Renew your season tickets

Well, back to football. The football and basketball teams are very successful considering football's smaller stadium and the lack of success for both teams. I recall the basketball team being top 15 nationally for profit. And they haven't had any success in 20 years. I would say they know what they are doing financially.

True but I think for some longtime fans, this suggestion feels like a shot below the belt. Many fans were lured into buying season tickets under an old policy that rewarded loyalty (i.e., longevity) much more heavily than it does today. Today, it is mostly a function of how fat your wallet is which determines things. Flash back to pre-2009 and the picking of seats at TCF which was a crazy and fun thing where loyalty played a much more significant role in seat selection. Once people picked their seats, many (and perhaps naively) thought this is where I’ll be for the rest of my life. Of course we don’t live in a vacuum and the rules changed for good or for bad depending on your viewpoint. But for some of these fans who spent some years enduring gopher football in the dump-dome, they feel cheated and alienated by being told to go to the back of the bus.

And our GH troll is back ... Well, hopefully you conveyed all of your concerns with the athletic department during your FAKE "annual call" from the ticket office ... :rolleyes::

And our GH troll is back ... Well, hopefully you conveyed all of your concerns with the athletic department during your FAKE "annual call" from the ticket office ... :rolleyes::

I don't know how to post it but go to the OT board and take a look at post #697 in the "Leidner - speaking in church next weekend" thread. Sec2 pussied out of the bet too. Do I take it you're man enough to take this same bet?

Let it go guys...let it go.

Sorry, but when trolls come on here and try to infuse negativity in a desperate attempt to get people to cancel season tickets (including, for example, fabricating elaborate stories about a fake "annual call" from the ticket office), I will not let it go. That's exactly what he's trying to do. He was called out on it a couple months ago, and I'll continue to call him out on it as long as necessary.

Sorry, but when trolls come on here and try to infuse negativity in a desperate attempt to get people to cancel season tickets (including, for example, fabricating elaborate stories about a fake "annual call" from the ticket office), I will not let it go. That's exactly what he's trying to do. He was called out on it a couple months ago, and I'll continue to call him out on it as long as necessary.

Ok - then I take it back.

Sorry, but when trolls come on here and try to infuse negativity in a desperate attempt to get people to cancel season tickets (including, for example, fabricating elaborate stories about a fake "annual call" from the ticket office), I will not let it go. That's exactly what he's trying to do. He was called out on it a couple months ago, and I'll continue to call him out on it as long as necessary.

So you do take the $1,000 wager?

Just renewed. Back in 117 for another year!

The 10 richest public universities in America

9. University of Minnesota — $3.2 billion

Yeah, they sure are terrible at finances, aren't they?

University net worth does not equal athletic department net worth. Not that I care either way, the ticket prices are what they are and since I have moved out of state it's irrelevant to me since I can't attend enough games per year to make season tickets viable. Thankfully whenever I visit I can get cheap tickets from 3rd party sources.

University net worth does not equal athletic department net worth, goofball.

I'm not the one who made the connection. I'm not the one who took the case of ticket prices being too high (in their mind) and extrapolated that out to surmising that the University is a poor financial decision-maker.

I'm not the one who made the connection. I'm not the one who took the case of ticket prices being too high (in their mind) and extrapolated that out to surmising that the University is a poor financial decision-maker.

Looking back at that comment, when referring to the "organization" I thought the context was clear it was the athletic dept. Nobody is comparing ticket prices to the University endowment or net value, that is an absurd comparison.

We will not be renewing our 4 in Section 103. The combo of price hikes, the Kill disappointment and a buddy graduating from the O-line make it seem like a good time to bow out. Certainly bittersweet.

We will not be renewing our 4 in Section 103. The combo of price hikes, the Kill disappointment and a buddy graduating from the O-line make it seem like a good time to bow out. Certainly bittersweet.

Come on man. Have you learned nothing on this site? Ticket prices have not gone up - there is just a "donation" now.

I am out. Three seats, 25 years. I have always had donation seats in TCF, but the level required now is more than I care to spend. I will buy a two pack at the state fair and upgrade my TV with the other 1800.

Used to anticipate renewing and would do it as soon as they went on sale. Now it's a total buzzkill and will wait until last day to make my """donation""".
Had 6 tickets 2 years go, then 4, now 2. Section 111.

Anyone having trouble renewing. Went through the process this morning, hit Buy and it froze up and I haven't seen a confirmation email so I don't think it went through. I'm calling the ticket office to fix, but wondering if others had the same experience.

Used to anticipate renewing and would do it as soon as they went on sale. Now it's a total buzzkill and will wait until last day to make my """donation""".
Had 6 tickets 2 years go, then 4, now 2. Section 111.

It's not a """donation""", it is a "donation".

Our group renewed and will be adding a bunch of seats as well. Thank you to everyone that is bowing out. Helps us move up!!

Serious question

Our group renewed and will be adding a bunch of seats as well. Thank you to everyone that is bowing out. Helps us move up!!

Were you prohibited from moving up previously?

Oregon St
Indiana St
Colorado St

That's a really crappy schedule to have following last year's debacle and the increased "donation" once again. Scalped tickets will be a fraction of the actual cost this year to every game except Iowa and possibly the opener.

I can only imagine the drop in the season ticket base in '17 if the team falls flat again next year when the final "donation" level is introduced.

I've decided to drop my tickets this year, partially due to the increased "donation" but partially due to other obligations this fall. I still plan to go to most (if not all) of the non-conference games, the Iowa game, and probably the Rutgers one as well. Since many of the seats around me went unused all of last year (Sec. 243) I suspect I'll be able to attend at a fraction of the cost and still sit in nearly the same spot if not better. I'm actually looking forward to not being a season ticket holder and grabbing seats in various parts of the stadium for new perspectives. The only thing I don't look forward to is being a worse fan because of it.

I've decided to drop my tickets this year, partially due to the increased "donation" but partially due to other obligations this fall. I still plan to go to most (if not all) of the non-conference games, the Iowa game, and probably the Rutgers one as well. Since many of the seats around me went unused all of last year (Sec. 243) I suspect I'll be able to attend at a fraction of the cost and still sit in nearly the same spot if not better. I'm actually looking forward to not being a season ticket holder and grabbing seats in various parts of the stadium for new perspectives. The only thing I don't look forward to is being a worse fan because of it.

Same situation for me in Section 112, 2 seats.

Another $ saving tip- This last week i found out I could get groceries at the local food shelf. No more waiting in line at Cub and hello to the extra ching ching in my wallet. If anyone has a tip on how to acquire free gas --- pass it on.

I've decided to drop my tickets this year, partially due to the increased "donation" but partially due to other obligations this fall. I still plan to go to most (if not all) of the non-conference games, the Iowa game, and probably the Rutgers one as well. Since many of the seats around me went unused all of last year (Sec. 243) I suspect I'll be able to attend at a fraction of the cost and still sit in nearly the same spot if not better. I'm actually looking forward to not being a season ticket holder and grabbing seats in various parts of the stadium for new perspectives. The only thing I don't look forward to is being a worse fan because of it.

I wouldn't judge you a bad fan for making that decision and I wouldn't judge you a great fan for hanging onto tickets at any cost. Everyone has their own limits on discretionary spending. Your passion for the team is independent of monetary investment.

Another $ saving tip- This last week i found out I could get groceries at the local food shelf. No more waiting in line at Cub and hello to the extra ching ching in my wallet. If anyone has a tip on how to acquire free gas --- pass it on.

I fail to find this funny or see your point.

If you give up your seats, you're really going to regret not being there in 2018 when Indiana makes its first TCF the stadium's 10th season.

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