Question for Gopher/Packer Fans

Ski U Mah Gopher

Member of the Tribe
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
Which loss was harder to take:

Minnesota-Michigan 2003 or
Green Bay-Seattle 2015

Without question the Packers yesterday, mostly because of the consequences of the game and because the Packers had everything going for it this year (good health, they got all the breaks yesterday, Seattle played sloppy, undisciplined football for 57 minutes, etc.). They had a great shot at a championship and pissed it away. Don't get me wrong, the Gophers collapse vs. Michigan was gut-wrenching, but as a regular season game it just didn't have the importance of yesterday's Packers game.

Without question the Packers yesterday, mostly because of the consequences of the game and because the Packers had everything going for it this year (good health, they got all the breaks yesterday, Seattle played sloppy, undisciplined football for 57 minutes, etc.). They had a great shot at a championship and pissed it away. Don't get me wrong, the Gophers collapse vs. Michigan was gut-wrenching, but as a regular season game it just didn't have the importance of yesterday's Packers game.

Experience another 10 more of those and you'll know what it is like to be a Vikings fan.

Badgers/Packers. A fitting way to end the football season.

59-0 crap their pants performance by the Badgers followed by an equal sh-t storm by the Packers.
Yes Virginia , there is a Santa Claus!

Unless you could take away their SuperBowl wins they'll never truly know what it's like to be a Vikings fan.

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It was painful to watch things unravel yesterday, but it was so sudden in a lot of ways. The Gopher loss was a lingering illness. I guess both end up with a loss, but if one is going to die, I guess it's less painful when it's sudden.

It is how you define " regular season " Either way, they both went down in flames. End of story.

So the Packers game is considered "regular season"? I'm lost.

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Tough call, but I have to go with yesterday. Maybe because it is too fresh, but the way it went down seemed more ridiculous. That said I think we (Packers) got a good shot at being in NFC title game again. We (Gophers) have beaten Michigan twice since that game. Arrggghhh trying to move on.

Gophers for me. I've seen my Packers win championships, recently. For the Gophers to feel that close and blow it ... it still haunts me to this day.

Experience another 10 more of those and you'll know what it is like to be a Vikings fan.

Actually, I can only come up with four that hurt as much--Drew Pearson's shove, Darrin Nelson's dropped pass, Gary Anderson's miss, Brett Farve's throw across the body over the middle. Just because the Packers had 3 or 4 of those plays in one game doesn't impress those of us who watched their team lose four separate times.

Actually, I can only come up with four that hurt as much--Drew Pearson's shove, Darrin Nelson's dropped pass, Gary Anderson's miss, Brett Farve's throw across the body over the middle. Just because the Packers had 3 or 4 of those plays in one game doesn't impress those of us who watched their team lose four separate times.

Maybe not to this level, but the Vikings have had a lot of other stupid and crazy things happen. The loss to Arizona on the last play of the game that knocked us out of the playoffs comes to mind. I think that was 2003. So stupid and ridiculous.

These kind of endings happen to us all the time.

As a Vikings fan (and former Washingtonian who cheers for the Seahawks as my when-the-Vikings-get-eliminated-team), I thought the NFC title game was a thing of beauty.

I actually am glad this thread is here because I wanted to talk about this. I think we saw overconservativism bite the Packers in the butt yesterday. Green Bay got the ball with a few minutes left up by less than two full scores (I think it was a 12 point deficit). At that point, they were faced with a choice. They could have said "we have one of the best and most clutch quarterbacks in the NFL (pains me to admit that with how much I hate Rodgers), so let's move this football and end the game without Seattle ever touching it again". Instead, they decided to run three very predictable runs with very little chance of getting the first down against Seattle's defense. They went with the latter, and got burned. Obviously, hindsight is 20-20, but even before Seattle started moving the ball on their next drive I was thinking, "jeez, if I'm a coach and I have Rodgers, I let him take over and throw the ball, nothing risky but trust him to make good decisions and not turn it over".

Discount double choke!

Gopher football. I tend to invest more emotions in the college games.

I think the Gophers game too. I just remember almost being in tears after that game...I also think of the ramifications. I think the past 11 years would have been very different had we won that game, but that's obviously just speculation.

Honestly, yesterday, it was the way in which we lost. Going into the game, I thought we'd get smoked...but then to lose to a team that was playing horribly, and blowing a lead...and the fact that it was a few minutes that came between that and the Super Bowl. I don't want to sound conceited, but I also think the Packers will have another realistic shot at it, in the next few years. The Gophers clearly have not had another shot at the Rose Bowl. It was awful. I don't think I'm over either one, but the Packers game was only a day away, the Michigan game still hurts 11 years later.

Hands down...the Gopher loss hurt more. I'll never put a bunch of NFL players ahead of my favorite college team.

Are you kidding? The Gopher loss was devastating and any Packer loss is a moment of joy!!!

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Hands down...the Gopher loss hurt more. I'll never put a bunch of NFL players ahead of my favorite college team.

Agree. The Packers are a welcome football fix win or lose when college football is over. I give 100% to the Gophers - the Packers might get 25% even though I grew up there. The loss meant very little to me, but my family has a lot invested. They are so much more upbeat when the Packers are winning.

Packers, without a doubt. You couldn't script a more heartbreaking loss. If you saw it in a movie, you'd say bull****.

So the Packers game is considered "regular season"? I'm lost.

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Don't try to argue with him when it comes to bashing Wisconsin. Both the Pack and the Badgers had a better season than their counterparts in Minnesota.

I would say that if the Vikings played in an NFC Championship game and the Gophers played in a Big Ten Championship game (lost big), then beat Auburn in a significant NYD bowl game, both fan bases would be more pleased than they are with what actually happened. Just sayin.

The Gopher loss hurts worse, and it isn't even close for me. I have no real affiliation with the Packers, other than growing up in WI, attending a few games, and having just about everyone in my immediate and extended family cheering for them. With the Gophers, it is being an alum, being loyal to your school and taking the ridicule and sticking with it when times are tough, planning almost every weekend around when and where the Gophers are playing...

Don't try to argue with him when it comes to bashing Wisconsin. Both the Pack and the Badgers had a better season than their counterparts in Minnesota.

59-0 ...You don't think that sticks in their gullet? How many times on this site do people bring up the
Michigan game meltdown by the Gophers? There's a loss and then a sh-t bed loss. This one filled a bed pan junior.

59-0 ...You don't think that sticks in their gullet? How many times on this site do people bring up the
Michigan game meltdown by the Gophers? There's a loss and then a sh-t bed loss. This one filled a bed pan junior.

Probably somewhat, but the fact that they went 59-donut against a team that absolutely rolled Alabama and Oregon to win the national championship, plus that they bounced back with a win against Auburn, has to mitigate the sting a bit. I'm no Becky fan, but they got the piss beat out of them by a team that proved superior to every team in the country.

Gophers loss hurt way more. The Packers have won championships recently and will win more in the near future. The Gophers haven't won anything for nearly 50 years. That 2003 loss felt like it ripped away the one chance we had to have a huge season.

Good stuff. First it was Breakin’ The Plane, then LBJ, followed by Spoofs…
But you gotta hand it to Rupps, he keeps getting off the canvas to take another wild swing but with the same result each time. You have to admire that he isn’t giving up, yet ;-)

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