Sam Maresh? Clean bill of health?


Aug 5, 2009
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Anyone know if Sam will 100% this spring and if so a probable starter for this fall season?

I know he was a hell of a wrestler in HS but will he be able to bring it to the football games this spring and fall season?:confused:
Sure hope so, because we need good LB's this year. For sure!

Go Gophers!!

Out of all the position battles this spring, I'm most excited about our linebackers. Barring disaster both Keanon Cooper and Gary Tinsley should be starting, and like you I'm very intrigued to see if Maresh is 100% and can grab the third spot. Should be fun.


I certainly cannot wait for the spring game. Should be fun to see how the linebacking corps.
From the previous post, it looks like Sam will have some competition. Still hope to see him starting soon.
Sam will be another Dick Butkus. Trust me.:eek:

Go Gophers!!!

Two points on Maresh

First Froggopher, I met Dick when he played at Illinois. He played both ways. He was a center and middle linebacker. To compare Maresh to Dick is no fair to either player.

Second, nothing, absolutley nothing has been even be charged to Maresh. The fifteen minutes of fame the guy got amounted to nothing. To say, print, or indicate otherwise without facts, reports, newpaper or video. You've got nothing.

Out of all the position battles this spring, I'm most excited about our linebackers. Barring disaster both Keanon Cooper and Gary Tinsley should be starting, and like you I'm very intrigued to see if Maresh is 100% and can grab the third spot. Should be fun.

I thought brewster said the LB's battle spots were Cooper/Tinsley Tinsley/Maresh and Rallis/Reeves/<forgot other>

So I don't think Maresh will grab the third spot.

First Froggopher, I met Dick when he played at Illinois. He played both ways. He was a center and middle linebacker. To compare Maresh to Dick is no fair to either player.

Second, nothing, absolutley nothing has been even be charged to Maresh. The fifteen minutes of fame the guy got amounted to nothing. To say, print, or indicate otherwise without facts, reports, newpaper or video. You've got nothing.

Husker, please remember that the Bible of Twin Cities Newspapers, the Star/Trib, mentioned something months ago, but then never followed up, so it is Gospel Truth. Our posters never forget that he is the ultimate troublemaker based on the Strib. :confused:

Based on the Strib proclamation, so do others on this board. Let it go folks.

Did Maresh's leg problem ever get resolved?

I understand surgery was ruled out, but did the leg heal itself or is he still playing with pain?

As I understand it Maresh is in fact guilty of watching a fight outside a bar on campus last year. If anyone's got anything else, speak now or forever hold your peace.

I love how quickly people here forget.....
I love how some people here seem to have an agenda and will pursue that agenda no matter what. We get it. You don't like Sam Maresh. What's the deal? Did he steal he steal your girl? Tackle you and drive you into the ground so hard you came out of the game crying? Refuse to sign your t-shirt? Let it go and grow the hell up.

I love how some people here seem to have an agenda and will pursue that agenda no matter what. We get it. You don't like Sam Maresh. What's the deal? Did he steal he steal your girl? Tackle you and drive you into the ground so hard you came out of the game crying? Refuse to sign your t-shirt? Let it go and grow the hell up.

no i get bagged on when i say everyone who's connected knows this kid messes up way to often and everyone rips me. But then it comes out he is messing up more then royce and everyone defends him.

I'm not sure of a clean bill of health or not, but his liver sure is getting a workout with all his "minor consumption"

As I understand it Maresh is in fact guilty of watching a fight outside a bar on campus last year. If anyone's got anything else, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Much more than that my friend, peace officially broken.

I love how some people here seem to have an agenda and will pursue that agenda no matter what. We get it. You don't like Sam Maresh. What's the deal? Did he steal he steal your girl? Tackle you and drive you into the ground so hard you came out of the game crying? Refuse to sign your t-shirt? Let it go and grow the hell up.

Have you even met Maresh before? Brew_Recruit is right, he is a major hot head and has some serious issues. Obviously i felt bad because of the heart thing, but thats over and through, and he is really starting to show how immature he really is now that he doesnt have his dad covering every step like he did in HS

First Froggopher, I met Dick when he played at Illinois. He played both ways. He was a center and middle linebacker. To compare Maresh to Dick is no fair to either player.

Second, nothing, absolutley nothing has been even be charged to Maresh. The fifteen minutes of fame the guy got amounted to nothing. To say, print, or indicate otherwise without facts, reports, newpaper or video. You've got nothing.

Does this count?

Does this count?

I don't think he is all that bright. In fact I rewatched the AFA/UM game and the Big Ten Network botched the pregame by focussing on this guy and his family, instead of a more worthy story line.

To the original point, are you not supposed to be really smart to play middle linebacker?

Why is it that really athlethic linebackers who make plays at LB and happen to be black get benched for "mental" reasons, yet really stupid , marginally fast and coordinated white guys keep getting promoted as "great" linebackers.

Send this guy off to school with our dreadlocked fromer RB, #6 at bumfck U. There is no difference between the cases.

"Send this guy off to school with our dreadlocked fromer RB, #6 at bumfck U. There is no difference between the cases."

Right on, Oak Street! However, brewster has invested so much hot air in his little flag boy's story that short of robbing a bank or kidnapping a baby, he isn't going anywhere.

I think Maresh's heart and leg are fine, but I'm starting to worry about his liver.

I've been defending Maresh on here through all of this, and I also think he needs to get his head out of his @ss, but comparing him to Whaley(who assaulted an officer IIRC) is a bit harsh...

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