Preseason Coaches' Poll

I don't know if I'd have Wisky that high, considering the questions (new coach, new system, new QB, etc) the team is facing. But, let's face it, a lot of the voting in these polls is based on reputation. ("they were good last year, so I suppose they'll be good this year"). I wonder how many voters really break down rosters, and how many are casting an "uninformed" vote.

Wisconsin will have to really crap the bed to win fewer than eight games with that schedule. Other than the trip to Columbus, a Big Ten road slate of Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota is about as easy as it gets.

If Rebecca doesn't win at least 9-10 games the echoes will rattling in that erector set stadium of theirs. " Don Morton...Don Morton...Don Morton...."

Someone wanna explain to me how the Gophers aren't ranked? Media hates us.

I think I saw Notre Dame at 11. They could not beat either Florida State or LSU who are rated 12 and 13. This poll is a crap shoot.

I dislike preseason polls in general and a preseason coaches poll is even worse. Personally I don't even know why they bother having coaches vote in a poll because most have admitted they hardly pay attention to any team that is not in their conference or on their schedule.

I know they need the polls to build hype in the preseason and get people excited but would be really nice if they would wait till like week 5 to release the first actual poll. At least then they would have some clue who is really going to be good and who isn't.

the AP poll is a lot more accurate, they put in a lot more time in researching the teams and they don't have grudges on coaches, last year USC was only ranked as high as 3rd in the coaches is because they all hated Lane Kiffin

Wisconsin will have to really crap the bed to win fewer than eight games with that schedule. Other than the trip to Columbus, a Big Ten road slate of Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota is about as easy as it gets.

Agree. Also, have to disagree with short ornery norwegian; Wisconsin won't exactly have a new QB. It will likely be Stave (who started most of last year until a collar bone injury), and if not it will likely be Phillips (who started when Stave went down and started the Rose Bowl).

Nebraska is the team that I am surprised is ranked so high.

...but would be really nice if they would wait till like week 5 to release the first actual poll.

Anyone that has a vote would already have a list ready that they update each week, even though it would not be submitted as a vote. I don't think rankings starting in week 5 would look any different than the current system, we just wouldn't see the movement in the first 5 weeks.

Ha ha. It's a coaches poll and JK has a vote this year so we should get some love soon.

Even Coach Kill knows, in his honesty, that we don't deserve any votes, and when we deserve some, he will vote.

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