Royce video worth watching - he quits college basketball?

Let him go...We don't need this crap and we'll be fine without him. Let him go!

Sure if possibly making the NCAA tourney and winning a game or 2 is fine. This is the yr with Mbwake and White that we could have done some damage and while I agree Royce caused some of this on his own, this is beyond frustrating how the laptop thing is taking this long. If he didnt take it and they would know by now if he did then let him play, I dont blame him either. Things like this is why Gopher sports will never be elite in football or bball with administration who don't support the athletic programs to the degree that elite programs do.

Things like this is why Gopher sports will never be elite in football or bball with administration who don't support the athletic programs to the degree that elite programs do.

Yes. Let's hire Clem the gem back and let the system run amok again. Good plan!

Fact is, there's plenty of blame to go around. Royce has been immature and frankly short-sighted throughout this whole process. Whether or not he took the laptop, he's not handled the situation correctly. I don't think these videos help him at all. However, the UMPD has handled this very poorly as well. It seems to me that they believe they've finally got a high-profile case, and want to show to everybody that they're "Real Police." Further, I don't really like the way Maturi (or maybe Tubby) have handled things either. I don't like indefinite suspensions. I'd rather they came out and said either that Royce would be suspended for the year unless he did several things right, or that Royce would be suspended for, I don't know, eight games, unless he did something wrong, in which case it would be extended. Give the kid a baseline. I know there must be things behind the scenes, and everybody over there is probably extremely frustrated by his actions, but they have not handled it in a way that limits the distraction. In fact, they've enhanced the distraction. It's just a mess.

This is sad, I love Tubby, but I would ask this question.....Is he fighting hard enough for Royce, or has he said the hell with him? It would seem to me that if Royce has been claiming his innocence wouldn't Tubby and/or Maturi be working harder with the UMPD to quit dragging their feet. Charge Royce or let it go, clearly they have a lack of evidence here. I guess I don't get it anymore.

Things like this is why Gopher sports will never be elite in football or bball with administration who don't support the athletic programs to the degree that elite programs do.

Seriously?? Becuase we do not hold people accountable for their actions? We do not cover things up or make things disapear? Royce is not the victum here, he put himself in all of these situations. Sometimes it is better to leave before being told to leave.


Read this and then think about the RW situation. It may bring a smile to your face.

When Your Child Threatens To Run Away

As a part of normal development, some children will talk of running away when they face conflicts with parents. If your child threatens to leave home, talk with him. Ask about any stresses and problems he may be experiencing. At the same time, be aware that these threats can sometimes be little more than a child's attempt to manipulate you. Perhaps he is trying to avoid chores or responsibilities. Or maybe he is attempting to relieve guilt feelings over having fought with you or having done something for which he is ashamed.

If a situation has occurred in which the child and parents have been at odds, the youngster may feel that the only resolution is to hurt his mother and father by threatening to run away. Be aware of your own vulnerability to your child's manipulation, and remain in control of your emotions. In cases like these, the child will rarely leave home, but his threats should be heard as a last-ditch effort, one designed to turn the tide in the parent-child conflict, changing his parents' attitudes in a direction more sympathetic to his own.

If a child says he is going to run away, his parents should use their judgment on how to react. If he has never left home before, the threat may not be a serious one. Sometimes parents become very upset by their child's threats and try to talk him out of running away. However, arguments aimed at changing the child's mind are usually counterproductive. In effect, they acknowledge that the child is in control, something few children actually want. In addition, by focusing on the threat to leave, parents are ignoring the underlying issues and needs.

Some parents wrongly "help pack their bags" or "wish them luck" on their running away as a way to defuse the conflicts with their children. This is likely only to heighten the child's sense of rejection and distrust. Sometimes parents and children contrive a pseudo-runaway, in which the parents know where the child is going and even encourage the behavior. Children can learn a lot from this experience, but their safety must be assured.

Sorry to hijack the thread. Thought this was too good to pass up...

There may be a lot of "tough love" going on for RW's long-term benefit. Tough on us ,too...huh...

Didnt feel like wasting 10 minutes of my life watching another Royce video. At what point in the video does he talk?

I don't care what anybody says. I still have a soft spot in my heart for Clem.

Highest of highs and lowest of lows. Unfortunately the lows lasted much longer. What a ride though. At least Clem was instrumental in helping to bring Tubby here.

This is sad, I love Tubby, but I would ask this question.....Is he fighting hard enough for Royce, or has he said the hell with him? It would seem to me that if Royce has been claiming his innocence wouldn't Tubby and/or Maturi be working harder with the UMPD to quit dragging their feet. Charge Royce or let it go, clearly they have a lack of evidence here. I guess I don't get it anymore.

How do you know Tubby isn't fighting hard enough for Royce? Unless you're really close to the team, you have no idea what Tubby or Maturi is doing behind the scenes.

Major distraction, see ya.

He should not play this year- no way. However, I hate to see the kid get tossed to the curb permanently. Not for the sake of Gopher buckets but for his life. He needs some serious help. Right now he is crying out for attention, the attention basketball has always brought him but that he can now only attain through youtube. I hope someone is able to get to him before it's too late.
I for one would love to see him get straightened out and be playing for the Gophs next year as a victory story for the right reasons. I know it seems pollyanna-ish but there's always hope.

Sure if possibly making the NCAA tourney and winning a game or 2 is fine. This is the yr with Mbwake and White that we could have done some damage and while I agree Royce caused some of this on his own, this is beyond frustrating how the laptop thing is taking this long. If he didnt take it and they would know by now if he did then let him play, I dont blame him either. Things like this is why Gopher sports will never be elite in football or bball with administration who don't support the athletic programs to the degree that elite programs do.

I don't think allowing players who are accused of felonies or multiple accounts of theft to see playing time qualifies as "support" of a program. But that's just me.

Fact is, there's plenty of blame to go around. Royce has been immature and frankly short-sighted throughout this whole process. Whether or not he took the laptop, he's not handled the situation correctly. I don't think these videos help him at all. However, the UMPD has handled this very poorly as well. It seems to me that they believe they've finally got a high-profile case, and want to show to everybody that they're "Real Police." Further, I don't really like the way Maturi (or maybe Tubby) have handled things either. I don't like indefinite suspensions. I'd rather they came out and said either that Royce would be suspended for the year unless he did several things right, or that Royce would be suspended for, I don't know, eight games, unless he did something wrong, in which case it would be extended. Give the kid a baseline. I know there must be things behind the scenes, and everybody over there is probably extremely frustrated by his actions, but they have not handled it in a way that limits the distraction. In fact, they've enhanced the distraction. It's just a mess.

I tend to agree with this. Once the MOA thing was resolved, they should have at least let him return to practice and perhaps said he could play starting with the Penn State game, since finals would be over and he would be eligible for Spring Semester. It's not as though if he played and was later charged in Laptop Gate we would have committed some terrible NCAA violation. He would simply have been expelled whenever that occured.

Whatever the plan, he deserved more then indefinate limbo, and I do wonder if Tubby and Maturi are on his side or just want him gone. Again, I realize there's stuff we don't know about, but I still can't help but think if this was John Wall at Kentucky or someone at UNC, the University Cops wouldn't have dreamed of stringing this out like this.

The timing of this corresponding with finals makes me think that has something to do with it though. Either he knows he's not going to pass several classes or he knows he doesn't want to put the effort into it.

Interesting he said the MOA thing was 2 exhibition games but the laptop thing is what took him out for most of this time. It seemed that they were indicating it was more than "just" the laptop thing. So my question is, has the team been fully honest with Royce about his issues and what is necessary for his return? If it is simply the laptop thing, then my question is, even if the investigation hasn't concluded, why can't they determine whether he was involved or not by now.

This is a sad case, and while Royce takes a big hit here, I can't help but kinda understand where he's coming from. If you were under the impression that you were good after the first couple games, but then something you "claim" to have no connection with and believe that you have clearly shown to be not a part of is what is keeping you from the court, then that has to be incredibly frustrating. Taking my mind back to when I was 18, I can't imagine what this situation would be like under that kind of microscope, with everyone "hatin" on you already cause of your past issues. I doubt this is a final word, Tubby's not gonna let the kid just roll away like that when he was one of his prized recruits. That, and I doubt his family will let him stick with this decision. It's hard to not play ball for a year and then jump to the NBA, so he's hurting his pro career at the same time.

If this is actually true-

Then the laptop thing popped up, and the laptop thing was totally ridiculous. Like you just heard, then woman already said she tried to tell the cops it wasn't me.

I hope someone is prepared to answer for it.

I mean seriously come on People! Give the kid a break, we are only looking in from the outside we do not know the whole story from both ends, only whats being reported by her say. I mean one day you guys rip myron a new one and the next your following his tweets for leads? Come on! seems to me some people are wanting Royce to be guilty so they can have the simple satisfaction of saying "I told you So" We have seen this before with the rape case that struck the u about 3 years ago. Everyone was quick to blame the first three thjat were charged and later more evidence proved they were innocent and charges were dropped. (No matter if its a stolen laptop, dwi or rape) Maturi does will not stand for letting a kid stay around to long thats causing this much trouble when they know he's gonna be convicted. Its a waste of a scholarship and draws more negtive attention to the program. Remember how the u of m police did the three football players they picked them up on a friday and held them the whole weekend with efforts to make a case and released them on monday. So from my point of view the umpd know Royce did not directly steal the labtop but they know he probally knows who has it, i mean kids are young they live by that "no snitching rule" and besides they say there video of a group running from room to room than the tape should show if Royce is involved that much. If he did not steal the labtop the reason i believe the fingers are pointing at him is because of his U-Card which he has access to all freshman dorms being as though he is a freshman and majority of his friends dont attend the u of m.

Im not saying he a perfect child or innocent to the fullest but im saying is let the system do its job i mean the kids youtube videos have been a scam to get attention in the past but this last one seemed honest but quiting is not the way to go if he ever wants support around the area! We all have been kids and some point and done something that we know is wrong he just needs to GROW UP AND STEP AWAY FROM HIS LARGE GROUP OPF FRIENDS

Per Myron's latest Tweet:
White hasn't started official process to leave team, according to U spokesman Garry Bowman. No U statement until that happens.

acc to my-ron's twitter he hasnt started any official paperwork, so maybe thats what this is? a bluff?

I liked the video, really showed Royce up close to us and frankly, I believe the kid. He showed some true loyalty to the U and gopher nation. As for leaving college ball, he did say it would take something big to keep him here, so either we do something great for Royce to convince him to stay, or I think he might just take the year off and join back next year once all in resolved.

An outside chance in my mind is that he goes right to the D-league now (if that's possible) or Europe for a year...

I just want to believe everything he said in this video and just kind of sucks all together, but all-in-all, he can only blame himself for creating the bad boy rep that screwed him over in the end...If he's gone, I wish him the best.

Kids, always shortsighted. Hopefully there are proactive adults close to him to knock some sense into him.

Honestly, I think it's pathetic how so many of you are judging Royce and looking down from your pedestal to do it. He's an 18-19 year old kid. I watched the video, and he is well spoken, and sincere. He made a mistake with the MOA incident, obviously, but that's been taken care of.

It's ridiculous that this issue hasn't been resolved yet. Royce seems smart enough where he wouldn't lie in a video that can be seen by anyone at anytime, so I do believe he offered his finger prints, and I also believe that the girl said it wasn't Royce and the UMPD didn't listen.

Undoubtedly, Royce is to blame for getting himself in this mess, but how some of you refuse to blame the UMPD for anything is unbelievable to me. This incident is going to take 3+ months to solve? How? You either have the evidence to charge him or you don't. I'm not saying the U needs to brush this under the rug and hide it like some schools would do, but in my opinion the U goes out of its way to prove they don't cater to their athletes.

It's ridiculous and I'm tired of it. Until this University gets the right people in charge who can get things accomplished in a timely manner, we are going to continue to see a 6-6 or 7-5 football team get slaughtered in bowl games, and a basketball team finish in the middle of the big ten. If Royce was guilty, how would they not have ANY PROOF yet? It's pretty clear cut case--they have the laptop that was stolen, dust it for finger prints. There's cameras in every dorm hallway--check the cameras. Is Royce carrying a backpack or anything he could have hidden the laptop in? If the answer is no, it's clear he didn't take it. If he has a backpack or something that a laptop could easily fit in, simply dust it for prints. What are the chances he's carrying a backpack AND wearing gloves in the camera video? 5%, at best? He's not even wearing gloves in the new YouTube video as he walks down the U campus, and it was definitely much colder at that point than it was during the alleged laptop crap.

This is BS, and while I appreciate Royce's loyalty to the Twin Cities and his admiration for Tubby, he deserves to play somewhere. The longer this drags on, the worse the UMPD looks, and the more innocent Royce looks in my opinion. Maturi needs to go, and this incident is reason number 2 million as to why.

How were RW'S mid-terms? How academically sound is he after attending classes? All these distractions have to take a toll. Is he making the grades? Could be a factor..... It has been stated that he has to do certain things to rejoin the team.... This is a duh......


1.) why would or should anyone on this board know something personal like that? 2.) if they did why would they share it publicly with a bunch of anonymous message board posters? 3.) why is that anyone's business but royce white's?

I think he was just saying that this video would make a lot more sense if Royce knew he wasn't going to be eligible after this semester. That would make transferring very difficult, and the whole "quitting college basketball" thing would make more sense.

Honestly, I think it's pathetic how so many of you are judging Royce and looking down from your pedestal to do it. He's an 18-19 year old kid. I watched the video, and he is well spoken, and sincere. He made a mistake with the MOA incident, obviously, but that's been taken care of.

It's ridiculous that this issue hasn't been resolved yet. Royce seems smart enough where he wouldn't lie in a video that can be seen by anyone at anytime, so I do believe he offered his finger prints, and I also believe that the girl said it wasn't Royce and the UMPD didn't listen.

Undoubtedly, Royce is to blame for getting himself in this mess, but how some of you refuse to blame the UMPD for anything is unbelievable to me. This incident is going to take 3+ months to solve? How? You either have the evidence to charge him or you don't. I'm not saying the U needs to brush this under the rug and hide it like some schools would do, but in my opinion the U goes out of its way to prove they don't cater to their athletes.

It's ridiculous and I'm tired of it. Until this University gets the right people in charge who can get things accomplished in a timely manner, we are going to continue to see a 6-6 or 7-5 football team get slaughtered in bowl games, and a basketball team finish in the middle of the big ten. If Royce was guilty, how would they not have ANY PROOF yet? It's pretty clear cut case--they have the laptop that was stolen, dust it for finger prints. There's cameras in every dorm hallway--check the cameras. Is Royce carrying a backpack or anything he could have hidden the laptop in? If the answer is no, it's clear he didn't take it. If he has a backpack or something that a laptop could easily fit in, simply dust it for prints. What are the chances he's carrying a backpack AND wearing gloves in the camera video? 5%, at best? He's not even wearing gloves in the new YouTube video as he walks down the U campus, and it was definitely much colder at that point than it was during the alleged laptop crap.

This is BS, and while I appreciate Royce's loyalty to the Twin Cities and his admiration for Tubby, he deserves to play somewhere. The longer this drags on, the worse the UMPD looks, and the more innocent Royce looks in my opinion. Maturi needs to go, and this incident is reason number 2 million as to why.

I agree with everything you say here. The only thing that bothers me here is the time on the insident. The whole laptop thing started shortly after the MOA insident went public. Do you think there is hope for this kid to change?

When I first heard about the Laptop incident, immediately following the MOA incident--my first instinct was "get him out of here." Admittedly, I knew nothing about Royce White the person, but two straight theft problems? Seemed like a problematic kid, and one the U didn't need.

Since then, I've actually read up on both incidents, and honestly the laptop case makes little sense the longer it carries on. Factor in that Royce was well-spoken, something I certainly didn't expect, and he came off as a smart kid. I don't know his grades situation, or anything, but the problem in my opinion is likely who he hangs out with.

I do believe he can change, although I doubt he will at least from a 'who he hangs out with' point of view. I do believe he'll avoid trouble from here on out, if given the chance, because he'll be smarter about some of the decisions he's made.

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