Instead of battling crowds you could do what we do. Get yourself some paper coffee cups with plastic lids. The kind you'd get if you got a coffee to-go at a coffee shop. Fill it with beer as you leave the tailgate and stroll to the stadium without a care in the world. I've picked up these cups at Target as well as grocery stores.
Group of 20-30 in the Ski-U-Mah lot will be there watching the early games on the HDTV, eating tacos, drinking beer and busting up
So, you can take a "non-alcoholic" beverage cup into the stadium like coffee or hot chocolate?
That would be nice. I'm used to having to shove a beer down my drawers if I want a beverage during the first quarter as we pretty much get strip searched in my former home stadium.
Hey lot 88ers, are you down for a 9:00 a.m. challenge? I'm breaking out some new corn hole boards tomorrow that I spent all summer decking out in maroon and gold....and I got some good beers to bet.
Think I'll probably end up at the River Flats.