Ricky Stanzi or Adam Weber?


Jan 8, 2010
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Maybe this will stir some debate on this board that becomes rather dull when football season comes to a close. Stanzi has had the benefit of a tremendous defense that mitigates his mistakes. If push comes to shov, would you rather have Ricky Stanzi or Adam Weber taking snaps under center?

Maybe this will stir some debate on this board that becomes rather dull when football season comes to a close. Stanzi has had the benefit of a tremendous defense that mitigates his mistakes. If push comes to shov, would you rather have Ricky Stanzi or Adam Weber taking snaps under center?

If it is the version from 2 years ago I'll take Weber, if it is last year's model I'll take Stanzi.

@ Ski U Master

Do you believe Weber regressed due to changes schematically in the offense, poor offensive line play, lack of fundamental skills, lack of preperation or a combination of them all?

I'll take MarQueis Gray.

Maybe this will stir some debate on this board that becomes rather dull when football season comes to a close. Stanzi has had the benefit of a tremendous defense that mitigates his mistakes. If push comes to shove, would you rather have Ricky Stanzi or Adam Weber taking snaps under center?

Neither, They both are horrible.

Interesting question. I think Weber would have had a much better season last year if he had been playing with the hawkeye offense. Would Stanzi have been better than Weber in Jedd Fiches 'race to the bottom of the big ten' and the accompanying talent on offense? Who knows, maybe maybe not.

Neither, They both are horrible.

I wouldn't say Stanzi is horrible. He makes mistakes that are troublesome at times but he seems to forget the quickly (I.E. the Indiana and Michigan games this year). The hawkeye defense helps tremendously, but an 18-4 record as a starter is not too bad.

I wouldn't say Stanzi is horrible. He makes mistakes that are troublesome at times but he seems to forget the quickly (I.E. the Indiana and Michigan games this year). The hawkeye defense helps tremendously, but an 18-4 record as a starter is not too bad.

But is that record because of the QB, or in spite of him?

I view Stanzi as one of these "gritty leader" type QBs who would be overmatched on a team or offense where they're asked to make a lot of big plays rather than manage the game. Much like a long line of Wisconsin QBs like Bevell and Bollinger. I have no idea what happened to Weber last year ... early in his career there was hope he could be a star, now he's the butt of jokes.

I guess IA fans can't wait for basketball season to end so they can just forget it and start talking football again. :)

Would Stanzi have been better than Weber in Jedd Fiches 'race to the bottom of the big ten' and the accompanying talent on offense?

Of course he would have been better. Can Stanzi occasionally hit a receiver on the run? Does Stanzi have at least a modicum of pocket awareness? Does Stanzi know how to throw a ball away?

@ Ski U Master

Do you believe Weber regressed due to changes schematically in the offense, poor offensive line play, lack of fundamental skills, lack of preperation or a combination of them all?

The O-line didn't do him any favors, but I think adjusting with his motion really screwed up Weber's accuracy.

I'd take Stanzi. He played on a lot better team, however, he played on a team with an almost equally as bad running game, and still found a way to make a big play in a lot of games. I don't think he is a good QB or anything, but I would take him over Weber.

The O-line didn't do him any favors, but I think adjusting with his motion really screwed up Weber's accuracy.

The motion change resonates with me, but not the O-line explanation. His O-line was not perfect, as is no O-line else how do all the sacks happen around the country each season. Weber held the ball too long. Played happy feet too long. Would not roll outside the tackles and throw the ball away to live and fight another play. Threw cross-field lobs for interceptions a QB on a good HS frosh team would get benched for. Threw the ball into the turf five yards in front of an open receiver.

Just watch him. The guy thinks himself into trouble. And maybe that's not his fault either. Perhaps when running the ball was taken away after his frosh season (at least most of the running) he turned into a pocket thinker. He's never been a good passing QB. Live arm yes. Accurate arm no. Pick incorrect receiver yes. Miss open receiver yes. Make receiver become a gymnast too much of the time yes. Comfortable trusting anyone other than Decker no. It's headcase city. Hope he turns it around because I want what's best for the Gophers and what's best would be a tough, mature, experienced leader at QB playing his senior year in a meaningful way. Then the whole offense can straighten out and be something worthwhile for the next QB to inherit.

The O-line didn't do him any favors, but I think adjusting with his motion really screwed up Weber's accuracy.

The throwing motion theory is laughable. He should have been able to hit receivers 5 yards away from him throwing underhand with his opposite arm. The fact of the matter is he can't throw period.

Might as well add Tolzien to the discussion. My vote would be Weber and run a wishbone triple option attack.

The O-line didn't do him any favors, but I think adjusting with his motion really screwed up Weber's accuracy.

Maybe our coaches, whom have pro experience, were trying to do him a favor by starting to make that adjustment now and give him a chance to play on Sundays, instead of letting the pro scouts pick apart the flaws after his college career ended ala Tim Tebow.

If the season started tomorrow, I'd take Stanzi.

All things being equal I would take Weber. The one thing I like about Weber despite all the adversity he's never complained, made excuses or given up. I cannot comment on his throwing motion or what offense better suits him, but I do think he has a lot of character. If he had the supporting cast Stanzi has, we wouldn't be so down on Adam. When Stanzi got hurt, his back up came in and played well enough, which I think speaks volume about the situation in Iowa City. You have a coaching staff that has been in place for more than a decade relying on players who have been in their system for years. Would Stanzi win as many games as Adam if he were qb'ing the gophers? Maybe. But I think if Adam had gone to Iowa, he could have taken that team to the Rose Bowl.

I'd take Stanzi. He played on a lot better team, however, he played on a team with an almost equally as bad running game, and still found a way to make a big play in a lot of games. I don't think he is a good QB or anything, but I would take him over Weber.

This is basically how I feel. If Stanzi can cut back on the interceptions and put more velocity on his passes he could be one of the better qb's in the conference. Ultimately, he will end his career at Iowa, barring a disaster, with a great all-time starting record. I think Weber always look confused and shaky in the pocket. Was it the o-line, lack of confidence or both? Not sure.

Threw cross-field lobs for interceptions a QB on a good HS frosh team would get benched for.

We've gotten the middle school QB, the intramural QB and now the HS freshman QB comparison.

I sure hope we cover some more levels, like maybe pop warner next? Who wants to claim that exaggeration?

I'd take Stanzi in the Iowa offense. One can not underestimate how much an advantage a player has by playing in the same offense consistently from the time they get on campus to the time they get on the field. My guess is that stanzi wouldn't perform in a constant changing offense either.

I have no idea how Weber would perform running the same offense for years, so it would be a homer pick to say weber.

The throwing motion theory is laughable. He should have been able to hit receivers 5 yards away from him throwing underhand with his opposite arm. The fact of the matter is he can't throw period.

Well, it is and it isn't. I'm taking "laughable" in the same vein as "unbelievable." So it is in the context you present, but it's not if you go a step or two further and extrapolate his change of throwing motion, apparent instructions not to run a lot and the loss of Decker into a result of total discomfort zone. Then he starts thinking too much instead of thinking some and playing some and the ball digs up earth in front of open receivers standing five yards away. After that we start seeing lobs across the field, directly into the arms of the waiting opposition.

Well, it is and it isn't. I'm taking "laughable" in the same vein as "unbelievable." So it is in the context you present, but it's not if you go a step or two further and extrapolate his change of throwing motion, apparent instructions not to run a lot and the loss of Decker into a result of total discomfort zone. Then he starts thinking too much instead of thinking some and playing some and the ball digs up earth in front of open receivers standing five yards away. After that we start seeing lobs across the field, directly into the arms of the waiting opposition.

I agree a tiny bit, the tweak in the throwing motion could mess his aim up slightly and he may just barely miss receivers. But Adam Weber on many many occasions missed wide open receivers by miles like you said and that I don't believe can be blamed on throwing motion. Also Weber was not a better QB with Decker, Decker bailed him out by catching terrible passes and masking Adam's ineptness. Decker was a crutch long before he was on crutches because he was so good and had such good instincts and hands.

Boo, Boblawblaw and Monk10. :) Forget objectivity--Ricky Stanzi is the starting QB for one of your (our) two arch-rivals. C'mon--even if you're not the biggest Adam Weber fan--I understand, even though I am an Adam Weber fan--at least cast a write-in vote for MarQueis Gray or Moses Alipate! -Joe

P.S. Even objectively, I'd take Weber over Stanzi. I think it's a travesty he's had to adapt to a new OC each year as a Gopher, and amazing how well he's done in light of that.

P.S. Even objectively, I'd take Weber over Stanzi. I think it's a travesty he's had to adapt to a new OC each year as a Gopher, and amazing how well he's done in light of that.

So why would you objectively take Weber over Stanzi?

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