Pregame this year.

Funny that the players find it necessary to have electronic devices in their ears and the fans waiting to see them and encourage them on are without them.

To me, that is very disrespectful and gives the message to the fans that they are not important and the players could care less about them or any words of encouragement that are offered. I have never been at a Victory Walk and won't bother given this environment exists.

Funny that the players find it necessary to have electronic devices in their ears and the fans waiting to see them and encourage them on are without them.

To me, that is very disrespectful and gives the message to the fans that they are not important and the players could care less about them or any words of encouragement that are offered. I have never been at a Victory Walk and won't bother given this environment exists.

No kidding. I'm going to stop going to games altogether. I'm offering words of encouragement to the coaching staff during the entire game but they have headsets on. Very disrespectful.

Funny that the players find it necessary to have electronic devices in their ears and the fans waiting to see them and encourage them on are without them.

To me, that is very disrespectful and gives the message to the fans that they are not important and the players could care less about them or any words of encouragement that are offered. I have never been at a Victory Walk and won't bother given this environment exists.

Maybe what we're seeing in the opinions is the generation difference, but I quit going to VW's because of the behavior. To my way of thinking, you behave as your are expected to behave given the circumstance. I would hope Coach Kill will put an end to that type of behavior!

In the Eyes of the Beholder

Also prior to the 60's most teams won with white players so let's get rid of anybody who isn't white.

Do you have an obsession in regards to race? Before you answer that question you might want to think about the following story:

A guy was having some problems and was referred to a psychiatrist for some testing. The psychiatrist began the testing by telling the new patient that he wanted him look at some Rorschach inkblots. The patient was then told to tell the psychiatrist what he saw in each inkblot. When the psychiatrist showed the patient the first inkblot the patient said that he saw a man and a woman making love behind a tree. For the second inkblot the patient’s response was that he saw a man and a woman making love in a barn. For the third he said he saw a man and a women making love in a car. After getting “a man and a woman making love...” response several more times, the psychiatrist turned to him and said “I think I know what your problem is. I think you are obsessed with sex.” The patient then turned to the psychiatrist and said “I’m obsessed with sex? You are the one who is showing me all these dirty pictures!”

Therefore based on the above logic, it must be us who are having all these racist thoughts. Let me know if you need the phone number of that doctor.

If listening to mp3 players helps the team win and get amped up for the game that's all that matters. To say that it's "disrespectful" is absurd, if you don't like it stay away from the victory walk because you're probably an uptight buzzkill anyway.

You can't acknowledge fan support while listening to an iPod? Not so sure I agree with that one....

You can't acknowledge fan support while listening to an iPod? Not so sure I agree with that one....

IPods prevent you from smiling, from making eye contact and shaking hands. I don't know how they are street legal.

Was the OP out of line or something? He was just asking a question and stating an opinion. We've got some internet tough guys on here.


Tend to agree, got some real hard @$$es sitting behind a computer that want to jack on people because they think their ridiculous. Perhaps that does scare people off from posting because how some people aren't considerate enough to keep a lid on it. If you don't like it, don't read or comment. Instead, go find some becky fan and tear them apart...:cool:

Playing music in cars should be against the law too. It's disrespectful to me when I'm cussing out the old guy in the Cadillac after he cut me off and he can't here me because his radio is too loud.

I tend to see the point that it's a little disrespectful. The victory walk is a time where the players can show appreciation to the fans for their support (which isn't a given). Blasting rap or rock music rather than having undivided attention on the people that shell out money and time to come support you might offend some people and I understand that. To go 30 minutes to look more professional and appreciative to your fans shouldn't be that big of a flipp'n argument. If they want to blast music from their iPODs to get them 'jacked up' for the game their is ample time in the locker room and during pre game workouts to do that.

I tend to see the point that it's a little disrespectful. The victory walk is a time where the players can show appreciation to the fans for their support (which isn't a given). Blasting rap or rock music rather than having undivided attention on the people that shell out money and time to come support you might offend some people and I understand that. To go 30 minutes to look more professional and appreciative to your fans shouldn't be that big of a flipp'n argument

I agree, and in actuality, it only requires about a 2-4 minute sacrifice from the time they leave the bus, until they get through the crowd. I'm guessing Kill will require this slight modification.

Funny that the players find it necessary to have electronic devices in their ears and the fans waiting to see them and encourage them on are without them.

To me, that is very disrespectful and gives the message to the fans that they are not important and the players could care less about them or any words of encouragement that are offered. I have never been at a Victory Walk and won't bother given this environment exists.

Ever been nervous before a game. Ever do a mental walk through? Ever try to tune out to tune in(pregame)?

Don't judge a Gopher before you walk in their cleats.

I get your point, but they may have a valid reason too. They might need it.

Can't please everyone. I fail to comprehend how purchasing a ticket somehow entitles me the player's undivided attention. For everyone that cares about players wearing iPods, there's someone else who couldn't care less. If they're listening to music after the Spring Game or FanFest instead of taking pictures and signing autographs for little kids, that's different. If Coach Kill wants to file through the line blasting MMMMBop in his earbuds instead of shaking hands with the fans, nobody's gonna care as long as he wins games.

I tend to see the point that it's a little disrespectful. The victory walk is a time where the players can show appreciation to the fans for their support (which isn't a given). Blasting rap or rock music rather than having undivided attention on the people that shell out money and time to come support you might offend some people and I understand that. To go 30 minutes to look more professional and appreciative to your fans shouldn't be that big of a flipp'n argument. If they want to blast music from their iPODs to get them 'jacked up' for the game their is ample time in the locker room and during pre game workouts to do that.

I'm trying to understand what would be different if they didn't have music playing in their ears during the victory walk. It's not like they would stop and visit with everyone. I still see some guys with headphones on giving high fives as they go by. I honestly don't get it.

To those that think it's disrespectful: Either you have never played the game before, or you haven't played it at a competitive level before. Or you are 75 years old and hate music.

Ever person deals with pre-game jitters differently. I know I didn't do a whole lot of music, but it certainly helped in my time. But a lot of players now days turn to music to help not only take the edge off of said jitters but also to help them focus/get amped up. Notice I said HELP. Music isn't the source of their focus, but for some guys it helps. Yeah sure, it's 4 hours before kickoff.. That doesn't matter, though. Fridays for me in high school were days that most of us football players kept pretty quiet. And that's 12 hours prior to kickoff.

I get that you want all the attention in the world from these guys. I understand that it's really friggin' cool to have a D1 player high five you and maybe even shake your hand as you wish them luck. And they respond with whatever it is you want them to respond back. I understand all that. But because they have earbuds in their ears and now all of a sudden they are disrespecting you?

In the words of Neon Deion.. C'MON MAN!!!

I've played the game, I've played the game at every competitive level than pro, and i'm 29 years old and love music. Flawed theory....
I think for 5 lousy minutes before a game(long long before a game), there's a time you can LOOK more professional and LOOK approachable, even though you may just be giving out high-fives.
For 5 lousy minutes, you can look a little more classy. Even in the NBA they banned mp3 player usage while walking into the arena. Is it really that big of a deal to take them off for five minutes?! really?! Like being able to wear them is going to make our stellar football team more competitive.... right?..

To those that think it's disrespectful: Either you have never played the game before, or you haven't played it at a competitive level before. Or you are 75 years old and hate music.

Ever person deals with pre-game jitters differently. I know I didn't do a whole lot of music, but it certainly helped in my time. But a lot of players now days turn to music to help not only take the edge off of said jitters but also to help them focus/get amped up. Notice I said HELP. Music isn't the source of their focus, but for some guys it helps. Yeah sure, it's 4 hours before kickoff.. That doesn't matter, though. Fridays for me in high school were days that most of us football players kept pretty quiet. And that's 12 hours prior to kickoff.

I get that you want all the attention in the world from these guys. I understand that it's really friggin' cool to have a D1 player high five you and maybe even shake your hand as you wish them luck. And they respond with whatever it is you want them to respond back. I understand all that. But because they have earbuds in their ears and now all of a sudden they are disrespecting you?

In the words of Neon Deion.. C'MON MAN!!!

I have played the game and coached it for years. Plus I am 65 + and a music lover.

I am guessing the purpose of the walk through is to show support for the team. Expecting them to reciprocate and stash their rap music in recognition of those who show up three hours prior to KO is reasonable. Heaven forbid the coaches should allow anything that would break their prolonged spell! For me, that interaction would actually pump me up.

IMO, its part of showmanship that has become rampant in most sports.

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