Reusse column: Gophs building off bowl glory for season ahead


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Nov 11, 2008
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Here is a portion of his column:

It is 52 seasons since Minnesotans have been able to watch the Gophers enter a season basking in the glow of a truly great bowl game performance. Yes, Glen Mason did have three straight bowl wins over Oregon, Arkansas and Alabama from 2002 through 2004, but let's face it:

Those were nothing compared to what took place with Jerry Kill's Gophers last Dec. 28, when they took on Texas Tech in the tradition-rich Meineke Muffler Repair Bowl in Houston.

Country Jer and his players mentioned frequently the glory of the Meineke Bowl during spring practice. Kill repeated that as gospel during the Gophers' caravan around the state earlier this summer. And this week at the Big Ten's preseason media session in Chicago, Kill said:

"... I think the kids took the momentum out of the bowl game, took it into the offseason, did an outstanding job in the offseason getting bigger, stronger and faster. And went into spring ball, [and I] felt like we had our best spring ball.''

It should be clear to all of us: The Gophers are coming off their greatest bowl achievement in 51 seasons. And actually, I'm feeling a little better about our rodents as practice stars Monday than was the case a young fan in 1962. Our boys now have Ra'Shede Hageman; back in '62, all we had was Bell and Eller.

Go Gophers!!

Ouch. I clicked on the link and read the whole article. He sure dislikes Kill. Unfortunately I remember that Wisconsin game he refers to. I can recall taking something and throwing it at the radio when the Gophers got jobbed on a huge call. Man, that was a tough loss. Reusse is able to make fun of the Gophers and dredge up the first loss that ever got to me. Hit with a combination.

Nothing better than another "Country Jer" column by "Old Country Buffet" Pat.

That article is nothing short of mean and uncalled for. I see posts about how much everyone dislikes Reusse and posts claiming he hates the gophers. I see why now. That article is full of contempt. Personally, I think Kill is doing exactly what you have to do to revive a program. Are Reusse's articles increasing subscriptions to the Trib? Or were the Trib's finest days long ago when there were two papers every day? Maybe Reusse should take care of his own organization instead of play such a great role in its demise. You won't find me buying the Trib to read articles like that one.

Ruesse has so many deep-seeded psychological issues that he could keep one therapist busy for an eternity: failure at sports, failure at college, failure to please his father, failure at marriage (well, I'll give him that one), alcoholism, chose a career in a dying field, etc. In the end, he needs to make everyone feel as miserable as he does. Like the many other TC writers who didn't graduate from college, he hates every aspect of them.

Do you think he gets an evil grin on his face while writing and thinks to himself, "They're really gonna hate this one!" I imagine he gets a lot of satisfaction out of pissing people off.

Ruesse has so many deep-seeded psychological issues that he could keep one therapist busy for an eternity: failure at sports, failure at college, failure to please his father, failure at marriage (well, I'll give him that one), alcoholism, chose a career in a dying field, etc. In the end, he needs to make everyone feel as miserable as he does. Like the many other TC writers who didn't graduate from college, he hates every aspect of them.

That is why he hates the Gophers. Now that the Gophers are on the upswing he realizes he will look like an even bigger loser than he already is. Highwayman's comments above paint a picture of a very sad and pathetic person. He should be pitied.

Perhaps he should look into the mirror as to part of the problem that the team has had for the last 50 years! If I were being recruited by a team that I had interest in, I would be checking the forums, reading blogs, newspapers, etc. to see what people were saying. It may not be a big influence on my decision, but it could for someone else. These negative articles written by a member of our local media about the Minnesota football team do nothing good for the program! Why the h#*& does the trib even allow it??!! They should be ashamed of themselves for allowing such a disgraceful article being published! Coach Kill deserved none of this! He has made obvious progress since taking over and I don't see that changing anytime soon! What more do you want, Mr. Reusse??

More cheap shots from Reusse, I'm shocked I'm tell you, just shocked. What a tool.

Reusse is going end up living his entire life (starting with his teen age years as a copy boy for Sid) doing a job that most rabid sports fans would sell their souls to do for even a small part of that time. He has traveled all over America with the Twins, Vikings, North Stars, Timberwolves, and even the Gophers, and all over the world with the U.S. Olympic Team. He attended many World Series, Super Bowl's, Final Four's and Master's even when local teams and athletes where not playing. A lot of you guys think Reusse is a loser. Get a clue. Reusse can die of a heart attack tomorrow and he will still have the last laugh as far as most GopherHolers are concerned. One of his main sources of amusement these days is getting you guys riled up. And you play right into his hands every time.

I have a hard time believing that the Bull Sh!tter Reusse controls the emotions of so many of our GH posters.

How do I know that Reusse is a bull Sh!tter? It's easy. It takes a bull sh!tter to recognize who a bull sh!tter is.

Whew! I was a little worried about things after his last gopher football article. All is well again with the world now that Fatrick is back to his usual schtick. I'm glad he is able to find his nitch and write a fine article full of sarcasm and venom otherwise we might be forced to read quality articles full of actual coverage of the team all the time.:rolleyes:

Having watched the Tech game several times and seeing how well we played and the bad breaks we got, I do think it was a real positive for the team. And had we won, the guys might not have had the motivation they got by losing. I know, pie in the sky. But it's true

Reusse is going end up living his entire life (starting with his teen age years as a copy boy for Sid) doing a job that most rabid sports fans would sell their souls to do for even a small part of that time. He has traveled all over America with the Twins, Vikings, North Stars, Timberwolves, and even the Gophers, and all over the world with the U.S. Olympic Team. He attended many World Series, Super Bowl's, Final Four's and Master's even when local teams and athletes where not playing. A lot of you guys think Reusse is a loser. Get a clue. Reusse can die of a heart attack tomorrow and he will still have the last laugh as far as most GopherHolers are concerned. One of his main sources of amusement these days is getting you guys riled up. And you play right into his hands every time.
You can take all the potshots at Kill you want. You can take all the potshots at Gopher fans you want. What, pray tell, has Hageman done to earn that needless little cheap shot at the end? Not a damn thing. Shame on him for sticking with the hometown school, working his tail off, learning new positions and positioning himself to be the highest Gopher draft pick in about a decade.

Can anybody explain to me how Reusse got to where he is? Ever since I can remember, he has been a writer who likes to just kick teams while they are down and doesn't really offer any insight. He restructures his words to reprint essentially the same article repeatedly which comes down to him stressing how terrible a team is and making fun of the fans who continue to support them. I find it hard to believe that he built a career off of that. Did he ever write anything insightful? Maybe I am too young and missed out on his useful years, but at 24, I have never known a time where I considered him to be anything other than the sarcastic and lazy writer.

That article is nothing short of mean and uncalled for. I see posts about how much everyone dislikes Reusse and posts claiming he hates the gophers. I see why now. That article is full of contempt. Personally, I think Kill is doing exactly what you have to do to revive a program. Are Reusse's articles increasing subscriptions to the Trib? Or were the Trib's finest days long ago when there were two papers every day? Maybe Reusse should take care of his own organization instead of play such a great role in its demise. You won't find me buying the Trib to read articles like that one.

I have not renewed my subscription for quite awhile. One of the reasons is that I can't stand Reusse's negativity and aversion toward our beloved Gophers. This guy must have been dropped on his head as a baby. He is relentless, and is quite depressing to read. I stopped reading his columns years ago.

Mr. Smart Ass wrote:

"OK, there was a little blip at the end, when Tech's Seth Doege threw a 35-yard touchdown pass to Eric Ward with 1:10 remaining, and then Ryan Bustin kicked a 28-yard field goal on the last play, and Texas Tech won 34-31, but what the heck, when you can take a team to the last play that beat "a piece in crap'' in overtime only seven weeks earlier, that's saying something for what is being built here, right?"

Hey, Reusse, you should know about pieces of crap.

What Reusse fails to mention is this Tech team destroyed West Virginia, beat TCU and almost beat Texas.

Highway nailed it. You should never click on a Fat Pattie article. Fat Pattie is smarting from being bullied as a kid which explains, in part, why he is so cynical and miserable in life. He is a pathetic pussy, nothing more. But I do think this is the year for Fat Pattie to have a major heart attack and make me a winner in the 2013 dead pool.

Go Gophers!

Breakin' The Plane said:
You can take all the potshots at Kill you want. You can take all the potshots at Gopher fans you want. What, pray tell, has Hageman done to earn that needless little cheap shot at the end? Not a damn thing. Shame on him for sticking with the hometown school, working his tail off, learning new positions and positioning himself to be the highest Gopher draft pick in about a decade.

I won't give him the click, what did he say about Hageman?

Can anybody explain to me how Reusse got to where he is? Ever since I can remember, he has been a writer who likes to just kick teams while they are down and doesn't really offer any insight. He restructures his words to reprint essentially the same article repeatedly which comes down to him stressing how terrible a team is and making fun of the fans who continue to support them. I find it hard to believe that he built a career off of that. Did he ever write anything insightful? Maybe I am too young and missed out on his useful years, but at 24, I have never known a time where I considered him to be anything other than the sarcastic and lazy writer.
He's a good writer and he's good at what he does. A columnist is supposed to try to generate debate and conversation. The problem I have with him is that he's full of bias (and also full of B.S.). For example, he likes to tick off Gopherholers and take shots at the U at any point he can. However, when it comes to the Twins, he'll give them pass after pass. Just think, the Twins are on their way to a third season where their winning percentage is going to likely be around 40%. And what does Ruesse do? Makes excuses and says Gardy's not to blame. If the Gophers go 4-8 for the next three years, do you think Reusse will be lobbying for Kill to save his job?

I won't give him the click, what did he say about Hageman?

It should be clear to all of us: The Gophers are coming off their greatest bowl achievement in 51 seasons. And actually, I'm feeling a little better about our rodents as practice stars Monday than was the case a young fan in 1962. Our boys now have Ra'Shede Hageman; back in '62, all we had was Bell and Eller.

Patrick's never really been a football fan. That is why you see a lot of articles about town baseball. Very seldom do you see him take pot shots at the Twins. Yep, he hates Gopher football and football in general. I'm sure the pathetic Twins have put an additional burr in his saddle. Baseball has more over weight fans than any other sport except for NASCAR. Pat fits right in sitting on his duff wolfing down 4-5 dogs and watching 4 hours of boredom on the diamond.

Reusse just tweeted: "...Can't stop pounding chests over blowing game to subpar, could-care-less Texas Tech team, I have sacred duty to take shots. Such is life..."

Reusse just tweeted: "...Can't stop pounding chests over blowing game to subpar, could-care-less Texas Tech team, I have sacred duty to take shots. Such is life..."

You'd think that someone who gets paid to write would understand the difference between "could care less" and "couldn't care less"

He's a good writer and he's good at what he does. A columnist is supposed to try to generate debate and conversation. The problem I have with him is that he's full of bias (and also full of B.S.). For example, he likes to tick off Gopherholers and take shots at the U at any point he can. However, when it comes to the Twins, he'll give them pass after pass. Just think, the Twins are on their way to a third season where their winning percentage is going to likely be around 40%. And what does Ruesse do? Makes excuses and says Gardy's not to blame. If the Gophers go 4-8 for the next three years, do you think Reusse will be lobbying for Kill to save his job?

Totally ill-informed and illogical comparison.

FWIW he takes his shots at the Twins and Vikes also.

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