Recruiting Dry Spell

I don't care what the staff member said. There is no possible way that they had an in-person evaluation of everyone they offered prior to spring camps. The timeline does not work. Meeting and talking with someone in person (which is what I assume you meant) is not an "in-person evaluation" in a football sense (i.e., going to a HS football game or watching a player at a camp), which is clearly what Galt is referring to in the post you quoted.

You're wrong again. They work out every player that they don't see in a game. Full speed workouts. What's a "football sense"? I'd be willing to bet that a coach watching a player work out up close in person (plus film) is as good as watching a game, if not a better evaluation. It's just like camp. You can ask a player questions, see how he reacts to your question. Kill does not offer players that they have not seen in person. Simple.

You're wrong again. They work out every player that they don't see in a game. Full speed workout.

They do? I sure hope the NCAA doesn't find out, as one-person on-campus (or off-campus, for that matter) workouts are incredibly illegal in Division I. You'd better check your "facts" again.

They do? I sure hope the NCAA doesn't find out, as one-person on-campus (or off-campus, for that matter) workouts are incredibly illegal in Division I. You'd better check your "facts" again.

Dude, did you ever know that you're my hero? Ever vigilant, always watchful and never wrong. I sleep so much better knowing no one will ever post anything incorrectly including spelling and punctuation while you watch so alertly and approach 7000 posts. diapereddoll68 is truely the wind beneath my wings!

Where did I say anything about being a big boy or expecting him to sign the highly recruited players? In fact, if you read it again you'll see that I'm suggesting we are not one of the big boys and we shouldn't expect all those recruits to sign. And that this very fact could explain the lack of offers because the bulk of the offers given thus far are to the "big time" recruits who will be difficult for us to sign (and who don't often verbal early with programs like ours) or out of state recruits (who aren't as likely to verbal early either). Reading comprehension, it's a skill.

Maybe I just misunderstood your statement. The tone of the thread seemed to be folks arguing we don't have many commits because Gophs are only offering top notch guys. I would, however, point out that most big time schools do get lots of reallly good recruits to commit early, although I agree with you that won't be us anytime soon. Good thing I like Auburn too, because they do get the big time recruits. I think the near future in recruiting is going to resemble Mason classes. If Kill can get lucky and get over the hump Mase had so much trouble with, then maybe things will improve. I sure would like to see those days...

Maybe I just misunderstood your statement. The tone of the thread seemed to be folks arguing we don't have many commits because Gophs are only offering top notch guys.

Well, first, apologies for being a jacka***. That last little jab about reading comprehension was harsh. Offers to better players was one point being made, but not in the context of us being a better program because of it. It was being brought up because it's one reason folks shouldn't expect quick verbals.

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