Postgame thread Michigan St


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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13-1 had me intrigued, this game will put me right back to ignoring this team. Choked it away against an outmatched and outgunned Michigan St team. Crowd sounded amazing, but lack of any scoring in the 2nd half bit the team in the rear. They quit defending and Konate got away with about 35 fouls in the paint. I'd guess we still have a good shot at another NIT run, but the dance is out of the question.

I will agree that I'm not 100% confident in getting enough big wins to get a bid, but I'd pump the brakes on NCAA being "out of the question."

Yeah, the 'NCAA over' takes are ridiculous. But they desperately need to find a way to win 2 of the next 3 and it's not likely.

No doubt, both this team and this coach have a long way to go.

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I will agree that I'm not 100% confident in getting enough big wins to get a bid, but I'd pump the brakes on NCAA being "out of the question."

Okay, that was hyperbole. The sunny future is darkening quickly. They can change things around, as the rest of the games are in the future. I'm not bullish on it happening though.

I will say, the thing missing most tonight versus the non-conference games was 3 point shooting. We didn't get many open looks and we couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Really disappointed in the shooting. And why did we stop driving to the basket. Coffey threw up some ugly shots near the end. Drive guys, get fouled.

Okay, that was hyperbole. The sunny future is darkening quickly. They can change things around, as the rest of the games are in the future. I'm not bullish on it happening though.

I will say, the thing missing most tonight versus the non-conference games was 3 point shooting. We didn't get many open looks and we couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Really disappointed in the shooting. And why did we stop driving to the basket. Coffey threw up some ugly shots near the end. Drive guys, get fouled.

We couldn't shoot at all in the scone half, but Springs, who is our streakiest outside shooter, played minimal minutes. Not sure I understand why he couldn't see the court when Dupree was obviously off.

Underrated in basketball that you have to learn how to win. All Michigan State has ever done is win. Minnesota was horrible last year. Minnesota will get better at close conference games as they play more of them.

As the old saying goes, if something is too good to be true, it probably is, and that was our first half. I haven't seen The Barn that full or heard it be that loud in several years, so it's clear the hope and enthusiasm for the team is there. Sadly, the second half quashes some of that in good ol' Gopher fashion.

Sidenote: in the "suites" they had the bowl game going on the TVs, so us in the student section were squinting our eyes to try to see what was going on with the game and that two point conversion. Not too often you get two games that exciting going on at once!

This team will be borderline NIT, a good coach would have this team in the tournament.

Failing to take advantage of the Spartans' 4 guard lineup by posting Murphy or Coffey consistently was just flat out terrible coaching. So was the way we defended Ward. Lil' Ricky can talk a game, but he cannot coach one.

This will be another long Big Ten season.

y'all are crazy these guys will overmatch teams that cant fill up the bucket - tonight was a disappointing loss but no reason to hit the panic button day 1 of the conference schedule.

they will make the ncaa tournament and i'll tar bet anyone with over a thousand posts on that

y'all are crazy these guys will overmatch teams that cant fill up the bucket - tonight was a disappointing loss but no reason to hit the panic button day 1 of the conference schedule.

they will make the ncaa tournament and i'll tar bet anyone with over a thousand posts on that

No chance....These guys are still the losers from last year...12 non-conference wins means nothing...The season started tonight and they collapsed miserably....Have to learn how to win pressure games first.....Doesn't help that Ricky gets schooled by everyone in the B10.

Wow, you would think we are 2-12 - we have a 12-2 record and lost to MSU (a well coached senior-led team which has played one of the toughest schedule in the country) in overtime. I am as disappointed as the next guy throwing away a 13 point lead but lets be realistic. The team is much improved over last season and will eventually learn to win these type of games. Ward had a career type of game tonight and we took some poor shots to let them get back into the game. Everyone (coaches and players) can learn from it. I am excited to watch them compete this season and not ready to throw in the towel. The Barn sounded loud tonight and wish I could have been there. Go Gophers!

Obviously hurt that Reggie fouls out in 11 minutes, especially with MSU being so thin up front. That is not good and we're going be in an uphill battle vs average or above BT teams when that happens. I agree on posting against the 4 guards, we posted Murphy a couple times who basically just uses strength and quickness (and struggles at the line). I'd have liked to see Coffey in the post given what I've seen and the position MSU was in.

This team will be borderline NIT, a good coach would have this team in the tournament.

Failing to take advantage of the Spartans' 4 guard lineup by posting Murphy or Coffey consistently was just flat out terrible coaching. So was the way we defended Ward. Lil' Ricky can talk a game, but he cannot coach one.

This will be another long Big Ten season.


as far as I can remember Pitino didn't miss any free throws. Ward made a couple great buckets at the end and then they brought Konate in and that seemed like a pretty good coaching move in retrospect. This was/is a team with borderline NCAA potential and nothing would indicate otherwise from this game. I find it hard pressed to say the end was on Pitino when it appeared to be more between the ears of the players.

But what do I know, maybe they will fire him and bring back Tubby so we can all finally be happy here.

How does this keep happening? It's like a bad joke that the Gophers only lose close games, they don't win them. I had to be out during the game and my DVR didn't record...I then remembered I could probably watch it via ESPN3 and picked up my phone...only to see a tweet from a friend ruining it for me. Safe to say I won't be watching this one.

Seriously, no team in the nation comes close to the Gophers in losing close games...and it's been over a decade now. I tried to find my old post about Tubby's record in close games here, but the search function doesn't seem to be working at the moment. Anyway, new coach SAME results. In Pitino's second year we lost a ton of close games and wow does this one seem exactly like the Purdue game to start that year. In Pitino's 3rd year we set some sort of conference record for number of single digit losses. Now in year four, we blow a 13 point lead in a crucial game? I feel sick just thinking about this game and I didn't even watch it. I'll say I hope it doesn't define the season, but it probably will. This whole program just seems cursed, how many gut punch losses can one fan base absorb?

No chance....These guys are still the losers from last year...12 non-conference wins means nothing...The season started tonight and they collapsed miserably....Have to learn how to win pressure games first.....Doesn't help that Ricky gets schooled by everyone in the B10.

ayyyy get back under the bridge you booger eater

Underrated in basketball that you have to learn how to win. All Michigan State has ever done is win. Minnesota was horrible last year. Minnesota will get better at close conference games as they play more of them.

Agree with this... the noncon games are not tough enough to prepare for the level of intensity this young group will feel in Big10 play. Learning how to win and particularly finish when the pressure mounts is a process, both at the individual and team(mate) levels. I expect this group of kids to continue to grow and surprise some teams. Tonight was a first step....Go Gophers!

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"Oh woe is me! They sky is falling! We LOST a game! What will I ever do?"

Get over yourselves. Every team loses games, even against lesser competition. Glad I won't have to read the negative posts from the people who gave up on the team already. Or are you guys just going to come back to complain more when we lose our second?

Wow, you would think we are 2-12 - we have a 12-2 record and lost to MSU (a well coached senior-led team which has played one of the toughest schedule in the country) in overtime. I am as disappointed as the next guy throwing away a 13 point lead but lets be realistic. The team is much improved over last season and will eventually learn to win these type of games. Ward had a career type of game tonight and we took some poor shots to let them get back into the game. Everyone (coaches and players) can learn from it. I am excited to watch them compete this season and not ready to throw in the towel. The Barn sounded loud tonight and wish I could have been there. Go Gophers!

MSU played 2 seniors last night. Not senior-laden at all. And Sparty's best player, a freshman, didn't play. Nor did 2 injured seniors, Schilling and Carter.

This team is about where the 95-96 team was. That team started 2-5 in conference and ended the season strong when Bobby Jackson started to grow into his role, with a 10-8 conference record- got left out and won the NIT. The next year we were Final Four material. Missing right now is the Jackson type player that puts the team on his back when it's time to win a game. Lynch could well be John Thomas by next year. Murphy is a nice Courtney James type player. Coffey is Sam. Mason is a better version of Harris but not yet on defense.

This team will be fun this year and very, very good next year. I have suffered through years upon years of this, so I plan to enjoy it...even after last night's disappointing finish.

This team is built for next year. We bring everyone back except Springs, but add Washington and Harris in his place. So after sleeping on it I'm not going to go doom and gloom after last night, I just want to see development towards next season. Reggie has to learn how to avoid foul trouble, Murphy and McBrayer have to learn how to make a damn freethrow, and the whole team needs to avoid the sloppiness in transition that leads to turnovers.

Seriously?? people are off the band wagon after a OT loss to a team with as much talent as MSU. Get a grip people!!

Alrready talking about next year is the easy way out

Already conceding to "next season"? That's a cop-out. Way too early for that.

This team has a chance to be good now (this season). Last night was a crushing loss, it still stings the next morning, but the Gophers can recover. Izzo said this is the most talented Minnesota team he's seen in a long time. I'll trust his judgment (he also said the next step for Gophers is learning how to close out games, also true)

Gophers need to suck it up, move on from last night, and somehow accomplish at least a split on the West Lafayette-Evanston road swing. Two worthy opponents, but the Gophers have the talent to do it. What they need to find is end-game toughness. Real men win on the road in hostile environments, as MSU did last night.

If the Gophers are 4-5 at the turn of the B1G, they'll be in great shape heading into the second half. The key is to make sure they're no worse than 3-6, which is very possible. There's a lot more potential wins on the back end of the schedule.

This team is built for next year. We bring everyone back except Springs, but add Washington and Harris in his place. So after sleeping on it I'm not going to go doom and gloom after last night, I just want to see development towards next season. Reggie has to learn how to avoid foul trouble, Murphy and McBrayer have to learn how to make a damn freethrow, and the whole team needs to avoid the sloppiness in transition that leads to turnovers.

Speaking of next year.... Harris and Washington played against each other last night:

LEWES, Del. — Minnesota signee Jamir Harris pumped in 16 points and Kentucky signee Nick Richards, a 6-11 center, added seven points and 15 rebounds as the Super 25 No. 10 Celtics (4-4) from Elizabeth, N.J., got past St. Raymond’s (2-3) from the Bronx at the Slam Dunk to the Beach boys basketball showcase at Cape Henlopen High.

St. Raymond’s Isaiah Washington, signed to be Harris’ teammate at Minnesota next season, finished with 23 points, seven rebounds and four assists.

Not bad- two NYC teams play and we have signed two of their top two players. This program is aimed in the right direction.


as far as I can remember Pitino didn't miss any free throws. Ward made a couple great buckets at the end and then they brought Konate in and that seemed like a pretty good coaching move in retrospect. This was/is a team with borderline NCAA potential and nothing would indicate otherwise from this game. I find it hard pressed to say the end was on Pitino when it appeared to be more between the ears of the players.

But what do I know, maybe they will fire him and bring back Tubby so we can all finally be happy here.

+1. Sparty came back because we could not hit our FGs, simple as that. The only reason we were in it at the end is because we did go inside and got to the foul line. I thought RP handled the end of regulation and the end of overtime well. Fouling Ward was a good decision, and on Sparty's last possession we had them in a tough spot and Mason bailed them out with a bad foul. And despite everything we had 2 shots to win and missed them both.

Already conceding to "next season"? That's a cop-out. Way too early for that.

This team has a chance to be good now (this season). Last night was a crushing loss, it still stings the next morning, but the Gophers can recover. Izzo said this is the most talented Minnesota teams he's seen in a long time. I'll trust his judgment (he also said the next step for Gophers is learning how to close out games, which is spot on)

Gophers need to suck it up, move on from last night, somehow accomplish at least a split on the West Lafayette-Evanston road swing. Two worthy opponents, but the Gophers have the talent to do it.

I agree. I'll be expecting plenty this year. However, if it doesn't work out perfectly game in game out, I'm not going to be thinking the sky is falling. It would be a terrific turnaround to make the tourney this year and they can do it. That said they have a chance to win BIG next year and that's what they are building toward. As I look at the first 6 games I can see a way to 3-3 and then there are better chances from there.

+1. Sparty came back because we could not hit our FGs, simple as that. The only reason we were in it at the end is because we did go inside and got to the foul line. I thought RP handled the end of regulation and the end of overtime well. Fouling Ward was a good decision, and on Sparty's last possession we had them in a tough spot and Mason bailed them out with a bad foul. And despite everything we had 2 shots to win and missed them both.

This!! Michigan st is a lot better than people think. They will be in the top 5 of the big ten. We should of beat them yes! We had our chances kids played well.. had one bad drought and we lost to a good team. But Minnesota is a good team and we will be right there at the end.

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