Shama: Gophers QB Leidner Talks Heisman


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Shama:

Award I would most like to win: The Heisman award, no doubt.

What I like best about coach Jerry Kill: I like his toughness and demeanor, and how much he gives to this program and all the players.

What I miss about Philip Nelson: I miss the competitive edge he brings to the quarterbacking spot on the field.

What people should know about redshirt freshman quarterback Chris Streveler: They should know that he likes to take his shirt off. Yeah, that’s the biggest thing. He likes to take his shirt off around anyone.

Go Gophers!!

Que people slamming him for saying he wants to win the Heisman in 3...2...1...

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No slamming allowed, so don't start. Posts slamming his thinking will be fined $50 payable to me for proper distribution.

I love Leidner's attitude but I will just be happy if he is the best QB in modern Gopher history.

Headline is a bit misleading but I like puff pieces like that, that give you a peak at the way guys are off the field. The Streveler note was pretty funny.

per Shama:

Award I would most like to win: The Heisman award, no doubt.


Headline is a bit misleading but I like puff pieces like that, that give you a peak at the way guys are off the field. The Streveler note was pretty funny.

Ya, I laughed too. Now I am waiting to see some Photoshop originals with Strevelor. That will be insane.

There's nothing wrong with his saying he would like to win the Heisman. Any QB should want to win the Heisman it's nothing more then wanting to be the best.

Hope he stays healthy. If our big, strong qb suffers as many injuries as MG did, by mid-season we will be breaking in new, young quarterbacks in Conference play.

Good luck to young Mr. Leidner. Help my Gophers win an invitation to a bowl game in 2014 AND beat the stinking badgers in Madison. This zero for the badgers in the past ten games has GOT to end. It is NOT acceptable to lose a trophy, border-battle game ALL THE TIME.

<img src="" width="25%" height="25%">

And this one was before he got into the strength and conditioning program:


This is an example of low-classed crap that GOPHERHOLE really gets dragged down by. How many times will this garbage be repeated and this thread has now officially become trashed and really should be locked down and closed.

Certainly this is as bad as "long" posts. How many words and messages does this grotesque picture represent? This the worst of the worst kind of stuff. How many times can this nonsense be tolerated around here. Ban that damn picture before it drags down this site too far.

OMG: this childish CRAP is multiplying. Now there are two of these pieces of crap being displayed here. End this nonsense NOW!

This is an example of low-classed crap that GOPHERHOLE really gets dragged down by. How many times will this garbage be repeated and this thread has now officially become trashed and really should be locked down and closed.

Certainly this is as bad as "long" posts. How many words and messages does this grotesque picture represent? This the worst of the worst kind of stuff. How many times can this nonsense be tolerated around here. Ban that damn picture before it drags down this site too far.

OMG: this childish CRAP is multiplying. Now there are two of these pieces of crap being displayed here. End this nonsense NOW!

Relax, Gramps.

wren, the expert at lengthy diatribes, bitches about some fun on a thread.

Leidner is likely to be the best performing QB in modern Gopher history. Heisman? He is going to have pretty rugged competition from Berkley, JJ, Maxx, the other Jones :), and all those guys on our D.

Leidner is likely to be the best performing QB in modern Gopher history. Heisman? He is going to have pretty rugged competition from Berkley, JJ, Maxx, the other Jones :), and all those guys on our D.

Now that is a TRUE diehard comment. As said above, I don't mind him dreaming either.

I thought this was Dr. Don?

Beer Belly.jpg

This is an example of low-classed crap that GOPHERHOLE really gets dragged down by. How many times will this garbage be repeated and this thread has now officially become trashed and really should be locked down and closed.

Certainly this is as bad as "long" posts. How many words and messages does this grotesque picture represent? This the worst of the worst kind of stuff. How many times can this nonsense be tolerated around here. Ban that damn picture before it drags down this site too far.

OMG: this childish CRAP is multiplying. Now there are two of these pieces of crap being displayed here. End this nonsense NOW!

Come on guys, this is the internet. Let's take it seriously.

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