Season Tix arrived via UPS

Obstructed? Are there obstructed seats in TCF? Not trying to be a smart a$$, but just asking.......

Well, sitting in my seats, I can't see 1/4 of the field including one entire endzone. It is because they are next to one of the handicap accessible seats. If I stand up, I can see everything, but that's a whole different story.

Our big gold envelope arrived yesterday. Bring on the season!!!!!!!!!!

I have not received mine as of end of Monday. I assume (and hope) that they are still being delivered?

Mine haven't arrived yet either - I live in St. Louis Park so you'd think they'd have already arrived?

Just curious, did anyone get their USC/various other away game tickets yet?

No tix in Edina. Just got the email promising an email with a tracking number.

Just a reminder to those who have not received their tix yet. The tickets cannot be printed all at once. Usually takes a little over a week. They are sent out via UPS once they are printed. This is the reason why some have received their tix while others have not.

Farm gopher. So you have views where you can't see the whole stadium. I'm curious as to what the handicap sitting has to do with it. I thought they were on the top row of the lower deck.

My tickets were here on Friday in EP, I received the tickets before I received the e-mail about them.

I have not gotten my tickets as of early Wed. morning. We have 4 and they were all moved this year. I hope they are where they are suppose to be. Come on ticket office, don't fail me now.

I have 1 season ticket, and I have not gotten mine yet. I talked to the ticket office, and they are finishing printing this week. If you have a parking pass, those get printed at the end of this week/beginning of next week. So if you have a parking pass, look for yours next week. That is still a good 3 weeks before the first game.

Thanks for the info DL. I'll wait another week before I panic.

Just out of curiosity from those who have received their tickets. Should I expect the email with tracking number to arrive before the tickets do, on the same day as the tickets, or not at all?

Just out of curiosity from those who have received their tickets. Should I expect the email with tracking number to arrive before the tickets do, on the same day as the tickets, or not at all?

Just from my experience - I never got the tracking # e-mail at all. I got the "your e-mail with the tracking # is coming" e-mail on Friday, and the tickets arrived on Monday.

My tix came Friday and the tracking email was received the next day. I must have been in the first mailing which is unusual as I always got mine later in prior years.

Looking at mine right I'm smelling them, but I'm not really sure why?

No need to panic yet. If I recall they didn't send them out until later last year and that caused a panic as we were getting them about a week before the first game. I got mine towards the end and will admit a bit nerve wracking last year waiting it out.

I haven't seen mine yet :(

So has anybody that DOES purchase parking passes have theirs yet? If the answer is "yes" I will panic a bit more. For some reason, I am among the last to get their tickets every year. I wonder if that is just coincidence or if I am just doomed. However, I do occasionally get mystery free stuff... like two separate oak street ramp passes last year and the big jackpot back in '08 when I actually got 8 season tickets for the price of four thanks to the bumbling and stumbling in the ticket office.

Wow, seriously? Those are quite the freebies.

As for your question...I have both a parking pass and season tickets but have not yet received my package (I live in the west metro). I'm guessing I'll get it by the beginning of next week.

I haven't seen mine yet :(

So has anybody that DOES purchase parking passes have theirs yet? If the answer is "yes" I will panic a bit more. For some reason, I am among the last to get their tickets every year. I wonder if that is just coincidence or if I am just doomed. However, I do occasionally get mystery free stuff... like two separate oak street ramp passes last year and the big jackpot back in '08 when I actually got 8 season tickets for the price of four thanks to the bumbling and stumbling in the ticket office.

I have the parking pass, season tix and live in the West Metro as well. I have not received my tickets. I called the ticket office the other day and they told me it would likely be next week due to the lag in printing the parking passes.

Farm gopher. So you have views where you can't see the whole stadium. I'm curious as to what the handicap sitting has to do with it. I thought they were on the top row of the lower deck.

In my section (114) the handicapped platform, that is at the top of the lower bowl, juts out beside my seats. Drawing a line from the 50 yard line on the visitors sideline to corner of the jumbo-tron endzone on the home sideline, I cannot see anything north of that. I could see better if the railing/fence of the handicapped area wasn't there, but obviously it's there for a reason. My seats were in the last row, so I could stand behind my seats and see everything (except the jumbo-tron). The frustrating thing was when I moved to these seats last year, the ticket office didn't inform me that they were obstructed, so I got a nice surprise when I went to the first game.

Anyway, I called the ticket office and somehow they got my new seats back, so everything should be just fine. But word to the wise for everyone, there are obstructed seats out there and they aren't labeled as such. Buyer Beware.

Schnauzer, it's funny you mention the freebies. Last year I actually received 3 parking passes for the price of 1 in the Wash. Ave ramp. Ended up selling both of them for face value which helped the old bank account

Just got my tickets AND parking pass today. I never received the tracking e-mail. I live in south Minneapolis.

Let me sound like the internet police for a second. So you people that got extra tickets and parking passes in the mail. You just kept them and used or sold them. Wow. I guess if you found someone's wallet on the ground with their money, credit cards and ID you would just spend the money and use the credit cards for your own use. Way to have a conscience.

Let me sound like the internet police for a second. So you people that got extra tickets and parking passes in the mail. You just kept them and used or sold them. Wow. I guess if you found someone's wallet on the ground with their money, credit cards and ID you would just spend the money and use the credit cards for your own use. Way to have a conscience.

Schnauzer and GopherRube are calling the ticket office mistakes "free stuff" and "freebies". I think it is more accurate to call them "ill-gotten gains". At the very least they are giving to the U with one hand and taking back with their other hand. Nice going, guys. You may think of yourselves as great fans and supporters of Gophers football but many of us have another way to describe both of you.

haha wow - so because I got two extra parking passes to a parking ramp I should just mail them back? How is that hurting anyone by keeping them? It's not like I got someone elses actual tickets/seats, that's a whole other story. I pay in plenty of money for football/parking each year so I really don't feel bad about it, especially since they lost my tickets initially and I got them literally a day before gameday last year.

It's not my fault our ticket office is incompetent

I hope you don't pass along your upstanding morals to the next generation. Sorry, but your wrong.

Thanks for the advice, dad. I think there are worse things in life. If you found a $100 bill on the ground, would you just leave it there or would you pick it up? The wallet analogy above is stupid because these parking passes didn't belong to anyone.

I bet you're Mr. perfect in everything you do in life, right?

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