Save Gopher Football

What should have been done last year is immaterial. All that matters now is what can be done going forward.

I applaud former players who have an interest in the program.

To be honest, the web page is vague in its demands and somewhat anonymous. What exactly do they want? Who is behind the web page? This group needs to publicly name a spokesman if it wants to be taken seriously.

However, instead of complaining, I think it would be better to organize with a tangible goal. How about the former players form a group with the goal of raising money to send the band to a road rivalry game every year? Don't like the band? Raise money to buy tickets for high school kids to go to TCF and be hosted by former players.

Succeed with this will do much more in getting a "seat at the table" than an anonymous web page full of anger but with no tangible asks.

uhhh... I kind get the feeling this is a bogus site. Meaning, a private individual trying to represent former players. It also looks very sloppy and unprofessional, with dates wrong, grammatical errors and the like. I'm sure whomever put this together cares about gopher football, and I'm sure the quotes are real, though some are cut & paste from newspaper articles. The whole site just comes across as clumsy. In addition, if this site truly represents former players... what's the point of trying to convince us. I mean, what's the point? If a consortium of former players really wants to have sway in the hiring process they would appoint an individual who has a lot of credible clout, someone who is in the public eye to speak for them. This person would have so much clout that president Bob would take his call and listen to what he had to say. But isn't this already happening in name of Tony Dungy. I mean, shouldn't the so-called players who back this website seek out Tony Dungy. He's obviously their guy, he's the one who has the ear of J-Mat and BobB. I just don't think the site is real. Whomever is behind it is someone who is passionate and cares about the gophers, yes. But.. otherwise, what's the point.

I know several former players involved in this and I can tell you it is NOT bogus.

Looks like the people on this board aren't the only ones that want change - a number of former Gopher Football players have spoken up on this topic:

So what is the ask? They say they are unified - for what? If you don't want Maturi as our AD - say it. I'm not persuaded by anything on that site. It's unspecific and unclear on what it is they would do differently.

If indeed removing Maturi is their answer - then what? Scramble to reset a process that is well in motion, attempt to hire a viable coach in a timely fashion? Respect and admire former players very much, but not impressed by this effort.

GopherJay, a comment like that is just plain stupid. Most of us have season tickets, and pay for priority seating. We do not want the say in the hiring of the new coach, just have some representation in the process and to be involved. We feel that we have more of a stake in this than either the AD or the Pres. We will always be GOPHERS and proud of it, now we just want to be proud of the product and tradition on the field. Whether or not Maturi is fired (as he should be) is not as important as whether he has the final say in the hire (which he should not). The old fuddy duddies that you are talking about have probably had more success in life, business and football than most of the people that are commenting here will ever have. If we were good enough to raise funds for the Stadium, we should be good enough to have a seat at the table.

I am a GOPHER and am not talking about any fuddy duddies, I am talking about unconnected people who show up all of a sudden and want to help steer the bus. Why weren't they on the bus from the start? Many of these unconnected people have sat back and made negative comments, shook their heads and criticized. I know because I have been present to hear it. And by the way, I am on the cusp of being one of the fuddy duddies and I am successful in life, business and was a hell of a flag football player so speak for yourself.
I welcome these people back but don't crap on those of us who have been here donating and volunteering and supporting everyone who is on the field.

Phone number on the press release at that site matches up with a number at this site --

Couple of boosters? Season ticket holders? No one of importance?

Steve Nestor (from the car site) is linked to this site --


This Nestor character was apparently the student trainer on the team (see his name under the picture - I would not think that position carries a lot of weight. Just saying.


You are a self serving uninformed youg man. You played a game that gave you your present name around town. You have the responsibility for stewardship of supporting a tradition that started in the 1880's. Your personal opinion is just that and limited to your lack of maturity and success. Because you played QB on a relatively good football team is the only reason anyone knows you. And you have the nerve or inmaturity to attack and discredit M Men that have given on the filed, in the community, in business and so much back to the school they love and stand up for. You sir should be ashamed of yourself and rather than chat your life away, start giving back to the School, the city you owe your entire name too. Take time to grow up and find out something more than your own self serving ego.

Great. Show up when its the low point. What a joke. Where were these great former gophers when we needed them in the past? Most of these people have not stepped on campus since they left umpteen years ago. Go away.

I thought that Brewster worked hard to get many former "M" men back in touch and involved with the program? I can understand that they would not be happy with the direction of the program (all the losing). Do others know if Brew did in fact reach out to former players. Thanks.

GopherJay, a comment like that is just plain stupid. Most of us have season tickets, and pay for priority seating. We do not want the say in the hiring of the new coach, just have some representation in the process and to be involved. We feel that we have more of a stake in this than either the AD or the Pres. We will always be GOPHERS and proud of it, now we just want to be proud of the product and tradition on the field. Whether or not Maturi is fired (as he should be) is not as important as whether he has the final say in the hire (which he should not). The old fuddy duddies that you are talking about have probably had more success in life, business and football than most of the people that are commenting here will ever have. If we were good enough to raise funds for the Stadium, we should be good enough to have a seat at the table.

Littlebigboy, you speak as if you are a former player. If so I am glad you decided to be a gopher & am thankful for your donations towards the stadium and any other donations you have made, but in my mind donations towards the stadium count towards making the stadium a reality (and a great stadium we got). Paying for season tickets and priority seating shouldn't give you a voice in the hiring of a new coach, you are simply paying market rates to obtain the seats you sit in for entertainment on Saturday afternoons. If you are truly vested in the University you will be able to see that other than Maturi's selection of Tim Brewster he has done many great things and will leave the Athletic Department in a much better shape then when he got here.

Like it or not, Maturi is going to make the final decision. Actually, not quite the final decision, since Bruininks could override. But he won't be making this decision alone, we aren't going to get another Brewster hire. The coaches that are being talked about are coaches who have had pretty good track records. Trying to fire Maturi now is barking up the wrong tree.

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