Reusse names U Men's Athletics its Turkey of the Year

Iceland12 - please tell me who was the first runner up last year? Nobody cares.

The Twins should be listed going forward. The Twins just had their worst record ever - epic failure. Easy choice.

Iceland12 - please tell me who was the first runner up last year?

As per your request:

Norwood Teague and Eric Kaler

Norwood Teague, resigned athletic director, and Eric Kaler, University of Minnesota president.
The Chairman: “You’re right, faithful committee. It’s an impressive combined Turkey contender — a serial sexual harasser and a boss who didn’t want to know the truth about the AD he hired.

“Then again, Norwood did buy $20 worth of Girl Scout cookies from me to assist a relative new to the cookie business, so I’m going to pass on making him the Turkey.’’

With that, the committee washed its hands of the process and left it to the Chairman to reveal his choice for Grand Gobbler.

Here it is: Death.

The Grim Reaper. The Dark Angel. Death.

For Turkey of the Year?

You betcha. Death has given us a horrible year in sports. Death can kiss my … grits, I guess.

Flip Saunders. You have to be kidding — Flip, at 60, he’s on the phone to The Chairman in mid-August, saying we’ll talk at length after the last chemo treatment in a few days, and then you hear he’s in crisis, and then he’s gone.

Flip was a co-winner of Turkey of the Year (with Kevin McHale) in 2002, and took it in the good humor that was intended.

There’s no humor intended this time. Not with Death, which was at its awful worst in sports over the past year.

Freddie McNeill, the outstanding Vikings linebacker, gone at 63, due to ALS and dementia. Very classy, Death — giving Freddie, a good and intelligent man, a double dose.

Verne Gagne and Nick Bockwinkel … of that age, but was the Alzheimer’s necessary?

J.P. Parise in January, only a couple of months after his pal Muzz Oliver — two of hockey’s best guys, bang, bang.

Ernie Banks doesn’t even get to stick around to see the big summer from his Cubs? And how about that 19-year-old basketball player, Lauren Hill, the warrior against brain cancer who played a moment for Mount St. Joseph last season, and then passed away in April?

This is no attempt at a complete list. This is just a partial indictment against Death.

Flip, for goodness sakes.

Take this Turkey award, and try to get lost for a while, Death.

And previous winners:


In the Star Tribune (28)

2015: The Grim Reaper

2014: 25 Years of the Timberwolves

2013: Terry Ryan, Twins

2012: Tubby Smith, Gophers

2011: Zygi Wilf, Vikings

2010: Brett Favre, Vikings

2009: Tim Brewster, Gophers

2008: Marian Gaborik, Wild

2007: Charlie Weis, Notre Dame

2006: Pam Borton, Gophers

2005: Bob Naegele, Wild

2004: Red McCombs, Vikings

2003: Glen Mason, Gophers

2002: Kevin McHale/ Flip Saunders, Wolves

2001: Randy Moss/ Cris Carter, Vikings

2000: Jesse Ventura, Minn. governor

1999: Clem Haskins, Gophers

1998: Carl Pohlad, Twins

1997: Dennis Green, Vikings

1996: Kerri Strug, Olympian

1995: Warren Moon, Vikings

1994: Jack McCloskey, Wolves

1993: Norm Green, N. Stars

1992: 25 Years of Gophers football

1991: Chris Doleman, Vikings

1990: Kent Hrbek, Twins

1989: Mike Lynn, Vikings

1988: Lou Nanne, North Stars

In the Pioneer Press (10)

1987: Carl Pohlad, Twins

1986: Dr. Kenneth Keller, University of Minnesota president

1985: Lou Holtz, Gophers

1984: Les Steckel, Vikings

1983: Paul Giel, Gophers

1982: Billy Martin, A’s/Yankees

1981: George Steinbrenner, Yankees

1980: Bobby Knight, Indiana Hoosiers

1979: Pete Rozelle (NFL)/Bowie Kuhn (MLB), commissioners

1978: Woody Hayes, Ohio St.

Boy is this tub of sh*t a worthless writer.

His opinion makes absolutely ZERO sense.

Some candidates - -

The Wild
Blair Walsh
Gopher Basketball
Minnesota Twins
Fat Pat's dietitian

Lumping the football team in is just a jab at the fanbase. His popularity in this market actually tells you quite a bit about this market. The Gophers were a mediocre college football team that didn't have any off the field issues. The hockey team wasn't good for our standards, but it was still an average college hockey team (with no off the field issues).

It's for reading pleasure folks. Humor and a roast of local sports.

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It's for reading pleasure folks. Humor and a roast of local sports.

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Going out of his way to mock and ridicule a bunch of kids playing D2 football in NW MN who are splitting the equivalent of 36 scholarships isn't very funny in my book.

Going out of his way to mock and ridicule a bunch of kids playing D2 football in NW MN who are splitting the equivalent of 36 scholarships isn't very funny in my book.

He mocks the school and conference for putting the players in the situation and has for some time.

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It's for reading pleasure folks. Humor and a roast of local sports.

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dude if he had one column a year like this people might chuckle - all of his drivel is the same and the fact there are enough worthless sacks of s*** to keep him employed is half the reason i left

I love Reusse. He tells it like it is. Apparently to some the men's athletic department does not have any issues. The crowd at the Northwestern game was embarrassing. As for the women, the volleyball match last night against Nebraska was one for the ages.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looks like Reusse is a candidate for Parta Potty advertiser of the year award. I can see Reusse's picture in a Gophers tailgate lot near you next year.
Reusse has set himself up for his likeness appearing on the porta johns again. They should sell Reusse TP to Gopher fans, I think it would be popular.
I know I would enjoy a good hefty wipe with his smug smile on it.

dude if he had one column a year like this people might chuckle - all of his drivel is the same and the fact there are enough worthless sacks of s*** to keep him employed is half the reason i left

Lololol..... Hey, Gopher Hole Lane Kiffin Guy (lol again)

I'm not sure if counting is your strong suit, or maybe if reading is. Or neither? But it's called Turkey Of The Year, and he has one column a year like this. It's in the title.

I love Reusse. He tells it like it is. Apparently to some the men's athletic department does not have any issues. The crowd at the Northwestern game was embarrassing. As for the women, the volleyball match last night against Nebraska was one for the ages.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The volleyball game was awesome. Being down two sets and winning that match was an incredible comeback. My wife almost fell off her chair when I told her I was up until midnight watching a volleyball match (Eastern time zone). That said, Reusse far from tells it like it is. He's like a heel in the WWE. A sideshow designed to get people worked up. So he presses buttons by exaggerating things that will set people off. And conveniently leaving other things out or downplaying them -- such as the Big 10 baseball championship or GPA of the football team that made them bowl eligible. Frankly, he's a huckster.

The Wild players quit on their coach and conspired to get him fired. Not even mentioned.
Players quit on coaches all the time. It's up to management to respond.

If you want to wedge the U Men's Athletics into this type of analogy, then you have an unresponsive management (and administration). They have had for thirty plus years.

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Worthy pick although I wish he would've made a note excluding the baseball program. One of the great stories.
I agree, but they suffer being overlooked pretty much because of all the crap around them.

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Really? Takes one to know one. Reusse is, and has always been, a big fat turkey. Long live Sid!
Are you one of his close personal friends?

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Lololol..... Hey, Gopher Hole Lane Kiffin Guy (lol again)
yucking it up at your own 'jokes', strong start :rolleyes:

I'm not sure if counting is your strong suit, or maybe if reading is.
check your syntax on this one

But it's called Turkey Of The Year, and he has one column a year like this. It's in the title.
what does 'like this' mean to you? similar or the same? did you think i meant stylistically or content wise?

wait no dont answer those questions and take this foe, you have the mentally faculties of a down syndrome hamster

I love Reusse. He tells it like it is.
keep swallowing his schtick - its a shame you havent experienced enough real sports writing to know better

Apparently to some the men's athletic department does not have any issues.
ya, because ****ting on reusse for being a bad columnist = admitting the athletic department is run without scandal.

not gonna lie you could very well be his anonymous account on GH, you go to bat for his disgusting ass enough

keep swallowing his schtick - its a shame you havent experienced enough real sports writing to know better

ya, because ****ting on reusse for being a bad columnist = admitting the athletic department is run without scandal.

not gonna lie you could very well be his anonymous account on GH, you go to bat for his disgusting ass enough

All in life is lost when you lose your sense of humor. I love his schtick. As far as writing goes I am not sure saying "ya" and "*****" qualify when responding to someone. You may think Reusse is a bad columnist but this would seem to make you a bad troll.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All in life is lost when you lose your sense of humor. I love his stick. As far as writing goes I am not sure saying "ya" and "*****" qualify when responding to someone. You may think Reusse is a bad columnist but this would seem to make you a bad troll.

fixed that for ya. also im convinced you're reusse now so what's good you turkey neck having retrograde sack of s***?

All in life is lost when you lose your sense of humor. I love his schtick. As far as writing goes I am not sure saying "ya" and "*****" qualify when responding to someone. You may think Reusse is a bad columnist but this would seem to make you a bad troll.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

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"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

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voltaire never had to deal with the 'turkey of the year' column he had peak shakespeare to read

voltaire never had to deal with the 'turkey of the year' column he had peak shakespeare to read
and a worse education system.

"When everyone is Super, then no one will be." - Syndrome in The Incredibles

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the death of this hack will be a great day for the twin cities sports media - the reason so many minnesotans are miserable is because they think just like him

edit: oh and happy thanksgiving everyone! hope turkey day is restful and enjoyable for all of you

Lighten up.

Twins lost 103 games! Easy choice, but instead he gives them a pass because he loves his Twins. The Gophers are a college program that gets picked every three years. Ridiculous. Yes there were many issues over the past year, but 8-3 record this year and the basketball team is off to a 5-0 start. I thought it was a "wrap around" calendar, I guess he wrote the article a month ago. A&^$#hole

While I agree, the Pohlad or St. Peter should have gotten it, he declared Molitor the runner up. That's hardly giving them a pass. I think the only reason they didn't win is that Terry Ryan already got it in 2013 and is already gone.

Reusse is just too negative and sometimes slaps down things that may sound like he is telling it like it is but I read t as lazy negative stuff. Easiest thing to do is be a critic when you just record stats and spout them off. How about actually paying attention and talking about player development, recruiting, upcoming expectations with new training facility?

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