Roll Call: Tailgating for this Saturday's game against NMSU


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Apr 13, 2011
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Looks like it is supposed to be beautiful weather for this Saturday's 2:30pm game against NMSU. we will have a group of 10 grilling and drinking some adult beverages from 8am until about 2:00pm this Saturday.

who else is planning on doing some tailgating this weekend?


Our group of 8-10 will at the fairgrounds lot bright and early. Sporting our two flags and my new canopy. Weather looks ideal!

We'll have a group of 6 at the State Fair parking lot. Of course we will be partaking in the usual grilling, drinking that should take place at a tailgate. I will be leaving a little earlier from the tailgate to take my mom to watch the band play, then I'm sure the rest of my group will follow later.

Still waiting to see if we are tailgating for this one. We have 10-15 in lot 37.

Hope so....

Group of 20-30 in the Ski-U-Mah lot will be there watching the early games on the HDTV, eating tacos, drinking beer and busting up

Per usual, we will be in Lot 37 (between 10-15 of us). Rain or shine, it is always beautiful tailgating at TCF.

Fairgrounds, 4 of us. Still trying to decide on the menu. Beer will be flowing.

We'll be in lot C-88 (West Bank) with a New Mexico inspired menu of jalapeno poppers, fajitas, margaritas and Tecate beer. It's been too long an off season and I'm ready to spend a sunny September day with 50,000 or so of my closest friends!

Group of 20-30 in the Ski-U-Mah lot will be there watching the early games on the HDTV, eating tacos, drinking beer and busting up

How much are spots in that lot? Are they for season ticket holders only (not able to just drive in, pay and park)? Also, do you know what's being constructed next to that lot (across 6th St from TheBank)? At first I thought it was a parking structure, but after a closer look when we parked there for the fair yesterday, I don't think that's what it is.

How much are spots in that lot? Are they for season ticket holders only (not able to just drive in, pay and park)? Also, do you know what's being constructed next to that lot (across 6th St from TheBank)? At first I thought it was a parking structure, but after a closer look when we parked there for the fair yesterday, I don't think that's what it is.

Not sure on the exact number: maybe around 300. Yes the Ski-u-Mah lot is a donation lot (Zone 2=$1000 donation) for season ticket holders. The lot across from it used to be the Northstar lot but now they are constructing a new medical building there I believe.

10-15 in Lot C51. This will be my first tailgate having a generator and TV. Hooked up a slingbox at home and will play that by hooking up an iPad or iPhone to the TV and streaming off of there. And Since we will have the generator and can hook up crockpots we are going to do a taco bar.

And of course there will be plenty of beer to drink and probably some bloodies as well. Might have to come up with some sort of breakfast item for the people that show up when the lot opens at 8:30.

8-10 in Lot C58. Sounds like chicken skewers, and a wide variety of other apps are on the menu to get the tailgating season started off. Couple sets of bags and tunes for entertainment while the beer flows. Tall boys only!

8-10 in Lot C58. Sounds like chicken skewers, and a wide variety of other apps are on the menu to get the tailgating season started off. Couple sets of bags and tunes for entertainment while the beer flows. Tall boys only!

Speaking of tallboys...

I'm looking for a liquor store in the metro that has the Grainbelt Premium tallboys. They were all over a month or so ago, but I've been to 5 stores now and no one's carrying them anymore. If you know if a store in the metro selling them, post on here so I can go buy a couple of cases for the next few weekends....

We be rollin in the cheap lot C-88 again. Zone 2 1k donation seems like a bit much at this time but I will ask the troops if they want to chip in for next year though.

I'm guessing there will be 30+ by gametime for us in the Ski-U-Mah lot. Probably only 10 or so at the 8:30am arrival time.

Speaking of tallboys...

I'm looking for a liquor store in the metro that has the Grainbelt Premium tallboys. They were all over a month or so ago, but I've been to 5 stores now and no one's carrying them anymore. If you know if a store in the metro selling them, post on here so I can go buy a couple of cases for the next few weekends....

I'll definitely do that if I find them. We've typically gone with PBR or Schlitz (The original Tall Boy), in the past, but Premium would be a welcome addition.

Will be at the North Star building lot. No that is not the "NorthStar lot"

Best tailgating spot for the value.

Think I'll probably end up at the River Flats.

Speaking of tallboys...

I'm looking for a liquor store in the metro that has the Grainbelt Premium tallboys. They were all over a month or so ago, but I've been to 5 stores now and no one's carrying them anymore. If you know if a store in the metro selling them, post on here so I can go buy a couple of cases for the next few weekends....

Dinkytown liquors had cases of premium tallboys as of last night if you wanted to pick them up on gameday.

Oh and we'll be tailgating at my house in dinkytown with as many students as we can find.

Six of us up for our first game at TCF. Lot 86.

Just loaded up the car, beer is on ice already. Will be leaving after work tomorrow afternoon on a three-and-a-half drive and hitting Matt's for a Jucy Lucy on the way into town.

Tell me though, are there toilet facilities in the lots?

Will get to the fairgrounds about 10:00 a.m. or so and have a couple with a group of about 15. My wife and i are going to leave though and head to TCF earlier than normal. Need to support the activities around the stadium. I figure if we want things to happen, I need to be there.

Question #2. We are also leaving early to enjoy the pregame Is there anywhere to grab a last beer near the stadium without waiting 30 minutes in line.

Six of us up for our first game at TCF. Lot 86.

Just loaded up the car, beer is on ice already. Will be leaving after work tomorrow afternoon on a three-and-a-half drive and hitting Matt's for a Jucy Lucy on the way into town.

Tell me though, are there toilet facilities in the lots?

Awesome plan! The only lots that I know of that have Biffys are the fairgrounds lot(s). No clue on the others.

Question #2. We are also leaving early to enjoy the pregame Is there anywhere to grab a last beer near the stadium without waiting 30 minutes in line.

Ha.. No clue man.. BYOB I guess. There'll be lines no matter where you go.

Question #2. We are also leaving early to enjoy the pregame Is there anywhere to grab a last beer near the stadium without waiting 30 minutes in line.

Yes all the tailgate lots have port-a-johns.

as for the beer nearby, the alumni center across the street is your best bet for a quick one there. Usually no line, or if there is it will be short.

Maroon lot actually doin scrambled eggs and sausage on grill. Hopefully by 930 with an accompanying beverage then soak up the sun and listen to pre game(again with beverage) then watch us kick axx. Probably more than 2 bevarages

Speaking of tallboys...

I'm looking for a liquor store in the metro that has the Grainbelt Premium tallboys. They were all over a month or so ago, but I've been to 5 stores now and no one's carrying them anymore. If you know if a store in the metro selling them, post on here so I can go buy a couple of cases for the next few weekends....

i believe 7/8 liquors in bloomington has them. i purchased SEVERAL grain belt tallboy 6 packs from them over the last few months.

7/8's liquors:

7920 Nicollet Ave S
Bloomington, MN 55420-1228

(952) 888-8888

Will get to the fairgrounds about 10:00 a.m. or so and have a couple with a group of about 15. My wife and i are going to leave though and head to TCF earlier than normal. Need to support the activities around the stadium. I figure if we want things to happen, I need to be there.

this guy has the right idea and attitude. thank you!

Question #2. We are also leaving early to enjoy the pregame Is there anywhere to grab a last beer near the stadium without waiting 30 minutes in line.

Instead of battling crowds you could do what we do. Get yourself some paper coffee cups with plastic lids. The kind you'd get if you got a coffee to-go at a coffee shop. Fill it with beer as you leave the tailgate and stroll to the stadium without a care in the world. I've picked up these cups at Target as well as grocery stores.

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