What? Who the hell says "bo-at"?
I still can't get over how you Minnesotans say "Melk" instead of "Milk".
What? Who the hell says "bo-at"?
Considering the fact that I have family living in the Midwest and my family is from the Midwest, including Montana, I'm just making a generalization going by what I've seen. No need to get all hasty. Chill. But of course, immature people will stereotype, so that's fine. I guess down here in the South we all live in barns, go barefoot, wear overalls, have straw in our mouths all day, and everyone lives on a farm. Right?
Well, Iowa is south of us, so if by South, you include Iowa, sure...
Seriously though, I don't think people are all that much of an expert on anything more than their little patch of ground. I'm sure if you went on a Minnesota road trip, you could probably find stuff that would surprise me. And if I went on a Tennessee road trip, I could probably find the same. Even in the state we live in, we really don't see all that much of it.
I was wondering how exactly one pronounces the "a" in boat myself. I don't think she said what she meant.
And BTW, I didn't make the "bo-at" comment for the people thinking I did. I say "boat" like "bow and arrow" with a "T" at the end of it. I don't get the "a" sound either.
I wasn't meaning a hard A. more, or just reafraining from the trippllle ooo* don'tcha knooow. by not using the tripple they thought i was in the wrong.
I still can't get over how you Minnesotans say "Melk" instead of "Milk".![]()
No kidding. Being from South Dakota myself, and not afflicted with "melk" syndrome, I give my best friend, a native Minnesotan, all kinds of sh*t for pronouncing it so.
Occasionally hear that one in the south as well, drives me crazy. Also there is a subtle difference in how one should pronounce the words "pen" and "pin" the former is something with which you write, the latter is one of many things...something used in sewing, something to keep the pigs in, something performed in a "wrasslin" ring, or perhaps something you wear on your person to express support for something i.e. a political candidate.
The thing you write with pen should rhyme with "ten" or "hen" or "men", but it is often pronounced like "pin" or even more often pronounced somewhere between "pin" and "peen".
I don't know if you're familiar with it or not, but my biggest grammatical pet peeve is the abhorrent use of "seen" when the person meant "saw", i.e. "I seen on the schedule the other day that we're playing MTSU." I've seen it (see how that works?) too many times to count on this board (including more than once today alone). It's like nails on a chalkboard to me, but if I commented every time I "seen" it, I'd have little time for anything else.
The two pronunciation errors that grate on me are for wash and sophomore:
1. I'm going to warsh the clothes.
2. She is a souphomore in college.
Any one planning on going to the season's first game in Murfreesboro? I assume limited tickets are available through the athletic dept? It's about 425 miles one way, but may give it a shot.
I just received my 4 tickets in the mail today from MTSU. They were $20 each. My seats are near the visitor's section and they will allow me to move closer if seats are available. As ATLGOPHER implies, I live in NE Atlanta, some 2 hours from their stadium.
I could not get tickets through our athletic department, since I don't have season tickets, etc. I hope we fill up at least our section. I think that this game means more than many folks believe.
MTSU fans really expect to win this game don't they? I really hope this turns out like the BGSU game a few years ago. Just stomp these biznatches.
Considering the fact that we're favored to win?...umm...yea...we do expect to win. BTW, you remind me of a Southern Miss fan. You think your team is unstoppable against "little ole" MTSU. Just watch the highlights from the New Orleans Bowl last year and what we did to that team. But please underestimate us! Every team that has underestimated us and thought that they could just run over us, we've beaten.
"Hey Yankee" chants that were the bellowings from the Bama fans during the Music City Bowl a few years ago. If I had a dollar for all the Confederate flags we saw in the parking lot it would be like winning the "Gopher Five" I don't know about Tennesse fans, but many of the Bama fans were the consumate Bush rednecks. The U of M band was smart enough not to do the "Swinging Gate" and Battle Hymn of the Republic. They did do "Rocky Top" after the game and that really pissed the Bama fans off
FWIW we have an entire forum dedicated to visitors at BlueRaiderZone. In the forum there are guides to restaurants, hotels, entertainment, parking/tailgating, as well as some threads debating things like what the best restaurant is.
Not sure exactly where you live ATLGOPHER, but I'm from Marietta and doing 80 pretty much the whole way from Marietta to Murfreesboro takes me about 2 hours and 45 minutes.
Thanks for the link, MTPiKapp. We're bringing our son and would love to tailgate before so now we know where to look for parking. How early before game time do you think the lots will start to fill up?
Go Gophers!
"Hey Yankee" chants that were the bellowings from the Bama fans during the Music City Bowl a few years ago. If I had a dollar for all the Confederate flags we saw in the parking lot it would be like winning the "Gopher Five" I don't know about Tennesse fans, but many of the Bama fans were the consumate Bush rednecks. The U of M band was smart enough not to do the "Swinging Gate" and Battle Hymn of the Republic. They did do "Rocky Top" after the game and that really pissed the Bama fans off
It depends on where you want to park and where you want to tailgate.
The major parking area #1 on the map is I believe strictly reserved for members of the BRAA.
The two major tailgating areas are #2 and #3
#2 is "RV Row" and being next to the BRAA parking lot, it is where the majority of BRAA members tailgate. This is a bit of an older crowd, but there are still some pretty rowdy tailgates over here. It is a pretty large tailgating area and if you get there fairly early, you should be able to park in #6(there are two #6's on this map, I'm referring to the one just to the left of #2) I think they'll charge you $5 to park there, but you can park there and you'll just have to go across one crosswalk to set up in that big field.
#3 is "Peck Forrest"(named for being right outside of Peck hall) If you look very closely, just above the #3 is a small square building(Peck hall) and just below the #3 is a small rectangular building(Cope admin building) and you should clearly notice an ovular road enclosing the entire area. Within the rectangle created between the two buildings and the road looping around is where the majority of students tailgate. There are some alumni who tailgate in this vicinity, just outside the rectangle, but within those four sides is pretty much all students and occasionally there will be visiting fans tailgating within the area, but I wouldn't set up to close to the students, but definitely go over and check the area out at some point. The "Raider Walk" goes right through this area. If you want to tailgate anywhere in this vicinity, you should try to park in #5 there's also a smaller lot an inch or so below #5 that you may be able to park in.
The other #6(towards the upper right hand corner of the map) is generally where the majority of visitor's park and tailgate and if anyone from your athletic department or alumni association organizes a big tailgate event, that is likely where it will be. Parking and tailgating there is probably your best bet as you'll be with all your fellow gophers and you're about a s short walk away from RV row if you want to come over and check it out and maybe mix it up with Blue Raider fans and you're probably about a ten minute walk or so from Peck Forrest if you want to check that out.
After typing all that it occurred to me that this game is being played on a school day. They'll definitely have the BRAA lot closed off from students, but I'm not sure what other lots they'll have closed off. I would imagine that "the other #6" where visitors usually get together will be closed, but with students being on campus in other lots, I imagine there will be more home fans parking there as well. At this point, I would say that this will probably be your best bet at finding a spot without too much hassle, but I will come back and update you on that in a few weeks. I'm a new alumni and currently back living at home in GA, but hoping to move back to Murfreesboro right before this game, either way I'll be there a day or two early and get the scoop on the parking situation for any Gopher fans making the trip.