Seantrel visiting Alabama...

After you finish reading this:

perhaps you could trot back to the ticket thread and continue telling "people from WI" that people from MN are smarter/better because of their genes.

I think I said that there are many racists in MN. My point is that it is not as acceptable to be openly racist in Minnesota as in Alabama and that is a good thing. It isn't utopia but it is good that Minnesota society generally attempts to tramp down people's racist inclinations more than in other areas of the country. For example, acccording to this article, racism in our police departments is not tolerated and if it happens, lawsuits can be successful to stop it. Hopefully such lawsuits would be as successful in the deep south, but I don't know.

Apart from all of this, I do generally think Badger fans are stupid bucktoothed buffoons. Whatever happened to buckysdead anyway? He had the greatest insults for Badger fans.

Apart from all of this, I do generally think Badger fans are stupid bucktoothed buffoons.

Before I get ripped on for not being a gopher fan by you Handsome Pete, you must realize that I am a Gopher fan and that I'm originally from Minnesota and moved to Wisconsin my 6th grade year(because my dad got a new job as VP and Division Manager at the largest catalog and direct marketing printer in the world) .

Now I have lived here in Reedsburg, WI for 5 years, and I can tell you that I have yet to see a Badger fan as a "stupid bucktoothed buffon" as you so kindly put it. I have to say that all of my friends from here except the maybe 10 Gopher fans and 2 Illinios fans are all Badger fans. I can also tell you that each one of them acts very well mannered and are very nice people. I can also tell you that they are sick of me telling them about Tim Brewster and how Minnesota has won 6 NC compared to the 0 Wisconsin has. There is about 5 of us that have a bet every year where if Minnesota wins they have to come to school Monday dressed in a Gopher shirt and If Wisconsin wins I'll come to school in a Badger shirt. Now every one of these kid's is not bucktooth, don't go around on message boards saying how they are smarter then someone from another state and making themselves look like jackasses. Bronko Nagurski Fan we also don't go around using the word "retard" as one of my Wisconsin friends has a brother who is mentally challenged and is on the Sauk County special olympic basketball team, and we also go and cheer on the team at least once a year.

So before you go and spout off about how your sh*t don't stink please remember that most of Wisconsin doesn't give a damn what you think as you are a terrible example of what a true Gopher fan should be and your representing the State of Minnesota very poorly.


Kyle Timlin

"Coonass" is the same as "coon" as in "n***er."

No. This is patently incorrect. No one knows for sure where the word "coonass" originated, but the prevailing theory is that it is an Anglicization of the French slang term "connasse," translating roughly to "dirty prostitute." Uppity Frenchmen called Cajuns serving alongside them in WWII by the term, which American soldiers heard and brought back to the US with them as a derogatory term.

Furthermore, as I have already stated, it is a term used in reference to Cajuns (think of Adam Sandler's Bobby Boucher character in Waterboy as an epitome of a "coonass"). While they are an amalgamation of many different European ethnicities, they are more or less white. It is a distinction of ethnicity, not race. If you really felt that they are the same, why did you put stars in the latter, but spelled the former in its entirety?

Note that I never said that it is not a hateful term. In fact, I used the descriptor "pejorative." I merely am stating that it has nothing to do with race, which is what sonnygarcia implied by posting the Nick Saban story.

Wow has this thread gotten off topic. We've gone from Seantrel visiting Alabama, to debating race relations in the north vs. the south, to Nervous apparently still being nervous regarding people's reactions to selling tickets to a Badger, to Minnesotans being smarter or dumber than Wisconsinites, to debating potentially racially motivated speech. Whew, that's a lot of ground to cover!!!:eek::eek:

Does anybody know if Seantrel enjoyed Alabama? Just curious....:D

, to Nervous apparently still being nervous regarding people's reactions to selling tickets to a Badger:D

looks like if Nervous would have waited a little bit instead of jumping on the first offer from a badger fan he could have sold his tickets to a gopher fan...But I bet Seantrel enjoyed his visit, it was a good time for saban to get him down there when minnesotans are still sick of winter and want warmth and it isn't nut busting hot down there

No. This is patently incorrect. No one knows for sure where the word "coonass" originated, but the prevailing theory is that it is an Anglicization of the French slang term "connasse," translating roughly to "dirty prostitute." Uppity Frenchmen called Cajuns serving alongside them in WWII by the term, which American soldiers heard and brought back to the US with them as a derogatory term.

Furthermore, as I have already stated, it is a term used in reference to Cajuns (think of Adam Sandler's Bobby Boucher character in Waterboy as an epitome of a "coonass"). While they are an amalgamation of many different European ethnicities, they are more or less white. It is a distinction of ethnicity, not race. If you really felt that they are the same, why did you put stars in the latter, but spelled the former in its entirety?

Note that I never said that it is not a hateful term. In fact, I used the descriptor "pejorative." I merely am stating that it has nothing to do with race, which is what sonnygarcia implied by posting the Nick Saban story.

Having lived in NW FL and having several friends from New Orleans and Southern Louisiana, I can state that the coonasses don't mind being called coonasses. It is similar to being called Norwegian or French-Canadian to them. They have a heritage that is a mixture of cajun and french and spanish and a dialect that is quite unique and enjoyable. Music and culture and food, just like any other nationality. Hell, they even have their own parades and community events called Coonass Days.

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