term effects won't be known for decades.

Hey @MplsGopher, you are fully invested in this stupid narrative that the SARSCOV2 is a "novel" virus.

Well, I have news for you, the human immune system is amazing and this virus is going down.

Can I suggest a new handle for you? How about @BubbleBoy ?

Hey @MplsGopher, you are fully invested in this stupid narrative that the SARSCOV2 is a "novel" virus.

Well, I have news for you, the human immune system is amazing and this virus is going down.

Can I suggest a new handle for you? How about @BubbleBoy ?
Scientists say it's a new virus. But, what do they know?

If you say it isn't, then I guess it isn't.

Every man should invent their own truth.

Scientists say it's a new virus. But, what do they know?

If you say it isn't, then I guess it isn't.

Every man should invent their own truth.

New does not equal Novel, if you have a moral brain cell left, The human immune system is adjusting to this new respiratory disease, to assume that it won't is not scientific. Treating this as some air-borne bubonic plague is ridiculous.

Are you this stupid or is someone paying you to act like it?

New does not equal Novel, if you have a moral brain cell left, The human immune system is adjusting to this new respiratory disease, to assume that it won't is not scientific. Treating this as some air-borne bubonic plague is ridiculous.

Are you this stupid or is someone paying you to act like it?
New and novel mean the same thing for viruses: the genetic sequence of this virus does not significantly match anything on record. Antibodies in our immune systems from previous viruses, won't deafeat this one (though they may provide more than zero benefit, as I understand, depending on which virus you've been exposed to).

That's what science says.

But you are going to make up your own truth, no matter what. Anyone here can see that.

Michael Hsu is in no way a sports fan, let alone a football fan. He is a throwback Regent to the pre-Kaler days. Complete ding-dong doorknob.
Was elected to BoR in 2015...which was smack in the middle of Kaler's time as U's president.

Was elected to BoR in 2015...which was smack in the middle of Kaler's time as U's president.
How does one get "elected" to the BoR? And who does the "electing"? I don't recall ever placing a vote for one, myself. But maybe my memory is shot.

As I understand, these folks are truly the ones who control the University of Minnesota. Not even the president can supersede them. They vote on all major decisions and dollar related issues for the school, including approving Fleck's contract, etc.

How does one get "elected" to the BoR? And who does the "electing"? I don't recall ever placing a vote for one, myself. But maybe my memory is shot.

As I understand, these folks are truly the ones who control the University of Minnesota. Not even the president can supersede them. They vote on all major decisions and dollar related issues for the school, including approving Fleck's contract, etc.
You could have found this in like five seconds.

The president is hired by, and effectively reports to the BoR.

Hey @MplsGopher, you are fully invested in this stupid narrative that the SARSCOV2 is a "novel" virus.

Well, I have news for you, the human immune system is amazing and this virus is going down.

Can I suggest a new handle for you? How about @BubbleBoy ?
Thank God you're not invested in a stupid narrative.

New does not equal Novel, if you have a moral brain cell left, The human immune system is adjusting to this new respiratory disease, to assume that it won't is not scientific. Treating this as some air-borne bubonic plague is ridiculous.

Are you this stupid or is someone paying you to act like it?
Why are there not more smart people like you? Of course COVID is all a hoax. Oh wait, that's what my leader first said, but now he's telling us it's real (well for now anyway, tbd), and that it will probably just go away, I mean we can hope it away.. right. I believe whatever he says... NO MATTER WHAT. Because he is awesome. He's making our nation great again. I mean come on... if it is real it's just a simple flu bug. I know this because our leader (the great orange man) tells us so. Who cares what scientists or anyone with actual knowledge says, they're just part of the deep state pretending to have actual knowledge. Did you know there's now a church in Murdock where people like us can go, congregate, and pray and thank the great orange man for all his amazingly beautiful decisions. Just look for the people who appear to be in halloween costumes with cone shaped hoods. You're just the candidate they're looking for.

Why are there not more smart people like you? Of course COVID is all a hoax. Oh wait, that's what my leader first said, but now he's telling us it's real (well for now anyway, tbd), and that it will probably just go away, I mean we can hope it away.. right. I believe whatever he says... NO MATTER WHAT. Because he is awesome. He's making our nation great again. I mean come on... if it is real it's just a simple flu bug. I know this because our leader (the great orange man) tells us so. Who cares what scientists or anyone with actual knowledge says, they're just part of the deep state pretending to have actual knowledge. Did you know there's now a church in Murdock where people like us can go, congregate, and pray and thank the great orange man for all his amazingly beautiful decisions. Just look for the people who appear to be in halloween costumes with cone shaped hoods. You're just the candidate they're looking for.

Haha, #TDS at it's finest. You deserve an award:


Why are there not more smart people like you? Of course COVID is all a hoax.

Super contagious, lethal to those in poor health with substandard medical care.

Doctors know how to treat the disease, (1) A VENTILATOR IS A DEATH SENTENCE.

The doctors have found effective treatment, the virus (like all respiratory illnesses) is weakening, at least half the population already had significant corona family virus immunity. The only thing stopping herd immunity is the idiotic lock-down policies of the chicken little states.

From here on out the impact is more like a bad flu season.

SO LET'S WATCH SOME FOOTBALL and cheer together for our Golden Gophers, even you leftist turds who think every defense of hierarchy is the spirit of Hitler.

Super contagious, lethal to those in poor health with substandard medical care.

Doctors know how to treat the disease, (1) A VENTILATOR IS A DEATH SENTENCE.

The doctors have found effective treatment, the virus (like all respiratory illnesses) is weakening, at least half the population already had significant corona family virus immunity. The only thing stopping herd immunity is the idiotic lock-down policies of the chicken little states.

From here on out the impact is more like a bad flu season.

SO LET'S WATCH SOME FOOTBALL and cheer together for our Golden Gophers, even you leftist turds who think every defense of hierarchy is the spirit of Hitler.
Doctors have found effective therapy. They just choose to let 900-1000 people die per day. Those jerks.

Scientists say it's a new virus. But, what do they know?

If you say it isn't, then I guess it isn't.

Every man should invent their own truth.
You like to say "scientists say ___" or "science says ___." I can guarantee that pretty much none of those ideas are unanimous in the scientific community. In most cases, someone could also say the reverse, and it would still be true. But, whatever furthers your narrative, I guess.

You like to say "scientists say ___" or "science says ___." I can guarantee that pretty much none of those ideas are unanimous in the scientific community. In most cases, someone could also say the reverse, and it would still be true. But, whatever furthers your narrative, I guess.
I guarantee that it is unanimous in the scientific community that sars2 is a new/novel virus. Silly to suggest otherwise.

Thanks for the link. Could do without the snark.

People could gather and then just stare at their phones the whole evening. Talking to each other is more fun, I think.
Your posting proficiency and endless pontificating can get tiresome, so I'm sure you'll understand the perceived snarkiness.

Have no idea about your second comment...was that meant to be snarky or merely smug?

Super contagious, lethal to those in poor health with substandard medical care.

Doctors know how to treat the disease, (1) A VENTILATOR IS A DEATH SENTENCE.

The doctors have found effective treatment, the virus (like all respiratory illnesses) is weakening, at least half the population already had significant corona family virus immunity. The only thing stopping herd immunity is the idiotic lock-down policies of the chicken little states.

From here on out the impact is more like a bad flu season.

SO LET'S WATCH SOME FOOTBALL and cheer together for our Golden Gophers, even you leftist turds who think every defense of hierarchy is the spirit of Hitler.
Doctors have not found an effective therapy.
States are renting refrigerated trucks to hold the bodies because the morgues are filled.
Viruses do not "weaken" they may mutate to become less infective. This one mutated to become more infective.
We all have some immunity to corona viruses that cause the common cold. That DOES NOT protect us against this corona virus.
It takes 65-75 % of the population to be infected or vaccinated to have 'herd immunity;. Sweden is far, far from that.
Tell the physicians in TX, AZ or FL that this is just a bad flu season.
You are trying the Himmler technique of telling lies often enough that they will eventually be believed.

Your posting proficiency and endless pontificating can get tiresome, so I'm sure you'll understand the perceived snarkiness.

Have no idea about your second comment...was that meant to be snarky or merely smug?
I have zero sympathy for people who complain about the posting style of another poster, when the ignore button is available to you and I'm told works wonderfully.

Certainly wasn't smug (prideful). I didn't consider it as snark or snide. I was giving an analogy that people looking everything up for themselves, and not posting anything, would defeat the point of a message board in the same way that the point of a gathering would be defeated.

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