Predict the Score Thread: Rhode Island at Minnesota

Goldenboy says:
Gophers 31
RI Rams 10

I'm gonna be upset if we don't put 40 points up on Rhode Island...
MN 42 - RI 12

42-7 Gophers.

Another prediction: If we don't win by at least 30, this place will be a cesspool of bitching and moaning about the same old stuff.

13-10 MN - A struggle to score once again and maybe a change-up with the OC position. Something about our team screams "Too many cooks in the kitchen and the results taste like crap".

MN 20
RI 10
- PJ coaches to get 20 again, but this time it works.

Looking at the low offensive output (yards per play, total yards) game 1 was a red flag even against a P5. Can we run the ball at will, demonstrate a downfield passing game versus a purportedly weak opponent. They will sell out to stop Majors. PJ responds to criticism and lets the WRs work.

MN 38
RI 3

I'm going to cheat with two predictions:

#1 - PJ goes with the "do just enough to win" approach - under 20 pass attempts
Gophers 21, Rhode Island 10

#2 - PJ takes the shackles off and lets the offense open it up - over 30 pass attempts
Gophers 34, Rhode Island 12

BTW - there is an historical dispute on the name Rhode Island. the state took its name from the Island just off the coast, but there are two different stories on the actual name. one version says that the Island was named after the Island of Rhodes near Greece. the other version is that a Dutch explorer called it "Red Island" - with the Dutch word for red sounding like Rhode. the Native American name for the Island was Aquidneck.

I'm going to cheat with two predictions:

#1 - PJ goes with the "do just enough to win" approach - under 20 pass attempts
Gophers 21, Rhode Island 10

#2 - PJ takes the shackles off and lets the offense open it up - over 30 pass attempts
Gophers 34, Rhode Island 12

BTW - there is an historical dispute on the name Rhode Island. the state took its name from the Island just off the coast, but there are two different stories on the actual name. one version says that the Island was named after the Island of Rhodes near Greece. the other version is that a Dutch explorer called it "Red Island" - with the Dutch word for red sounding like Rhode. the Native American name for the Island was Aquidneck.
Founded by a stubborn heretic. Some relation to RUTM in an air raid world.

University of RI is near the enormous Narragansett Bays and estuaries, Acquidneck Island/Newport; incredibly beautiful to visit in summer/fall and should really be on the short list of places to visit or spend a summer in New England.

Minnesota Gold Encrusted Gophers 38

Road Islund: 13

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