Question on BT teams making NCAA tourney

So, Minnesota & Illinois are going to the dance. Iowa is going to the NIT. Based on the final conference standings, does anyone remember 2 teams jumping a team with a better conference record?

So, Minnesota & Illinois are going to the dance. Iowa is going to the NIT. Based on the final conference standings, does anyone remember 2 teams jumping a team with a better conference record?

Not sure when the lat time it happened is. But it's because Iowa had the easiest conference schedule and were still 0-5 vs IU, MSU, UM, and OSU.

So, Minnesota & Illinois are going to the dance. Iowa is going to the NIT. Based on the final conference standings, does anyone remember 2 teams jumping a team with a better conference record?

StPaulHawkeye --

I don't know how clear my memory is, because it happened SO LONG AGO, but

Yep, a WHOLE year ago.

2 teams that finished BEHIND Washington in the Pac-12 conf standings, got into the NCAA tourney & UW didn't.

Don't you remember? The Gophers beat the Pac-12 Champs in the NIT???

Iowa vs Minnesota.

Vs Top 25 --- 1-6 , 3-5 --- Mn wins UMn has THREE TIMES as many Tp 25 wins, and fewer losses.

Vs Top 50 --- 4-8 , 5-7 --- Mn wins

Vs Top 75 --- 4-8 , 7-8 --- Mn wins

Vs Tp 100 --- 5-8 , 11-8 --- Mn wins by SIX wins. SIX!!!! That's almost double.

gms vs 300+ --- 5 , 0 --- Mn wins IN A LANDSLIDE!!!!!

gms vs 200+ --- 7 , 2 --- Mn wins by a HUGE margin.

gms vs 150+ --- 13 , 6 --- Mn wins by OVER double.

overall SOS --- 99 , 2 --- Mn wins by a HUGE margin.

confer SOS --- 49 , 18 --- Mn wins. Ia got 9 Ws, we got 8? Go figure, they played the WAY easier schedule

ooconf SOS --- 308 , 12 --- Mn seriously, this is embarrassing. Iowa should apologize to the B1G conf for this.

Best Ws lst 10 --- 24 , 5 --- Mn again wins.

Worst Ls --- 173 , 164 --- Do either of us win this comparison? UMn does, but who cares?!

2nd Worst --- 116 , 116 --- Oh, go figure, we BOTH lost to the same team.

3rd Worst --- 103 , 103 --- Oh, go figure again, we BOTH lost to the same team, again.

There is no reason, ON THE PLANET that exists, that justifies ANYONE having the opinion that Iowa should get into the Tourney over Minnesota.

Anyone who holds such an opinion should have their head examined, and/or should simply be ASHAMED of themselves.

And any Gopher fan who makes such an argument, should have their Gopher Fanship taken away from them.

Well, OK, maybe that last suggestion is going just a little too far. But they should at least be put on probation or something? lol

Neat. I should have been more specific - how about the B1G conference?

Not sure when the last time it happened in the big ten. But Minnesota and Illinois have much better resumes.

Neat. I should have been more specific - how about the B1G conference?

How could something that may never have happened before, of it is did, may have been decades ago, be relevant, or more relevant than what happened JUST LAST YEAR????

Or are you just curious?!

Nor should they, unless the Hawkeyes win the BTT (longshot if they lose in championship), but realistically, Iowa is hosting first round NIT game - so I agree with howeda7. I was just wondering if anyone remembers 2 teams (Minnesota & Illinois in this case) getting invited over a team with better conference record. I do remember Penn State getting jumped by the Gophers, but not a scenario like this.

I have not ever made the case that the Hawks are getting slighted or that they somehow deserve a bid to the dance. I have stated the opposite. I was and am, as you said #1... , just curious. (I thought that SS would have that info readily available without having to look it up. That guy is a gem.)
As for apologizing to the B1G about their schedule, I have not forgotten how bad Iowa was under Coach Lickliter. This year's schedule was made as a part if a huge rebuilding process. I don't expect the non-conference schedule to be this soft for much longer - it better not be anyway. IMO, Coach Kill is taking the same approach with Gopher football.

I have not ever made the case that the Hawks are getting slighted or that they somehow deserve a bid to the dance. I have stated the opposite. I was and am, as you said #1... , just curious. (I thought that SS would have that info readily available without having to look it up. That guy is a gem.)
As for apologizing to the B1G about their schedule, I have not forgotten how bad Iowa was under Coach Lickliter. This year's schedule was made as a part if a huge rebuilding process. I don't expect the non-conference schedule to be this soft for much longer - it better not be anyway. IMO, Coach Kill is taking the same approach with Gopher football.

StPaulHawkeye --

Hey, honestly, I don't have anything against Iowa, and my comment about them apologizing for their ooc schedule, well, that was more to make a point not so much a criticism. It was meant to highlight how very different their schedule was with that of the Gophers. My post was targeting certain Gopher fans who because of their hatred of Tubby Smith have seemingly chosen to try to denigrate the Gopher's record or resume however they can to make them look as bad as they can so that they can then point the finger of blame for how bad the Gophers are, towards Tubby. They think that if they can prove that Iowa was better than the Gophers this year, and more deserving of an NCAA tourney bid, and that maybe the Gophers don't even deserve one, that they can win a victory in their fight to get rid of Tubby.

And the thing is, I've been trying at other sites to defend Iowa from criticism, and even argue that they should be considered as an outside possibility to get into the tourney. So I mean no ill will towards Iowa or Iowa fans, but I felt posting the comparison of the two programs side by side like that, and pointing out the stark differences in their SOS's, was needed to hopefully silence those that would try to use people's ignorance of ALL of the facts as a weapon against the Gophers in an effort to hurt Tubby.

And I'm actually not a Tubby supporter. Just don't like the bs tactic.

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