Save Gopher Football

I have to tell you that anyone thinking the major push for former players is from no minds or unsuccessful, or players from losing teams has no insight at all. The majority are from the winning yrs., and were very successful business people and athletes. They are not saying that they want to hire the coach but would like meaningfull input. Keep doing the same thing and expecting different results is just plain stupid. OOPS DID I SAY MATURI?

Well, I think that Dean Wormer should consult with the Home Economics, Math and Art departments before putting Delta Tau Chi on double secret probation. [/Animal House reference]

We are now getting lots of cooks for soup that hasn't started to boil yet. I just hope this is not a flusterkuck-in-waiting.

Not wanting Maturi to make the hire is pretty much crying over spilled milk. There simply is not enough time to can Maturi, find a new athletic director, get him in place, put together a staff and hire a new coach. The proper procedure would be to replace the president, let him select a new AD, let the AD put his guys in the department then select a coach. Like it our not there's no scenario in this time frame that's realistic other than Maturi and Bruininks making this hire.

I don't think this is such a difficult hire that they can't succeed in it, and I'm fine with people wanting to have input and apply pressure on the university to not go bargain basement on this hire, but saying you don't want Joel calling the shots is pretty much pissing into the wind.

I'm sorry if your favored candidate (Leach) isn't going to get considered, but that doesn't mean there aren't a ton of good names swirling around the program right now. I highly doubt we're going to get another Brewster. All the names I'm seeing floated are good coaches with talent, work ethic, recruiting ability and head coaching experience.

To the credit of Bruininks and Maturi I think they're pretty much just going to do their own thing here and try to put the school in the best position possible so they can walk away with their heads held high and personally I feel pretty good about that.

The football team hasn't graduated a lot of econ majors.

Also they couldn't register because I beat them to it laff. Although I took my anti-Brew site down since that ship has sailed.

Not since I started talking to his wife.


Amazing how uninformed so many Gopher fans are. One has a problem with the sites color ? History lesson here, Bierman's squads wore Gold, So Did Warmath's, Stoll's and Wacker. Not too bad at least 3 out of 4 had success. Better than the 'Yellow' of today !
Another talks about economics. Well,economics lesson here - Tuition rates at the U of M are higher than Iowa and Wisc, any idea why ? Did you know that charitable donations at Northwestern went up 10 fold after they went to the Rose Bowl. Estimates have it that Wisc and Iowa get as much as $100 Million more than the U, more if all things taken into consideration. Hmmm, How about the $26 Million the U says they borrowed to the Athletic Dept. Where did that come from? There is a lot more here to talk about than the color of jerseys or web sites. I think they are doing something that has been brewing for over 30 years !

That site is an embarrassment. There are so many more productive things these players could be doing outside of throwing administration under the bus.

I am doing so because unlike us internet posters their opinions may caring some weight. All they are doing is making the U look bad. If they care as much as they claim they should shut up, open their wallets, and support the current gopher players. Many of these players didn't exactly play during the glory years of gopher football, but are taking some real shots at the state of the program which includes the players. That is what bothers me about this group, plus that fact that at least one of them is remaining nameless.

I agree, but the problem is that most of the guys who played during the glory years are taking a dirt nap. I concur that someone who played during the JeezoBeezo regime prolly shouldn't be throwing rocks.

Like I posted the other day, when it comes to replacing a coach or decisions of that magnitude, boosters and ex-players have the same role as the father of the bride at the wedding. Open up the checkbook and STFU.

P.S. Someone must have corrected the obvious misspellings by the time I viewed the site. Grammatically, though, its a mess. There are times to use commas, and times not to. They effed it up on both counts. That takes talent.

Another talks about economics. Well,economics lesson here - Tuition rates at the U of M are higher than Iowa and Wisc, any idea why ? Did you know that charitable donations at Northwestern went up 10 fold after they went to the Rose Bowl.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

More productive ?

I have to tell you, the ones I know, former players all have season tickets, belong to the "M' club, pay extra for priority seating, donate to the Williams Scholarship fund and much more.
Ever heard of taxation without representation. I contacted some of them and they told me this movement is organized, coordinated and not out for blood, but out for Gold. They want their team back. I agree it will take alot more than building a new stadium on campus, if you forgot to bring a team with it ! Mant are from the last team to win a championship in 1967. That team was the last team to win all its home games, last team to win all three trophy games. No wonder they are speaking out. We have fans today who have no clue how good football was at one time !

I have to tell you, the ones I know, former players all have season tickets, belong to the "M' club, pay extra for priority seating, donate to the Williams Scholarship fund and much more.
Ever heard of taxation without representation. I contacted some of them and they told me this movement is organized, coordinated and not out for blood, but out for Gold. They want their team back. I agree it will take alot more than building a new stadium on campus, if you forgot to bring a team with it ! Mant are from the last team to win a championship in 1967. That team was the last team to win all its home games, last team to win all three trophy games. No wonder they are speaking out. We have fans today who have no clue how good football was at one time !

Explain out for Gold. Because your site sure doesn't.

I don't see this site being productive at all. It all seems like a thinly veiled effort to undermine Maturi, which as stated above, is irresponsible and wreckless given the time frame the Gophers have to find a new coach and get him in place in time for recruiting. This all comes across as a temper tantrum from a bunch of old guys who are upset they're not part of some round table to decide this issue rather than having it come down to the AD and President as it should be.

On reflection I don't think their heart is in the right place and this seems to be entirely about ego.

Estimates have it that Wisc and Iowa get as much as $100 Million more than the U, more if all things taken into consideration.

$100 million more of what? Revenue? Donations? From football? C'mon. No chance. And, you do realize that your "U" raised more than $100 million of additional donations for the academic side of things based solely off of the TCF Bank Stadium fund drive, right?

Do you have any idea how a major college football coach is hired these days? It isn't 1967 anymore. If you want a proven, big name guy, then it has to be on the down low and it has to be done behind closed doors. The more people you get involved in this thing, the more chance it has of getting botched.

If you're not out for blood as you state, then let the athletic director hire his coach. Support the Gophers and move forward. Where were you when Maturi hired Tubby Smith? Where were you when he hired Enrico Blasi? Where were you when he hired Terry Hoeppner? He's made some good hires. Look, he messed up when he hired Brewster. He knows it. Let him try to fix it by giving him support, not by undermining him.

short memories !

Aren't we talking about the same guy who gave Mason an extension, then fired him? Gave Monson extension and... and Brewster and .. where does all that money come from ? Another chance ? Where does anyone get that many mistakes in the real world ?

Aren't we talking about the same guy who gave Mason an extension, then fired him? Gave Monson extension and... and Brewster and .. where does all that money come from ? Another chance ? Where does anyone get that many mistakes in the real world ?

I'll play the game.

Who do you want for the coach? And do you believe your preferred option won't get a fair shake by Macturi?

Aren't we talking about the same guy who gave Mason an extension, then fired him? Gave Monson extension and... and Brewster and .. where does all that money come from ? Another chance ? Where does anyone get that many mistakes in the real world ?

So, you are out for blood. Just admit it then. Man up.

Aren't we talking about the same guy who gave Mason an extension, then fired him? Gave Monson extension and... and Brewster and .. where does all that money come from ? Another chance ? Where does anyone get that many mistakes in the real world ?

Alright. Now you're being honest, you want Maturi gone. So what's your plan of attack for a hire in December? Are you the pro Trestman group? Out for Gold? The "One of us" angle?

I totally agree with this group of former players!

I've been watching and cheering for Gopher Football for over half a century. I watched these guys play for the Maroon & Gold. They are right. It is time to call a spade a spade. Maturi and prexy b have really managed to destroy the joy that should have been associated with the Gophers moving back to the campus. This pair of administrators has wasted millions and millions of dollars with the mishandling of coaching dismissals, buyouts, extensions and the like. How incompetent can this administrative team be?

And now, they are even wasting MORE money by hiring a search firm and hiring a public relations firm/guy because they are so totally incompetent themselves. maturi and prexy b need to be driven from the temple (TCF BANK STADIUM) and have their duties taken away.

Who will be responsible for this next football coach? What football coach will sign on with a lame duck prexy who will be gone in June of 2011 at the latest? And maturi...maturi is just the saddest little excuse for an athletic director. Just today he back-tracked and told people he was only fooling when he said he was going to hire a "...big name..." football coach. He tried to distance himself from his "...Tubby-type hire..." for the football program. So, in essence, maturi has indicated that he is "...going small..." with his coaching search, I guess.

Stand tall former Gopher players. You are right on the money. prexy b and maturi are running the football program into a brick wall at 100 miles per hour. The program is crashing and burning under their watch. These 8 or 9 years of prexy b and maturi have seen the program totally waste what should have been a new beginning. They have done terrible damage and have done great harm. The losses they are responsible for can not be terms of dollars and in terms of what the stadium could have done for the awakening and rejuvination of the program.

If you fire Maturi then bringing on a new AD really should be the responsibility of the incoming president, not Bruininks. There simply is no time to bring in a new president, AD, staff and conduct a coaching staff. You guys can throw all the tantrums you want but that fact is not going to change.

Maturi and Bruininks will make this hire and all the posts and bad sites in the world won't change that.

I don't see this site being productive at all. It all seems like a thinly veiled effort to undermine Maturi, which as stated above, is irresponsible and wreckless given the time frame the Gophers have to find a new coach and get him in place in time for recruiting. This all comes across as a temper tantrum from a bunch of old guys who are upset they're not part of some round table to decide this issue rather than having it come down to the AD and President as it should be.

On reflection I don't think their heart is in the right place and this seems to be entirely about ego.

Last time our AD listened to a bunch of old guys sitting around a table we wound up moving out of Memorial stadium. If it takes bringing in Trestman for a courtesy interview to get these clowns to STFU, fine. Or better yet, a phone interview. That way Maturi can do something useful at the same time. Like clip his fingernails or finish off that bronze level Sudoku

I don't believe in catering to these moldy old men one bit. If Trestman even so much as sniffs the campus it's an outrage.

Who the heck wants trestman?????

Since you feel a need to take a shot at the "moldy" former players, I guess it's time to tell you messy little punks that these "moldy" old former players don't deserve your punkish attitudes. Never let the punkish attitude types get you down old former players! MOLD is beautiful and MOLD makes it happen!

haha punkish? What era are you from?

Did you just step out of a 50s greaser movie?

I'm old as sin. Maybe you will be lucky and live as long as I have. I hope so. Life is great. But maturi and prexy b have messed this football program over in a really big way. Yes, macturi will make another inadequate hire. prexy b will slink off into the sunset. And, since I'm as old as sin, I'll just have to try to live another 20 or 30 years to hope to see the Gophers get back to even the failed, fired and not good enough Mason level of being at least competetive enough to make going on road trips to the Big Ten towns worth the time and effort.

I agree that maturi and prexy b will make the hire again now...but...I am NOT happy about it. And, I think that during the next five seasons, some of you people will know why. maturi and prexy b were not the right people to make this hire, but, they will do it. Basically, it's all over for another five years. Expect the worst... FOOTBALL coaching changes directed by maturi and prexy b generally don't turn out very well at all.

Be healthy and live long! Life is really good, even if the football program is rock bottom and probably stuck there for a long time. Life goes it goes...

I don't see this site being productive at all. It all seems like a thinly veiled effort to undermine Maturi, which as stated above, is irresponsible and wreckless given the time frame the Gophers have to find a new coach and get him in place in time for recruiting. This all comes across as a temper tantrum from a bunch of old guys who are upset they're not part of some round table to decide this issue rather than having it come down to the AD and President as it should be.

On reflection I don't think their heart is in the right place and this seems to be entirely about ego.

Of course everyone is 100% satisfied with the current state of Gopher football. Shame on past football players for voicing their unwarranted concern!!

Good for the players and shame on some for casting stones in the direction of the UM Administation for wanting the program to be one we all can be proud. Its no secret that there have been countless errors and poor decisions in the past that have led to our demise. The Admin. are fair game for all, including past players, and not just the fans and media. I would listen very closely to what a former player said in comparison to some uniformed fan.

To question the heart of past players and proclaim them egotistical through your keyboard is way off base. Maybe that is a question you could ask one of them in person.

I think they are a little carried away with what football revenue can support at the U. I am glad many of these players feel strongly toward the program, but I can't help but laugh that many of the players quoted on the website players in the 80's and early 90's. I like how one former team captain wishes to remain nameless. If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny.

Great. Show up when its the low point. What a joke. Where were these great former gophers when we needed them in the past? Most of these people have not stepped on campus since they left umpteen years ago. Go away.

GopherJay, a comment like that is just plain stupid. Most of us have season tickets, and pay for priority seating. We do not want the say in the hiring of the new coach, just have some representation in the process and to be involved. We feel that we have more of a stake in this than either the AD or the Pres. We will always be GOPHERS and proud of it, now we just want to be proud of the product and tradition on the field. Whether or not Maturi is fired (as he should be) is not as important as whether he has the final say in the hire (which he should not). The old fuddy duddies that you are talking about have probably had more success in life, business and football than most of the people that are commenting here will ever have. If we were good enough to raise funds for the Stadium, we should be good enough to have a seat at the table.

Of course everyone is 100% satisfied with the current state of Gopher football. Shame on past football players for voicing their unwarranted concern!!
Your sarcastic response here doesn't really make sense.
Good for the players and shame on some for casting stones in the direction of the UM Administation for wanting the program to be one we all can be proud. Its no secret that there have been countless errors and poor decisions in the past that have led to our demise. The Admin. are fair game for all, including past players, and not just the fans and media. I would listen very closely to what a former player said in comparison to some uniformed fan.
I never said that wanting the program to be something we can be proud of is a bad thing, but I don't think them trying to shoulder their way in at this point and get Maturi fired, which clearly seems to be the goal of these academic all-Americans, is not productive.
To question the heart of past players and proclaim them egotistical through your keyboard is way off base. Maybe that is a question you could ask one of them in person.
They posted their rambling comments on the internet and don't have the strength of conviction to put their name behind those words. Note their team roster page, so responding through the internet seems entirely appropriate.

Unless you're implying I should be afraid to say these things in person for fear of physical retribution which is silly.

The old fuddy duddies that you are talking about have probably had more success in life, business and football than most of the people that are commenting here will ever have.
Ad hominem and irrelevant. Thank you for playing.

GopherJay, a comment like that is just plain stupid. Most of us have season tickets, and pay for priority seating. We do not want the say in the hiring of the new coach, just have some representation in the process and to be involved. We feel that we have more of a stake in this than either the AD or the Pres. We will always be GOPHERS and proud of it, now we just want to be proud of the product and tradition on the field. Whether or not Maturi is fired (as he should be) is not as important as whether he has the final say in the hire (which he should not). The old fuddy duddies that you are talking about have probably had more success in life, business and football than most of the people that are commenting here will ever have. If we were good enough to raise funds for the Stadium, we should be good enough to have a seat at the table.

Hey, say I go on a cruise ship for a vacation. I can only afford to pay for a tiny room down in the bilge. So be it. Now some old fuddy duddy who's been immensely successful shells out for the El Presidente cabin well above the waterline. He gets to eat caviar at the captain's table, while I'm eating rubber chicken with the unwashed in a buffet line. More power to him, he's earned it. But if the ship hits a wicked storm, does he have more of a right to steer the boat than I do? NFW. He should STFU, hunker down in his cabin, and take dramamine like the rest of us.

I love that analogy.

The idea, by the way, that these guys have amazing insight because they were players is a bit naive. You know who else was a player? Tim Brewster.

The lame duck (prexy b) and the dead duck (maturi)...

need to be taken to task for what their lack of leadership has done to this football program during the past eight years. They have directed a series of incredible blunders during the construction process of TCF BANK STADIUM, the proposed salvation site and home of Golden Gopher Football. While the stadium itself is a beautiful sight to behold, the condition of the football program has seldom, if ever been in such a total state of helplesness. The lame duck and the dead duck have allowed this shocking and alarming deterioration of his program to continue to it's current state. Just a year ago, following a questionable final half of the 2009 Big Ten Football Season, the dead duck extended the contract of his failed and now fired signature football coach, tim brewster.

Now the dead duck and the lame duck will attempt to attract another football coach.

A group of M Football Men have stated their concerns. I fully support these M Football Men and share their concerns about the leadership at the University of Minesota re: their Football Program. Had the lame duck and the dead duck acted last year, when they should have, they would not have been quite so lame or quite as "belly up" in attracting a dynamic and proven coach to the University. They currently are hindered in this process because of their lame duck status. They ducked their responsibilities last year. And they have placed the future of the U of M Football Program in grave danger with this current fiasco being lead by the dead duck maturi. Be concerned for your football program M-Football Men. Be very concerned.

I watched these former Gopher Football Players compete for the U of M over the decades. I salute them. I respect them. I honor them. And, above all else, I thank them. They have helped me to stay a life-long fan of Golden Gopher Football. IF some would condemn them and make light of their concerns, so be it. However, I will stand as a contrast against that element that lacks respect and attempts to dishonor their voices and concerns.

Thanks for ALL the memories M-Men! Know that your concerns are being heard by some and are also shared by some. Keep up the good fight. Never let the bashers get you down!

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