Ron Edwards column: Minnesota: land of underused though highly skilled Black QBs

I'd say Mr. Edwerds is failing to account for the building process. If roles were reversed and Nelson were the senior and Gray was the true freshman, it seems likely that the coaching staff would be doing the same thing they are now: playing the young guy.

Not picking sides on the article. I haven't clicked on it yet. I will ask this. Was Gray given this chance when Weber was here? Yes I know that Weber wasn't a senior when Gray was a true freshman nor was Kill coach, but...

Without being on the inside, we really don't know everything that goes into the decision to play one QB vs another.

I think it goes without saying that the Vikings are very likely the most prejudiced NFL franchise in the league when it comes to playing blacks at the QB position.

> Warren Moon
> Spurgeon Wynn (IIRC?)
> Randall Cunningham
> Daunte Culpepper
> Tavaris Jackson
> Donovan McNabb
> Joe Webb

All have started games at QB for the Vikings. Racist bastards....

Not picking sides on the article. I haven't clicked on it yet. I will ask this. Was Gray given this chance when Weber was here? Yes I know that Weber wasn't a senior when Gray was a true freshman nor was Kill coach, but...

Without being on the inside, we really don't know everything that goes into the decision to play one QB vs another.

I'm going to go with the consensus of multiple coaching staffs and multiple offensive coordinators that, when given the chance, all elected to start other QB's or flat out switched Gray to a different position. Even if you didn't watch any of the games, that fact alone would be pretty hard to ignore

Not picking sides on the article. I haven't clicked on it yet. I will ask this. Was Gray given this chance when Weber was here? Yes I know that Weber wasn't a senior when Gray was a true freshman nor was Kill coach, but...

Without being on the inside, we really don't know everything that goes into the decision to play one QB vs another.

No, but also Weber never gave him a chance because he was such a tough guy and never got hurt lol. If Gray never got hurt in the very first place, this discussion wouldn't be happening cause he would have remained the starter the whole year. Plus, Gray didn't have a redshirt to burn cause he had already burned it, so that wasn't in play either. I get what you're saying, we're not in the locker room or in the coaches meetings, but the situations aren't all that similar IMO.

Monty519 said:
No, but also Weber never gave him a chance because he was such a tough guy and never got hurt lol. If Gray never got hurt in the very first place, this discussion wouldn't be happening cause he would have remained the starter the whole year. Plus, Gray didn't have a redshirt to burn cause he had already burned it, so that wasn't in play either. I get what you're saying, we're not in the locker room or in the coaches meetings, but the situations aren't all that similar IMO.

Gray was never a redshirt.

If you were paying attention to the cuts at the end of training camp, Joe Webb was on the chopping block. Ponder's been awful, but even if Rosenfels was the backup, I doubt he'd be playing right now either.

Gray was never a redshirt.

What I meant was, since he was already playing that season, he was never in position to suddenly take over for a theoretically injured Weber and have his redshirt taken off his freshman year, hence, I would think a coach wouldn't be as concerned about keeping him as the starter since he was playing that backup role the whole time anyway....if that made any sense. In Nelson's case, once he lost his redshirt this year, it would have been quite unfair to then drop him back to third string after playing the two games or whatever it was while the other two were nicked up.

Don't people gt tired of this racist stuff. Coaches are paid to win, they will play the best in their opinion.

I can deal with the Finnish but draw the line with the Norwegians and Swedes.

Yes in sports you have to be able to Finish. Take Rodney Williams. I really like how he finishes at the rim....

In the spirit of Emily Litella


Here's my two cents:

1. I have ran in some of the same circles as Ron Edwards for years. In fact at one time we worked together at the same company. My thoughts? He's an idiot, I normally wouldn't waste 2 minutes trying to figure out where he is coming from.

2. Gray? He was given plenty opportunity to be the Gophers starting QB, I would even argue ( and I have) it was over some white QB's. No story here unless the argument is white QB's were the victim of racism (there is no such thing as reverse racism nor do I think any kind of racism apply

3. Timberwolves? It more than understandable for folks to question the racial composition of this team in a league made p of predominantly black players. Doesn't mean anything wrong is going on but it is a fair question.

4. Joe Webb? Some folks are scared to death to give this fellow a chance to be the QB. IMO they are scared to death he might win. Out of last seasons 3 QB's he was the most a passer people. The guy starting now was 3rd. The rift last season was the coach wanted Donovan, the current GM wanted Ponder and because the current GM at the time didn't have more power than the coach...the owner broke the tie and the coach got his guy. Ponder never beat out anyone for the gray he inherited the position. Unlike Ponder and Gray, Webb outplayed the ahead of him, the guy who supposedly had more upside as a passer....the same guy who can't break the hundred mark.

I think it goes without saying that the Vikings are very likely the most prejudiced NFL franchise in the league when it comes to playing blacks at the QB position.

> Warren Moon
> Spurgeon Wynn (IIRC?)
> Randall Cunningham
> Daunte Culpepper
> Tavaris Jackson
> Donovan McNabb
> Joe Webb

All have started games at QB for the Vikings. Racist bastards....

BINGO! Enough said.

who is this edwards clown his he related to bleed or why is this worth posting?

Here's my two cents:

4. Joe Webb? Some folks are scared to death to give this fellow a chance to be the QB. IMO they are scared to death he might win. Out of last seasons 3 QB's he was the most a passer people. The guy starting now was 3rd. The rift last season was the coach wanted Donovan, the current GM wanted Ponder and because the current GM at the time didn't have more power than the coach...the owner broke the tie and the coach got his guy. Ponder never beat out anyone for the gray he inherited the position. Unlike Ponder and Gray, Webb outplayed the ahead of him, the guy who supposedly had more upside as a passer....the same guy who can't break the hundred mark.

I can understand this point. I think it also may be why Tebow hasn't been given a shot in New York. However; I don't buy that Joe Webb has proved he's a better passer than Ponder or that he has proven it. Webb has a career passer rating of 66 with 3 TDs and 5 INTs. Ponder has a career rating of 75 and 27 TDs with 25 INTs. Webb certainly adds an element with his feet but I disagree that he's shown himself to be a better passer than Ponder. Heck, even McNabb had a passer rating in the 80's last year with 4 TDs and 2 INTs.

4. Joe Webb? Some folks are scared to death to give this fellow a chance to be the QB. IMO they are scared to death he might win. Out of last seasons 3 QB's he was the most a passer people. The guy starting now was 3rd. The rift last season was the coach wanted Donovan, the current GM wanted Ponder and because the current GM at the time didn't have more power than the coach...the owner broke the tie and the coach got his guy. Ponder never beat out anyone for the gray he inherited the position. Unlike Ponder and Gray, Webb outplayed the ahead of him, the guy who supposedly had more upside as a passer....the same guy who can't break the hundred mark.

1. I can't speak for all Vikings fans, but of the top five or six fans among my friends and family, all of them have wanted Webb to be starting for several weeks. You may be right about "some", but that "some" could be a very small minority of fans.

2. As already stated, Webb being the most successful as a passer last year is extremely debatable. He only threw 63 passes and had the worst completion percentage of the three. His rating was second best of the three.

3. It's not surprising the Vikings went with Ponder to end the season, since they used a first round pick on him. If Webb played very well last year, it might have been different. But that wasn't the case.

The passing game is going to suck regardless if Ponder or Webb is the QB. But at least with Webb, we have a guy who is very explosive and can make plays with his feet.

Let's see here...Leslie Frazier is black, starting a white QB before a black QB. Tubby Smith is black, starting a white EE before Mbakwe. Let's see here...Oh the racism of it all.

But, Jerry Kill picked on A.J. Barker. When will racism ever end?

Ron Edwards doesn't know if his ass is counterpunched. Sometimes these dudes are so stupid that they couldn't even piss a hole in the snow.

Yep, this guy hasn't watched a second of Gopher football.

As for his comments about the Wolves. . .
he must thing that the entire NBA is racist. Wes Johnson is atrocious and doesn't see many minutes in Phx, Beasley has continued being terrible, Anthony Randolph doesn't get any minutes and Jonny Flynn is in Japan. They lost their minutes to Chase Budinger (now hurt), (russian) Shved (playing good), and (russian)Kirilenko (one of our better players) and JJ Barrea (puerto rican). So either there is a league wide conspiracy holding back the likes of Jonny Flynn, Wes Johnson, Anthony Randolph, and Mike Beasley OR maybe, just maybe, these players (who happen to be African American) stink and were upgraded for talent reasons.

This guy is an absolute idiot. He is not a big enough sports fan to craft an articulate / controversial sports article and he's not an intelligent enough human being to hide it.

i enjoy your posts and agree with your take on this one. what i don't get is how this gets published. racism lies in many corners of our country and is exacerbated by cro magnon's like edwards but the fact that this gets published by a "newspaper" makes it rise to level of institutionalized racism. where was the control in place to stop this before it went live?

i wish things would've turned out differently for gray but we have to applaud him for completing his degree at a top flight college and becoming a man. he might not have succeeded to any great level as a qb, but he did as a human being.

i enjoy your posts and agree with your take on this one. what i don't get is how this gets published. racism lies in many corners of our country and is exacerbated by cro magnon's like edwards but the fact that this gets published by a "newspaper" makes it rise to level of institutionalized racism. where was the control in place to stop this before it went live?

i wish things would've turned out differently for gray but we have to applaud him for completing his degree at a top flight college and becoming a man. he might not have succeeded to any great level as a qb, but he did as a human being.

And in all honesty, I think most, in fact, a large majority of our GopherHolers will succeed as human beings also. Kudos to Gopher Fans!!!


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