Predict the Score Thread: Western Illinois at Minnesota

GopherHole Staff

GopherHole Admin
Staff member
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
GopherHole Staff
Minnesota: 41
Western Illinois: 10

Minnesota: 38 again
Western Illinois: 6

Goldenest Gophers :48

Fighting Leathernecks: 10

Minnesota 42
W Illinois-0

repeat of last week, we're just not going to settle for a FG

I have a feeling that Western Illinois is not as good as New Mexico St.

So, let's say

Gophers 48
Western Illinois 6

We’ll, 42, 45 and 48 are taken so,
38-0 Gophers

43-0. Leathernecks coach blasts PJ pregame for wanting to change the culture and recruit better. PJ goes for 2 with 11 seconds left after using all 3 timeouts to get into the end zone.

G 31
Western 0

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