Restraining orders against Tamarion Johnson an mk mi mi od Carlton Dejam.

As a minimum this is another very unnecessary distraction that the lads caused.
It is no wonder the coaches are pissed.

Might as well get rid of these two, one's a red shirt and the other is buried on depth chart, it will open up two more spots for the incoming class. As Jimmy Johnson always told his Cowboys I will be fair in the fact that I will treat you differently. The juice ain't worth the squeeze here, not enough talent.

Troublemakers. Like that sheriff in Milwaukee.

Might as well get rid of these two, one's a red shirt and the other is buried on depth chart, it will open up two more spots for the incoming class. As Jimmy Johnson always told his Cowboys I will be fair in the fact that I will treat you differently. The juice ain't worth the squeeze here, not enough talent.

Yeah, but I'd like to know why Djam is part of this before giving him the boot. As others brought up, he wasn't one of the suspended players.

Yeah, but I'd like to know why Djam is part of this before giving him the boot. As others brought up, he wasn't one of the suspended players.

Presumably the restrainning order isn't just about what happened one time and maybe they accuse him of some other related event or harassment or something that wasn't a part of the actual criminal case. Example that is totally made up: Dude A commits crime, Dude B tries to intimidate you. You go and get an order of protection against both. Is that what happened, no idea.

I don't know what the **** ruppy was trying to type, but I did find this:

Two Minnesota football players have been named in a restraining order that seeks to keep them away from TCF Bank Stadium on football game days, according to documents obtained by the Minneapolis Star-Tribune.

Carlton Djam and Tamarion Johnson haven’t spoken publicly about the matter, but their attorney indicated the duo will oppose the order.

“We just learned at the 11th hour that my clients were served with a (restraining order) with regards to the baseless allegations of misconduct in which they were cleared,” the players’ attorney, Lee Hutton, told the Star-Tribune. “It went through the process. The Minneapolis police meticulously investigated the allegations that went up to a prosecutor to review, and the Minneapolis police decided not to charge my clients.”
The order stems from an alleged incident on Sept. 2 that led to the suspension of four players, including Johnson. The players never faced criminal charges and their suspensions were lifted. The woman who filed the order was reportedly involved in the alleged prior incident, and, according to the paper, she “participates in the university’s home football game operation.”

The stadium was one of two addresses listed in the order, which asks that the players not be allowed at either location for two years.

Johnson, a freshman, is expected to redshirt this year.

Djam, a sophomore running back, has seven carries for 33 yards this season.

Minnesota coach Tracy Claeys hasn’t released a statement about the matter, but the university did to the Star-Tribune.

“It would not be appropriate for the University to comment on this matter to the extent it relates to University students. The University reaffirms, however, that it will honor and comply with court orders.”

Having a problem with the keyboard on the Droid. Had to call Verizon tech.

Is it to early for Mitch to file a temporary restraining order on three or four key Wisconsin defenders to not come within 500 ft of him at camp randle?

Is it to early for Mitch to file a temporary restraining order on three or four key Wisconsin defenders to not come within 500 ft of him at camp randle?

Might want to include a few more just in case...

What could the reason for the stadium location be other than an attempt / retribution to keep them from playing?

Do they think these guys are going to suit up, and mid play break into the crowd and assault someone?
Cheerleaders, Dance Line, Marching Band, Student Trainers....

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Might as well get rid of these two, one's a red shirt and the other is buried on depth chart, it will open up two more spots for the incoming class. As Jimmy Johnson always told his Cowboys I will be fair in the fact that I will treat you differently. The juice ain't worth the squeeze here, not enough talent.

Players who redshirt don't have talent?

The party culture for a lot of the athletes on campus is ridiculous. I'm a student who goes out multiple times a week, and see and am at the same parties as certain athletes and they think they are invincible. But they don't have the police, administration or media to back them up. They aren't OSU, Michigan or anybody in the SEC where everybody is protecting them.

The party culture for a lot of the athletes on campus is ridiculous. I'm a student who goes out multiple times a week, and see and am at the same parties as certain athletes and they think they are invincible. But they don't have the police, administration or media to back them up. They aren't OSU, Michigan or anybody in the SEC where everybody is protecting them.

As someone who attended a party or two in college..... I saw a lot of folks (not just athletes) who seemed to think they were invincible / kinda full of themselves. I think that is just being young.

Not sure it is just party culture for athletes.

As someone who attended a party or two in college..... I saw a lot of folks (not just athletes) who seemed to think they were invincible / kinda full of themselves. I think that is just being young.

Not sure it is just party culture for athletes.

These guys stand out from the crowd with some of the things they do

The cure to the problem is an agreement with the protected individual that the members on the restraining order be escorted at all times while at the stadium by an escort, whose sole job is to keep the named individuals separated. I've seen it done. It works. There is a contract by the named parties and is conditional that it be followed to the letter.

The party culture for a lot of the athletes on campus is ridiculous. I'm a student who goes out multiple times a week, and see and am at the same parties as certain athletes and they think they are invincible. But they don't have the police, administration or media to back them up. They aren't OSU, Michigan or anybody in the SEC where everybody is protecting them.

I think someone is jealous of the attention athletes get at the same parties they are at getting none.

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The cure to the problem is an agreement with the protected individual that the members on the restraining order be escorted at all times while at the stadium by an escort, whose sole job is to keep the named individuals separated. I've seen it done. It works. There is a contract by the named parties and is conditional that it be followed to the letter.

Better to get it dropped. I have never had a restraining order or 8th Amendment law suit not dropped in a couple of days. Helps to be innocent of the allegations.

Better to get it dropped. I have never had a restraining order or 8th Amendment law suit not dropped in a couple of days. Helps to be innocent of the allegations.

Well how many have you had? Sheesh. /s

I had to get one once, but Earl walked right through that restraining order and put me in intensive care.

I think someone is jealous of the attention athletes get at the same parties they are at getting none.

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Nothing worse than college kids having a good time.

Except maybe the folks who anonymously insinuate **** about them on the internet...

Anyway anyone hear if they've had any luck getting in front of a judge on the order yet? I know they were shooting for ASAP.

Anyway anyone hear if they've had any luck getting in front of a judge on the order yet? I know they were shooting for ASAP.

Honestly, they will be somewhat lucky to get their initial appearance by the end of next week. It's possible it could be sooner, but this stuff all takes time to get processed in the Court system. And as I mentioned yesterday, it's fairly rare for the HRO to get dismissed outright at the initial appearance. The more likely result is some modifications to the terms of the temporary order and then trial in a few weeks. Having said that, dismissal is POSSIBLE and would be the product of an incredibly flimsy Petition. Based upon the Strib's reporting of its contents (if accurately reported/interpreted), it doesn't sound like that type of situation regardless of whether or not the actual evidence is strong.

Honestly, they will be somewhat lucky to get their initial appearance by the end of next week. It's possible it could be sooner, but this stuff all takes time to get processed in the Court system. And as I mentioned yesterday, it's fairly rare for the HRO to get dismissed outright at the initial appearance. The more likely result is some modifications to the terms of the temporary order and then trial in a few weeks. Having said that, dismissal is POSSIBLE and would be the product of an incredibly flimsy Petition. Based upon the Strib's reporting of its contents (if accurately reported/interpreted), it doesn't sound like that type of situation regardless of whether or not the actual evidence is strong.

Yeah I don't so much expect that their short term goal is dismissal (although i'm sure they'd try) but as far as playing, modification that allows them to show up at TCF would make a sensible goal.

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