Question for Doogie


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Doogie, does it bother you that the "Fringe Bowl Team" blog is 100x better than yours, 1000x more comprehensive, and it's written by a guy who has a full time job that's not sports related?

That's not fair to Doogs. Fringe doesn't have editors or producers telling him what to write. I enjoyed doogie on 1500 in the mornings. Fringe is awesome. I agree there.

What a cheap shot. Do you get off on taking shots at Doogie? I mean, what's the point?

Grow up

How is it a cheap shot? Doogie has editors and producers telling him what to write? Not sure how that's a defense and I don't think it's true. I'm pointing out that one guy does this full time (and presumably gets paid), and one does it part time (maybe gets a few $s), and the part time is waaaaay more in depth. I'm pointing out how terrible the Strib is. They have 2-3 people writing articles and they don't have anywhere near the information of this one part time guy. When dinosaurs like Pat Ruesse tell us "where are you going to get your information if the newspapers die?" I will say, the newspapers are doing a miserable job.

How is it a cheap shot? Doogie has editors and producers telling him what to write? Not sure how that's a defense and I don't think it's true. I'm pointing out that one guy does this full time (and presumably gets paid), and one does it part time (maybe gets a few $s), and the part time is waaaaay more in depth. I'm pointing out how terrible the Strib is. They have 2-3 people writing articles and they don't have anywhere near the information of this one part time guy. When dinosaurs like Pat Ruesse tell us "where are you going to get your information if the newspapers die?" I will say, the newspapers are doing a miserable job.

Adam Rittenberg does a better job covering the gophers and he has to cover all 11 teams.

Local media just isn't very good at covering the Gophers here. We are lucky there are people like Fringe Bowl guy that take personal time to cover the team as well as they do. Keep up the good work Gopher bloggers!

Doogie, does it bother you that the "Fringe Bowl Team" blog is 100x better than yours, 1000x more comprehensive, and it's written by a guy who has a full time job that's not sports related?

You do realize I am sure that Doogie also covers other local teams and events besides the gophers. Simply put the gophers aren't selling newspapers or advertising because the interest level isn't there that it is for the other teams in the Twin Cities. If it was, you would likely see gophers content from all in the media.

A normal forum would've locked this thread by now. Damn Trolls.

Doogie, does it bother you that the "Fringe Bowl Team" blog is 100x better than yours, 1000x more comprehensive, and it's written by a guy who has a full time job that's not sports related?

That's like comparing apples to oranges. MV does a great job doing the FBT blog, and he does it as a fan - and that's why so many of us love it. Doogie is a journalist, and has to look at both sides of the story (which I'm sure is tough for him at times, because I can vouch, he is a huge Gopher fan). It's kind of like when I do an interview with a kid I really like - I am able to personalize it a little, which is something I could never do if I worked for one of the papers or TV stations (unless I was a columnist, that is).

Keep in mind too - it's not like Doogie's job is to write his blog, that' what he squeezes in during his little free time. He is employed full-time at KSTP, and has a VERY busy schedule covering a number of things.

Doogie is a journalist, and has to look at both sides of the story (which I'm sure is tough for him at times, because I can vouch, he is a huge Gopher fan).

Correct me if I'm wrong but Doogie does mostly editorials and not reporting. Editorial writers give an opinion and are not required to be objective. Doogie could be rah rah gophers in every article if he wanted to or he could be just like Reusse.

That's like comparing apples to oranges. MV does a great job doing the FBT blog, and he does it as a fan - and that's why so many of us love it. Doogie is a journalist, and has to look at both sides of the story (which I'm sure is tough for him at times, because I can vouch, he is a huge Gopher fan). It's kind of like when I do an interview with a kid I really like - I am able to personalize it a little, which is something I could never do if I worked for one of the papers or TV stations (unless I was a columnist, that is).

Keep in mind too - it's not like Doogie's job is to write his blog, that' what he squeezes in during his little free time. He is employed full-time at KSTP, and has a VERY busy schedule covering a number of things.

GL, it seems you are really going out of your way to defend Doogie. Fair enough. Doogie writes the way he does because of journalistic integrity, not because he is modeling the gopher hating TC media.

Doogie, does it bother you that the "Fringe Bowl Team" blog is 100x better than yours, 1000x more comprehensive, and it's written by a guy who has a full time job that's not sports related?

Perfectly reasonable question. If ANY part of his job description is to cover Gopher Football, then he is not fulfilling his duties. It’s not just Doogie, its all of the “Gopher” beat writers. Kent, Marcus, Myron etc; the coverage (or lack thereof) is simply unacceptable, and until people like us make our voices heard, it will NEVER change.

I coach HS football part-time (I volunteer 3 days a week), and believe me, our kids listen to opinions of d-bags like Barreiro, Common, Shouhan etc. When those are the only voices that are available to them, they don’t get a clear picture. I will occasionally hear comments like “the Gopher coaches are bunch of chumberlones “ ( still have no idea what that means, but I have a guess of where they got it from) and “The Gophers don’t even belong in the BigTen” . Comments like that make my blood boil, not because they are negative, but because THEY ARE NOT TRUE. Being critical of the gophers is one thing, but when the local press makes them out to be the joke of the conference, they are flat out lying. The Gophers are the very definition of an AVERAGE team, and to say otherwise, in either direction, is a flat out lie.

Perfectly reasonable question. If ANY part of his job description is to cover Gopher Football, then he is not fulfilling his duties. It’s not just Doogie, its all of the “Gopher” beat writers. Kent, Marcus, Myron etc; the coverage (or lack thereof) is simply unacceptable, and until people like us make our voices heard, it will NEVER change.

I coach HS football part-time (I volunteer 3 days a week), and believe me, our kids listen to opinions of d-bags like Barreiro, Common, Shouhan etc. When those are the only voices that are available to them, they don’t get a clear picture. I will occasionally hear comments like “the Gopher coaches are bunch of chumberlones “ ( still have no idea what that means, but I have a guess of where they got it from) and “The Gophers don’t even belong in the BigTen” . Comments like that make my blood boil, not because they are negative, but because THEY ARE NOT TRUE. Being critical of the gophers is one thing, but when the local press makes them out to be the joke of the conference, they are flat out lying. The Gophers are the very definition of an AVERAGE team, and to say otherwise, in either direction, is a flat out lie.

The coverage is lacking because the interest is not that high for the majority of people in the Twin Cities. If the gophers start winning, the interest will increase and in turn you will see more media coverage because that is what the citizens will be wanting to hear about. Part of their job is to write about what the largest group of people want to hear about and in turn sell newspapers and advertising time. The radio stations and newspapers are not charities and are there to try and make a profit so in turn have to appeal to the masses.

How is it a cheap shot? Doogie has editors and producers telling him what to write? Not sure how that's a defense and I don't think it's true. I'm pointing out that one guy does this full time (and presumably gets paid), and one does it part time (maybe gets a few $s), and the part time is waaaaay more in depth. I'm pointing out how terrible the Strib is. They have 2-3 people writing articles and they don't have anywhere near the information of this one part time guy. When dinosaurs like Pat Ruesse tell us "where are you going to get your information if the newspapers die?" I will say, the newspapers are doing a miserable job.

So maybe someone's ability doesn't meet YOUR standards. You think it's fair to rub it in there face?

Doogie's blog falls under the "Your Voices," which I assume doesn't fall into the full time category (presumably doesn't get paid).

MV has a passion for the Gophers and he's a good writer. So what do you know? He writes a good blog.

Don't listen to Pat Ruesse if you don't like him. (Side note: If you don't like Sid either, don't read him).

So yes, cheap shot. Now send Doogie your name, place of work and boss's contact info

The radio stations and newspapers are not charities and are there to try and make a profit so in turn have to appeal to the masses.

I think part of the problem is that the newspaper industry got by with the status quo for so long and did not have to deal with competition. Heck, they operate in a darn similar fashion to the government, IMO (it doesn't matter to the product they put out, the public will take it and the writers get paid).

These old dinosaur newspapers adapted very slowly to the greatest revolution the information industry has seen (the internet) and they have not responded well to dedicated competitive forces (FBT, Rittenberg etc.).

The newspapers are failing and my opinion they deserve it.

Doogie, does it bother you that the "Fringe Bowl Team" blog is 100x better than yours, 1000x more comprehensive, and it's written by a guy who has a full time job that's not sports related?

It doesn't bother me at all. The more options, the better. MV does a kick-ass job. He deserves all the kudos he's received. I'd like to find a way to use him on ESPN 1500.

So maybe someone's ability doesn't meet YOUR standards. You think it's fair to rub it in there face?

Doogie's blog falls under the "Your Voices," which I assume doesn't fall into the full time category (presumably doesn't get paid).

MV has a passion for the Gophers and he's a good writer. So what do you know? He writes a good blog.

Don't listen to Pat Ruesse if you don't like him. (Side note: If you don't like Sid either, don't read him).

So yes, cheap shot. Now send Doogie your name, place of work and boss's contact info

If I just thought Doogie wasn't very bright and wasn't capable, I wouldn't take a shot. I think he's making a very conscious decision to write the way he does. I was simply pointing out to him how popular FBT is, and it wasn't done by being "controversial." Plenty of room in this town for upbeat and positive presentation of information, which I tried to point out to Doogie when he first got started on Rivals and here.

I was simply pointing out to him how popular FBT is, and it wasn't done by being "controversial."

Total BS. If you were trying to be constructive, you would mention ways in which FBT is better. Instead, you feel the need to tell him -- and look like an idiot in the process -- that it is 100 times better than anything he writes. How is asking a person if he/she feels offended, hurt, upset, etc. that a person who does not get paid does a better job than he/she does NOT controversial? If you are going to be an asshole, just be one.

If you are actually interested in making his writing better or something that you deem better, give him ideas, instead of making statements that show your limited mental capacity. Have a little class.

P.S. Another note, if you were trying to improve his writing, email or PM him with your comments. You know exactly who is he is and where to get a hold of him. Zero reason to put this in a public setting if you were not trying to be controversial.

Total BS. If you were trying to be constructive, you would mention ways in which FBT is better. Instead, you feel the need to tell him -- and look like an idiot in the process -- that it is 100 times better than anything he writes. How is asking a person if he/she feels offended, hurt, upset, etc. that a person who does not get paid does a better job than he/she does NOT controversial? If you are going to be an asshole, just be one.

If you are actually interested in making his writing better or something that you deem better, give him ideas, instead of making statements that show your limited mental capacity. Have a little class.

P.S. Another note, if you were trying to improve his writing, email or PM him with your comments. You know exactly who is he is and where to get a hold of him. Zero reason to put this in a public setting if you were not trying to be controversial.


Total BS. If you were trying to be constructive, you would mention ways in which FBT is better. Instead, you feel the need to tell him -- and look like an idiot in the process -- that it is 100 times better than anything he writes. How is asking a person if he/she feels offended, hurt, upset, etc. that a person who does not get paid does a better job than he/she does NOT controversial? If you are going to be an asshole, just be one.

If you are actually interested in making his writing better or something that you deem better, give him ideas, instead of making statements that show your limited mental capacity. Have a little class.

P.S. Another note, if you were trying to improve his writing, email or PM him with your comments. You know exactly who is he is and where to get a hold of him. Zero reason to put this in a public setting if you were not trying to be controversial.

I think you have missed a lot of history where the Gopherhole members have provided feedback, offered advice, given requests of things to do that went on deaf ears. I think deaf ears might be too strong, b/c we got responses that were somewhere around I get paid to give my opinion nothing more.

I think you have missed a lot of history where the Gopherhole members have provided feedback, offered advice, given requests of things to do that went on deaf ears. I think deaf ears might be too strong, b/c we got responses that were somewhere around I get paid to give my opinion nothing more.

While this is true it is up to him as to whether he listens to feedback, requests, etc. This isn't Burger King.

I think you have missed a lot of history where the Gopherhole members have provided feedback, offered advice, given requests of things to do that went on deaf ears. I think deaf ears might be too strong, b/c we got responses that were somewhere around I get paid to give my opinion nothing more.

No, I get that people may have tried to provide ideas, but I don't there is anything NOT controversial about what Section2 posted, and the fact that he said he wasn't trying to be controversial is what I really take issue with.

Trying to figure out where you understand that he has a choice to listen to the OP's original message (feedback) and your comment of "This isn't Burger King." You quoted streetfighter's "If you are actually interested in making his writing better or something that you deem better, give him ideas, instead of making statements that show your limited mental capacity. Have a little class."

Maybe you can clarify.

No, I get that people may have tried to provide ideas, but I don't there is anything NOT controversial about what Section2 posted, and the fact that he said he wasn't trying to be controversial is what I really take issue with.

Yup I agree it looked like the OP backpedal from what appeared to be a needling post, which from the history that was brought over seems very deep and very jagged.

I was just trying to address the rest of your post. I've stopped reading following Doogie, since providing feedback/requests from this site doesn't work.

If I just thought Doogie wasn't very bright and wasn't capable, I wouldn't take a shot. I think he's making a very conscious decision to write the way he does. I was simply pointing out to him how popular FBT is, and it wasn't done by being "controversial." Plenty of room in this town for upbeat and positive presentation of information, which I tried to point out to Doogie when he first got started on Rivals and here.

Have a Zima and cool down

No, I get that people may have tried to provide ideas, but I don't there is anything NOT controversial about what Section2 posted, and the fact that he said he wasn't trying to be controversial is what I really take issue with.

Except that I never said I wasn't trying to be controversial, reading comprehension.

Monk, I admit I am not quite sure what you are asking. I was simply trying to point out that I agreed that the OP was being a tool and not providing substantive feedback, but even if he did provide feedback it is up to Doogie to decide if he listens to any of it or not. People on forums tend to get riled up when their feedback is not implemented. The BK comment was just intended to be a "tough crap" comment, you can't always have it your way.

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