Reusse admits he does not care about Gopher football

Exactly, none of these people on GH know Reusse's true colors if they think he actually HATES Gopher football. Reusse has so much negativity because he has seen so many bad teams. Plain and simple.

it's not plain and smile. What you describe should lead to indifference, not hate. He is sadistic. He enjoys watching failure and revels in it. It compensates for his own obvious personal shortcomings.

That is Reusse in a nutshell

I don't give a rats arse what that fat, cynical, life loser writes as long as he makes me a winner in this year's dead pool.

Go Gophers!

You guys aren't going to believe this BUT, sports writers, especially guys doing it for 30 years, tend to get jaded about sports.

Yeah...I know. Nuts.

File this declaration by Reusse under 'Stating the Obvious'. Reading his Gopher football related columns over the last decade is all you need to know, and we didn't need to hear it from in person.

Conversely though, I wish Souhan would come out and admit what a struggle it is for him to make any strong criticisms of the Twins. He just can't help but tell you that things are gonna get better, just you wait (yes, Jim, you're right, all those prospects will pan out, especially the pitchers).

Wish the Gophers were afforded even a modicum of that level of positivity.

I think Souhan can still rip on the Twins when the situation calls for it:

Souhan really railed on the Twins. What is amazing is the Twins fans that sit there and watch 4 hours
of garbage displayed on the field.

I understand everyone's frustration and to a greater degree I agree. Reusse is an old journalist who is lazy and wants everything handed to him. I dealt with his type in politics when I literally wrote their stories for them and they would have it printed word for word.

Then you have journalist like Mike Lucas in Madison. He is the polar opposite of Reusse. He is open cheerleader for the Wisconsin program. Calling what he does as journalism is a joke. The man in the radio color guy for Badger football. Even though he is technically employed by Learfield Sports, the UW athletic department approves who does the radio broadcasting. How can you critical of a subject when you making a pay check from them.

I miss real journalism from journalist. I want a journal to be critical when necessary and congratulatory when needed. I don't a cheerleader or a pr machine for the program or a critical hack with a hell bent because he/she is crotchity.

I understand everyone's frustration and to a greater degree I agree. Reusse is an old journalist who is lazy and wants everything handed to him. I dealt with his type in politics when I literally wrote their stories for them and they would have it printed word for word.

Then you have journalist like Mike Lucas in Madison. He is the polar opposite of Reusse. He is open cheerleader for the Wisconsin program. Calling what he does as journalism is a joke. The man in the radio color guy for Badger football. Even though he is technically employed by Learfield Sports, the UW athletic department approves who does the radio broadcasting. How can you critical of a subject when you making a pay check from them.

I miss real journalism from journalist. I want a journal to be critical when necessary and congratulatory when needed. I don't a cheerleader or a pr machine for the program or a critical hack with a hell bent because he/she is crotchity.

Both us and Wisconsin may be getting that right now. I think what makes the Reusse articles hurtful is that, behind their unnecessarily sarcastic and derogatory tone, there is usually some truth about what is going on. It makes sense that fair journalists would be cheerleaders for Wisconsin coming off 3 straight Rose Bowl appearances, and they would also be critical of the Gophs coming off 3 straight 2-6 B1G seasons. I would really be curious, but if we start winning B1G titles, I don't think Reusse would be as negative.

I would really be curious, but if we start winning B1G titles, I don't think Reusse would be as negative.

And how do you think Fatprick would write had we become the first team to lose 3 consecutive Rose Bowls? His glee would be boundless.

Souhan really railed on the Twins. What is amazing is the Twins fans that sit there and watch 4 hours
of garbage displayed on the field

Couldn't the same be said about Gopher fans over most of the last 40 years?

The last few days in the Star Trib have been very positive stories. Not sure what it means to "respect" Gopher football. I think to you it means only write positive stories. If that is the case, whey not just have the sports info office write the articles and submit them to the Star Trib?

Exactly, none of these people on GH know Reusse's true colors if they think he actually HATES Gopher football. Reusse has so much negativity because he has seen so many bad teams. Plain and simple.

You are wrong. Reusse HATES all football. He has said so on more than one occasion. As a subset he hates Gopher football because

It's football

All head football coaches are buffoons, liers, manipulative sociopaths, cheaters, braggarts or all of the above.

Players are stupid thugs who are an inch away from jail

Gopher football fans are ignorant rubes who have fallen for a con game. Reusse has nothing but contempt for us.

It's not baseball.

Make no mistake - Reusse hates Gopher football, Gopher football coaches and is contemptuous of all Gopher fans. I can't stand the little prick and do what I can to undermine him. When we had seats at the dome I had to walk by the press box and when he was there I would always give him the one fingered salute. Contempt is a two way street

Both us and Wisconsin may be getting that right now. I think what makes the Reusse articles hurtful is that, behind their unnecessarily sarcastic and derogatory tone, there is usually some truth about what is going on. It makes sense that fair journalists would be cheerleaders for Wisconsin coming off 3 straight Rose Bowl appearances, and they would also be critical of the Gophs coming off 3 straight 2-6 B1G seasons. I would really be curious, but if we start winning B1G titles, I don't think Reusse would be as negative.

The problem is that it has not been for 3 years. It has been for 20 years.

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