Reusse column: Even with Knight at courtside, bedlam at Barn is mostly benign


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Nov 11, 2008
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You gotta give it up to the guy...we have a nice win over a solid opponent without our two top players and what does Pat do?...he uses the first seven paragraphs to write about a game from 1972 and the rest of the column to tell us that The Barn isn't as loud as it used to be.

I realize that sometimes he'll write an early edition column and another one for the late print run, so in case he does, I am copy and pasting this one in case the link changes:

Even with Knight at courtside, bedlam at Barn is mostly benign

Bobby Knight was in Williams Arena on Wednesday night to provide ESPN's analysis for the Gophers-Virginia Tech game. This was five weeks shy of the 40th anniversary of when Knight first brought an Indiana team to Minnesota.

It was the conference opener Jan. 8, 1972. A crowd of more than 18,000 was there to see Knight and Bill Musselman, a rival from his high school days in Ohio, go at it for the first time in the Big Ten.

The game was such a defensive struggle that every basket was an excruciating experience for the two teams. Finally, the Gophers' Jim Brewer blocked a shot near the buzzer, and the home team had a 52-51 victory that turned The Barn into bedlam.

Knight missed the coaches' handshake -- as he was occupied pursuing the officials off the elevated floor for failing to call what surely would have been a foul on Brewer if the game were played in Bloomington, Ind.

"I was here that night," Warren Bolin of Maple Grove said.

"That was a wild ballgame."

There were many of those over the next quarter-century. More often than not, Williams Arena was the place to be once the Big Ten schedule started in January -- right up until the morning the story broke in March 1999 that the Gophers basketball program had engaged in academic fraud.

The fire never has been regained inside The Barn for more than a few games at a time.

Wednesday's game in the Big Ten/ACC challenge was the fifth on the home schedule and the first that a discerning ticketholder might consider attending. There is another Saturday against Southern Cal, but four more "who cares?" nonconference games remain before Big Ten play starts Dec. 27 at Illinois.

The game with a mediocre ACC team did produce the most bodies inside Williams this season, with 9,000 as a reasonable estimate of the actual crowd.

This was the first game for the Gophers without Trevor Mbakwe, who was going to be a first-team All-Big Tenner and give Tubby Smith's club a chance to return to the NCAA tournament.

Mbakwe now has season-ending knee surgery in his future. And to create more size problems, Ralph Sampson III missed this game because of a sore ankle.

That left the raw redshirt freshman, Elliott Eliason, to start at center, along with Rodney Williams at forward, and Julian Welch and the Hollins lads, Andre and Austin, as a three-guard combo.

Virginia Tech did its best to fill the star-less Gophers with confidence at the start. The Hokies threw rocks off the rim from all angles and needed 4 minutes, 15 seconds to get on the scoreboard.

It was 10-2 for the Gophers at the first TV timeout, and then Tubby's athletes joined Virginia Tech in an ugly fest. Tech led 28-25 at the half, while shooting 38.5 percent to 39.3 for the Gophers.

"Well, that set basketball back 50 years," someone sitting near Bolin said.

Unfortunately, it didn't set it back 40 years, when Indiana and Minnesota couldn't score on a Big Ten opening night because every shot was being contested as if it was part of a goal-line stand.

The crowd was bored to yawns for much of the first half. Knight must have had to keep checking that there was an elevated floor, just to make sure this was the same place where his Hoosiers faced a full-throated din from a full house of fanatics on so many nights.

There was an attempt at renewed enthusiasm when Smith came in from Kentucky for the 2007-08 season. There was an increase to 9,343 season tickets sold to the public. A year later, the student sale reached 2,105.

Now, in his fifth season, the Gophers have sold 8,382 tickets to the public and 1,205 to students.

There was some enthusiasm down the stretch Wednesday, as the Gophers came away with a 58-55 victory on Welch's four free throws in the final 18 seconds.

There was a loud cheer when Erick Green's three went around the rim at the buzzer.

Sorry, Coach Knight, but that's the best we can do these days: a loud cheer. The real roars have gone missing in The Barn.

Go Gophers!!

Glad ro see that Pat can find negativity in anything the Gophs do... keep it up big guy we know you can keep it up (9000 attendance - get a clue - how about 11,500...)

I don't know what's with all of the awful sports writers in this town.. it's kind of a joke. Is it really so hard to be happy for the hometown team?

i can't be the only one who has no care in the world what this guy says. Him and Dark Star can go leap off a bridge.

It didn't look like 9,000 on TV- I don't know why so many Minnesota sportwriters like to underestimate attendance by Gopher fans/overestimate attendance by rival fans.

I thought the Barn sounded good at points tonight, certainly better than it did in some close games last season down the stretch. I agree with Pat that it's not been as loud as it was previously, but like Bleed points out it's strange to make that the topic of your column after a win without 2 starters. Hopefully, the program can start winning like it did previously and that it will return the Barn to it's previous stature. I remember growing up with Clem's teams and feeling very confident the Gophers would beat higher ranked teams at home, and they usually did. Unfortunately, Clem had a habit of putting a couple of bad road L's on the record.

book said:
Glad ro see that Pat can find negativity in anything the Gophs do... keep it up big guy we know you can keep it up (9000 attendance - get a clue - how about 11,500...)

Agreed. The crowd was quiet for a period of time but it was definitely loud at the end and helped influence the outcome.

Ruesse's criticisms of the NC schedule could be rewritten for essentially every major conference team in the country. It is BS. Please fire this troll.

I was actually sitting next to Reusse, we were debating on 9000 or 10,000, but there were thousands of empty seats. With that being said, the home court advantage is what I really think helped pull us through. It may have not been full, and it may have been quiet for a while, but at the end - when the team needed the 6th man, the fans were there.

Here's a video I took of the last few seconds of the game:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Everytime I see an article from this guy, I hate him more and more. And I am not even from the Twin Cities.

GopherLady said:
I was actually sitting next to Reusse, we were debating on 9000 or 10,000, but there were thousands of empty seats. With that being said, the home court advantage is what I really think helped pull us through. It may have not been full, and it may have been quiet for a while, but at the end - when the team needed the 6th man, the fans were there.

Here's a video I took of the last few seconds of the game:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

So NB while sitting next to the old fart did you ask him why he hates Gopher football so much? Even when the do things right (win the pig) he criticizes everything?

So NB while sitting next to the old fart did you ask him why he hates Gopher football so much? Even when the do things right (win the pig) he criticizes everything?

Haha - no - because he always goes into the good ol' days, back in 1932 when he started out ;). I actually told him he loses me anytime he brings out paragraphs and paragraphs of history...he laughed about that, then proceeded to use it in his article!

Pat is just awful. I hate the idea that he has been so successful with how utterly terrible he is.

The crowd doesn't look the best, period. Its really too bad we can't pack the Barn for the ACC/B1G challenge. I will say though that the Barn is in my opinion one of the toughest places for students to get into the game just because of the seating. If they raised the slope of the seating bowl to move things closer I think you could get a much better sound on the court. That being said I wouldn't mind a number of minor renovations to the Barn to begin with.

I refuse to read his garbage anymore. Every article he and Souhan write follow the exact same script. People should stop clicking their links. I'm glad the material was copied and pasted so fewer people visit the site. God forbid either of them say anything positive or even neutral. I like how he barely even actually talked about the gameplay. I'd take Myron back over either of those clowns any day.

Reusse article is one of three in strib about last nite's game. Must they all be the same?

There's the main article about the game and Amelia's blog besides Reusse's

Some of the Gopher die-hards over 50 enjoy the historical anecdotes. Heaven forbid we can't recognize history on GH. The football board is called The Six National Titles Football Board.

Myron was a beat writer. Reusse is a columnist.

Lack of attendance, lack of crowd energy and lack big name nc games(all at the Barn) have been discussed on GH over and over. I guess it is OK as long as you are not a media type.

Why get so worked up over what columnists write? These guys (and gals) are paid to get us to click on their articles and buy newspapers. They are paid to be controversial...

Why get so worked up over what columnists write? These guys (and gals) are paid to get us to click on their articles and buy newspapers. They are paid to be controversial...

Agreed. It's just one person's opinion. Same as my posts(well OK maybe that's a stretch).:)

I actually do find Reusse entertaining on the radio and more often then not, well, he is right. I do believe his perspective is shameful though. Rather than the through the glass darkly lamenting the lack of attendance I'm of the opinion many people missed out on the privilege of seeing our guys work through tremendous adversity last night. Why the media here misses that is beyond me.

Just start one of the student cheers. Point at fat pat and chant ASS H*L&.

Happy we won.

Reusse is still right.

Place was a snake pit. No more. Bummer.

It was a column that described the game, provided some analysis and placed it in historical context. Additionally, you can quibble with the style, but all of Reusse's points are hard to refute. Good piece.

Here are facts Pat and everyone else:
1. To an average fan in the Twin Cities there is no difference between Virginia Tech and Mount St. Mary's. It isn't a ticket anyone is going to go out and get. It just isn't. When the Gophers get better and maybe are lucky enough to get a Duke or North Carolina, those tickets will be sought after and attended. Not an average Virginia Tech or Virginia squad.
2. An 8:30 game time is going to kill attendance around here as well. This isn't Madison where every season ticket holder is 10 minutes from the arena. A 6pm start time would have added more butts in the seat.
3. I'd love to have Pat research the Bobby Knight vs. Musselman game that he talked about in his article where the barn was rocking and figure out whether it was a 1pm Saturday game or an 8:30 Wednesday night game. Night and day between the two start times. That's journalism for you.

Here are facts Pat and everyone else:
1. To an average fan in the Twin Cities there is no difference between Virginia Tech and Mount St. Mary's. It isn't a ticket anyone is going to go out and get. It just isn't. When the Gophers get better and maybe are lucky enough to get a Duke or North Carolina, those tickets will be sought after and attended. Not an average Virginia Tech or Virginia squad.
2. An 8:30 game time is going to kill attendance around here as well. This isn't Madison where every season ticket holder is 10 minutes from the arena. A 6pm start time would have added more butts in the seat.
3. I'd love to have Pat research the Bobby Knight vs. Musselman game that he talked about in his article where the barn was rocking and figure out whether it was a 1pm Saturday game or an 8:30 Wednesday night game. Night and day between the two start times. That's journalism for you.

Also could have been a sat pm game. True about duke or nc. Knight vs Muss was a big ten game which are always more eventful.

Other points to consider about less energy in The Barn from those days.

1. Seating before the remodel in early 90s was over 16,000 with reportedly attendance at 18,000 at times.

2. Re-seating(preferred seating) in the early 90s displaced many long time die hard fans. Replaced by non die-hards and corporate guests.

3. All the the silly subway type promos don't help either.

Here are facts Pat and everyone else:
1. To an average fan in the Twin Cities there is no difference between Virginia Tech and Mount St. Mary's. It isn't a ticket anyone is going to go out and get. It just isn't. When the Gophers get better and maybe are lucky enough to get a Duke or North Carolina, those tickets will be sought after and attended. Not an average Virginia Tech or Virginia squad.
2. An 8:30 game time is going to kill attendance around here as well. This isn't Madison where every season ticket holder is 10 minutes from the arena. A 6pm start time would have added more butts in the seat.
3. I'd love to have Pat research the Bobby Knight vs. Musselman game that he talked about in his article where the barn was rocking and figure out whether it was a 1pm Saturday game or an 8:30 Wednesday night game. Night and day between the two start times. That's journalism for you.

If you are a season ticket holder and can't figure the difference between the Mt. St Mary's game and this game- then there's no hope. I really don't think that's the case- I just don't think that the fan base has the passion for this squad at the moment. That could change with more efforts like last night.

As far as Musselman era games- you could have scheduled them at midnight and the place would have been packed- there was that much excitement. There was 5000 people (I was one of them) in the pavillion watching them on a lousy closed circuit feed - making for about 24,000 total fans that night.

The problem with the Fat Pat article was more the timing than the content. He should have talked about the positives of the game and what the team did last night. Discussing the lack of fan passion could have come on a different day.

My guess is he had an idea for this column before the game even started and just expected the Gophers to lose and the crowd to be subdued. That simply didn't happen. I wasn't there, but it seemed like the crowd was full of life. What a terrible, negative article.

My guess is he had an idea for this column before the game even started and just expected the Gophers to lose and the crowd to be subdued. That simply didn't happen. I wasn't there, but it seemed like the crowd was full of life. What a terrible, negative article.

On one point we agree: you weren't there.

. ... Discussing the lack of fan passion could have come on a different day.

My thoughts as well. The lack of "umphh" in the fan base certainly is a valid topic, but I thought considering the circumstances Patrick might -- at least for one day -- let Gopher basketball fans feel good about their team. I thought wrong.

My thoughts as well. The lack of "umphh" in the fan base certainly is a valid topic, but I thought considering the circumstances Patrick might -- at least for one day -- let Gopher basketball fans feel good about their team. I thought wrong.

His article doesn't change how I feel about the team or the win last night. At the end of the day, it's still just one man's opinion.

His article doesn't change how I feel about the team or the win last night.

Me neither. It was nice to leave Williams Arena in a good mood last night.

My main point being, I thought it would be decent of Patrick to not take the "killjoy" route, given the events of the last few days. ... Trevor done, no Ralph.

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