Royce White's hearing schedule for November 25th

I think they'll drop the assault, fine for shoplifting, and it'll be a done deal.

Lets say you're right and he just pays a fine for shoplifting and he isnt busted for this laptop crap. does he suit up for the 76 classic? Even though I doubt he would play.

I don't understand what reviewing the tapes does. Isn't it already known what he did?

Lets say you're right and he just pays a fine for shoplifting and he isnt busted for this laptop crap. does he suit up for the 76 classic? Even though I doubt he would play.

I'm of the opinion he was busted for the laptop crap. I don't think he will suit up for the 76 classic or travel with the team.

"I'm of the opinion he was busted for the laptop crap. "

He was seen entering and leaving a building. There is nothing wrong with that. How does that equate to "busted"? Geez, do we pin every crime on a guy just because he was in the vicinity? Load of crap. Royce is getting a bum rap. I expect to see him play when the Big Ten games come around.

I don't understand what reviewing the tapes does. Isn't it already known what he did?

I think it's known what the security guard says he did. I imagine that Royce and/or his companions have somewhat different versions of what transpired. The tapes may (or may not) help sort that out.

He was seen entering and leaving a building. There is nothing wrong with that. How does that equate to "busted"? Geez, do we pin every crime on a guy just because he was in the vicinity? Load of crap. Royce is getting a bum rap. I expect to see him play when the Big Ten games come around.

I don't think we know exactly what happened to tell you the truth. Trevor is being charged with a felony and is still practicing and sitting the bench during games. So was Royce after the shoplifting/assault incident. The came the laptop theft. Royce was still practicing and dressing for games. The police investigation ensued. We don't know what's happening with that either. But, what we do know is that now Royce is not allowed to practice with the team or sit the bench during games. I'm of the opinion the police investigation implicated, not just accused, Royce in the theft.

If you have a better explanation of what changed in Royce's situation other than " he got a bad rap " I'm all ears.

The " in the vicinity " stuff with Royce is not enough, in my opinion again, to have garnered him the punishment he's now receiving and I honestly hope he straightens himself out and suits up. He'll be a great addition to the team once he does.

Actually, "in the vicinity" might in itself lead to greater punishment than before, if Royce was told by his coach and/or residence life people to stay away from the dorm in the first place. He was working on a pretty short leash after the Macy's incident, and while "in the vicinity" may not seem a great offense by itself, when combined with other incidents, it clearly was enough to put Tubby over the top, even without all of the facts in. The coach is doing his job.

I don't understand what reviewing the tapes does. Isn't it already known what he did?
I suspect it has to do with the charges involving the security guard(s). It's likely that Royce's attorney wants to evaluate whether he can argue that Royce's actions were provoked or not.

I am going back to WalMart shopping. Memphis within 2 of Kansas.

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