Rivals lives to "F" the Gopher's over

Nov 20, 2008
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Rivals just released its adjusted "Top 250" and Andre McDonald went from 219 to out of the picture. Hmm....Andre drops his Vandy committment and Minnesota resurfaces. Bingo, Immediately downgraded. I honestly thought both Nelson and Harbison had a chance to sneak into the top 250. Nope, ain't going to happen. #%*+^%&@ the horse you rode in on.:mad:

Who cares about what rivals thinks... They had Dajon Mcknight as a ** recruit and so on and so ect.... Their wrong more than they are right.

Rivals caters to the fan bases that bring them the most money. Check out the schools that bring them the most subscriptions and therein you will find the schools who's recruits received the best ratings. Can't blame em I guess, seems like an appropriate business model. Just another reason these sites are detrimental to the NCAA. Receiving the best recruiting classes get you more national attention, free advertising, encourages other recruits to go there and they are manipulated by money. NCAA is a severely flawed organization but it's a tough one to control.

So you're upset at Rivals for changing a meaningless rank?

All the rankings do is get us excited about classes. The rankings don't mean anything in terms of football.

Do you want to cheer for a winning football team or cheer for hype and irrational exuberance?

Who cares about what rivals thinks... They had Dajon Mcknight as a ** recruit and so on and so ect.... Their wrong more than they are right.

A lot of fans and future recruits care what rivals thinks, so it's pretty ignorant that people would think it has zero affect on gopher football, it absolutely does.

Rivals is right quite a bit, and results on the field will have far greater effect on the Gopher football program than results on Rivals.com. And there are no guarantees in recruiting or developing young men. Hope this helps.

Off topic, but does anybody know how they determine who is named a "Parade All-American"? I was reading through the list of players in the Sunday supplement. The player of the year is that WR from Missouri, Dorial Green-Beckham, who's a 5-star on just about every site and everyone's #1 player. In looking at the list more, there's some 5-star players, but there's a few that I found who are 2 or 3-stars at best and only have offers from Toledo, Akron and those types of schools.

Off topic, but does anybody know how they determine who is named a "Parade All-American"? I was reading through the list of players in the Sunday supplement. The player of the year is that WR from Missouri, Dorial Green-Beckham, who's a 5-star on just about every site and everyone's #1 player. In looking at the list more, there's some 5-star players, but there's a few that I found who are 2 or 3-stars at best and only have offers from Toledo, Akron and those types of schools.

I think a lot of it has to purely with stats alone. Career stats and so on.

So...the reason we won 3 games last year was Rivals?

There should be some inquiry into this then.

What Rivals thinks of our recruits won't make them any better or worse than they are. A lot of people toss around the word "meaningless" without understanding what that means. If recruit rankings were meaningless, then we could expect to see no correlation between recruit rankings and success. Of course there is a correlation, teams with more highly regarded recruit rankings do tend to have better results on the field than teams with less highly regarded recruit rankings.

Of course, they aren't perfect, but that does not make them meaningless. In any case, winning games will help recruiting a lot more than recruit rankings will.

I've said for a while I thought McDonald was a bit overrated. Not surprised he got moved down.

If he commits to someone other than the gophers it will ruin your anti gopher conspiracy theory.

Wait, I thought we hated Scout. Oh that's right. I forget that the best recruiting site is the one that paints the Gophers in the most favorable light at that moment in time. Was Rivals effing the Gophers over when they rated Brew's first class in the Top 20? (rolls eyes)

Rivals caters to the fan bases that bring them the most money. Check out the schools that bring them the most subscriptions and therein you will find the schools who's recruits received the best ratings. Can't blame em I guess, seems like an appropriate business model. Just another reason these sites are detrimental to the NCAA. Receiving the best recruiting classes get you more national attention, free advertising, encourages other recruits to go there and they are manipulated by money. NCAA is a severely flawed organization but it's a tough one to control.


The entire sport of college football is based on polls, tv ratings, and the most rabid fan bases. The NCAA, just like Rivals, caters to the fan bases that bring them the most money. Just ask Boise State.
The participants in the BCS game are based on opinion. Bowl games are scheduled based on which teams get the most tickets sold or most tv viewers. Top twenties are only popularity contests.
Star ratings are just a fun way for fans to follow their team's recruiting. It's an educated guess as to how well an 18 year old will perform at the next level. It's meant to be entertainment, not science. Take it as such.

So you're upset at Rivals for changing a meaningless rank?

All the rankings do is get us excited about classes. The rankings don't mean anything in terms of football.

Unless the Rivals downgrade actually downgraded his real-world speed and agility. Then we have a real problem. Can someone look into this?

I sure hope they don't tear Queis' ACL

Rivals caters to the fan bases that bring them the most money. Check out the schools that bring them the most subscriptions and therein you will find the schools who's recruits received the best ratings. Can't blame em I guess, seems like an appropriate business model. Just another reason these sites are detrimental to the NCAA. Receiving the best recruiting classes get you more national attention, free advertising, encourages other recruits to go there and they are manipulated by money. NCAA is a severely flawed organization but it's a tough one to control.

I don't think Rivals literally changes rankings to help the bigger and/or helmet schools, but the simple fact is that recruiting sites are going to spend more money, time and energy on the areas that are more popular (and in turn, more profitable). Rivals is going to have a lot more people breaking down prospects in Florida and California than they are in the Northern Midwest. Recruits from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, etc. are more likely to slip through the cracks because there are fewer people looking at them and rating them.

Again, I don't think it's part of some larger conspiracy where people are hyping up certain recruits because of what region they are from, but I think areas and schools with bigger followings are going to have more resources dedicated to covering them. As Wisconsin has improved, as has the quality of recruiting news coming out of the state, wouldn't we agree?

Unless the Rivals downgrade actually downgraded his real-world speed and agility. Then we have a real problem. Can someone look into this?

Nope, he can still run a 4.2 40.

Wait, I thought we hated Scout. Oh that's right. I forget that the best recruiting site is the one that paints the Gophers in the most favorable light at that moment in time. Was Rivals effing the Gophers over when they rated Brew's first class in the Top 20? (rolls eyes)

Jeez Pally, who put a burr in your saddle? Rivals also downgraded Pirsig from earlier this year as did Scout Nelson, McDonald, and Pirsig are all ranked in Lemming's top 200. Nelson at #40. I just think it is total BS that a kid can get raves in a recent All-Star game and is playing in another HS All-star game on Feb 1st and all of a sudden he goes from #219 to out of the picture.

Dr.Don's rating of potential success of potential for rankings in future college success is based entirely on beer. Just ask Iowa.

Jeez Pally, who put a burr in your saddle? Rivals also downgraded Pirsig from earlier this year as did Scout Nelson, McDonald, and Pirsig are all ranked in Lemming's top 200. Nelson at #40. I just think it is total BS that a kid can get raves in a recent All-Star game and is playing in another HS All-star game on Feb 1st and all of a sudden he goes from #219 to out of the picture.
Dude, I'm cool. I'm not the one claiming a website is conspiring to screw over my favorite team.

I love it when idiots on this site try to correct spelling and grammar mistakes, to the people who do that without saying names, (gophergrad) you people make me sick. You think that you are better and smarter thatn everyone else when in really you are some of the most annoying people on the planet.

By the way if you're going to talk crap about spelling and grammar don't use made up words like "kinda."

I guess we should all stop talking about the Gophers, proof read all of our comments, and strictly discuss the proper way to use the english language. Got it guys!

Not what I meant...I am also at work, but not really working...

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