Predict the Upset!

Most likely upset

  • Total voters
Jun 20, 2012
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I went with Nebraska because they may take the Gophs a little lightly and I think we take advantage of that. Plus I think our players will be pumped to play the newest members of the BIG!

Nebraska because of where it falls on their schedule; Michigan, @MichSt, PennSt, GOPHERS, @Iowa. Could be easily overlooked.


Is Iowa even considered an upset at this point? I'm pretty sure Kill has their number.

paulser21 said:
Is Iowa even considered an upset at this point? I'm pretty sure Kill has their number.

Iowa is 0-2 at TCF and the last time they won on campus at the U was 1976 ;)

Michigan State. Last game of the year and new guys at key positions makes this my choice.

Sid remembers who is talking to on the Sports Huddle.

MSU. We have played them relatively well over the past decade or so. We have sprung upsets the last two years in a row in the last game of the season at TCF. Look for the trend to continue. And yes, winning at Iowa would be an upset, but not a huge one based on the last two years. It will be interesting to see what the line will be on that game.

I think its Michigan. They will have had 2 tough games the weeks prior to November 3 (Michigan State + Nebraska) and will see the Minnesota game as a breather. Gophers have not forgotten last years debacle, and Michigan walks into a hornets nest....

I vote Wisconsin. I think the Badgers have QB problems as rent a QB does not catch on this year and we beat them for the Axe.

Is Iowa even considered an upset at this point? I'm pretty sure Kill has their number.

We haven't won at Kinnick since 1999. We're coming off 3-9 and they are coming off a bowl. Yea, this will still be an upset. Just not an earth shattering one like some of the others could be.

I'm thinking the fact that we've beaten them twice in a row makes this a lot tougher and more of an upset. Probably wishful thinking, but I'm going with sneaking up on Nebraska in their "trap game"

All of the above except Iowa which isn't an upset but rather the continuation of our dominance over them.

Go Gophers!

Parski1 said:
Why have a Poll? All of these are big upsets.

The poll was called "predict the upset." Therefore all options would be upsets.

I vote Wisconsin. I think the Badgers have QB problems as rent a QB does not catch on this year and we beat them for the Axe.

I would call this the biggest upset, not the most likely upset. Wisconsin hasn't lost at home since 2009. In addition, their greatest strength will be going against what may be the Gophers biggest weakness (running the ball vs. run defense). UW may not need to throw the ball.

Of those 5 iowa definitely.

They are simply a mediocre football team.

Of the other 4 that would be major upsets Michigan state. They are the gophers best matchup of the four. Michigan state may also have some serious qb question marks this year, making road games much tougher for them.

I vote Wisconsin. I think the Badgers have QB problems as rent a QB does not catch on this year and we beat them for the Axe.
This has to catch up with them at some point. But through the years they still have won with some average QB's.

Most likely is probably Iowa or MSU. The biggest upset is Michigan or Wisconsin. Those are horrible matchups for us.

Let's see Iowa has new Offensive and Defensive Coordinators, no proven depth at RB, a lot of younger players on both lines, and it's their first B10 game with the new staff. I picked Iowa but if it's an upset it's a mild one.

Usually, there is nothing that can convince me that the Axe game wouldn't be the biggest win of the season. But we have a unique opportunity this year to have a quite symbolic victory that might top that.

Michigan never lost at the Metrodome. And this is our first game against them at our new place. It would be great to signify that with this new stadium, Michigan (and the rest of the league) are going to be dealing with a different Minnesota than they are used to.

(Plus we have no earthly business beating them this year - and I don't feel that way about the wisky game.)

I still think Iowa is the correct answer to this particular poll though.

I voted for Iowa, though it was a tough decision for me between that game and Michigan State considering we were beating them for most of the game in East Lansing last season, boy was that a fun game to watch, just watching the Gophers hold their own against a top 15 team was so cool.

That said, I have heard Nebraska fans say that every year the Huskers inexplicably blow one at home every year against a team they should beat. That certainly holds true for the last three years.

2009 - Iowa State
2010 - Texas (Texas went 5-7 that year and Nebraska was ranked #5 at the time)
2011 - Northwestern
2012 - Minnesota?

Just watched Michigan ND from last season and I'm changing my vote to Michigan. If the front seven play the inspired game of their life and Gray does his best Ricky Foggie we can shock the world. Robinson is an awful passer.

Michigan State. Coach Brew also had their number (1.000 Winning Pct. over Dantonio)

I just see an emotional last home game for the Gophs compared to a MSU team that probably will only be jockeying for either a Jacksonville, Tempe, Houston or Dallas trip.....

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