Rodney Williams – Grinning from ear to ear about the season, and being a new Dad


I hope Rodney and his girlfriend can succeed, but there's no way this young man is ready to be an effective parent.
You can give it all the positive spin you want, but the odds of this working out favorably are not good.

I guess we have come to the point where we need to celebrate another child born out of wedlock or we are relegated to being "judgemental" or "self-righteous". If you have seen the stats on how many of these situations actually turn into marriages and a stable home life for a child, well, maybe you would temper your celebration. The Donna Shalala study done during the Clinton administration lays it out. I hope for the best here, but celebrate? No.

A religious contract does not make these two better parents...I know what the stats say, but marriage is not essential for stability. Not that this has anything to do with basketball or is any of our business


A religious contract does not make these two better parents...I know what the stats say, but marriage is not essential for stability. Not that this has anything to do with basketball or is any of our business

I don't think brewsterbooster said anything about religion. You can get married outside of religion.....happens all the time in civil ceremonies. But the stats are pretty clear on some things...when babies are born out of wedlock, the father seldom marries the mother or stays intimately involved. The mother then often struggles to make ends meet as a single parent and sinks below the poverty line. It happens over and over and over again and has destroyed some cultures. When the parents are not together and married, the child is much more at risk in many ways. I am not a religious person, but it is clear that stable societies have committed and stable families where marriage is at the middle of it. This is not what a lot of people like to hear because it conflicts with their personal lifestyle they will argue about it. So be it.

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