Sam needs to clean up his act...


Knows Less Than Coaching Staff
Jan 4, 2009
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College kids are going to get drunk and rowdy...that's just part of the deal, but Sam needs to learn how to stay under the radar. Or maybe he's just an alcoholic meathead. Hopefully he get's it figured out, because he'd be a great success story


My goodness, can't these guys just sit somewhere else and drink without running around outside drunk as hell asking to get caught?

My older brother told me some fair good warnings when I was in high school:

"if you are dumb enough to do the things you do, you should be smart enough not to get caught"

Thats worked for me most of my life, anyway. Sometimes.

Go Gophers!!! (even without Sam for awhile)

Re: Campus Cops..

Get a life. How about cracking down on the violent crimes on campus. Try catching those stabbing and shooting coeds.

Get a life. How about cracking down on the violent crimes on campus. Try catching those stabbing and shooting coeds.

Sorry, but I don't think it is expecting too much of an athlete not to walk down the street with an open container.

get over it, kids are kids! they will make stupid decisions and learn from them. if not he will piss his life away. i think its a stretch to call sam a "thug" and this guys arent role models. if you expect these guys to be choir boys off the field and violent a**holes on the field your dumb. pretty rare to have it both ways! and the ones that arent out getting drunk making an ass of themselves are probably sleeping with a majority of gopherholers sisters, wives, daughters, neighbors etc etc. get over it they are football players

get over it, kids are kids! they will make stupid decisions and learn from them. if not he will piss his life away. i think its a stretch to call sam a "thug" and this guys arent role models. if you expect these guys to be choir boys off the field and violent a**holes on the field your dumb. pretty rare to have it both ways! and the ones that arent out getting drunk making an ass of themselves are probably sleeping with a majority of gopherholers sisters, wives, daughters, neighbors etc etc. get over it they are football players

An incredibly dumb and thoughtless response. Thanks for the input...

I know and have known many college kids that don't drink. It can be done. It is not some great sacrifice to give up getting drunk whenever you have a chance. You choose your lifestyle and you live with the longterm consequences.

get over it, kids are kids! they will make stupid decisions and learn from them. if not he will piss his life away. i think its a stretch to call sam a "thug" and this guys arent role models. if you expect these guys to be choir boys off the field and violent a**holes on the field your dumb. pretty rare to have it both ways! and the ones that arent out getting drunk making an ass of themselves are probably sleeping with a majority of gopherholers sisters, wives, daughters, neighbors etc etc. get over it they are football players

Like it or not, student-athletes have a different responsibility than the rest of the student population when it comes their actions. If they don't like it or can not handle that responsibility then they should not compete. Sam has gone from the guy Brewster had carry out the flag against Air Force to the guy that likes to party too much. If I remember correctly, Brewster said Sam represents everything that is good about Minnesota and Gopher football before the Air Force game. You don't put that responsibility on a kid unless he can handle it. I can understand one mistake because they are kids, but repeat offenses are not acceptable when you are the face of a program.

Like it or not, student-athletes have a different responsibility than the rest of the student population when it comes their actions. If they don't like it or can not handle that responsibility then they should not compete. Sam has gone from the guy Brewster had carry out the flag against Air Force to the guy that likes to party too much. If I remember correctly, Brewster said Sam represents everything that is good about Minnesota and Gopher football before the Air Force game. You don't put that responsibility on a kid unless he can handle it. I can understand one mistake because they are kids, but repeat offenses are not acceptable when you are the face of a program.

Absolutely agree 100%. Don't worry...every time one of our student athletes mess up half of the posters will give the "college students will be college students" post. Give me a break.

There is already a 4 page discussion on this need for a whole new thread

...or he will throw his chance away.

I have always given Sam the benefit of doubt, but this is becoming habit. This is the fourth incident involving alcohol and/or "thuggery" in less than 6 months.

This makes my heart ache to even think about what this kid will lose out on if he doesn't get his act together.

Fourth (4th) incident of alcohol or thuggery? Please list them for us because to my knowledge there's only been two and they are the two (2) underage drinking tickets mentioned in this new article.

While it should come as no surprise that college kids drink or that college jocks drink, he's got to admit this IS effecting his football now. With Tinsley injured this spring Maresh was supposedly making up ground and was set to showcase himself in the scrimmage. His actions cost him that opportunity, if he's serious about playing he'll have to get focused now.

This isn't hard. College kids can and should be college kids (and this does include drinking for most, lets be honest). However, athletes face higher standards. Athletes who choose to drink (particularly underage ones) need to recognize that fact and drink smarter then the average college kid. Walking around with an open container is a stupid move for anyone but is doubly so for a football player.

What I see is a college kid who hasn't figured out that the rules apply to him. Hopefully he figures it out.

This isn't hard. College kids can and should be college kids (and this does include drinking for most, lets be honest). However, athletes face higher standards. Athletes who choose to drink (particularly underage ones) need to recognize that fact and drink smarter then the average college kid. Walking around with an open container is a stupid move for anyone but is doubly so for a football player.

What I see is a college kid who hasn't figured out that the rules apply to him. Hopefully he figures it out.

Well said. I'm sick of this "kids will be kids" crap. There is a reason that 95% of the players are not showing up on blotter sheets. They are using their BRAIN. Come on Sam, let's buckle down and get straightened out. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when Brewster meets with him to discuss this.

I lived right where Maresh was caught. Walking down that street swigging a bottle of jag means Maresh is either incredibly arrogant or incredibly stupid. I knew 24-hour potheads who weren't that lame.

Sam has a truly outstanding family. I bet mom and dad are terribly troubled right now. They have all been through so much already.

The kid has problems. I work with a guy that went to high school with him and says he's not surprised at this behavior either.

Yep. That's a third party internet rumor. Flame away folks. Cuz you know that I and the other folks on here secretly have it in for Sam Maresh and none of the other Gophers.

Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us. Fool us four times, we're a bunch of freakin' idiots.

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